Actual source code: dmshell.c

  1: #include <petscdmshell.h>
  2: #include <petscmat.h>
  3: #include <petsc/private/dmimpl.h>

  5: typedef struct  {
  6:   Vec        Xglobal;
  7:   Vec        Xlocal;
  8:   Mat        A;
  9:   VecScatter gtol;
 10:   VecScatter ltog;
 11:   VecScatter ltol;
 12:   void       *ctx;
 13: } DM_Shell;

 15: /*@
 16:    DMGlobalToLocalBeginDefaultShell - Uses the GlobalToLocal VecScatter context set by the user to begin a global to local scatter
 17:    Collective

 19:    Input Parameters:
 20: +  dm - shell DM
 21: .  g - global vector
 22: .  mode - InsertMode
 23: -  l - local vector

 25:    Level: advanced

 27:    Note:  This is not normally called directly by user code, generally user code calls DMGlobalToLocalBegin() and DMGlobalToLocalEnd(). If the user provides their own custom routines to DMShellSetLocalToGlobal() then those routines might have reason to call this function.

 29: .seealso: DMGlobalToLocalEndDefaultShell()
 30: @*/
 31: PetscErrorCode DMGlobalToLocalBeginDefaultShell(DM dm,Vec g,InsertMode mode,Vec l)
 32: {
 33:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;

 36:   VecScatterBegin(shell->gtol,g,l,mode,SCATTER_FORWARD);
 37:   return 0;
 38: }

 40: /*@
 41:    DMGlobalToLocalEndDefaultShell - Uses the GlobalToLocal VecScatter context set by the user to end a global to local scatter
 42:    Collective

 44:    Input Parameters:
 45: +  dm - shell DM
 46: .  g - global vector
 47: .  mode - InsertMode
 48: -  l - local vector

 50:    Level: advanced

 52: .seealso: DMGlobalToLocalBeginDefaultShell()
 53: @*/
 54: PetscErrorCode DMGlobalToLocalEndDefaultShell(DM dm,Vec g,InsertMode mode,Vec l)
 55: {
 56:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;

 59:   VecScatterEnd(shell->gtol,g,l,mode,SCATTER_FORWARD);
 60:   return 0;
 61: }

 63: /*@
 64:    DMLocalToGlobalBeginDefaultShell - Uses the LocalToGlobal VecScatter context set by the user to begin a local to global scatter
 65:    Collective

 67:    Input Parameters:
 68: +  dm - shell DM
 69: .  l - local vector
 70: .  mode - InsertMode
 71: -  g - global vector

 73:    Level: advanced

 75:    Note:  This is not normally called directly by user code, generally user code calls DMLocalToGlobalBegin() and DMLocalToGlobalEnd(). If the user provides their own custom routines to DMShellSetLocalToGlobal() then those routines might have reason to call this function.

 77: .seealso: DMLocalToGlobalEndDefaultShell()
 78: @*/
 79: PetscErrorCode DMLocalToGlobalBeginDefaultShell(DM dm,Vec l,InsertMode mode,Vec g)
 80: {
 81:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;

 84:   VecScatterBegin(shell->ltog,l,g,mode,SCATTER_FORWARD);
 85:   return 0;
 86: }

 88: /*@
 89:    DMLocalToGlobalEndDefaultShell - Uses the LocalToGlobal VecScatter context set by the user to end a local to global scatter
 90:    Collective

 92:    Input Parameters:
 93: +  dm - shell DM
 94: .  l - local vector
 95: .  mode - InsertMode
 96: -  g - global vector

 98:    Level: advanced

100: .seealso: DMLocalToGlobalBeginDefaultShell()
101: @*/
102: PetscErrorCode DMLocalToGlobalEndDefaultShell(DM dm,Vec l,InsertMode mode,Vec g)
103: {
104:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;

107:   VecScatterEnd(shell->ltog,l,g,mode,SCATTER_FORWARD);
108:   return 0;
109: }

111: /*@
112:    DMLocalToLocalBeginDefaultShell - Uses the LocalToLocal VecScatter context set by the user to begin a local to local scatter
113:    Collective

115:    Input Parameters:
116: +  dm - shell DM
117: .  g - the original local vector
118: -  mode - InsertMode

120:    Output Parameter:
121: .  l  - the local vector with correct ghost values

123:    Level: advanced

125:    Note:  This is not normally called directly by user code, generally user code calls DMLocalToLocalBegin() and DMLocalToLocalEnd(). If the user provides their own custom routines to DMShellSetLocalToLocal() then those routines might have reason to call this function.

