Actual source code: tsmon.c

  1: #include <petsc/private/tsimpl.h>
  2: #include <petscdm.h>
  3: #include <petscds.h>
  4: #include <petscdmswarm.h>
  5: #include <petscdraw.h>

  7: /*@C
  8:    TSMonitor - Runs all user-provided monitor routines set using TSMonitorSet()

 10:    Collective on TS

 12:    Input Parameters:
 13: +  ts - time stepping context obtained from TSCreate()
 14: .  step - step number that has just completed
 15: .  ptime - model time of the state
 16: -  u - state at the current model time

 18:    Notes:
 19:    TSMonitor() is typically used automatically within the time stepping implementations.
 20:    Users would almost never call this routine directly.

 22:    A step of -1 indicates that the monitor is being called on a solution obtained by interpolating from computed solutions

 24:    Level: developer

 26: @*/
 27: PetscErrorCode TSMonitor(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal ptime,Vec u)
 28: {
 29:   DM             dm;
 30:   PetscInt       i,n = ts->numbermonitors;

 35:   TSGetDM(ts,&dm);
 36:   DMSetOutputSequenceNumber(dm,step,ptime);

 38:   VecLockReadPush(u);
 39:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
 40:     (*ts->monitor[i])(ts,step,ptime,u,ts->monitorcontext[i]);
 41:   }
 42:   VecLockReadPop(u);
 43:   return 0;
 44: }

 46: /*@C
 47:    TSMonitorSetFromOptions - Sets a monitor function and viewer appropriate for the type indicated by the user

 49:    Collective on TS

 51:    Input Parameters:
 52: +  ts - TS object you wish to monitor
 53: .  name - the monitor type one is seeking
 54: .  help - message indicating what monitoring is done
 55: .  manual - manual page for the monitor
 56: .  monitor - the monitor function
 57: -  monitorsetup - a function that is called once ONLY if the user selected this monitor that may set additional features of the TS or PetscViewer objects

 59:    Level: developer

 61: .seealso: PetscOptionsGetViewer(), PetscOptionsGetReal(), PetscOptionsHasName(), PetscOptionsGetString(),
 62:           PetscOptionsGetIntArray(), PetscOptionsGetRealArray(), PetscOptionsBool()
 63:           PetscOptionsInt(), PetscOptionsString(), PetscOptionsReal(), PetscOptionsBool(),
 64:           PetscOptionsName(), PetscOptionsBegin(), PetscOptionsEnd(), PetscOptionsHead(),
 65:           PetscOptionsStringArray(),PetscOptionsRealArray(), PetscOptionsScalar(),
 66:           PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin(), PetscOptionsBoolGroup(), PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd(),
 67:           PetscOptionsFList(), PetscOptionsEList()
 68: @*/
 69: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorSetFromOptions(TS ts,const char name[],const char help[], const char manual[],PetscErrorCode (*monitor)(TS,PetscInt,PetscReal,Vec,PetscViewerAndFormat*),PetscErrorCode (*monitorsetup)(TS,PetscViewerAndFormat*))
 70: {
 71:   PetscViewer       viewer;
 72:   PetscViewerFormat format;
 73:   PetscBool         flg;

 75:   PetscOptionsGetViewer(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),((PetscObject) ts)->options,((PetscObject)ts)->prefix,name,&viewer,&format,&flg);
 76:   if (flg) {
 77:     PetscViewerAndFormat *vf;
 78:     PetscViewerAndFormatCreate(viewer,format,&vf);
 79:     PetscObjectDereference((PetscObject)viewer);
 80:     if (monitorsetup) {
 81:       (*monitorsetup)(ts,vf);
 82:     }
 83:     TSMonitorSet(ts,(PetscErrorCode (*)(TS,PetscInt,PetscReal,Vec,void*))monitor,vf,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void**))PetscViewerAndFormatDestroy);
 84:   }
 85:   return 0;
 86: }

 88: /*@C
 89:    TSMonitorSet - Sets an ADDITIONAL function that is to be used at every
 90:    timestep to display the iteration's  progress.

 92:    Logically Collective on TS

 94:    Input Parameters:
 95: +  ts - the TS context obtained from TSCreate()
 96: .  monitor - monitoring routine
 97: .  mctx - [optional] user-defined context for private data for the
 98:              monitor routine (use NULL if no context is desired)
 99: -  monitordestroy - [optional] routine that frees monitor context
100:           (may be NULL)

102:    Calling sequence of monitor:
103: $    PetscErrorCode monitor(TS ts,PetscInt steps,PetscReal time,Vec u,void *mctx)

105: +    ts - the TS context
106: .    steps - iteration number (after the final time step the monitor routine may be called with a step of -1, this indicates the solution has been interpolated to this time)
107: .    time - current time
108: .    u - current iterate
109: -    mctx - [optional] monitoring context

111:    Notes:
112:    This routine adds an additional monitor to the list of monitors that
113:    already has been loaded.

115:    Fortran Notes:
116:     Only a single monitor function can be set for each TS object

118:    Level: intermediate

120: .seealso: TSMonitorDefault(), TSMonitorCancel()
121: @*/
122: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorSet(TS ts,PetscErrorCode (*monitor)(TS,PetscInt,PetscReal,Vec,void*),void *mctx,PetscErrorCode (*mdestroy)(void**))
123: {
124:   PetscInt       i;
125:   PetscBool      identical;

128:   for (i=0; i<ts->numbermonitors;i++) {
129:     PetscMonitorCompare((PetscErrorCode (*)(void))monitor,mctx,mdestroy,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void))ts->monitor[i],ts->monitorcontext[i],ts->monitordestroy[i],&identical);
130:     if (identical) return 0;
131:   }
133:   ts->monitor[ts->numbermonitors]          = monitor;
134:   ts->monitordestroy[ts->numbermonitors]   = mdestroy;
135:   ts->monitorcontext[ts->numbermonitors++] = (void*)mctx;
136:   return 0;
137: }

139: /*@C
140:    TSMonitorCancel - Clears all the monitors that have been set on a time-step object.

142:    Logically Collective on TS

144:    Input Parameters:
145: .  ts - the TS context obtained from TSCreate()

147:    Notes:
148:    There is no way to remove a single, specific monitor.

150:    Level: intermediate

152: .seealso: TSMonitorDefault(), TSMonitorSet()
153: @*/
154: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorCancel(TS ts)
155: {
156:   PetscInt       i;

159:   for (i=0; i<ts->numbermonitors; i++) {
160:     if (ts->monitordestroy[i]) {
161:       (*ts->monitordestroy[i])(&ts->monitorcontext[i]);
162:     }
163:   }
164:   ts->numbermonitors = 0;
165:   return 0;
166: }

168: /*@C
169:    TSMonitorDefault - The Default monitor, prints the timestep and time for each step

171:    Level: intermediate

173: .seealso:  TSMonitorSet()
174: @*/
175: PetscErrorCode TSMonitorDefault(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal ptime,Vec v,PetscViewerAndFormat *vf)
176: {
177:   PetscViewer    viewer =  vf->viewer;
178:   PetscBool      iascii,ibinary;

181:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&iascii);
182:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERBINARY,&ibinary);
183:   PetscViewerPushFormat(viewer,vf->format);
184:   if (iascii) {
185:     PetscViewerASCIIAddTab(viewer,((PetscObject)ts)->tablevel);
186:     if (step == -1) { /* this indicates it is an interpolated solution */
187:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Interpolated solution at time %g between steps %D and %D\n",(double)ptime,ts->steps-1,ts->steps);
188:     } else {
189:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"%D TS dt %g time %g%s",step,(double)ts->time_step,(double)ptime,ts->steprollback ? " (r)\n" : "\n");
190:     }
191:     PetscViewerASCIISubtractTab(viewer,((PetscObject)ts)->tablevel);
192:   } else if (ibinary) {
193:     PetscMPIInt rank;
194:     MPI_Comm_rank(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)viewer),&rank);
195:     if (!rank) {
196:       PetscBool skipHeader;
197:       PetscInt  classid = REAL_FILE_CLASSID;

199:       PetscViewerBinaryGetSkipHeader(viewer,&skipHeader);
200:       if (!skipHeader) {
201:          PetscViewerBinaryWrite(viewer,&classid,1,PETSC_INT);
202:        }
203:       PetscRealView(1,&ptime,viewer);
204:     } else {
205:       PetscRealView(0,&ptime,viewer);
206:     }
207:   }
208:   PetscViewerPopFormat(viewer);
209:   return 0;
210: }

212: /*@C
213:    TSMonitorExtreme - Prints the extreme values of the solution at each timestep

215:    Level: intermediate

217: .seealso:  TSMonitorSet()
218: @*/
219: PetscErrorCode TSMonitorExtreme(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal ptime,Vec v,PetscViewerAndFormat *vf)
220: {
221:   PetscViewer    viewer =  vf->viewer;
222:   PetscBool      iascii;
223:   PetscReal      max,min;

226:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&iascii);
227:   PetscViewerPushFormat(viewer,vf->format);
228:   if (iascii) {
229:     VecMax(v,NULL,&max);
230:     VecMin(v,NULL,&min);
231:     PetscViewerASCIIAddTab(viewer,((PetscObject)ts)->tablevel);
232:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"%D TS dt %g time %g%s max %g min %g\n",step,(double)ts->time_step,(double)ptime,ts->steprollback ? " (r)" : "",(double)max,(double)min);
233:     PetscViewerASCIISubtractTab(viewer,((PetscObject)ts)->tablevel);
234:   }
235:   PetscViewerPopFormat(viewer);
236:   return 0;
237: }

239: /*@C
240:    TSMonitorLGCtxCreate - Creates a TSMonitorLGCtx context for use with
241:    TS to monitor the solution process graphically in various ways

243:    Collective on TS

245:    Input Parameters:
246: +  host - the X display to open, or null for the local machine
247: .  label - the title to put in the title bar
248: .  x, y - the screen coordinates of the upper left coordinate of the window
249: .  m, n - the screen width and height in pixels
250: -  howoften - if positive then determines the frequency of the plotting, if -1 then only at the final time

252:    Output Parameter:
253: .  ctx - the context

255:    Options Database Key:
256: +  -ts_monitor_lg_timestep - automatically sets line graph monitor
257: +  -ts_monitor_lg_timestep_log - automatically sets line graph monitor
258: .  -ts_monitor_lg_solution - monitor the solution (or certain values of the solution by calling TSMonitorLGSetDisplayVariables() or TSMonitorLGCtxSetDisplayVariables())
259: .  -ts_monitor_lg_error -  monitor the error
260: .  -ts_monitor_lg_ksp_iterations - monitor the number of KSP iterations needed for each timestep
261: .  -ts_monitor_lg_snes_iterations - monitor the number of SNES iterations needed for each timestep
262: -  -lg_use_markers <true,false> - mark the data points (at each time step) on the plot; default is true

264:    Notes:
265:    Use TSMonitorLGCtxDestroy() to destroy.

267:    One can provide a function that transforms the solution before plotting it with TSMonitorLGCtxSetTransform() or TSMonitorLGSetTransform()

269:    Many of the functions that control the monitoring have two forms: TSMonitorLGSet/GetXXXX() and TSMonitorLGCtxSet/GetXXXX() the first take a TS object as the
270:    first argument (if that TS object does not have a TSMonitorLGCtx associated with it the function call is ignored) and the second takes a TSMonitorLGCtx object
271:    as the first argument.

273:    One can control the names displayed for each solution or error variable with TSMonitorLGCtxSetVariableNames() or TSMonitorLGSetVariableNames()

275:    Level: intermediate

277: .seealso: TSMonitorLGTimeStep(), TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorLGSolution(), TSMonitorLGError(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(),
278:            TSMonitorLGCtxCreate(), TSMonitorLGCtxSetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGCtxGetVariableNames(),
279:            TSMonitorLGSetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGGetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGSetDisplayVariables(), TSMonitorLGCtxSetDisplayVariables(),
280:            TSMonitorLGCtxSetTransform(), TSMonitorLGSetTransform(), TSMonitorLGError(), TSMonitorLGSNESIterations(), TSMonitorLGKSPIterations(),
281:            TSMonitorEnvelopeCtxCreate(), TSMonitorEnvelopeGetBounds(), TSMonitorEnvelopeCtxDestroy(), TSMonitorEnvelop()

283: @*/
284: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorLGCtxCreate(MPI_Comm comm,const char host[],const char label[],int x,int y,int m,int n,PetscInt howoften,TSMonitorLGCtx *ctx)
285: {
286:   PetscDraw      draw;

288:   PetscNew(ctx);
289:   PetscDrawCreate(comm,host,label,x,y,m,n,&draw);
290:   PetscDrawSetFromOptions(draw);
291:   PetscDrawLGCreate(draw,1,&(*ctx)->lg);
292:   PetscDrawLGSetFromOptions((*ctx)->lg);
293:   PetscDrawDestroy(&draw);
294:   (*ctx)->howoften = howoften;
295:   return 0;
296: }

298: PetscErrorCode TSMonitorLGTimeStep(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal ptime,Vec v,void *monctx)
299: {
300:   TSMonitorLGCtx ctx = (TSMonitorLGCtx) monctx;
301:   PetscReal      x   = ptime,y;

303:   if (step < 0) return 0; /* -1 indicates an interpolated solution */
304:   if (!step) {
305:     PetscDrawAxis axis;
306:     const char *ylabel = ctx->semilogy ? "Log Time Step" : "Time Step";
307:     PetscDrawLGGetAxis(ctx->lg,&axis);
308:     PetscDrawAxisSetLabels(axis,"Timestep as function of time","Time",ylabel);
309:     PetscDrawLGReset(ctx->lg);
310:   }
311:   TSGetTimeStep(ts,&y);
312:   if (ctx->semilogy) y = PetscLog10Real(y);
313:   PetscDrawLGAddPoint(ctx->lg,&x,&y);
314:   if (((ctx->howoften > 0) && (!(step % ctx->howoften))) || ((ctx->howoften == -1) && ts->reason)) {
315:     PetscDrawLGDraw(ctx->lg);
316:     PetscDrawLGSave(ctx->lg);
317:   }
318:   return 0;
319: }

321: /*@C
322:    TSMonitorLGCtxDestroy - Destroys a line graph context that was created
323:    with TSMonitorLGCtxCreate().

