Actual source code: ex55k.kokkos.cxx

  1: #include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
  2: #include <petscdmda_kokkos.hpp>

  4: #include <petscdm.h>
  5: #include <petscdmda.h>
  6: #include <petscsnes.h>
  7: #include "ex55.h"

  9: using DefaultMemorySpace                 = Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace::memory_space;
 10: using ConstPetscScalarKokkosOffsetView2D = Kokkos::Experimental::OffsetView<const PetscScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutRight, DefaultMemorySpace>;
 11: using PetscScalarKokkosOffsetView2D      = Kokkos::Experimental::OffsetView<PetscScalar **, Kokkos::LayoutRight, DefaultMemorySpace>;

 13: using PetscCountKokkosView     = Kokkos::View<PetscCount *, DefaultMemorySpace>;
 14: using PetscIntKokkosView       = Kokkos::View<PetscInt *, DefaultMemorySpace>;
 15: using PetscCountKokkosViewHost = Kokkos::View<PetscCount *, Kokkos::HostSpace>;
 16: using PetscScalarKokkosView    = Kokkos::View<PetscScalar *, DefaultMemorySpace>;
 17: using Kokkos::Iterate;
 18: using Kokkos::MDRangePolicy;
 19: using Kokkos::Rank;

 21: KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION PetscErrorCode MMSSolution1(AppCtx *user, const DMDACoor2d *c, PetscScalar *u)
 22: {
 23:   PetscReal x = PetscRealPart(c->x), y = PetscRealPart(c->y);
 24:   u[0] = x * (1 - x) * y * (1 - y);
 25:   return 0;
 26: }

 28: KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION PetscErrorCode MMSForcing1(PetscReal user_param, const DMDACoor2d *c, PetscScalar *f)
 29: {
 30:   PetscReal x = PetscRealPart(c->x), y = PetscRealPart(c->y);
 31:   f[0] = 2 * x * (1 - x) + 2 * y * (1 - y) - user_param * PetscExpReal(x * (1 - x) * y * (1 - y));
 32:   return 0;
 33: }

 35: PetscErrorCode FormFunctionLocalVec(DMDALocalInfo *info, Vec x, Vec f, AppCtx *user)
 36: {
 37:   PetscReal lambda, hx, hy, hxdhy, hydhx;
 38:   PetscInt  xs = info->xs, ys = info->ys, xm = info->xm, ym = info->ym, mx = info->mx, my = info->my;
 39:   PetscReal user_param = user->param;

 41:   ConstPetscScalarKokkosOffsetView2D xv;
 42:   PetscScalarKokkosOffsetView2D      fv;

 45:   lambda = user->param;
 46:   hx     = 1.0 / (PetscReal)(info->mx - 1);
 47:   hy     = 1.0 / (PetscReal)(info->my - 1);
 48:   hxdhy  = hx / hy;
 49:   hydhx  = hy / hx;
 50:   /*
 51:      Compute function over the locally owned part of the grid
 52:   */
 53:   DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetView(info->da, x, &xv);
 54:   DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetViewWrite(info->da, f, &fv);

 56:   PetscCallCXX(Kokkos::parallel_for(
 57:     "FormFunctionLocalVec", MDRangePolicy<Rank<2, Iterate::Right, Iterate::Right>>({ys, xs}, {ys + ym, xs + xm}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(PetscInt j, PetscInt i) {
 58:       DMDACoor2d  c;
 59:       PetscScalar u, ue, uw, un, us, uxx, uyy, mms_solution, mms_forcing;

 61:       if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == mx - 1 || j == my - 1) {
 62:         c.x = i * hx;
 63:         c.y = j * hy;
 64:         MMSSolution1(user, &c, &mms_solution);
 65:         fv(j, i) = 2.0 * (hydhx + hxdhy) * (xv(j, i) - mms_solution);
 66:       } else {
 67:         u  = xv(j, i);
 68:         uw = xv(j, i - 1);
 69:         ue = xv(j, i + 1);
 70:         un = xv(j - 1, i);
 71:         us = xv(j + 1, i);

