Actual source code: tomography.c

  1: /* XH:
  2:     Todo: add cs1f.F90 and adjust makefile.
  3:     Todo: maybe provide code template to generate 1D/2D/3D gradient, DCT transform matrix for D etc.
  4: */
  5: /*
  6:    Include "petsctao.h" so that we can use TAO solvers.  Note that this
  7:    file automatically includes libraries such as:
  8:      petsc.h       - base PETSc routines   petscvec.h - vectors
  9:      petscsys.h    - system routines        petscmat.h - matrices
 10:      petscis.h     - index sets            petscksp.h - Krylov subspace methods
 11:      petscviewer.h - viewers               petscpc.h  - preconditioners

 13: */

 15: #include <petsctao.h>

 17: /*
 18: Description:   BRGN tomography reconstruction example .
 19:                0.5*||Ax-b||^2 + lambda*g(x)
 20: Reference:     None
 21: */

 23: static char help[] = "Finds the least-squares solution to the under constraint linear model Ax = b, with regularizer. \n\
 24:             A is a M*N real matrix (M<N), x is sparse. A good regularizer is an L1 regularizer. \n\
 25:             We find the sparse solution by solving 0.5*||Ax-b||^2 + lambda*||D*x||_1, where lambda (by default 1e-4) is a user specified weight.\n\
 26:             D is the K*N transform matrix so that D*x is sparse. By default D is identity matrix, so that D*x = x.\n";

 28: /* User-defined application context */
 29: typedef struct {
 30:   /* Working space. linear least square:  res(x) = A*x - b */
 31:   PetscInt  M,N,K;            /* Problem dimension: A is M*N Matrix, D is K*N Matrix */
 32:   Mat       A,D;              /* Coefficients, Dictionary Transform of size M*N and K*N respectively. For linear least square, Jacobian Matrix J = A. For nonlinear least square, it is different from A */
 33:   Vec       b,xGT,xlb,xub;    /* observation b, ground truth xGT, the lower bound and upper bound of x*/
 34: } AppCtx;

 36: /* User provided Routines */
 37: PetscErrorCode InitializeUserData(AppCtx *);
 38: PetscErrorCode FormStartingPoint(Vec,AppCtx *);
 39: PetscErrorCode EvaluateResidual(Tao,Vec,Vec,void *);
 40: PetscErrorCode EvaluateJacobian(Tao,Vec,Mat,Mat,void *);
 41: PetscErrorCode EvaluateRegularizerObjectiveAndGradient(Tao,Vec,PetscReal *,Vec,void*);
 42: PetscErrorCode EvaluateRegularizerHessian(Tao,Vec,Mat,void*);
 43: PetscErrorCode EvaluateRegularizerHessianProd(Mat,Vec,Vec);

 45: /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 46: int main(int argc,char **argv)
 47: {
 48:   Vec            x,res;              /* solution, function res(x) = A*x-b */
 49:   Mat            Hreg;               /* regularizer Hessian matrix for user specified regularizer*/
 50:   Tao            tao;                /* Tao solver context */
 51:   PetscReal      hist[100],resid[100],v1,v2;
 52:   PetscInt       lits[100];
 53:   AppCtx         user;               /* user-defined work context */
 54:   PetscViewer    fd;   /* used to save result to file */
 55:   char           resultFile[] = "tomographyResult_x";  /* Debug: change from "tomographyResult_x" to "cs1Result_x" */

 57:   PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv,(char *)0,help);

 59:   /* Create TAO solver and set desired solution method */
 60:   TaoCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,&tao);
 61:   TaoSetType(tao,TAOBRGN);

 63:   /* User set application context: A, D matrice, and b vector. */
 64:   InitializeUserData(&user);

 66:   /* Allocate solution vector x,  and function vectors Ax-b, */
 67:   VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF,user.N,&x);
 68:   VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF,user.M,&res);

 70:   /* Set initial guess */
 71:   FormStartingPoint(x,&user);

 73:   /* Bind x to tao->solution. */
 74:   TaoSetSolution(tao,x);
 75:   /* Sets the upper and lower bounds of x */
 76:   TaoSetVariableBounds(tao,user.xlb,user.xub);

 78:   /* Bind user.D to tao->data->D */
 79:   TaoBRGNSetDictionaryMatrix(tao,user.D);