325:    Collective on TSMonitorLGCtx

327:    Input Parameter:
328: .  ctx - the monitor context

330:    Level: intermediate

332: .seealso: TSMonitorLGCtxCreate(),  TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorLGTimeStep();
333: @*/
334: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorLGCtxDestroy(TSMonitorLGCtx *ctx)
335: {
336:   if ((*ctx)->transformdestroy) {
337:     ((*ctx)->transformdestroy)((*ctx)->transformctx);
338:   }
339:   PetscDrawLGDestroy(&(*ctx)->lg);
340:   PetscStrArrayDestroy(&(*ctx)->names);
341:   PetscStrArrayDestroy(&(*ctx)->displaynames);
342:   PetscFree((*ctx)->displayvariables);
343:   PetscFree((*ctx)->displayvalues);
344:   PetscFree(*ctx);
345:   return 0;
346: }

348: /* Creates a TS Monitor SPCtx for use with DMSwarm particle visualizations */
349: PetscErrorCode TSMonitorSPCtxCreate(MPI_Comm comm,const char host[],const char label[],int x,int y,int m,int n,PetscInt howoften,PetscInt retain,PetscBool phase,TSMonitorSPCtx *ctx)
350: {
351:   PetscDraw      draw;

353:   PetscNew(ctx);
354:   PetscDrawCreate(comm,host,label,x,y,m,n,&draw);
355:   PetscDrawSetFromOptions(draw);
356:   PetscDrawSPCreate(draw,1,&(*ctx)->sp);
357:   PetscDrawDestroy(&draw);
358:   (*ctx)->howoften = howoften;
359:   (*ctx)->retain   = retain;
360:   (*ctx)->phase    = phase;
361:   return 0;
362: }

364: /*
365:   Destroys a TSMonitorSPCtx that was created with TSMonitorSPCtxCreate
366: */
367: PetscErrorCode TSMonitorSPCtxDestroy(TSMonitorSPCtx *ctx)
368: {

370:   PetscDrawSPDestroy(&(*ctx)->sp);
371:   PetscFree(*ctx);

373:   return 0;

375: }

377: /*@C
378:    TSMonitorDrawSolution - Monitors progress of the TS solvers by calling
379:    VecView() for the solution at each timestep

381:    Collective on TS

383:    Input Parameters:
384: +  ts - the TS context
385: .  step - current time-step
386: .  ptime - current time
387: -  dummy - either a viewer or NULL

389:    Options Database:
390: .   -ts_monitor_draw_solution_initial - show initial solution as well as current solution

392:    Notes:
393:     the initial solution and current solution are not display with a common axis scaling so generally the option -ts_monitor_draw_solution_initial
394:        will look bad

396:    Level: intermediate

398: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView()
399: @*/
400: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorDrawSolution(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal ptime,Vec u,void *dummy)
401: {
402:   TSMonitorDrawCtx ictx = (TSMonitorDrawCtx)dummy;
403:   PetscDraw        draw;

405:   if (!step && ictx->showinitial) {
406:     if (!ictx->initialsolution) {
407:       VecDuplicate(u,&ictx->initialsolution);
408:     }
409:     VecCopy(u,ictx->initialsolution);
410:   }
411:   if (!(((ictx->howoften > 0) && (!(step % ictx->howoften))) || ((ictx->howoften == -1) && ts->reason))) return 0;

413:   if (ictx->showinitial) {
414:     PetscReal pause;
415:     PetscViewerDrawGetPause(ictx->viewer,&pause);
416:     PetscViewerDrawSetPause(ictx->viewer,0.0);
417:     VecView(ictx->initialsolution,ictx->viewer);
418:     PetscViewerDrawSetPause(ictx->viewer,pause);
419:     PetscViewerDrawSetHold(ictx->viewer,PETSC_TRUE);
420:   }
421:   VecView(u,ictx->viewer);
422:   if (ictx->showtimestepandtime) {
423:     PetscReal xl,yl,xr,yr,h;
424:     char      time[32];

426:     PetscViewerDrawGetDraw(ictx->viewer,0,&draw);
427:     PetscSNPrintf(time,32,"Timestep %d Time %g",(int)step,(double)ptime);
428:     PetscDrawGetCoordinates(draw,&xl,&yl,&xr,&yr);
429:     h    = yl + .95*(yr - yl);
430:     PetscDrawStringCentered(draw,.5*(xl+xr),h,PETSC_DRAW_BLACK,time);
431:     PetscDrawFlush(draw);
432:   }

434:   if (ictx->showinitial) {
435:     PetscViewerDrawSetHold(ictx->viewer,PETSC_FALSE);
436:   }
437:   return 0;
438: }

440: /*@C
441:    TSMonitorDrawSolutionPhase - Monitors progress of the TS solvers by plotting the solution as a phase diagram

443:    Collective on TS

445:    Input Parameters:
446: +  ts - the TS context
447: .  step - current time-step
448: .  ptime - current time
449: -  dummy - either a viewer or NULL

451:    Level: intermediate

453: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView()
454: @*/
455: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorDrawSolutionPhase(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal ptime,Vec u,void *dummy)
456: {
457:   TSMonitorDrawCtx  ictx = (TSMonitorDrawCtx)dummy;
458:   PetscDraw         draw;
459:   PetscDrawAxis     axis;
460:   PetscInt          n;
461:   PetscMPIInt       size;
462:   PetscReal         U0,U1,xl,yl,xr,yr,h;
463:   char              time[32];
464:   const PetscScalar *U;
465:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;

467:   MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),&size);
469:   VecGetSize(u,&n);

472:   PetscViewerDrawGetDraw(ictx->viewer,0,&draw);
473:   PetscViewerDrawGetDrawAxis(ictx->viewer,0,&axis);
474:   PetscDrawAxisGetLimits(axis,&xl,&xr,&yl,&yr);
475:   if (!step) {
476:     PetscDrawClear(draw);
477:     PetscDrawAxisDraw(axis);
478:   }

480:   VecGetArrayRead(u,&U);
481:   U0 = PetscRealPart(U[0]);
482:   U1 = PetscRealPart(U[1]);
483:   VecRestoreArrayRead(u,&U);
484:   if ((U0 < xl) || (U1 < yl) || (U0 > xr) || (U1 > yr)) return 0;

486:   PetscDrawCollectiveBegin(draw);
487:   PetscDrawPoint(draw,U0,U1,PETSC_DRAW_BLACK);
488:   if (ictx->showtimestepandtime) {
489:     PetscDrawGetCoordinates(draw,&xl,&yl,&xr,&yr);
490:     PetscSNPrintf(time,32,"Timestep %d Time %g",(int)step,(double)ptime);
491:     h    = yl + .95*(yr - yl);
492:     PetscDrawStringCentered(draw,.5*(xl+xr),h,PETSC_DRAW_BLACK,time);
493:   }
494:   PetscDrawCollectiveEnd(draw);
495:   PetscDrawFlush(draw);
496:   PetscDrawPause(draw);
497:   PetscDrawSave(draw);
498:   return 0;
499: }

501: /*@C
502:    TSMonitorDrawCtxDestroy - Destroys the monitor context for TSMonitorDrawSolution()

504:    Collective on TS

506:    Input Parameters:
507: .    ctx - the monitor context

509:    Level: intermediate

511: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSMonitorDrawSolution(), TSMonitorDrawError()
512: @*/
513: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorDrawCtxDestroy(TSMonitorDrawCtx *ictx)
514: {
515:   PetscViewerDestroy(&(*ictx)->viewer);
516:   VecDestroy(&(*ictx)->initialsolution);
517:   PetscFree(*ictx);
518:   return 0;
519: }

521: /*@C
522:    TSMonitorDrawCtxCreate - Creates the monitor context for TSMonitorDrawCtx

524:    Collective on TS

526:    Input Parameter:
527: .    ts - time-step context

529:    Output Patameter:
530: .    ctx - the monitor context

532:    Options Database:
533: .   -ts_monitor_draw_solution_initial - show initial solution as well as current solution

