Actual source code: mpicusparsematimpl.h

  4: #include <cusparse_v2.h>
  5: #include <petsc/private/cudavecimpl.h>

  7: struct Mat_MPIAIJCUSPARSE {
  8:   /* The following are used by GPU capabilities to store matrix storage formats on the device */
  9:   MatCUSPARSEStorageFormat   diagGPUMatFormat;
 10:   MatCUSPARSEStorageFormat   offdiagGPUMatFormat;
 11:   PetscSplitCSRDataStructure deviceMat;
 12:   PetscInt                   coo_nd,coo_no; /* number of nonzero entries in coo for the diag/offdiag part */
 13:   THRUSTINTARRAY             *coo_p; /* the permutation array that partitions the coo array into diag/offdiag parts */
 14:   THRUSTARRAY                *coo_pw; /* the work array that stores the partitioned coo scalar values */

 16:   /* Extended COO stuff */
 17:   PetscCount  *Aimap1_d,*Ajmap1_d,*Aperm1_d; /* Local entries to diag */
 18:   PetscCount  *Bimap1_d,*Bjmap1_d,*Bperm1_d; /* Local entries to offdiag */
 19:   PetscCount  *Aimap2_d,*Ajmap2_d,*Aperm2_d; /* Remote entries to diag */
 20:   PetscCount  *Bimap2_d,*Bjmap2_d,*Bperm2_d; /* Remote entries to offdiag */
 21:   PetscCount  *Cperm1_d; /* Permutation to fill send buffer. 'C' for communication */
 22:   PetscScalar *sendbuf_d,*recvbuf_d; /* Buffers for remote values in MatSetValuesCOO() */
 23:   PetscBool   use_extended_coo;

 26:     diagGPUMatFormat    = MAT_CUSPARSE_CSR;
 27:     offdiagGPUMatFormat = MAT_CUSPARSE_CSR;
 28:     coo_p               = NULL;
 29:     coo_pw              = NULL;
 30:     deviceMat           = NULL;
 31:     use_extended_coo    = PETSC_FALSE;
 32:   }
 33: };
 34: #endif