.. _doc_nonlinsolve: =============================================== Summary of Nonlinear Solvers Available In PETSc =============================================== See the paper `Composing Scalable Nonlinear Algebraic Solvers `__ or the PETSc users manual for details on the algorithms. .. list-table:: :widths: auto :align: center :header-rows: 1 * - Algorithm - Associated Type - Notes * - Newton's method - ``SNESNEWTONLS`` - Use ``-snes_mf`` for matrix-free linear solvers * - Newton's method with trust region - ``SNESNEWTONTR`` - * - Single linearization - ``SNESKSPONLY`` - Essentially one step of Newtwon without a line search * - Quasi-Newton method (BFGS) - ``SNESQN`` - * - Nonlinear CG - ``SNESNCG`` - Requires nearly symmetric Jacobian for good convergence * - Nonlinear GMRES - ``SNESNGMRES`` - * - Anderson mixing - ``SNESANDERSON`` - * - Nonlinear Richardson - ``SNESNRICHARDSON`` - * - Nonlinear Gauss-Siedel - ``SNESNGS`` - * - Full Approximation Scheme (nonlinear multigrid) - ``SNESFAS`` - * - Nonlinear additive Schwarz - ``SNESNASM`` - * - Nonlinear additive Schwarz preconditioned inexact Newton (ASPIN) methods - ``SNESASPIN`` - * - Composite (combine several nonlinear solvers) - ``SNESCOMPOSITE`` - * - Preconditioned nonlinear solver - --- - See ``SNESGetNPC()``/ ``SNESSetNPC()``, can be combined to accelerate many of the solvers