Changes for each release#

We will continually add new features and enhanced functionality in upcoming releases; small changes in usage and calling sequences of PETSc routines will continue to occur. We use the C/C++ deprecation feature (which prints deprecation warnings) to allow users to continue to use older interfaces until they update their codes. Although keeping one’s code accordingly up-to-date can be annoying, all PETSc users will be rewarded in the long run with a cleaner, better designed, and easier-to-use interface.

We suggest that users who want to upgrade their current PETSc application codes from a particular version to the most recent release proceed through the changes listed in this file in increasing order of version numbers. (Note: One can determine the release number of any current PETSc installation by looking in the file include/petscversion.h) Many of the interface changes can be handled quickly and easily by using global replacement via your favorite text editor. See the file Code Management for some tips that we find helpful in keeping our own code up to date and that should be generally useful for effective code management.

Releases of PETSc#

We announce new PETSc releases on the petsc-announce mailing list.