535:    Level: intermediate

537: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSMonitorDrawCtx()
538: @*/
539: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorDrawCtxCreate(MPI_Comm comm,const char host[],const char label[],int x,int y,int m,int n,PetscInt howoften,TSMonitorDrawCtx *ctx)
540: {
541:   PetscNew(ctx);
542:   PetscViewerDrawOpen(comm,host,label,x,y,m,n,&(*ctx)->viewer);
543:   PetscViewerSetFromOptions((*ctx)->viewer);

545:   (*ctx)->howoften    = howoften;
546:   (*ctx)->showinitial = PETSC_FALSE;
547:   PetscOptionsGetBool(NULL,NULL,"-ts_monitor_draw_solution_initial",&(*ctx)->showinitial,NULL);

549:   (*ctx)->showtimestepandtime = PETSC_FALSE;
550:   PetscOptionsGetBool(NULL,NULL,"-ts_monitor_draw_solution_show_time",&(*ctx)->showtimestepandtime,NULL);
551:   return 0;
552: }

554: /*@C
555:    TSMonitorDrawSolutionFunction - Monitors progress of the TS solvers by calling
556:    VecView() for the solution provided by TSSetSolutionFunction() at each timestep

558:    Collective on TS

560:    Input Parameters:
561: +  ts - the TS context
562: .  step - current time-step
563: .  ptime - current time
564: -  dummy - either a viewer or NULL

566:    Options Database:
567: .  -ts_monitor_draw_solution_function - Monitor error graphically, requires user to have provided TSSetSolutionFunction()

569:    Level: intermediate

571: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSSetSolutionFunction()
572: @*/
573: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorDrawSolutionFunction(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal ptime,Vec u,void *dummy)
574: {
575:   TSMonitorDrawCtx ctx    = (TSMonitorDrawCtx)dummy;
576:   PetscViewer      viewer = ctx->viewer;
577:   Vec              work;

579:   if (!(((ctx->howoften > 0) && (!(step % ctx->howoften))) || ((ctx->howoften == -1) && ts->reason))) return 0;
580:   VecDuplicate(u,&work);
581:   TSComputeSolutionFunction(ts,ptime,work);
582:   VecView(work,viewer);
583:   VecDestroy(&work);
584:   return 0;
585: }

587: /*@C
588:    TSMonitorDrawError - Monitors progress of the TS solvers by calling
589:    VecView() for the error at each timestep

591:    Collective on TS

593:    Input Parameters:
594: +  ts - the TS context
595: .  step - current time-step
596: .  ptime - current time
597: -  dummy - either a viewer or NULL

599:    Options Database:
600: .  -ts_monitor_draw_error - Monitor error graphically, requires user to have provided TSSetSolutionFunction()

602:    Level: intermediate

604: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSSetSolutionFunction()
605: @*/
606: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorDrawError(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal ptime,Vec u,void *dummy)
607: {
608:   TSMonitorDrawCtx ctx    = (TSMonitorDrawCtx)dummy;
609:   PetscViewer      viewer = ctx->viewer;
610:   Vec              work;

612:   if (!(((ctx->howoften > 0) && (!(step % ctx->howoften))) || ((ctx->howoften == -1) && ts->reason))) return 0;
613:   VecDuplicate(u,&work);
614:   TSComputeSolutionFunction(ts,ptime,work);
615:   VecAXPY(work,-1.0,u);
616:   VecView(work,viewer);
617:   VecDestroy(&work);
618:   return 0;
619: }

621: /*@C
622:    TSMonitorSolution - Monitors progress of the TS solvers by VecView() for the solution at each timestep. Normally the viewer is a binary file or a PetscDraw object

624:    Collective on TS

626:    Input Parameters:
627: +  ts - the TS context
628: .  step - current time-step
629: .  ptime - current time
630: .  u - current state
631: -  vf - viewer and its format

633:    Level: intermediate

635: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView()
636: @*/
637: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorSolution(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal ptime,Vec u,PetscViewerAndFormat *vf)
638: {
639:   PetscViewerPushFormat(vf->viewer,vf->format);
640:   VecView(u,vf->viewer);
641:   PetscViewerPopFormat(vf->viewer);
642:   return 0;
643: }

645: /*@C
646:    TSMonitorSolutionVTK - Monitors progress of the TS solvers by VecView() for the solution at each timestep.

648:    Collective on TS

650:    Input Parameters:
651: +  ts - the TS context
652: .  step - current time-step
653: .  ptime - current time
654: .  u - current state
655: -  filenametemplate - string containing a format specifier for the integer time step (e.g. %03D)

657:    Level: intermediate

659:    Notes:
660:    The VTK format does not allow writing multiple time steps in the same file, therefore a different file will be written for each time step.
661:    These are named according to the file name template.

663:    This function is normally passed as an argument to TSMonitorSet() along with TSMonitorSolutionVTKDestroy().

665: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView()
666: @*/
667: PetscErrorCode TSMonitorSolutionVTK(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal ptime,Vec u,void *filenametemplate)
668: {
669:   char           filename[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
670:   PetscViewer    viewer;

672:   if (step < 0) return 0; /* -1 indicates interpolated solution */
673:   PetscSNPrintf(filename,sizeof(filename),(const char*)filenametemplate,step);
674:   PetscViewerVTKOpen(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),filename,FILE_MODE_WRITE,&viewer);
675:   VecView(u,viewer);
676:   PetscViewerDestroy(&viewer);
677:   return 0;
678: }

680: /*@C
681:    TSMonitorSolutionVTKDestroy - Destroy context for monitoring

683:    Collective on TS

685:    Input Parameters:
686: .  filenametemplate - string containing a format specifier for the integer time step (e.g. %03D)

688:    Level: intermediate

690:    Note:
691:    This function is normally passed to TSMonitorSet() along with TSMonitorSolutionVTK().

693: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorSolutionVTK()
694: @*/
695: PetscErrorCode TSMonitorSolutionVTKDestroy(void *filenametemplate)
696: {
697:   PetscFree(*(char**)filenametemplate);
698:   return 0;
699: }

701: /*@C
702:    TSMonitorLGSolution - Monitors progress of the TS solvers by plotting each component of the solution vector
703:        in a time based line graph

705:    Collective on TS

707:    Input Parameters:
708: +  ts - the TS context
709: .  step - current time-step
710: .  ptime - current time
711: .  u - current solution
712: -  dctx - the TSMonitorLGCtx object that contains all the options for the monitoring, this is created with TSMonitorLGCtxCreate()

714:    Options Database:
715: .   -ts_monitor_lg_solution_variables - enable monitor of lg solution variables

717:    Level: intermediate

719:    Notes:
720:     Each process in a parallel run displays its component solutions in a separate window

722: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSMonitorLGCtxCreate(), TSMonitorLGCtxSetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGCtxGetVariableNames(),
723:            TSMonitorLGSetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGGetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGSetDisplayVariables(), TSMonitorLGCtxSetDisplayVariables(),
724:            TSMonitorLGCtxSetTransform(), TSMonitorLGSetTransform(), TSMonitorLGError(), TSMonitorLGSNESIterations(), TSMonitorLGKSPIterations(),
725:            TSMonitorEnvelopeCtxCreate(), TSMonitorEnvelopeGetBounds(), TSMonitorEnvelopeCtxDestroy(), TSMonitorEnvelop()
726: @*/
727: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorLGSolution(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal ptime,Vec u,void *dctx)
728: {
729:   TSMonitorLGCtx    ctx = (TSMonitorLGCtx)dctx;
730:   const PetscScalar *yy;
731:   Vec               v;

