:orphan: # PetscSectionSymLabelSetStratum set the symmetries for the orientations of a stratum ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdmlabel.h" #include "petscsection.h" PetscErrorCode PetscSectionSymLabelSetStratum(PetscSectionSym sym, PetscInt stratum, PetscInt size, PetscInt minOrient, PetscInt maxOrient, PetscCopyMode mode, const PetscInt **perms, const PetscScalar **rots) ``` Logically ## InputParameters - ***sym -*** the section symmetries - ***stratum -*** the stratum value in the label that we are assigning symmetries for - ***size -*** the number of dofs for points in the `stratum` of the label - ***minOrient -*** the smallest orientation for a point in this `stratum` - ***maxOrient -*** one greater than the largest orientation for a point in this `stratum` (i.e., orientations are in the range [`minOrient`, `maxOrient`)) - ***mode -*** how `sym` should copy the `perms` and `rots` arrays - ***perms -*** `NULL` if there are no permutations, or (`maxOrient` - `minOrient`) permutations, one for each orientation. A `NULL` permutation is the identity - ***rots -*** `NULL` if there are no rotations, or (`maxOrient` - `minOrient`) sets of rotations, one for each orientation. A `NULL` set of orientations is the identity ## See Also `DMLabel`, `DM`, `PetscSectionSymLabelGetStratum()`, `PetscSectionSymCreate()`, `PetscSectionSetSym()`, `PetscSectionGetPointSyms()`, `PetscSectionSymCreateLabel()` ## Level developer ## Location src/dm/label/dmlabel.c ## Examples src/dm/impls/plex/tutorials/ex6.c
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