:orphan: # DMStagPopulateLocalToGlobalInjective populate an internal 1-to-1 local-to-global map ## Synopsis ``` PetscErrorCode DMStagPopulateLocalToGlobalInjective(DM dm) ``` Collective Creates an internal object which explicitly maps a single local degree of freedom to each global degree of freedom. This is used, if populated, instead of SCATTER_REVERSE_LOCAL with the (1-to-many, in general) global-to-local map, when DMLocalToGlobal() is called with INSERT_VALUES. This allows usage, for example, even in the periodic, 1-rank case, where the inverse of the global-to-local map, even when restricted to on-rank communication, is non-injective. This is at the cost of storing an additional VecScatter object inside each `DMSTAG` object. ## Input Parameter - ***dm -*** the `DMSTAG` object ## Notes In normal usage, library users shouldn't be concerned with this function, as it is called during `DMSetUp()`, when required. Returns immediately if the internal map is already populated. ## Developer Notes This could, if desired, be moved up to a general `DM` routine. It would allow, for example, `DMDA` to support `DMLocalToGlobal()` with `INSERT_VALUES`, even in the single-rank periodic case. ## See Also [](ch_stag), `DMSTAG`, `DMLocalToGlobal()`, `VecScatter` ## Level developer ## Location src/dm/impls/stag/stagutils.c ## Implementations DMStagPopulateLocalToGlobalInjective_1d in src/dm/impls/stag/stag1d.c
DMStagPopulateLocalToGlobalInjective_2d in src/dm/impls/stag/stag2d.c
DMStagPopulateLocalToGlobalInjective_3d in src/dm/impls/stag/stag3d.c
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