127: .seealso: DMLocalToLocalEndDefaultShell()
128: @*/
129: PetscErrorCode DMLocalToLocalBeginDefaultShell(DM dm,Vec g,InsertMode mode,Vec l)
130: {
131:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;

134:   VecScatterBegin(shell->ltol,g,l,mode,SCATTER_FORWARD);
135:   return 0;
136: }

138: /*@
139:    DMLocalToLocalEndDefaultShell - Uses the LocalToLocal VecScatter context set by the user to end a local to local scatter
140:    Collective

142:    Input Parameters:
143: +  dm - shell DM
144: .  g - the original local vector
145: -  mode - InsertMode

147:    Output Parameter:
148: .  l  - the local vector with correct ghost values

150:    Level: advanced

152: .seealso: DMLocalToLocalBeginDefaultShell()
153: @*/
154: PetscErrorCode DMLocalToLocalEndDefaultShell(DM dm,Vec g,InsertMode mode,Vec l)
155: {
156:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;

159:   VecScatterEnd(shell->ltol,g,l,mode,SCATTER_FORWARD);
160:   return 0;
161: }

163: static PetscErrorCode DMCreateMatrix_Shell(DM dm,Mat *J)
164: {
165:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;
166:   Mat            A;

170:   if (!shell->A) {
171:     if (shell->Xglobal) {
172:       PetscInt m,M;
173:       PetscInfo(dm,"Naively creating matrix using global vector distribution without preallocation\n");
174:       VecGetSize(shell->Xglobal,&M);
175:       VecGetLocalSize(shell->Xglobal,&m);
176:       MatCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),&shell->A);
177:       MatSetSizes(shell->A,m,m,M,M);
178:       MatSetType(shell->A,dm->mattype);
179:       MatSetUp(shell->A);
180:     } else SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_USER,"Must call DMShellSetMatrix(), DMShellSetCreateMatrix(), or provide a vector");
181:   }
182:   A = shell->A;
184:   MatSetDM(*J,dm);
185:   return 0;
186: }

188: PetscErrorCode DMCreateGlobalVector_Shell(DM dm,Vec *gvec)
189: {
190:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;
191:   Vec            X;

195:   *gvec = NULL;
196:   X     = shell->Xglobal;
198:   /* Need to create a copy in order to attach the DM to the vector */
199:   VecDuplicate(X,gvec);
200:   VecZeroEntries(*gvec);
201:   VecSetDM(*gvec,dm);
202:   return 0;
203: }

205: PetscErrorCode DMCreateLocalVector_Shell(DM dm,Vec *gvec)
206: {
207:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;
208:   Vec            X;

212:   *gvec = NULL;
213:   X     = shell->Xlocal;
215:   /* Need to create a copy in order to attach the DM to the vector */
216:   VecDuplicate(X,gvec);
217:   VecZeroEntries(*gvec);
218:   VecSetDM(*gvec,dm);
219:   return 0;
220: }

222: /*@
223:    DMShellSetContext - set some data to be usable by this DM

225:    Collective

227:    Input Parameters:
228: +  dm - shell DM
229: -  ctx - the context

231:    Level: advanced

233: .seealso: DMCreateMatrix(), DMShellGetContext()
234: @*/
235: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetContext(DM dm,void *ctx)
236: {
237:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;
238:   PetscBool      isshell;

241:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
242:   if (!isshell) return 0;
243:   shell->ctx = ctx;
244:   return 0;
245: }

247: /*@
248:    DMShellGetContext - Returns the user-provided context associated to the DM

250:    Collective

252:    Input Parameter:
253: .  dm - shell DM

255:    Output Parameter:
256: .  ctx - the context

258:    Level: advanced

260: .seealso: DMCreateMatrix(), DMShellSetContext()
261: @*/
262: PetscErrorCode DMShellGetContext(DM dm,void *ctx)
263: {
264:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;
265:   PetscBool      isshell;

268:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
270:   *(void**)ctx = shell->ctx;
271:   return 0;
272: }

274: /*@
275:    DMShellSetMatrix - sets a template matrix associated with the DMShell

277:    Collective

279:    Input Parameters:
280: +  dm - shell DM
281: -  J - template matrix

283:    Level: advanced

285:    Developer Notes:
286:     To avoid circular references, if J is already associated to the same DM, then MatDuplicate(SHARE_NONZERO_PATTERN) is called, followed by removing the DM reference from the private template.

