Actual source code: ex23fwdadj.c

  1: static char help[] = "A toy example for testing forward and adjoint sensitivity analysis of an implicit ODE with a paramerized mass matrice.\n";

  3: /*
  4:   This example solves the simple ODE
  5:     c x' = b x, x(0) = a,
  6:   whose analytical solution is x(T)=a*exp(b/c*T), and calculates the derivative of x(T) w.r.t. c (by default) or w.r.t. b (can be enabled with command line option -der 2).

  8: */

 10: #include <petscts.h>

 12: typedef struct _n_User *User;
 13: struct _n_User {
 14:   PetscReal a;
 15:   PetscReal b;
 16:   PetscReal c;
 17:   /* Sensitivity analysis support */
 18:   PetscInt  steps;
 19:   PetscReal ftime;
 20:   Mat       Jac;                    /* Jacobian matrix */
 21:   Mat       Jacp;                   /* JacobianP matrix */
 22:   Vec       x;
 23:   Mat       sp;                     /* forward sensitivity variables */
 24:   Vec       lambda[1];              /* adjoint sensitivity variables */
 25:   Vec       mup[1];                 /* adjoint sensitivity variables */
 26:   PetscInt  der;
 27: };

 29: static PetscErrorCode IFunction(TS ts,PetscReal t,Vec X,Vec Xdot,Vec F,void *ctx)
 30: {
 31:   User              user = (User)ctx;
 32:   const PetscScalar *x,*xdot;
 33:   PetscScalar       *f;

 36:   VecGetArrayRead(X,&x);
 37:   VecGetArrayRead(Xdot,&xdot);
 38:   VecGetArrayWrite(F,&f);
 39:   f[0] = user->c*xdot[0] - user->b*x[0];
 40:   VecRestoreArrayRead(X,&x);
 41:   VecRestoreArrayRead(Xdot,&xdot);
 42:   VecRestoreArrayWrite(F,&f);
 43:   return 0;
 44: }

 46: static PetscErrorCode IJacobian(TS ts,PetscReal t,Vec X,Vec Xdot,PetscReal a,Mat A,Mat B,void *ctx)
 47: {
 48:   User              user     = (User)ctx;
 49:   PetscInt          rowcol[] = {0};
 50:   PetscScalar       J[1][1];
 51:   const PetscScalar *x;

 54:   VecGetArrayRead(X,&x);
 55:   J[0][0] = user->c*a - user->b*1.0;
 56:   MatSetValues(B,1,rowcol,1,rowcol,&J[0][0],INSERT_VALUES);
 57:   VecRestoreArrayRead(X,&x);

 59:   MatAssemblyBegin(A,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
 60:   MatAssemblyEnd(A,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
 61:   if (A != B) {
 62:     MatAssemblyBegin(B,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
 63:     MatAssemblyEnd(B,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
 64:   }
 65:   return 0;
 66: }

 68: static PetscErrorCode IJacobianP(TS ts,PetscReal t,Vec X,Vec Xdot,PetscReal shift,Mat A,void *ctx)
 69: {
 70:   User              user = (User)ctx;
 71:   PetscInt          row[] = {0},col[]={0};
 72:   PetscScalar       J[1][1];
 73:   const PetscScalar *x,*xdot;
 74:   PetscReal         dt;

 77:   VecGetArrayRead(X,&x);
 78:   VecGetArrayRead(Xdot,&xdot);
 79:   TSGetTimeStep(ts,&dt);
 80:   if (user->der == 1) J[0][0] = xdot[0];
 81:   if (user->der == 2) J[0][0] = -x[0];
 82:   MatSetValues(A,1,row,1,col,&J[0][0],INSERT_VALUES);
 83:   VecRestoreArrayRead(X,&x);

 85:   MatAssemblyBegin(A,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
 86:   MatAssemblyEnd(A,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
 87:   return 0;
 88: }

 90: int main(int argc,char **argv)
 91: {
 92:   TS             ts;
 93:   PetscScalar    *x_ptr;
 94:   PetscMPIInt    size;
 95:   struct _n_User user;
 96:   PetscInt       rows,cols;

 98:   PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv,NULL,help);

100:   MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&size);

