Actual source code: petscsectiontypes.h


  4: /* SUBMANSEC = PetscSection */

  6: /*S
  7:   PetscSection - Mapping from integers in a designated range to contiguous sets of integers.

  9:   In contrast to `IS`, which maps from integers to single integers, the range of a `PetscSection` is in the space of
 10:   contiguous sets of integers. These ranges are frequently interpreted as domains of other array-like objects,
 11:   especially other `PetscSection`, `Vec`s, and `IS`s. The domain is set with `PetscSectionSetChart()` and does not need to
 12:   start at 0. For each point in the domain of a `PetscSection`, the output set is represented through an offset and a
 13:   count, which are set using `PetscSectionSetOffset()` and `PetscSectionSetDof()` respectively. Lookup is typically using
 14:   accessors or routines like `VecGetValuesSection()`.

 16:   The `PetscSection` object and methods are intended to be used in the PETSc `Vec` and `Mat` implementations. The indices returned by the `PetscSection` are appropriate for the kind of `Vec` it is associated with. For example, if the vector being indexed is a local vector, we call the section a local section. If the section indexes a global vector, we call it a global section. For parallel vectors, like global vectors, we use negative indices to indicate dofs owned by other processes.

 18:   Level: beginner

 20: .seealso: [PetscSection](sec_petscsection), `PetscSectionCreate()`, `PetscSectionDestroy()`, `PetscSectionSym`
 21: S*/
 22: typedef struct _p_PetscSection *PetscSection;

 24: /*S
 25:   PetscSectionSym - Symmetries of the data referenced by a `PetscSection`.

 27:   Often the order of data index by a `PetscSection` is meaningful, and describes additional structure, such as points on a
 28:   line, grid, or lattice.  If the data is accessed from a different "orientation", then the image of the data under
 29:   access then undergoes a symmetry transformation.  A `PetscSectionSym` specifies these symmetries.  The types of
 30:   symmetries that can be specified are of the form R * P, where R is a diagonal matrix of scalars, and P is a permutation.

 32:   Level: developer

 34: .seealso: `PetscSection`, `PetscSectionSymCreate()`, `PetscSectionSymDestroy()`, `PetscSectionSetSym()`, `PetscSectionGetSym()`, `PetscSectionSetFieldSym()`,
 35:           `PetscSectionGetFieldSym()`, `PetscSectionGetSymPoints()`, `PetscSectionSymType`, `PetscSectionSymSetType()`, `PetscSectionSymGetType()`
 36: S*/
 37: typedef struct _p_PetscSectionSym *PetscSectionSym;

 39: /*J
 40:   PetscSectionSymType - String with the name of a `PetscSectionSym` type.

 42:   Level: developer

 44:   Note:
 45:   `PetscSectionSym` has no default implementation, but is used by `DM` in `PetscSectionSymCreateLabel()`.

 47: .seealso: `PetscSectionSymSetType()`, `PetscSectionSymGetType()`, `PetscSectionSym`, `PetscSectionSymCreate()`, `PetscSectionSymRegister()`
 48: J*/
 49: typedef const char *PetscSectionSymType;

 51: #endif