733:   if (step < 0) return 0; /* -1 indicates interpolated solution */
734:   if (!step) {
735:     PetscDrawAxis axis;
736:     PetscInt      dim;
737:     PetscDrawLGGetAxis(ctx->lg,&axis);
738:     PetscDrawAxisSetLabels(axis,"Solution as function of time","Time","Solution");
739:     if (!ctx->names) {
740:       PetscBool flg;
741:       /* user provides names of variables to plot but no names has been set so assume names are integer values */
742:       PetscOptionsHasName(((PetscObject)ts)->options,((PetscObject)ts)->prefix,"-ts_monitor_lg_solution_variables",&flg);
743:       if (flg) {
744:         PetscInt i,n;
745:         char     **names;
746:         VecGetSize(u,&n);
747:         PetscMalloc1(n+1,&names);
748:         for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
749:           PetscMalloc1(5,&names[i]);
750:           PetscSNPrintf(names[i],5,"%D",i);
751:         }
752:         names[n] = NULL;
753:         ctx->names = names;
754:       }
755:     }
756:     if (ctx->names && !ctx->displaynames) {
757:       char      **displaynames;
758:       PetscBool flg;
759:       VecGetLocalSize(u,&dim);
760:       PetscCalloc1(dim+1,&displaynames);
761:       PetscOptionsGetStringArray(((PetscObject)ts)->options,((PetscObject)ts)->prefix,"-ts_monitor_lg_solution_variables",displaynames,&dim,&flg);
762:       if (flg) {
763:         TSMonitorLGCtxSetDisplayVariables(ctx,(const char *const *)displaynames);
764:       }
765:       PetscStrArrayDestroy(&displaynames);
766:     }
767:     if (ctx->displaynames) {
768:       PetscDrawLGSetDimension(ctx->lg,ctx->ndisplayvariables);
769:       PetscDrawLGSetLegend(ctx->lg,(const char *const *)ctx->displaynames);
770:     } else if (ctx->names) {
771:       VecGetLocalSize(u,&dim);
772:       PetscDrawLGSetDimension(ctx->lg,dim);
773:       PetscDrawLGSetLegend(ctx->lg,(const char *const *)ctx->names);
774:     } else {
775:       VecGetLocalSize(u,&dim);
776:       PetscDrawLGSetDimension(ctx->lg,dim);
777:     }
778:     PetscDrawLGReset(ctx->lg);
779:   }

781:   if (!ctx->transform) v = u;
782:   else (*ctx->transform)(ctx->transformctx,u,&v);
783:   VecGetArrayRead(v,&yy);
784:   if (ctx->displaynames) {
785:     PetscInt i;
786:     for (i=0; i<ctx->ndisplayvariables; i++)
787:       ctx->displayvalues[i] = PetscRealPart(yy[ctx->displayvariables[i]]);
788:     PetscDrawLGAddCommonPoint(ctx->lg,ptime,ctx->displayvalues);
789:   } else {
790: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
791:     PetscInt  i,n;
792:     PetscReal *yreal;
793:     VecGetLocalSize(v,&n);
794:     PetscMalloc1(n,&yreal);
795:     for (i=0; i<n; i++) yreal[i] = PetscRealPart(yy[i]);
796:     PetscDrawLGAddCommonPoint(ctx->lg,ptime,yreal);
797:     PetscFree(yreal);
798: #else
799:     PetscDrawLGAddCommonPoint(ctx->lg,ptime,yy);
800: #endif
801:   }
802:   VecRestoreArrayRead(v,&yy);
803:   if (ctx->transform) VecDestroy(&v);

805:   if (((ctx->howoften > 0) && (!(step % ctx->howoften))) || ((ctx->howoften == -1) && ts->reason)) {
806:     PetscDrawLGDraw(ctx->lg);
807:     PetscDrawLGSave(ctx->lg);
808:   }
809:   return 0;
810: }

812: /*@C
813:    TSMonitorLGSetVariableNames - Sets the name of each component in the solution vector so that it may be displayed in the plot

815:    Collective on TS

817:    Input Parameters:
818: +  ts - the TS context
819: -  names - the names of the components, final string must be NULL

821:    Level: intermediate

823:    Notes:
824:     If the TS object does not have a TSMonitorLGCtx associated with it then this function is ignored

826: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSMonitorLGSetDisplayVariables(), TSMonitorLGCtxSetVariableNames()
827: @*/
828: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorLGSetVariableNames(TS ts,const char * const *names)
829: {
830:   PetscInt          i;

832:   for (i=0; i<ts->numbermonitors; i++) {
833:     if (ts->monitor[i] == TSMonitorLGSolution) {
834:       TSMonitorLGCtxSetVariableNames((TSMonitorLGCtx)ts->monitorcontext[i],names);
835:       break;
836:     }
837:   }
838:   return 0;
839: }

841: /*@C
842:    TSMonitorLGCtxSetVariableNames - Sets the name of each component in the solution vector so that it may be displayed in the plot

844:    Collective on TS

846:    Input Parameters:
847: +  ts - the TS context
848: -  names - the names of the components, final string must be NULL

850:    Level: intermediate

852: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSMonitorLGSetDisplayVariables(), TSMonitorLGSetVariableNames()
853: @*/
854: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorLGCtxSetVariableNames(TSMonitorLGCtx ctx,const char * const *names)
855: {
856:   PetscStrArrayDestroy(&ctx->names);
857:   PetscStrArrayallocpy(names,&ctx->names);
858:   return 0;
859: }

861: /*@C
862:    TSMonitorLGGetVariableNames - Gets the name of each component in the solution vector so that it may be displayed in the plot

864:    Collective on TS

866:    Input Parameter:
867: .  ts - the TS context

869:    Output Parameter:
870: .  names - the names of the components, final string must be NULL

872:    Level: intermediate

874:    Notes:
875:     If the TS object does not have a TSMonitorLGCtx associated with it then this function is ignored

877: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSMonitorLGSetDisplayVariables()
878: @*/
879: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorLGGetVariableNames(TS ts,const char *const **names)
880: {
881:   PetscInt       i;

883:   *names = NULL;
884:   for (i=0; i<ts->numbermonitors; i++) {
885:     if (ts->monitor[i] == TSMonitorLGSolution) {
886:       TSMonitorLGCtx  ctx = (TSMonitorLGCtx) ts->monitorcontext[i];
887:       *names = (const char *const *)ctx->names;
888:       break;
889:     }
890:   }
891:   return 0;
892: }

894: /*@C
895:    TSMonitorLGCtxSetDisplayVariables - Sets the variables that are to be display in the monitor

897:    Collective on TS

899:    Input Parameters:
900: +  ctx - the TSMonitorLG context
901: -  displaynames - the names of the components, final string must be NULL

903:    Level: intermediate

905: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSMonitorLGSetVariableNames()
906: @*/
907: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorLGCtxSetDisplayVariables(TSMonitorLGCtx ctx,const char * const *displaynames)
908: {
909:   PetscInt          j = 0,k;