 73:         /* Enforce boundary conditions at neighboring points -- setting these values causes the Jacobian to be symmetric. */
 74:         if (i - 1 == 0) {
 75:           c.x = (i - 1) * hx;
 76:           c.y = j * hy;
 77:           MMSSolution1(user, &c, &uw);
 78:         }
 79:         if (i + 1 == mx - 1) {
 80:           c.x = (i + 1) * hx;
 81:           c.y = j * hy;
 82:           MMSSolution1(user, &c, &ue);
 83:         }
 84:         if (j - 1 == 0) {
 85:           c.x = i * hx;
 86:           c.y = (j - 1) * hy;
 87:           MMSSolution1(user, &c, &un);
 88:         }
 89:         if (j + 1 == my - 1) {
 90:           c.x = i * hx;
 91:           c.y = (j + 1) * hy;
 92:           MMSSolution1(user, &c, &us);
 93:         }

 95:         uxx         = (2.0 * u - uw - ue) * hydhx;
 96:         uyy         = (2.0 * u - un - us) * hxdhy;
 97:         mms_forcing = 0;
 98:         c.x         = i * hx;
 99:         c.y         = j * hy;
100:         MMSForcing1(user_param, &c, &mms_forcing);
101:         fv(j, i) = uxx + uyy - hx * hy * (lambda * PetscExpScalar(u) + mms_forcing);
102:       }
103:     }));

105:   DMDAVecRestoreKokkosOffsetView(info->da, x, &xv);
106:   DMDAVecRestoreKokkosOffsetViewWrite(info->da, f, &fv);

108:   PetscLogFlops(11.0 * info->ym * info->xm);
109:   return 0;
110: }

112: PetscErrorCode FormObjectiveLocalVec(DMDALocalInfo *info, Vec x, PetscReal *obj, AppCtx *user)
113: {
114:   PetscInt  xs = info->xs, ys = info->ys, xm = info->xm, ym = info->ym, mx = info->mx, my = info->my;
115:   PetscReal lambda, hx, hy, hxdhy, hydhx, sc, lobj = 0;
116:   MPI_Comm  comm;

118:   ConstPetscScalarKokkosOffsetView2D xv;

121:   *obj = 0;
122:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)info->da, &comm);
123:   lambda = user->param;
124:   hx     = 1.0 / (PetscReal)(mx - 1);
125:   hy     = 1.0 / (PetscReal)(my - 1);
126:   sc     = hx * hy * lambda;
127:   hxdhy  = hx / hy;
128:   hydhx  = hy / hx;
129:   /*
130:      Compute function over the locally owned part of the grid
131:   */
132:   DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetView(info->da, x, &xv);

134:   PetscCallCXX(Kokkos::parallel_reduce(
135:     "FormObjectiveLocalVec", MDRangePolicy<Rank<2, Iterate::Right, Iterate::Right>>({ys, xs}, {ys + ym, xs + xm}),
136:     KOKKOS_LAMBDA(PetscInt j, PetscInt i, PetscReal & update) {
137:       PetscScalar u, ue, uw, un, us, uxux, uyuy;
138:       if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == mx - 1 || j == my - 1) {
139:         update += PetscRealPart((hydhx + hxdhy) * xv(j, i) * xv(j, i));
140:       } else {
141:         u  = xv(j, i);
142:         uw = xv(j, i - 1);
143:         ue = xv(j, i + 1);
144:         un = xv(j - 1, i);
145:         us = xv(j + 1, i);

147:         if (i - 1 == 0) uw = 0.;
148:         if (i + 1 == mx - 1) ue = 0.;
149:         if (j - 1 == 0) un = 0.;
150:         if (j + 1 == my - 1) us = 0.;

152:         /* F[u] = 1/2\int_{\omega}\nabla^2u(x)*u(x)*dx */

154:         uxux = u * (2. * u - ue - uw) * hydhx;
155:         uyuy = u * (2. * u - un - us) * hxdhy;

157:         update += PetscRealPart(0.5 * (uxux + uyuy) - sc * PetscExpScalar(u));
158:       }
159:     },
160:     lobj));

162:   DMDAVecRestoreKokkosOffsetView(info->da, x, &xv);
163:   PetscLogFlops(12.0 * info->ym * info->xm);
164:   MPI_Allreduce(&lobj, obj, 1, MPIU_REAL, MPIU_SUM, comm);
165:   return 0;
166: }

168: PetscErrorCode FormJacobianLocalVec(DMDALocalInfo *info, Vec x, Mat jac, Mat jacpre, AppCtx *user)
169: {
170:   PetscInt     i, j;
171:   PetscInt     xs = info->xs, ys = info->ys, xm = info->xm, ym = info->ym, mx = info->mx, my = info->my;
172:   MatStencil   col[5], row;
173:   PetscScalar  lambda, hx, hy, hxdhy, hydhx, sc;
174:   DM           coordDA;
175:   Vec          coordinates;
176:   DMDACoor2d **coords;

