================ Acknowledgements ================ We thank all PETSc users for their many suggestions, bug reports, and encouragement. Recent contributors to PETSc are listed in the `repository system `__ Earlier contributors to PETSc that are not captured in the repository system include: * Asbjorn Hoiland Aarrestad, (the explicit Runge-Kutta implementations). * G. Anciaux and J. Roman, (the interfaces to the partitioning packages PTScotch, Chaco, and Party). * Allison Baker, (the flexible GMRES and the LGMRES code). * Chad Carroll, (the Win32 graphics). * Ethan Coon, (the PetscBag and many bug fixes). * Cameron Cooper, (portions of the VecScatter routines). * Paulo Goldfeld, (the balancing Neumann-Neumann preconditioner). * Matt Hille. * Joel Malard, (the BICGStab(l) implementation). * Paul Mullowney, (improvement enhancements to portions of the Nvidia GPU interface). * Dave May, (Generalized Conjugate Residuals (GCR) implementation). * Peter Mell, (portions of the DA routines). * Richard Mills, (the AIJPERM matrix format for the Cray X1; universal F90 array interface; enhancements to IBCGS; the AIJMKL matrix subclass). * Victor Minden, (the Nvidia GPU interface). * Todd Munson, (the LUSOL interface as well as the specialized KSPNASH, KSPSTCG, and KSPGLTR Krylov solvers). * Robert Scheichl, (the MINRES implementation). * Karen Toonen, (designed and implemented much of the PETSc old web pages). * Desire Nuentsa Wakam, (the deflated GMRES implementation). * Liyang Xu, (the interface to PVODE, now Sundials/CVODE).