103:   user.a           = 2.0;
104:   user.b           = 4.0;
105:   user.c           = 3.0;
106:   user.steps       = 0;
107:   user.ftime       = 1.0;
108:   user.der         = 1;
109:   PetscOptionsGetInt(NULL,NULL,"-der",&user.der,NULL);

111:   rows = 1;
112:   cols = 1;
113:   MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&user.Jac);
114:   MatSetSizes(user.Jac,PETSC_DECIDE,PETSC_DECIDE,1,1);
115:   MatSetFromOptions(user.Jac);
116:   MatSetUp(user.Jac);
117:   MatCreateVecs(user.Jac,&user.x,NULL);

119:   TSCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&ts);
120:   TSSetType(ts,TSBEULER);
121:   TSSetIFunction(ts,NULL,IFunction,&user);
122:   TSSetIJacobian(ts,user.Jac,user.Jac,IJacobian,&user);
124:   TSSetMaxTime(ts,user.ftime);

126:   VecGetArrayWrite(user.x,&x_ptr);
127:   x_ptr[0] = user.a;
128:   VecRestoreArrayWrite(user.x,&x_ptr);
129:   TSSetTimeStep(ts,0.001);

131:   /* Set up forward sensitivity */
132:   MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&user.Jacp);
133:   MatSetSizes(user.Jacp,PETSC_DECIDE,PETSC_DECIDE,rows,cols);
134:   MatSetFromOptions(user.Jacp);
135:   MatSetUp(user.Jacp);
136:   MatCreateDense(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,PETSC_DECIDE,PETSC_DECIDE,rows,cols,NULL,&user.sp);
137:   MatZeroEntries(user.sp);
138:   TSForwardSetSensitivities(ts,cols,user.sp);
139:   TSSetIJacobianP(ts,user.Jacp,IJacobianP,&user);

141:   TSSetSaveTrajectory(ts);
142:   TSSetFromOptions(ts);

144:   TSSolve(ts,user.x);
145:   TSGetSolveTime(ts,&user.ftime);
146:   TSGetStepNumber(ts,&user.steps);
147:   VecGetArray(user.x,&x_ptr);
148:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"\n ode solution %g\n",(double)PetscRealPart(x_ptr[0]));
149:   VecRestoreArray(user.x,&x_ptr);
150:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"\n analytical solution %g\n",(double)user.a*PetscExpReal(user.b/user.c*user.ftime));

152:   if (user.der == 1) {
153:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"\n analytical derivative w.r.t. c %g\n",(double)-user.a*user.ftime*user.b/(user.c*user.c)*PetscExpReal(user.b/user.c*user.ftime));
154:   }
155:   if (user.der == 2) {
156:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"\n analytical derivative w.r.t. b %g\n",user.a*user.ftime/user.c*PetscExpReal(user.b/user.c*user.ftime));
157:   }
158:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"\n forward sensitivity:\n");
159:   MatView(user.sp,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD);

161:   MatCreateVecs(user.Jac,&user.lambda[0],NULL);
162:   /* Set initial conditions for the adjoint integration */
163:   VecGetArrayWrite(user.lambda[0],&x_ptr);
164:   x_ptr[0] = 1.0;
165:   VecRestoreArrayWrite(user.lambda[0],&x_ptr);
166:   MatCreateVecs(user.Jacp,&user.mup[0],NULL);
167:   VecGetArrayWrite(user.mup[0],&x_ptr);
168:   x_ptr[0] = 0.0;
169:   VecRestoreArrayWrite(user.mup[0],&x_ptr);

171:   TSSetCostGradients(ts,1,user.lambda,user.mup);
172:   TSAdjointSolve(ts);

174:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"\n adjoint sensitivity:\n");
175:   VecView(user.mup[0],PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD);

177:   MatDestroy(&user.Jac);
178:   MatDestroy(&user.sp);
179:   MatDestroy(&user.Jacp);
180:   VecDestroy(&user.x);
181:   VecDestroy(&user.lambda[0]);
182:   VecDestroy(&user.mup[0]);
183:   TSDestroy(&ts);

185:   PetscFinalize();
186:   return 0;
187: }

189: /*TEST

191:     test:
192:       args: -ts_type beuler

194:     test:
195:       suffix: 2
196:       args: -ts_type cn
197:       output_file: output/ex23fwdadj_1.out

199: TEST*/