:orphan: # DMStagCreate3d Create an object to manage data living on the elements, faces, edges, and vertices of a parallelized regular 3D grid. ## Synopsis ``` PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMStagCreate3d(MPI_Comm comm, DMBoundaryType bndx, DMBoundaryType bndy, DMBoundaryType bndz, PetscInt M, PetscInt N, PetscInt P, PetscInt m, PetscInt n, PetscInt p, PetscInt dof0, PetscInt dof1, PetscInt dof2, PetscInt dof3, DMStagStencilType stencilType, PetscInt stencilWidth, const PetscInt lx[], const PetscInt ly[], const PetscInt lz[], DM *dm) ``` Collective ## Input Parameters - ***comm -*** MPI communicator - ***bndx,bndy,bndz -*** boundary type: `DM_BOUNDARY_NONE`, `DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC`, or `DM_BOUNDARY_GHOSTED` - ***M,N,P -*** global number of elements in x,y,z directions - ***m,n,p -*** number of ranks in the x,y,z directions (may be `PETSC_DECIDE`) - ***dof0 -*** number of degrees of freedom per vertex/0-cell - ***dof1 -*** number of degrees of freedom per edge/1-cell - ***dof2 -*** number of degrees of freedom per face/2-cell - ***dof3 -*** number of degrees of freedom per element/3-cell - ***stencilType -*** ghost/halo region type: `DMSTAG_STENCIL_NONE`, `DMSTAG_STENCIL_BOX`, or `DMSTAG_STENCIL_STAR` - ***stencilWidth -*** width, in elements, of halo/ghost region - ***lx,ly,lz -*** arrays of local x,y,z element counts, of length equal to m,n,p, summing to M,N,P ## Output Parameter - ***dm -*** the new `DMSTAG` object ## Options Database Keys - ***-dm_view -*** calls `DMViewFromOptions()` at the conclusion of `DMSetUp()` - ***-stag_grid_x -*** number of elements in the x direction - ***-stag_grid_y -*** number of elements in the y direction - ***-stag_grid_z -*** number of elements in the z direction - ***-stag_ranks_x -*** number of ranks in the x direction - ***-stag_ranks_y -*** number of ranks in the y direction - ***-stag_ranks_z -*** number of ranks in the z direction - ***-stag_ghost_stencil_width -*** width of ghost region, in elements - ***-stag_boundary_type x -*** `DMBoundaryType` value - ***-stag_boundary_type y -*** `DMBoundaryType` value - ***-stag_boundary_type z -*** `DMBoundaryType` value ## Notes You must call `DMSetUp()` after this call before using the `DM`. If you wish to use the options database (see the keys above) to change values in the `DMSTAG`, you must call `DMSetFromOptions()` after this function but before `DMSetUp()`. ## See Also [](ch_stag), `DMSTAG`, `DMStagCreate1d()`, `DMStagCreate2d()`, `DMDestroy()`, `DMView()`, `DMCreateGlobalVector()`, `DMCreateLocalVector()`, `DMLocalToGlobalBegin()`, `DMDACreate3d()` ## Level beginner ## Location src/dm/impls/stag/stag3d.c ## Examples src/dm/impls/stag/tutorials/ex3.c
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