1. Description of inputs at end of file 2. 3. INITIAL CONDITIONS: 4. Surface Temperature:..................46 5. Dew Point Temperature:................30 6. Air Temperature:......................35 7. Temperature at Cloud base:............29.5 8. Fraction of sky covered by clouds:....0 9. Wind speed:...........................4 10. Precipitable Water in (cm):...........3 11. Wind direction........................90 13. RUNTIME...............................12 14. INITIAL DOMAIN: 15. Initiation specifier..................1 INITIAL DOMAIN DESCRIPTION: - To only diabatic dT/dt contributions (all fields uniform throughout grid) enter 0 in line 15 - Default initiation is a west-east temperature gradient, wind = 0, and two high pressure perturbations in the mass field DESCRIPTION OF INPUTS: - All temperature is in degrees Fahrenheit. - Fraction is from 0 to 1. where 0=0% of sky covered by clouds, 1 = 100% of sky covered by clouds (overcast) - Wind speed is in miles per hour - Precipitable water is in centimeters - Wind direction is from 0 to 360. where 0 is wind from north, 90 is east, 180 is south, 270 is west, 360 is also north. - Runtime is in hours NOTE: - Moisture if only used for radiative considerations - Wind input is only used for latent and sensible heat fluxes. The dynamic winds do not affect the surface energy budget - Model is not designed to be run for longer than 15 hours