.. _ch_fortran: PETSc for Fortran Users ----------------------- Most of the functionality of PETSc can be obtained from Fortran programs. Make sure the suffix of all your Fortran files is .F90, not .f or .f90. .. _sec_fortran_includes: Modules and Include Files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To use PETSc with Fortran you must use both PETSc include files and modules. At the beginning of every function and module definition you need something like .. code-block:: fortran #include "petsc/finclude/petscXXX.h" use petscXXX You can declare PETSc object variables using either of the following: .. code-block:: fortran XXX variablename .. code-block:: fortran type(tXXX) variablename For example, .. code-block:: fortran #include "petsc/finclude/petscvec.h" use petscvec Vec b type(tVec) x PETSc types like ``PetscInt`` and ``PetscReal`` are simply aliases for basic Fortran types and cannot be written as ``type(tPetscInt)`` The Fortran include files for PETSc are located in the directory ``$PETSC_DIR/include/petsc/finclude`` and the module files are located in ``$PETSC_DIR/$PETSC_ARCH/include`` Most Fortran routines have the same names as the corresponding C versions, and PETSc command line options are fully supported. The routine arguments follow the usual Fortran conventions; the user need not worry about passing pointers or values. The calling sequences for the Fortran version are in most cases identical to the C version, except for the error checking variable discussed in :any:`sec_fortran_errors` and a few routines listed in :any:`sec_fortran_exceptions`. When passing floating point numbers into PETSc Fortran subroutines, always make sure you have them marked as double precision (e.g., pass in ``10.d0`` instead of ``10.0`` or declare them as PETSc variables, e.g. ``PetscScalar one = 1.0``). Otherwise, the compiler interprets the input as a single precision number, which can cause crashes or other mysterious problems. We **highly** recommend using the ``implicit none`` option at the beginning of each Fortran subroutine and declare all variables. .. _sec_fortran_errors: Error Checking ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the Fortran version, each PETSc routine has as its final argument an integer error variable. The error code is set to be nonzero if an error has been detected; otherwise, it is zero. For example, the Fortran and C variants of ``KSPSolve()`` are given, respectively, below, where ``ierr`` denotes the ``PetscErrorCode`` error variable: .. code-block:: fortran call KSPSolve(ksp, b, x, ierr) ! Fortran ierr = KSPSolve(ksp, b, x); // C For proper error handling one should not use the above syntax instead one should use .. code-block:: fortran PetscCall(KSPSolve(ksp, b, x, ierr)) ! Fortran subroutines PetscCallA(KSPSolve(ksp, b, x, ierr)) ! Fortran main program PetscCall(KSPSolve(ksp, b, x)) // C Calling Fortran Routines from C (and C Routines from Fortran) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Different compilers have different methods of naming Fortran routines called from C (or C routines called from Fortran). Most Fortran compilers change all the capital letters in Fortran routines to all lowercase. With some compilers, the Fortran compiler appends an underscore to the end of each Fortran routine name; for example, the Fortran routine ``Dabsc()`` would be called from C with ``dabsc_()``. Other compilers change all the letters in Fortran routine names to capitals. PETSc provides two macros (defined in C/C++) to help write portable code that mixes C/C++ and Fortran. They are ``PETSC_HAVE_FORTRAN_UNDERSCORE`` and ``PETSC_HAVE_FORTRAN_CAPS`` , which will be defined in the file ``$PETSC_DIR/$PETSC_ARCH/include/petscconf.h`` based on the compilers conventions. The macros are used, for example, as follows: .. code-block:: fortran #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_FORTRAN_CAPS) #define dabsc_ DABSC #elif !defined(PETSC_HAVE_FORTRAN_UNDERSCORE) #define dabsc_ dabsc #endif ..... dabsc_( &n,x,y); /* call the Fortran function */ Passing Null Pointers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Many PETSc C functions have the option of passing a ``NULL`` argument (for example, the fifth argument of ``MatCreateSeqAIJ()``). From Fortran, users *must* pass ``PETSC_NULL_XXX`` to indicate a null argument (where ``XXX`` is ``INTEGER``, ``DOUBLE``, ``CHARACTER``, ``SCALAR``, ``VEC``, ``MAT``, etc depending on the argument type); passing a literal 0 from Fortran in this case will crash the code. For example, when no options prefix is desired in the routine ``PetscOptionsGetInt()``, one must use the following command in Fortran: .. code-block:: fortran PetscCall(PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, '-name', N, flg, ierr)) Matrix, Vector and IS Indices ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All matrices, vectors and ``IS`` in PETSc use zero-based indexing, regardless of whether C or Fortran is being used. For example, ``MatSetValues()`` and ``VecSetValues()`` always use zero indexing. See :any:`sec_matoptions` for further details. Setting Routines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When a function pointer (declared as external in Fortran) is passed as an argument to a PETSc function, such as the test function in ``KSPSetConvergenceTest()``, it is assumed that this function references a routine written in the same language as the PETSc interface function that was called. For instance, if ``KSPSetConvergenceTest()`` is called from C, the test function must be a C function. Likewise, if it is called from Fortran, the test function must be (a subroutine) written in Fortran. .. _sec_fortcompile: Compiling and Linking Fortran Programs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See :any:`sec_writing_application_codes`. .. _sec_fortran_exceptions: Routines with Different Fortran Interfaces ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following Fortran routines differ slightly from their C counterparts; see the manual pages and previous discussion in this chapter for details: .. code-block:: fortran PetscInitialize() PetscOptionsGetString() The following functions are not supported in Fortran: .. code-block:: fortran PetscFClose(), PetscFOpen(), PetscFPrintf(), PetscPrintf(), PetscPopErrorHandler(), PetscPushErrorHandler(), PetscInfo(), PetscSetDebugger(), VecGetArrays(), VecRestoreArrays(), PetscViewerASCIIGetPointer(), PetscViewerBinaryGetDescriptor(), PetscViewerStringOpen(), PetscViewerStringSPrintf(), PetscOptionsGetStringArray() .. _sec_fortvecd: Duplicating Multiple Vectors ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Fortran interface to ``VecDuplicateVecs()`` differs slightly from the C/C++ variant. To create ``n`` vectors of the same format as an existing vector, the user must declare a vector array, ``v_new`` of size ``n``. Then, after ``VecDuplicateVecs()`` has been called, ``v_new`` will contain (pointers to) the new PETSc vector objects. When finished with the vectors, the user should destroy them by calling ``VecDestroyVecs()``. For example, the following code fragment duplicates ``v_old`` to form two new vectors, ``v_new(1)`` and ``v_new(2)``. .. code-block:: fortran Vec v_old, v_new(2) PetscInt ierr PetscScalar alpha .... PetscCall(VecDuplicateVecs(v_old, 2, v_new, ierr)) alpha = 4.3 PetscCall(VecSet(v_new(1), alpha, ierr)) alpha = 6.0 PetscCall(VecSet(v_new(2), alpha, ierr)) .... PetscCall(VecDestroyVecs(2, v_new, ierr)) .. _sec_fortranarrays: Routines that Return Fortran Allocatable Arrays ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Many PETSc functions that return an array of values in C in an argument (such as ``ISGetIndices()``) return an allocatable array in Fortran. The Fortran function names for these are suffixed with ``F90`` as indicated below. A few routines, such as ``VecDuplicateVecs()`` discussed above, do not return a Fortran allocatable array; a large enough array must be explicitly declared before use. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - C-API - Fortran-API * - ``ISGetIndices()`` - ``ISGetIndicesF90()`` * - ``ISRestoreIndices()`` - ``ISRestoreIndicesF90()`` * - ``ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetIndices()`` - ``ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetIndicesF90()`` * - ``ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreIndices()`` - ``ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreIndicesF90()`` * - ``VecGetArray()`` - ``VecGetArrayF90()`` * - ``VecRestoreArray()`` - ``VecRestoreArrayF90()`` * - ``VecGetArrayRead()`` - ``VecGetArrayReadF90()`` * - ``VecRestoreArrayRead()`` - ``VecRestoreArrayReadF90()`` * - ``VecDuplicateVecs()`` - ``VecDuplicateVecsF90()`` * - ``VecDestroyVecs()`` - ``VecDestroyVecsF90()`` * - ``DMDAVecGetArray()`` - ``DMDAVecGetArrayF90()`` * - ``DMDAVecRestoreArray()`` - ``DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90()`` * - ``DMDAVecGetArrayRead()`` - ``DMDAVecGetArrayReadF90()`` * - ``DMDAVecRestoreArrayRead()`` - ``DMDAVecRestoreArrayReadF90()`` * - ``DMDAVecGetArrayWrite()`` - ``DMDAVecGetArrayWriteF90()`` * - ``DMDAVecRestoreArrayWrite()`` - ``DMDAVecRestoreArrayWriteF90()`` * - ``MatGetRowIJ()`` - ``MatGetRowIJF90()`` * - ``MatRestoreRowIJ()`` - ``MatRestoreRowIJF90()`` * - ``MatSeqAIJGetArray()`` - ``MatSeqAIJGetArrayF90()`` * - ``MatSeqAIJRestoreArray()`` - ``MatSeqAIJRestoreArrayF90()`` * - ``MatMPIAIJGetSeqAIJ()`` - ``MatMPIAIJGetSeqAIJF90()`` * - ``MatDenseGetArray()`` - ``MatDenseGetArrayF90()`` * - ``MatDenseRestoreArray()`` - ``MatDenseRestoreArrayF90()`` The array arguments to these Fortran functions should be declared with forms such as .. code-block:: fortran PetscScalar, pointer :: x(:) PetscInt, pointer :: idx(:) See the manual pages for details and pointers to example programs. .. _sec_fortran-examples: Sample Fortran Programs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sample programs that illustrate the PETSc interface for Fortran are given below, corresponding to `Vec Test ex19f `__, `Vec Tutorial ex4f `__, `Draw Test ex5f `__, and `SNES Tutorial ex1f `__, respectively. We also refer Fortran programmers to the C examples listed throughout the manual, since PETSc usage within the two languages differs only slightly. .. admonition:: Listing: ``src/vec/vec/tests/ex19f.F90`` :name: vec-test-ex19f .. literalinclude:: /../src/vec/vec/tests/ex19f.F90 :language: fortran :end-at: end .. _listing_vec_ex4f: .. admonition:: Listing: ``src/vec/vec/tutorials/ex4f.F90`` :name: vec-ex4f .. literalinclude:: /../src/vec/vec/tutorials/ex4f.F90 :language: fortran :end-before: !/*TEST .. admonition:: Listing: ``src/sys/classes/draw/tests/ex5f.F90`` :name: draw-test-ex5f .. literalinclude:: /../src/sys/classes/draw/tests/ex5f.F90 :language: fortran :end-at: end .. admonition:: Listing: ``src/snes/tutorials/ex1f.F90`` :name: snes-ex1f .. literalinclude:: /../src/snes/tutorials/ex1f.F90 :language: fortran :end-before: !/*TEST