 81:   /* Set the residual function and Jacobian routines for least squares. */
 82:   TaoSetResidualRoutine(tao,res,EvaluateResidual,(void*)&user);
 83:   /* Jacobian matrix fixed as user.A for Linear least square problem. */
 84:   TaoSetJacobianResidualRoutine(tao,user.A,user.A,EvaluateJacobian,(void*)&user);

 86:   /* User set the regularizer objective, gradient, and hessian. Set it the same as using l2prox choice, for testing purpose.  */
 87:   TaoBRGNSetRegularizerObjectiveAndGradientRoutine(tao,EvaluateRegularizerObjectiveAndGradient,(void*)&user);
 88:   /* User defined regularizer Hessian setup, here is identiy shell matrix */
 89:   MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,&Hreg);
 90:   MatSetSizes(Hreg,PETSC_DECIDE,PETSC_DECIDE,user.N,user.N);
 91:   MatSetType(Hreg,MATSHELL);
 92:   MatSetUp(Hreg);
 93:   MatShellSetOperation(Hreg,MATOP_MULT,(void (*)(void))EvaluateRegularizerHessianProd);
 94:   TaoBRGNSetRegularizerHessianRoutine(tao,Hreg,EvaluateRegularizerHessian,(void*)&user);

 96:   /* Check for any TAO command line arguments */
 97:   TaoSetFromOptions(tao);

 99:   TaoSetConvergenceHistory(tao,hist,resid,0,lits,100,PETSC_TRUE);

101:   /* Perform the Solve */
102:   TaoSolve(tao);

104:   /* Save x (reconstruction of object) vector to a binary file, which maybe read from Matlab and convert to a 2D image for comparison. */
105:   PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_SELF,resultFile,FILE_MODE_WRITE,&fd);
106:   VecView(x,fd);
107:   PetscViewerDestroy(&fd);

109:   /* compute the error */
110:   VecAXPY(x,-1,user.xGT);
111:   VecNorm(x,NORM_2,&v1);
112:   VecNorm(user.xGT,NORM_2,&v2);
113:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "relative reconstruction error: ||x-xGT||/||xGT|| = %6.4e.\n", (double)(v1/v2));

115:   /* Free TAO data structures */
116:   TaoDestroy(&tao);

118:    /* Free PETSc data structures */
119:   VecDestroy(&x);
120:   VecDestroy(&res);
121:   MatDestroy(&Hreg);
122:   /* Free user data structures */
123:   MatDestroy(&user.A);
124:   MatDestroy(&user.D);
125:   VecDestroy(&user.b);
126:   VecDestroy(&user.xGT);
127:   VecDestroy(&user.xlb);
128:   VecDestroy(&user.xub);
129:   PetscFinalize();
130:   return 0;
131: }

133: /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
134: /* Evaluate residual function A(x)-b in least square problem ||A(x)-b||^2 */
135: PetscErrorCode EvaluateResidual(Tao tao,Vec X,Vec F,void *ptr)
136: {
137:   AppCtx         *user = (AppCtx *)ptr;

139:   /* Compute Ax - b */
140:   MatMult(user->A,X,F);
141:   VecAXPY(F,-1,user->b);
142:   PetscLogFlops(2.0*user->M*user->N);
143:   return 0;
144: }

146: /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
147: PetscErrorCode EvaluateJacobian(Tao tao,Vec X,Mat J,Mat Jpre,void *ptr)
148: {
149:   /* Jacobian is not changing here, so use a empty dummy function here.  J[m][n] = df[m]/dx[n] = A[m][n] for linear least square */
150:   return 0;
151: }

153: /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
154: PetscErrorCode EvaluateRegularizerObjectiveAndGradient(Tao tao,Vec X,PetscReal *f_reg,Vec G_reg,void *ptr)
155: {
156:   /* compute regularizer objective = 0.5*x'*x */
157:   VecDot(X,X,f_reg);
158:   *f_reg *= 0.5;
159:   /* compute regularizer gradient = x */
160:   VecCopy(X,G_reg);
161:   return 0;
162: }

164: PetscErrorCode EvaluateRegularizerHessianProd(Mat Hreg,Vec in,Vec out)
165: {
166:   VecCopy(in,out);
167:   return 0;
168: }

170: /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
171: PetscErrorCode EvaluateRegularizerHessian(Tao tao,Vec X,Mat Hreg,void *ptr)
172: {
173:   /* Hessian for regularizer objective = 0.5*x'*x is identity matrix, and is not changing*/
174:   return 0;
175: }