288: .seealso: DMCreateMatrix(), DMShellSetCreateMatrix(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
289: @*/
290: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetMatrix(DM dm,Mat J)
291: {
292:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;
293:   PetscBool      isshell;
294:   DM             mdm;

298:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
299:   if (!isshell) return 0;
300:   if (J == shell->A) return 0;
301:   MatGetDM(J,&mdm);
302:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)J);
303:   MatDestroy(&shell->A);
304:   if (mdm == dm) {
305:     MatDuplicate(J,MAT_SHARE_NONZERO_PATTERN,&shell->A);
306:     MatSetDM(shell->A,NULL);
307:   } else shell->A = J;
308:   return 0;
309: }

311: /*@C
312:    DMShellSetCreateMatrix - sets the routine to create a matrix associated with the shell DM

314:    Logically Collective on dm

316:    Input Parameters:
317: +  dm - the shell DM
318: -  func - the function to create a matrix

320:    Level: advanced

322: .seealso: DMCreateMatrix(), DMShellSetMatrix(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
323: @*/
324: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetCreateMatrix(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (*func)(DM,Mat*))
325: {
327:   dm->ops->creatematrix = func;
328:   return 0;
329: }

331: /*@
332:    DMShellSetGlobalVector - sets a template global vector associated with the DMShell

334:    Logically Collective on dm

336:    Input Parameters:
337: +  dm - shell DM
338: -  X - template vector

340:    Level: advanced

342: .seealso: DMCreateGlobalVector(), DMShellSetMatrix(), DMShellSetCreateGlobalVector()
343: @*/
344: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetGlobalVector(DM dm,Vec X)
345: {
346:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;
347:   PetscBool      isshell;
348:   DM             vdm;

352:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
353:   if (!isshell) return 0;
354:   VecGetDM(X,&vdm);
355:   /*
356:       if the vector proposed as the new base global vector for the DM is a DM vector associated
357:       with the same DM then the current base global vector for the DM is ok and if we replace it with the new one
358:       we get a circular dependency that prevents the DM from being destroy when it should be.
359:       This occurs when SNESSet/GetNPC() is used with a SNES that does not have a user provided
360:       DM attached to it since the inner SNES (which shares the DM with the outer SNES) tries
361:       to set its input vector (which is associated with the DM) as the base global vector.
362:       Thanks to Juan P. Mendez Granado Re: [petsc-maint] Nonlinear conjugate gradien
363:       for pointing out the problem.
364:    */
365:   if (vdm == dm) return 0;
366:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)X);
367:   VecDestroy(&shell->Xglobal);
368:   shell->Xglobal = X;
369:   return 0;
370: }

372: /*@
373:   DMShellGetGlobalVector - Returns the template global vector associated with the DMShell, or NULL if it was not set

375:    Not collective

377:    Input Parameters:
378: +  dm - shell DM
379: -  X - template vector

381:    Level: advanced

383: .seealso: DMShellSetGlobalVector(), DMShellSetCreateGlobalVector(), DMCreateGlobalVector()
384: @*/
385: PetscErrorCode DMShellGetGlobalVector(DM dm, Vec *X)
386: {
387:   DM_Shell      *shell = (DM_Shell *) dm->data;
388:   PetscBool      isshell;

392:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
393:   if (!isshell) return 0;
394:   *X = shell->Xglobal;
395:   return 0;
396: }

398: /*@C
399:    DMShellSetCreateGlobalVector - sets the routine to create a global vector associated with the shell DM

401:    Logically Collective

403:    Input Parameters:
404: +  dm - the shell DM
405: -  func - the creation routine

407:    Level: advanced

409: .seealso: DMShellSetGlobalVector(), DMShellSetCreateMatrix(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
410: @*/
411: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetCreateGlobalVector(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (*func)(DM,Vec*))
412: {
414:   dm->ops->createglobalvector = func;
415:   return 0;
416: }

418: /*@
419:    DMShellSetLocalVector - sets a template local vector associated with the DMShell

421:    Logically Collective on dm

423:    Input Parameters:
424: +  dm - shell DM
425: -  X - template vector

427:    Level: advanced

429: .seealso: DMCreateLocalVector(), DMShellSetMatrix(), DMShellSetCreateLocalVector()
430: @*/
431: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetLocalVector(DM dm,Vec X)
432: {
433:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;
434:   PetscBool      isshell;
435:   DM             vdm;

439:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
440:   if (!isshell) return 0;
441:   VecGetDM(X,&vdm);
442:   /*
443:       if the vector proposed as the new base global vector for the DM is a DM vector associated
444:       with the same DM then the current base global vector for the DM is ok and if we replace it with the new one
445:       we get a circular dependency that prevents the DM from being destroy when it should be.
446:       This occurs when SNESSet/GetNPC() is used with a SNES that does not have a user provided
447:       DM attached to it since the inner SNES (which shares the DM with the outer SNES) tries
448:       to set its input vector (which is associated with the DM) as the base global vector.
449:       Thanks to Juan P. Mendez Granado Re: [petsc-maint] Nonlinear conjugate gradien
450:       for pointing out the problem.
451:    */
452:   if (vdm == dm) return 0;
453:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)X);
454:   VecDestroy(&shell->Xlocal);
455:   shell->Xlocal = X;
456:   return 0;
457: }

459: /*@C
460:    DMShellSetCreateLocalVector - sets the routine to create a local vector associated with the shell DM

462:    Logically Collective

464:    Input Parameters:
465: +  dm - the shell DM
466: -  func - the creation routine

468:    Level: advanced

470: .seealso: DMShellSetLocalVector(), DMShellSetCreateMatrix(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
471: @*/
472: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetCreateLocalVector(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (*func)(DM,Vec*))
473: {
475:   dm->ops->createlocalvector = func;
476:   return 0;
477: }

479: /*@C
480:    DMShellSetGlobalToLocal - Sets the routines used to perform a global to local scatter

482:    Logically Collective on dm

484:    Input Parameters
485: +  dm - the shell DM
486: .  begin - the routine that begins the global to local scatter
487: -  end - the routine that ends the global to local scatter

489:    Notes:
490:     If these functions are not provided but DMShellSetGlobalToLocalVecScatter() is called then
491:    DMGlobalToLocalBeginDefaultShell()/DMGlobalToLocalEndDefaultShell() are used to to perform the transfers

493:    Level: advanced

495: .seealso: DMShellSetLocalToGlobal(), DMGlobalToLocalBeginDefaultShell(), DMGlobalToLocalEndDefaultShell()
496: @*/
497: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetGlobalToLocal(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (*begin)(DM,Vec,InsertMode,Vec),PetscErrorCode (*end)(DM,Vec,InsertMode,Vec))
498: {
500:   dm->ops->globaltolocalbegin = begin;
501:   dm->ops->globaltolocalend = end;
502:   return 0;
503: }

505: /*@C
506:    DMShellSetLocalToGlobal - Sets the routines used to perform a local to global scatter

508:    Logically Collective on dm

510:    Input Parameters
511: +  dm - the shell DM
512: .  begin - the routine that begins the local to global scatter
513: -  end - the routine that ends the local to global scatter

515:    Notes:
516:     If these functions are not provided but DMShellSetLocalToGlobalVecScatter() is called then
517:    DMLocalToGlobalBeginDefaultShell()/DMLocalToGlobalEndDefaultShell() are used to to perform the transfers

519:    Level: advanced

521: .seealso: DMShellSetGlobalToLocal()
522: @*/
523: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetLocalToGlobal(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (*begin)(DM,Vec,InsertMode,Vec),PetscErrorCode (*end)(DM,Vec,InsertMode,Vec))
524: {
526:   dm->ops->localtoglobalbegin = begin;
527:   dm->ops->localtoglobalend = end;
528:   return 0;
529: }

531: /*@C
532:    DMShellSetLocalToLocal - Sets the routines used to perform a local to local scatter

534:    Logically Collective on dm

536:    Input Parameters
537: +  dm - the shell DM
538: .  begin - the routine that begins the local to local scatter
539: -  end - the routine that ends the local to local scatter

541:    Notes:
542:     If these functions are not provided but DMShellSetLocalToLocalVecScatter() is called then
543:    DMLocalToLocalBeginDefaultShell()/DMLocalToLocalEndDefaultShell() are used to to perform the transfers