911:   if (!ctx->names) return 0;
912:   PetscStrArrayDestroy(&ctx->displaynames);
913:   PetscStrArrayallocpy(displaynames,&ctx->displaynames);
914:   while (displaynames[j]) j++;
915:   ctx->ndisplayvariables = j;
916:   PetscMalloc1(ctx->ndisplayvariables,&ctx->displayvariables);
917:   PetscMalloc1(ctx->ndisplayvariables,&ctx->displayvalues);
918:   j = 0;
919:   while (displaynames[j]) {
920:     k = 0;
921:     while (ctx->names[k]) {
922:       PetscBool flg;
923:       PetscStrcmp(displaynames[j],ctx->names[k],&flg);
924:       if (flg) {
925:         ctx->displayvariables[j] = k;
926:         break;
927:       }
928:       k++;
929:     }
930:     j++;
931:   }
932:   return 0;
933: }

935: /*@C
936:    TSMonitorLGSetDisplayVariables - Sets the variables that are to be display in the monitor

938:    Collective on TS

940:    Input Parameters:
941: +  ts - the TS context
942: -  displaynames - the names of the components, final string must be NULL

944:    Notes:
945:     If the TS object does not have a TSMonitorLGCtx associated with it then this function is ignored

947:    Level: intermediate

949: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSMonitorLGSetVariableNames()
950: @*/
951: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorLGSetDisplayVariables(TS ts,const char * const *displaynames)
952: {
953:   PetscInt          i;

955:   for (i=0; i<ts->numbermonitors; i++) {
956:     if (ts->monitor[i] == TSMonitorLGSolution) {
957:       TSMonitorLGCtxSetDisplayVariables((TSMonitorLGCtx)ts->monitorcontext[i],displaynames);
958:       break;
959:     }
960:   }
961:   return 0;
962: }

964: /*@C
965:    TSMonitorLGSetTransform - Solution vector will be transformed by provided function before being displayed

967:    Collective on TS

969:    Input Parameters:
970: +  ts - the TS context
971: .  transform - the transform function
972: .  destroy - function to destroy the optional context
973: -  ctx - optional context used by transform function

975:    Notes:
976:     If the TS object does not have a TSMonitorLGCtx associated with it then this function is ignored

978:    Level: intermediate

980: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSMonitorLGSetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGCtxSetTransform()
981: @*/
982: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorLGSetTransform(TS ts,PetscErrorCode (*transform)(void*,Vec,Vec*),PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(void*),void *tctx)
983: {
984:   PetscInt          i;

986:   for (i=0; i<ts->numbermonitors; i++) {
987:     if (ts->monitor[i] == TSMonitorLGSolution) {
988:       TSMonitorLGCtxSetTransform((TSMonitorLGCtx)ts->monitorcontext[i],transform,destroy,tctx);
989:     }
990:   }
991:   return 0;
992: }

994: /*@C
995:    TSMonitorLGCtxSetTransform - Solution vector will be transformed by provided function before being displayed

997:    Collective on TSLGCtx

999:    Input Parameters:
1000: +  ts - the TS context
1001: .  transform - the transform function
1002: .  destroy - function to destroy the optional context
1003: -  ctx - optional context used by transform function

1005:    Level: intermediate

1007: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSMonitorLGSetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGSetTransform()
1008: @*/
1009: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorLGCtxSetTransform(TSMonitorLGCtx ctx,PetscErrorCode (*transform)(void*,Vec,Vec*),PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(void*),void *tctx)
1010: {
1011:   ctx->transform    = transform;
1012:   ctx->transformdestroy = destroy;
1013:   ctx->transformctx = tctx;
1014:   return 0;
1015: }

1017: /*@C
1018:    TSMonitorLGError - Monitors progress of the TS solvers by plotting each component of the error
1019:        in a time based line graph

1021:    Collective on TS

1023:    Input Parameters:
1024: +  ts - the TS context
1025: .  step - current time-step
1026: .  ptime - current time
1027: .  u - current solution
1028: -  dctx - TSMonitorLGCtx object created with TSMonitorLGCtxCreate()

1030:    Level: intermediate

1032:    Notes:
1033:     Each process in a parallel run displays its component errors in a separate window

1035:    The user must provide the solution using TSSetSolutionFunction() to use this monitor.

1037:    Options Database Keys:
1038: .  -ts_monitor_lg_error - create a graphical monitor of error history

1040: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSSetSolutionFunction()
1041: @*/
1042: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorLGError(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal ptime,Vec u,void *dummy)
1043: {
1044:   TSMonitorLGCtx    ctx = (TSMonitorLGCtx)dummy;
1045:   const PetscScalar *yy;
1046:   Vec               y;

1048:   if (!step) {
1049:     PetscDrawAxis axis;
1050:     PetscInt      dim;
1051:     PetscDrawLGGetAxis(ctx->lg,&axis);
1052:     PetscDrawAxisSetLabels(axis,"Error in solution as function of time","Time","Error");
1053:     VecGetLocalSize(u,&dim);
1054:     PetscDrawLGSetDimension(ctx->lg,dim);
1055:     PetscDrawLGReset(ctx->lg);
1056:   }
1057:   VecDuplicate(u,&y);
1058:   TSComputeSolutionFunction(ts,ptime,y);
1059:   VecAXPY(y,-1.0,u);
1060:   VecGetArrayRead(y,&yy);
1061: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
1062:   {
1063:     PetscReal *yreal;
1064:     PetscInt  i,n;
1065:     VecGetLocalSize(y,&n);
1066:     PetscMalloc1(n,&yreal);
1067:     for (i=0; i<n; i++) yreal[i] = PetscRealPart(yy[i]);
1068:     PetscDrawLGAddCommonPoint(ctx->lg,ptime,yreal);
1069:     PetscFree(yreal);
1070:   }
1071: #else
1072:   PetscDrawLGAddCommonPoint(ctx->lg,ptime,yy);
1073: #endif
1074:   VecRestoreArrayRead(y,&yy);
1075:   VecDestroy(&y);
1076:   if (((ctx->howoften > 0) && (!(step % ctx->howoften))) || ((ctx->howoften == -1) && ts->reason)) {
1077:     PetscDrawLGDraw(ctx->lg);
1078:     PetscDrawLGSave(ctx->lg);
1079:   }
1080:   return 0;
1081: }

1083: /*@C
1084:    TSMonitorSPSwarmSolution - Graphically displays phase plots of DMSwarm particles on a scatter plot

1086:    Input Parameters:
1087: +  ts - the TS context
1088: .  step - current time-step
1089: .  ptime - current time
1090: .  u - current solution
1091: -  dctx - the TSMonitorSPCtx object that contains all the options for the monitoring, this is created with TSMonitorSPCtxCreate()

1093:    Options Database:
1094: + -ts_monitor_sp_swarm <n>          - Monitor the solution every n steps, or -1 for plotting only the final solution
1095: . -ts_monitor_sp_swarm_retain <n>   - Retain n old points so we can see the history, or -1 for all points
1096: - -ts_monitor_sp_swarm_phase <bool> - Plot in phase space, as opposed to coordinate space

1098:    Level: intermediate

1100: .seealso: TSMonitoSet()
1101: @*/
1102: PetscErrorCode TSMonitorSPSwarmSolution(TS ts, PetscInt step, PetscReal ptime, Vec u, void *dctx)
1103: {
1104:   TSMonitorSPCtx     ctx = (TSMonitorSPCtx) dctx;
1105:   DM                 dm, cdm;
1106:   const PetscScalar *yy;
1107:   PetscReal         *y, *x;
1108:   PetscInt           Np, p, dim = 2;