177: /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
178: PetscErrorCode FormStartingPoint(Vec X,AppCtx *user)
179: {
180:   VecSet(X,0.0);
181:   return 0;
182: }

184: /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
185: PetscErrorCode InitializeUserData(AppCtx *user)
186: {
187:   PetscInt       k,n; /* indices for row and columns of D. */
188:   char           dataFile[] = "tomographyData_A_b_xGT";   /* Matrix A and vectors b, xGT(ground truth) binary files generated by Matlab. Debug: change from "tomographyData_A_b_xGT" to "cs1Data_A_b_xGT". */
189:   PetscInt       dictChoice = 1; /* choose from 0:identity, 1:gradient1D, 2:gradient2D, 3:DCT etc */
190:   PetscViewer    fd;   /* used to load data from file */
191:   PetscReal      v;

194:   /*
195:   Matrix Vector read and write refer to:
198:  */
199:   /* Load the A matrix, b vector, and xGT vector from a binary file. */
200:   PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,dataFile,FILE_MODE_READ,&fd);
201:   MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&user->A);
202:   MatSetType(user->A,MATSEQAIJ);
203:   MatLoad(user->A,fd);
204:   VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&user->b);
205:   VecLoad(user->b,fd);
206:   VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&user->xGT);
207:   VecLoad(user->xGT,fd);
208:   PetscViewerDestroy(&fd);
209:   VecDuplicate(user->xGT,&(user->xlb));
210:   VecSet(user->xlb,0.0);
211:   VecDuplicate(user->xGT,&(user->xub));
212:   VecSet(user->xub,PETSC_INFINITY);

214:   /* Specify the size */
215:   MatGetSize(user->A,&user->M,&user->N);

217:   /* shortcut, when D is identity matrix, we may just specify it as NULL, and brgn will treat D*x as x without actually computing D*x.
218:   if (dictChoice == 0) {
219:     user->D = NULL;
220:     return 0;
221:   }
222:   */

224:   /* Speficy D */
225:   /* (1) Specify D Size */
226:   switch (dictChoice) {
227:     case 0: /* 0:identity */
228:       user->K = user->N;
229:       break;
230:     case 1: /* 1:gradient1D */
231:       user->K = user->N-1;
232:       break;
233:   }

235:   MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,&user->D);
236:   MatSetSizes(user->D,PETSC_DECIDE,PETSC_DECIDE,user->K,user->N);
237:   MatSetFromOptions(user->D);
238:   MatSetUp(user->D);

240:   /* (2) Specify D Content */
241:   switch (dictChoice) {
242:     case 0: /* 0:identity */
243:       for (k=0; k<user->K; k++) {
244:         v = 1.0;
245:         MatSetValues(user->D,1,&k,1,&k,&v,INSERT_VALUES);
246:       }
247:       break;
248:     case 1: /* 1:gradient1D.  [-1, 1, 0,...; 0, -1, 1, 0, ...] */
249:       for (k=0; k<user->K; k++) {
250:         v = 1.0;
251:         n = k+1;
252:         MatSetValues(user->D,1,&k,1,&n,&v,INSERT_VALUES);
253:         v = -1.0;
254:         MatSetValues(user->D,1,&k,1,&k,&v,INSERT_VALUES);
255:       }
256:       break;
257:   }
258:   MatAssemblyBegin(user->D,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
259:   MatAssemblyEnd(user->D,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);

261:   return 0;
262: }

264: /*TEST

266:    build:
267:       requires: !complex !single !__float128 !defined(PETSC_USE_64BIT_INDICES)

269:    test:
270:       localrunfiles: tomographyData_A_b_xGT
271:       args: -tao_max_it 1000 -tao_brgn_regularization_type l1dict -tao_brgn_regularizer_weight 1e-8 -tao_brgn_l1_smooth_epsilon 1e-6 -tao_gatol 1.e-8

273:    test:
274:       suffix: 2
275:       localrunfiles: tomographyData_A_b_xGT
276:       args: -tao_monitor -tao_max_it 1000 -tao_brgn_regularization_type l2prox -tao_brgn_regularizer_weight 1e-8 -tao_gatol 1.e-6

278:    test:
279:       suffix: 3
280:       localrunfiles: tomographyData_A_b_xGT
281:       args: -tao_monitor -tao_max_it 1000 -tao_brgn_regularization_type user -tao_brgn_regularizer_weight 1e-8 -tao_gatol 1.e-6

283: TEST*/