:orphan: # DMLabelCompare Compare two `DMLabel` objects ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdmlabel.h" #include "petscsection.h" PetscErrorCode DMLabelCompare(MPI_Comm comm, DMLabel l0, DMLabel l1, PetscBool *equal, char **message) ``` Collective; No Fortran Support ## Input Parameters - ***comm -*** Comm over which to compare labels - ***l0 -*** First `DMLabel` - ***l1 -*** Second `DMLabel` Output Parameters - ***equal -*** (Optional) Flag whether the two labels are equal - ***message -*** (Optional) Message describing the difference ## Notes The output flag equal is the same on all processes. If it is passed as `NULL` and difference is found, an error is thrown on all processes. Make sure to pass `NULL` on all processes. The output message is set independently on each rank. It is set to `NULL` if no difference was found on the current rank. It must be freed by user. If message is passed as `NULL` and difference is found, the difference description is printed to stderr in synchronized manner. Make sure to pass `NULL` on all processes. For the comparison, we ignore the order of stratum values, and strata with no points. The communicator needs to be specified because currently `DMLabel` can live on `PETSC_COMM_SELF` even if the underlying `DM` is parallel. ## See Also `DMLabel`, `DM`, `DMCompareLabels()`, `DMLabelGetNumValues()`, `DMLabelGetDefaultValue()`, `DMLabelGetNonEmptyStratumValuesIS()`, `DMLabelGetStratumIS()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/dm/label/dmlabel.c ## Examples src/dm/label/tutorials/ex1.c
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