.. _doc_features: ******************************* Core Features and Functionality ******************************* PETSc is a general parallel linear and non-linear solver, ODE integrator, and optimization framework, which provides these general classes of functionality: .. contents:: Table Of Contents :local: :backlinks: entry :depth: 1 Supported Systems ================= - :ref:`HPC ` - :ref:`Linux ` - :ref:`MacOS ` - :ref:`Microsoft Windows ` Accelerator/GPU Features ======================== - :ref:`Matrix/Vector CUDA support ` - :ref:`Kokkos support ` - :ref:`Matrix/Vector OpenCL/ViennaCL support ` - :ref:`Matrix/Vector HIP support ` .. note:: PETSc GPU support is under heavy development! See GPU support :ref:`roadmap ` for more information on current support.