:orphan: # PCASMGetSubKSP Gets the local `KSP` contexts for all blocks on this processor. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscpc.h" PetscErrorCode PCASMGetSubKSP(PC pc, PetscInt *n_local, PetscInt *first_local, KSP *ksp[]) ``` Collective iff first_local is requested ## Input Parameter - ***pc -*** the preconditioner context ## Output Parameters - ***n_local -*** the number of blocks on this processor or NULL - ***first_local -*** the global number of the first block on this processor or NULL, all processors must request or all must pass NULL - ***ksp -*** the array of `KSP` contexts ## Notes After `PCASMGetSubKSP()` the array of `KSP`s is not to be freed. You must call `KSPSetUp()` before calling `PCASMGetSubKSP()`. ## Fortran Note The output argument 'ksp' must be an array of sufficient length or `PETSC_NULL_KSP`. The latter can be used to learn the necessary length. ## See Also `PCASM`, `PCASMSetTotalSubdomains()`, `PCASMSetTotalSubdomains()`, `PCASMSetOverlap()`, `PCASMCreateSubdomains2D()`, ## Level advanced ## Location src/ksp/pc/impls/asm/asm.c ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex8.c
## Implementations PCASMGetSubKSP_ASM in src/ksp/pc/impls/asm/asm.c
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