:orphan: # KSPFETIDP The FETI-DP method [1] ## Options Database Keys - ***-ksp_fetidp_fullyredundant -*** use a fully redundant set of Lagrange multipliers - ***-ksp_fetidp_saddlepoint -*** activates support for saddle point problems, see [2] - ***-ksp_fetidp_saddlepoint_flip -*** usually, an incompressible Stokes problem is written as | A B^T | | v | = | f | | B 0 | | p | = | g | with B representing -\int_\Omega \nabla \cdot u q. If -ksp_fetidp_saddlepoint_flip is true, the code assumes that the user provides it as | A B^T | | v | = | f | |-B 0 | | p | = |-g | - ***-ksp_fetidp_pressure_field <-*** 1> - activates support for saddle point problems, and identifies the pressure field id. If this information is not provided, the pressure field is detected by using MatFindZeroDiagonals(). - ***-ksp_fetidp_pressure_all -*** if false, uses the interface pressures, as described in [2]. If true, uses the entire pressure field. ## Notes The matrix for the `KSP` must be of type `MATIS`. The FETI-DP linear system (automatically generated constructing an internal `PCBDDC` object) is solved using an internal `KSP` object. Options for the inner `KSP` and for the customization of the `PCBDDC` object can be specified at command line by using the prefixes `-fetidp_` and `-fetidp_bddc_`. E.g., ```none -fetidp_ksp_type gmres -fetidp_bddc_pc_bddc_symmetric false ``` will use `KSPGMRES` for the solution of the linear system on the Lagrange multipliers, generated using a non-symmetric `PCBDDC`. For saddle point problems with continuous pressures, the preconditioned operator for the pressure solver can be specified with `KSPFETIDPSetPressureOperator()`. Alternatively, the pressure operator is extracted from the precondioned matrix (if it is different from the linear solver matrix). If none of the above, an identity matrix will be created; the user then needs to scale it through a Richardson solver. Options for the pressure solver can be prefixed with `-fetidp_fielsplit_p_`, E.g. ```none -fetidp_fielsplit_p_ksp_type preonly -fetidp_fielsplit_p_pc_type lu -fetidp_fielsplit_p_pc_factor_mat_solver_type mumps ``` In order to use the deluxe version of FETI-DP, you must customize the inner `PCBDDC` operator with -fetidp_bddc_pc_bddc_use_deluxe_scaling -fetidp_bddc_pc_bddc_deluxe_singlemat and use non-redundant multipliers, i.e. `-ksp_fetidp_fullyredundant false`. Options for the scaling solver are prefixed by `-fetidp_bddelta_`, E.g. ```none -fetidp_bddelta_pc_factor_mat_solver_type mumps -fetidp_bddelta_pc_type lu ``` Some of the basic options such as the maximum number of iterations and tolerances are automatically passed from this `KSP` to the inner `KSP` that actually performs the iterations. The converged reason and number of iterations computed are passed from the inner `KSP` to this `KSP` at the end of the solution. ## Developer Note Even though this method does not directly use any norms, the user is allowed to set the `KSPNormType` to any value. This is so users do not have to change `KSPNormType` options when they switch from other `KSP` methods to this one. ## References - ***[1] -*** C. Farhat, M. Lesoinne, P. LeTallec, K. Pierson, and D. Rixen, FETI-DP: a dual-primal unified FETI method. I. A faster alternative to the two-level FETI method, Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg., 50 (2001), pp. 1523--1544 - ***[2] -*** X. Tu, J. Li, A FETI-DP type domain decomposition algorithm for three-dimensional incompressible Stokes equations, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 53 (2015), pp. 720-742 ## See Also [](ch_ksp), `MATIS`, `PCBDDC`, `KSPFETIDPSetInnerBDDC()`, `KSPFETIDPGetInnerBDDC()`, `KSPFETIDPGetInnerKSP()` ## Level Advanced ## Location src/ksp/ksp/impls/fetidp/fetidp.c ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex59.c
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