545:    Level: advanced

547: .seealso: DMShellSetGlobalToLocal(), DMLocalToLocalBeginDefaultShell(), DMLocalToLocalEndDefaultShell()
548: @*/
549: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetLocalToLocal(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (*begin)(DM,Vec,InsertMode,Vec),PetscErrorCode (*end)(DM,Vec,InsertMode,Vec))
550: {
552:   dm->ops->localtolocalbegin = begin;
553:   dm->ops->localtolocalend = end;
554:   return 0;
555: }

557: /*@
558:    DMShellSetGlobalToLocalVecScatter - Sets a VecScatter context for global to local communication

560:    Logically Collective on dm

562:    Input Parameters
563: +  dm - the shell DM
564: -  gtol - the global to local VecScatter context

566:    Level: advanced

568: .seealso: DMShellSetGlobalToLocal(), DMGlobalToLocalBeginDefaultShell(), DMGlobalToLocalEndDefaultShell()
569: @*/
570: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetGlobalToLocalVecScatter(DM dm, VecScatter gtol)
571: {
572:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;

576:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)gtol);
577:   VecScatterDestroy(&shell->gtol);
578:   shell->gtol = gtol;
579:   return 0;
580: }

582: /*@
583:    DMShellSetLocalToGlobalVecScatter - Sets a VecScatter context for local to global communication

585:    Logically Collective on dm

587:    Input Parameters
588: +  dm - the shell DM
589: -  ltog - the local to global VecScatter context

591:    Level: advanced

593: .seealso: DMShellSetLocalToGlobal(), DMLocalToGlobalBeginDefaultShell(), DMLocalToGlobalEndDefaultShell()
594: @*/
595: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetLocalToGlobalVecScatter(DM dm, VecScatter ltog)
596: {
597:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;

601:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)ltog);
602:   VecScatterDestroy(&shell->ltog);
603:   shell->ltog = ltog;
604:   return 0;
605: }

607: /*@
608:    DMShellSetLocalToLocalVecScatter - Sets a VecScatter context for local to local communication

610:    Logically Collective on dm

612:    Input Parameters
613: +  dm - the shell DM
614: -  ltol - the local to local VecScatter context

616:    Level: advanced

618: .seealso: DMShellSetLocalToLocal(), DMLocalToLocalBeginDefaultShell(), DMLocalToLocalEndDefaultShell()
619: @*/
620: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetLocalToLocalVecScatter(DM dm, VecScatter ltol)
621: {
622:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;

626:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)ltol);
627:   VecScatterDestroy(&shell->ltol);
628:   shell->ltol = ltol;
629:   return 0;
630: }

632: /*@C
633:    DMShellSetCoarsen - Set the routine used to coarsen the shell DM

635:    Logically Collective on dm

637:    Input Parameters
638: +  dm - the shell DM
639: -  coarsen - the routine that coarsens the DM

641:    Level: advanced

643: .seealso: DMShellSetRefine(), DMCoarsen(), DMShellGetCoarsen(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
644: @*/
645: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetCoarsen(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (*coarsen)(DM,MPI_Comm,DM*))
646: {
647:   PetscBool      isshell;

650:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
651:   if (!isshell) return 0;
652:   dm->ops->coarsen = coarsen;
653:   return 0;
654: }

656: /*@C
657:    DMShellGetCoarsen - Get the routine used to coarsen the shell DM

659:    Logically Collective on dm

661:    Input Parameter:
662: .  dm - the shell DM

664:    Output Parameter:
665: .  coarsen - the routine that coarsens the DM

667:    Level: advanced

669: .seealso: DMShellSetCoarsen(), DMCoarsen(), DMShellSetRefine(), DMRefine()
670: @*/
671: PetscErrorCode DMShellGetCoarsen(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (**coarsen)(DM,MPI_Comm,DM*))
672: {
673:   PetscBool      isshell;

676:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
678:   *coarsen = dm->ops->coarsen;
679:   return 0;
680: }

682: /*@C
683:    DMShellSetRefine - Set the routine used to refine the shell DM

685:    Logically Collective on dm

687:    Input Parameters
688: +  dm - the shell DM
689: -  refine - the routine that refines the DM

691:    Level: advanced

693: .seealso: DMShellSetCoarsen(), DMRefine(), DMShellGetRefine(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
694: @*/
695: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetRefine(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (*refine)(DM,MPI_Comm,DM*))
696: {
697:   PetscBool      isshell;

700:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
701:   if (!isshell) return 0;
702:   dm->ops->refine = refine;
703:   return 0;
704: }

