:orphan: # DMMoabFEMComputeBasis Evaluate bases and derivatives at quadrature points for a linear EDGE/QUAD/TRI/HEX/TET element. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdt.h" #include "petscdmmoab.h" PetscErrorCode DMMoabFEMComputeBasis(const PetscInt dim, const PetscInt nverts, const PetscReal *coordinates, const PetscQuadrature quadrature, PetscReal *phypts, PetscReal *jacobian_quadrature_weight_product, PetscReal *fe_basis, PetscReal **fe_basis_derivatives) ``` The routine takes the coordinates of the vertices of an element and computes basis functions associated with each quadrature point provided, and their derivatives with respect to X, Y and Z as appropriate. ## Input Parameters - ***PetscInt nverts -*** the number of element vertices - ***PetscReal coords[3*nverts] -*** the physical coordinates of the vertices (in canonical numbering) - ***PetscInt npts -*** the number of evaluation points (quadrature points) - ***PetscReal quad[3*npts] -*** the evaluation points (quadrature points) in the reference space ## Output Parameters - ***PetscReal phypts[3*npts] -*** the evaluation points (quadrature points) transformed to the physical space - ***PetscReal jxw[npts] -*** the jacobian determinant * quadrature weight necessary for assembling discrete contributions - ***PetscReal fe_basis[npts] -*** the bases values evaluated at the specified quadrature points - ***PetscReal fe_basis_derivatives[dim][npts] -*** the derivative of the bases wrt (X,Y,Z)-directions (depending on the dimension) evaluated at the specified quadrature points ## Level advanced ## Location src/dm/impls/moab/dmmbfem.cxx ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex35.cxx
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