1110:   if (step < 0) return 0; /* -1 indicates interpolated solution */
1111:   if (!step) {
1112:     PetscDrawAxis axis;
1113:     PetscReal     dmboxlower[2], dmboxupper[2];
1114:     TSGetDM(ts, &dm);
1115:     DMGetDimension(dm, &dim);
1117:     DMSwarmGetCellDM(dm, &cdm);
1118:     DMGetBoundingBox(cdm, dmboxlower, dmboxupper);
1119:     VecGetLocalSize(u, &Np);
1120:     Np /= dim*2;
1121:     PetscDrawSPGetAxis(ctx->sp,&axis);
1122:     if (ctx->phase) {
1123:       PetscDrawAxisSetLabels(axis,"Particles","X","V");
1124:       PetscDrawAxisSetLimits(axis, dmboxlower[0], dmboxupper[0], -5, 5);
1125:     } else {
1126:       PetscDrawAxisSetLabels(axis,"Particles","X","Y");
1127:       PetscDrawAxisSetLimits(axis, dmboxlower[0], dmboxupper[0], dmboxlower[1], dmboxupper[1]);
1128:     }
1129:     PetscDrawAxisSetHoldLimits(axis, PETSC_TRUE);
1130:     PetscDrawSPSetDimension(ctx->sp, Np);
1131:     PetscDrawSPReset(ctx->sp);
1132:   }
1133:   VecGetLocalSize(u, &Np);
1134:   Np /= dim*2;
1135:   VecGetArrayRead(u,&yy);
1136:   PetscMalloc2(Np, &x, Np, &y);
1137:   /* get points from solution vector */
1138:   for (p = 0; p < Np; ++p) {
1139:     if (ctx->phase) {
1140:       x[p] = PetscRealPart(yy[p*dim*2]);
1141:       y[p] = PetscRealPart(yy[p*dim*2 + dim]);
1142:     } else {
1143:       x[p] = PetscRealPart(yy[p*dim*2]);
1144:       y[p] = PetscRealPart(yy[p*dim*2 + 1]);
1145:     }
1146:   }
1147:   VecRestoreArrayRead(u,&yy);
1148:   if (((ctx->howoften > 0) && (!(step % ctx->howoften))) || ((ctx->howoften == -1) && ts->reason)) {
1149:     PetscDraw draw;
1150:     PetscDrawSPGetDraw(ctx->sp, &draw);
1151:     if ((ctx->retain == 0) || (ctx->retain > 0 && !(step % ctx->retain))) {
1152:       PetscDrawClear(draw);
1153:     }
1154:     PetscDrawFlush(draw);
1155:     PetscDrawSPReset(ctx->sp);
1156:     PetscDrawSPAddPoint(ctx->sp, x, y);
1157:     PetscDrawSPDraw(ctx->sp, PETSC_FALSE);
1158:     PetscDrawSPSave(ctx->sp);
1159:   }
1160:   PetscFree2(x, y);
1161:   return 0;
1162: }

1164: /*@C
1165:    TSMonitorError - Monitors progress of the TS solvers by printing the 2 norm of the error at each timestep

1167:    Collective on TS

1169:    Input Parameters:
1170: +  ts - the TS context
1171: .  step - current time-step
1172: .  ptime - current time
1173: .  u - current solution
1174: -  dctx - unused context

1176:    Level: intermediate

1178:    The user must provide the solution using TSSetSolutionFunction() to use this monitor.

1180:    Options Database Keys:
1181: .  -ts_monitor_error - create a graphical monitor of error history

1183: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSSetSolutionFunction()
1184: @*/
1185: PetscErrorCode TSMonitorError(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal ptime,Vec u,PetscViewerAndFormat *vf)
1186: {
1187:   DM             dm;
1188:   PetscDS        ds = NULL;
1189:   PetscInt       Nf = -1, f;
1190:   PetscBool      flg;

1192:   TSGetDM(ts, &dm);
1193:   if (dm) DMGetDS(dm, &ds);
1194:   if (ds) PetscDSGetNumFields(ds, &Nf);
1195:   if (Nf <= 0) {
1196:     Vec       y;
1197:     PetscReal nrm;

1199:     VecDuplicate(u,&y);
1200:     TSComputeSolutionFunction(ts,ptime,y);
1201:     VecAXPY(y,-1.0,u);
1202:     PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)vf->viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&flg);
1203:     if (flg) {
1204:       VecNorm(y,NORM_2,&nrm);
1205:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(vf->viewer,"2-norm of error %g\n",(double)nrm);
1206:     }
1207:     PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)vf->viewer,PETSCVIEWERDRAW,&flg);
1208:     if (flg) {
1209:       VecView(y,vf->viewer);
1210:     }
1211:     VecDestroy(&y);
1212:   } else {
1213:     PetscErrorCode (**exactFuncs)(PetscInt dim, PetscReal time, const PetscReal x[], PetscInt Nf, PetscScalar *u, void *ctx);
1214:     void            **ctxs;
1215:     Vec               v;
1216:     PetscReal         ferrors[1];

1218:     PetscMalloc2(Nf, &exactFuncs, Nf, &ctxs);
1219:     for (f = 0; f < Nf; ++f) PetscDSGetExactSolution(ds, f, &exactFuncs[f], &ctxs[f]);
1220:     DMComputeL2FieldDiff(dm, ptime, exactFuncs, ctxs, u, ferrors);
1221:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Timestep: %04d time = %-8.4g \t L_2 Error: [", (int) step, (double) ptime);
1222:     for (f = 0; f < Nf; ++f) {
1223:       if (f > 0) PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, ", ");
1224:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "%2.3g", (double) ferrors[f]);
1225:     }
1226:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "]\n");

1228:     VecViewFromOptions(u, NULL, "-sol_vec_view");

1230:     PetscOptionsHasName(NULL, NULL, "-exact_vec_view", &flg);
1231:     if (flg) {
1232:       DMGetGlobalVector(dm, &v);
1233:       DMProjectFunction(dm, ptime, exactFuncs, ctxs, INSERT_ALL_VALUES, v);
1234:       PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) v, "Exact Solution");
1235:       VecViewFromOptions(v, NULL, "-exact_vec_view");
1236:       DMRestoreGlobalVector(dm, &v);
1237:     }
1238:     PetscFree2(exactFuncs, ctxs);
1239:   }
1240:   return 0;
1241: }

1243: PetscErrorCode TSMonitorLGSNESIterations(TS ts,PetscInt n,PetscReal ptime,Vec v,void *monctx)
1244: {
1245:   TSMonitorLGCtx ctx = (TSMonitorLGCtx) monctx;
1246:   PetscReal      x   = ptime,y;
1247:   PetscInt       its;

1249:   if (n < 0) return 0; /* -1 indicates interpolated solution */
1250:   if (!n) {
1251:     PetscDrawAxis axis;
1252:     PetscDrawLGGetAxis(ctx->lg,&axis);
1253:     PetscDrawAxisSetLabels(axis,"Nonlinear iterations as function of time","Time","SNES Iterations");
1254:     PetscDrawLGReset(ctx->lg);
1255:     ctx->snes_its = 0;
1256:   }
1257:   TSGetSNESIterations(ts,&its);
1258:   y    = its - ctx->snes_its;
1259:   PetscDrawLGAddPoint(ctx->lg,&x,&y);
1260:   if (((ctx->howoften > 0) && (!(n % ctx->howoften)) && (n > -1)) || ((ctx->howoften == -1) && (n == -1))) {
1261:     PetscDrawLGDraw(ctx->lg);
1262:     PetscDrawLGSave(ctx->lg);
1263:   }
1264:   ctx->snes_its = its;
1265:   return 0;
1266: }

