:orphan: # DMStagVecSetValuesStencil Set `Vec` values using global grid indexing ## Synopsis ``` PetscErrorCode DMStagVecSetValuesStencil(DM dm, Vec vec, PetscInt n, const DMStagStencil *pos, const PetscScalar *val, InsertMode insertMode) ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameters - ***dm -*** the `DMSTAG` object - ***vec -*** the `Vec` - ***n -*** the number of values to set - ***pos -*** the locations to set values, as an array of `DMStagStencil` structs - ***val -*** the values to set - ***insertMode -*** `INSERT_VALUES` or `ADD_VALUES` ## Notes The vector is expected to be a global vector compatible with the DM (usually obtained by `DMGetGlobalVector()` or `DMCreateGlobalVector()`). This approach is not as efficient as setting values directly with `DMStagVecGetArray()`, which is recommended for matrix-free operators. For assembling systems, where overhead may be less important than convenience, this routine could be helpful in assembling a righthand side and a matrix (using `DMStagMatSetValuesStencil()`). ## See Also [](ch_stag), `DMSTAG`, `Vec`, `DMStagStencil`, `DMStagStencilLocation`, `DMStagVecGetValuesStencil()`, `DMStagMatSetValuesStencil()`, `DMCreateGlobalVector()`, `DMGetLocalVector()`, `DMStagVecGetArray()` ## Level advanced ## Location src/dm/impls/stag/stagstencil.c ## Examples src/dm/impls/stag/tutorials/ex1.c
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