179:   lambda = user->param;
180:   /* Extract coordinates */
181:   DMGetCoordinateDM(info->da, &coordDA);
182:   DMGetCoordinates(info->da, &coordinates);

184:   DMDAVecGetArray(coordDA, coordinates, &coords);
185:   hx = xm > 1 ? PetscRealPart(coords[ys][xs + 1].x) - PetscRealPart(coords[ys][xs].x) : 1.0;
186:   hy = ym > 1 ? PetscRealPart(coords[ys + 1][xs].y) - PetscRealPart(coords[ys][xs].y) : 1.0;
187:   DMDAVecRestoreArray(coordDA, coordinates, &coords);

189:   hxdhy = hx / hy;
190:   hydhx = hy / hx;
191:   sc    = hx * hy * lambda;

193:   /* ----------------------------------------- */
194:   /*  MatSetPreallocationCOO()                 */
195:   /* ----------------------------------------- */
196:   PetscCount ncoo = ((PetscCount)xm) * ((PetscCount)ym) * 5;
197:   PetscInt  *coo_i, *coo_j, *ip, *jp;
198:   PetscMalloc2(ncoo, &coo_i, ncoo, &coo_j); /* 5-point stencil such that each row has at most 5 nonzeros */

200:   ip = coo_i;
201:   jp = coo_j;
202:   for (j = ys; j < ys + ym; j++) {
203:     for (i = xs; i < xs + xm; i++) {
204:       row.j = j;
205:       row.i = i;
206:       /* Initialize neighbors with negative indices */
207:       col[0].j = col[1].j = col[3].j = col[4].j = -1;
208:       /* boundary points */
209:       if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == mx - 1 || j == my - 1) {
210:         col[2].j = row.j;
211:         col[2].i = row.i;
212:       } else {
213:         /* interior grid points */
214:         if (j - 1 != 0) {
215:           col[0].j = j - 1;
216:           col[0].i = i;
217:         }

219:         if (i - 1 != 0) {
220:           col[1].j = j;
221:           col[1].i = i - 1;
222:         }

224:         col[2].j = row.j;
225:         col[2].i = row.i;

227:         if (i + 1 != mx - 1) {
228:           col[3].j = j;
229:           col[3].i = i + 1;
230:         }

232:         if (j + 1 != mx - 1) {
233:           col[4].j = j + 1;
234:           col[4].i = i;
235:         }
236:       }
237:       DMDAMapMatStencilToGlobal(info->da, 5, col, jp);
238:       for (PetscInt k = 0; k < 5; k++) ip[k] = jp[2];
239:       ip += 5;
240:       jp += 5;
241:     }
242:   }

244:   MatSetPreallocationCOO(jacpre, ncoo, coo_i, coo_j);
245:   PetscFree2(coo_i, coo_j);

247:   /* ----------------------------------------- */
248:   /*  MatSetValuesCOO()                        */
249:   /* ----------------------------------------- */
250:   PetscScalarKokkosView              coo_v("coo_v", ncoo);
251:   ConstPetscScalarKokkosOffsetView2D xv;

253:   DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetView(info->da, x, &xv);

255:   PetscCallCXX(Kokkos::parallel_for(
256:     "FormFunctionLocalVec", MDRangePolicy<Rank<2, Iterate::Right, Iterate::Right>>({ys, xs}, {ys + ym, xs + xm}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(PetscCount j, PetscCount i) {
257:       PetscInt p = ((j - ys) * xm + (i - xs)) * 5;
258:       /* boundary points */
259:       if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == mx - 1 || j == my - 1) {
260:         coo_v(p + 2) = 2.0 * (hydhx + hxdhy);
261:       } else {
262:         /* interior grid points */
263:         if (j - 1 != 0) coo_v(p + 0) = -hxdhy;
264:         if (i - 1 != 0) coo_v(p + 1) = -hydhx;

266:         coo_v(p + 2) = 2.0 * (hydhx + hxdhy) - sc * PetscExpScalar(xv(j, i));

268:         if (i + 1 != mx - 1) coo_v(p + 3) = -hydhx;
269:         if (j + 1 != mx - 1) coo_v(p + 4) = -hxdhy;
270:       }
271:     }));
272:   MatSetValuesCOO(jacpre,, INSERT_VALUES);
273:   DMDAVecRestoreKokkosOffsetView(info->da, x, &xv);
274:   return 0;
275: }