1268: PetscErrorCode TSMonitorLGKSPIterations(TS ts,PetscInt n,PetscReal ptime,Vec v,void *monctx)
1269: {
1270:   TSMonitorLGCtx ctx = (TSMonitorLGCtx) monctx;
1271:   PetscReal      x   = ptime,y;
1272:   PetscInt       its;

1274:   if (n < 0) return 0; /* -1 indicates interpolated solution */
1275:   if (!n) {
1276:     PetscDrawAxis axis;
1277:     PetscDrawLGGetAxis(ctx->lg,&axis);
1278:     PetscDrawAxisSetLabels(axis,"Linear iterations as function of time","Time","KSP Iterations");
1279:     PetscDrawLGReset(ctx->lg);
1280:     ctx->ksp_its = 0;
1281:   }
1282:   TSGetKSPIterations(ts,&its);
1283:   y    = its - ctx->ksp_its;
1284:   PetscDrawLGAddPoint(ctx->lg,&x,&y);
1285:   if (((ctx->howoften > 0) && (!(n % ctx->howoften)) && (n > -1)) || ((ctx->howoften == -1) && (n == -1))) {
1286:     PetscDrawLGDraw(ctx->lg);
1287:     PetscDrawLGSave(ctx->lg);
1288:   }
1289:   ctx->ksp_its = its;
1290:   return 0;
1291: }

1293: /*@C
1294:    TSMonitorEnvelopeCtxCreate - Creates a context for use with TSMonitorEnvelope()

1296:    Collective on TS

1298:    Input Parameters:
1299: .  ts  - the ODE solver object

1301:    Output Parameter:
1302: .  ctx - the context

1304:    Level: intermediate

1306: .seealso: TSMonitorLGTimeStep(), TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorLGSolution(), TSMonitorLGError()

1308: @*/
1309: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorEnvelopeCtxCreate(TS ts,TSMonitorEnvelopeCtx *ctx)
1310: {
1311:   PetscNew(ctx);
1312:   return 0;
1313: }

1315: /*@C
1316:    TSMonitorEnvelope - Monitors the maximum and minimum value of each component of the solution

1318:    Collective on TS

1320:    Input Parameters:
1321: +  ts - the TS context
1322: .  step - current time-step
1323: .  ptime - current time
1324: .  u  - current solution
1325: -  dctx - the envelope context

1327:    Options Database:
1328: .  -ts_monitor_envelope - determine maximum and minimum value of each component of the solution over the solution time

1330:    Level: intermediate

1332:    Notes:
1333:     after a solve you can use TSMonitorEnvelopeGetBounds() to access the envelope

1335: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSMonitorEnvelopeGetBounds(), TSMonitorEnvelopeCtxCreate()
1336: @*/
1337: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorEnvelope(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal ptime,Vec u,void *dctx)
1338: {
1339:   TSMonitorEnvelopeCtx ctx = (TSMonitorEnvelopeCtx)dctx;

1341:   if (!ctx->max) {
1342:     VecDuplicate(u,&ctx->max);
1343:     VecDuplicate(u,&ctx->min);
1344:     VecCopy(u,ctx->max);
1345:     VecCopy(u,ctx->min);
1346:   } else {
1347:     VecPointwiseMax(ctx->max,u,ctx->max);
1348:     VecPointwiseMin(ctx->min,u,ctx->min);
1349:   }
1350:   return 0;
1351: }

1353: /*@C
1354:    TSMonitorEnvelopeGetBounds - Gets the bounds for the components of the solution

1356:    Collective on TS

1358:    Input Parameter:
1359: .  ts - the TS context

1361:    Output Parameters:
1362: +  max - the maximum values
1363: -  min - the minimum values

1365:    Notes:
1366:     If the TS does not have a TSMonitorEnvelopeCtx associated with it then this function is ignored

1368:    Level: intermediate

1370: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSMonitorLGSetDisplayVariables()
1371: @*/
1372: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorEnvelopeGetBounds(TS ts,Vec *max,Vec *min)
1373: {
1374:   PetscInt i;

1376:   if (max) *max = NULL;
1377:   if (min) *min = NULL;
1378:   for (i=0; i<ts->numbermonitors; i++) {
1379:     if (ts->monitor[i] == TSMonitorEnvelope) {
1380:       TSMonitorEnvelopeCtx  ctx = (TSMonitorEnvelopeCtx) ts->monitorcontext[i];
1381:       if (max) *max = ctx->max;
1382:       if (min) *min = ctx->min;
1383:       break;
1384:     }
1385:   }
1386:   return 0;
1387: }

1389: /*@C
1390:    TSMonitorEnvelopeCtxDestroy - Destroys a context that was created  with TSMonitorEnvelopeCtxCreate().

1392:    Collective on TSMonitorEnvelopeCtx

1394:    Input Parameter:
1395: .  ctx - the monitor context

1397:    Level: intermediate

1399: .seealso: TSMonitorLGCtxCreate(),  TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorLGTimeStep()
1400: @*/
1401: PetscErrorCode  TSMonitorEnvelopeCtxDestroy(TSMonitorEnvelopeCtx *ctx)
1402: {
1403:   VecDestroy(&(*ctx)->min);
1404:   VecDestroy(&(*ctx)->max);
1405:   PetscFree(*ctx);
1406:   return 0;
1407: }

1409: /*@C
1410:   TSDMSwarmMonitorMoments - Monitors the first three moments of a DMSarm being evolved by the TS

1412:   Not collective

1414:   Input Parameters:
1415: + ts   - the TS context
1416: . step - current timestep
1417: . t    - current time
1418: . u    - current solution
1419: - ctx  - not used

1421:   Options Database:
1422: . -ts_dmswarm_monitor_moments - Monitor moments of particle distribution

1424:   Level: intermediate

1426:   Notes:
1427:   This requires a DMSwarm be attached to the TS.

1429: .seealso: TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), DMSWARM
1430: @*/
1431: PetscErrorCode TSDMSwarmMonitorMoments(TS ts, PetscInt step, PetscReal t, Vec U, PetscViewerAndFormat *vf)
1432: {
1433:   DM                 sw;
1434:   const PetscScalar *u;
1435:   PetscReal          m = 1.0, totE = 0., totMom[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
1436:   PetscInt           dim, d, Np, p;
1437:   MPI_Comm           comm;

1440:   TSGetDM(ts, &sw);
1441:   if (!sw || step%ts->monitorFrequency != 0) return 0;
1442:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject) ts, &comm);
1443:   DMGetDimension(sw, &dim);
1444:   VecGetLocalSize(U, &Np);
1445:   Np  /= dim;
1446:   VecGetArrayRead(U, &u);
1447:   for (p = 0; p < Np; ++p) {
1448:     for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
1449:       totE      += PetscRealPart(u[p*dim+d]*u[p*dim+d]);
1450:       totMom[d] += PetscRealPart(u[p*dim+d]);
1451:     }
1452:   }
1453:   VecRestoreArrayRead(U, &u);
1454:   for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) totMom[d] *= m;
1455:   totE *= 0.5*m;
1456:   PetscPrintf(comm, "Step %4D Total Energy: %10.8lf", step, (double) totE);
1457:   for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) PetscPrintf(comm, "    Total Momentum %c: %10.8lf", 'x'+d, (double) totMom[d]);
1458:   PetscPrintf(comm, "\n");
1459:   return 0;
1460: }