706: /*@C
707:    DMShellGetRefine - Get the routine used to refine the shell DM

709:    Logically Collective on dm

711:    Input Parameter:
712: .  dm - the shell DM

714:    Output Parameter:
715: .  refine - the routine that refines the DM

717:    Level: advanced

719: .seealso: DMShellSetCoarsen(), DMCoarsen(), DMShellSetRefine(), DMRefine()
720: @*/
721: PetscErrorCode DMShellGetRefine(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (**refine)(DM,MPI_Comm,DM*))
722: {
723:   PetscBool      isshell;

726:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
728:   *refine = dm->ops->refine;
729:   return 0;
730: }

732: /*@C
733:    DMShellSetCreateInterpolation - Set the routine used to create the interpolation operator

735:    Logically Collective on dm

737:    Input Parameters
738: +  dm - the shell DM
739: -  interp - the routine to create the interpolation

741:    Level: advanced

743: .seealso: DMShellSetCreateInjection(), DMCreateInterpolation(), DMShellGetCreateInterpolation(), DMShellSetCreateRestriction(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
744: @*/
745: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetCreateInterpolation(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (*interp)(DM,DM,Mat*,Vec*))
746: {
747:   PetscBool      isshell;

750:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
751:   if (!isshell) return 0;
752:   dm->ops->createinterpolation = interp;
753:   return 0;
754: }

756: /*@C
757:    DMShellGetCreateInterpolation - Get the routine used to create the interpolation operator

759:    Logically Collective on dm

761:    Input Parameter:
762: .  dm - the shell DM

764:    Output Parameter:
765: .  interp - the routine to create the interpolation

767:    Level: advanced

769: .seealso: DMShellGetCreateInjection(), DMCreateInterpolation(), DMShellGetCreateRestriction(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
770: @*/
771: PetscErrorCode DMShellGetCreateInterpolation(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (**interp)(DM,DM,Mat*,Vec*))
772: {
773:   PetscBool      isshell;

776:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
778:   *interp = dm->ops->createinterpolation;
779:   return 0;
780: }

782: /*@C
783:    DMShellSetCreateRestriction - Set the routine used to create the restriction operator

785:    Logically Collective on dm

787:    Input Parameters
788: +  dm - the shell DM
789: -  striction- the routine to create the restriction

791:    Level: advanced

793: .seealso: DMShellSetCreateInjection(), DMCreateInterpolation(), DMShellGetCreateRestriction(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
794: @*/
795: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetCreateRestriction(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (*restriction)(DM,DM,Mat*))
796: {
797:   PetscBool      isshell;

800:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
801:   if (!isshell) return 0;
802:   dm->ops->createrestriction = restriction;
803:   return 0;
804: }

806: /*@C
807:    DMShellGetCreateRestriction - Get the routine used to create the restriction operator

809:    Logically Collective on dm

811:    Input Parameter:
812: .  dm - the shell DM

814:    Output Parameter:
815: .  restriction - the routine to create the restriction

817:    Level: advanced

819: .seealso: DMShellSetCreateInjection(), DMCreateInterpolation(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
820: @*/
821: PetscErrorCode DMShellGetCreateRestriction(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (**restriction)(DM,DM,Mat*))
822: {
823:   PetscBool      isshell;

826:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
828:   *restriction = dm->ops->createrestriction;
829:   return 0;
830: }

832: /*@C
833:    DMShellSetCreateInjection - Set the routine used to create the injection operator

835:    Logically Collective on dm

837:    Input Parameters:
838: +  dm - the shell DM
839: -  inject - the routine to create the injection

841:    Level: advanced

843: .seealso: DMShellSetCreateInterpolation(), DMCreateInjection(), DMShellGetCreateInjection(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
844: @*/
845: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetCreateInjection(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (*inject)(DM,DM,Mat*))
846: {
847:   PetscBool      isshell;

850:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
851:   if (!isshell) return 0;
852:   dm->ops->createinjection = inject;
853:   return 0;
854: }

856: /*@C
857:    DMShellGetCreateInjection - Get the routine used to create the injection operator

859:    Logically Collective on dm

861:    Input Parameter:
862: .  dm - the shell DM

864:    Output Parameter:
865: .  inject - the routine to create the injection

867:    Level: advanced

869: .seealso: DMShellGetCreateInterpolation(), DMCreateInjection(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
870: @*/
871: PetscErrorCode DMShellGetCreateInjection(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (**inject)(DM,DM,Mat*))
872: {
873:   PetscBool      isshell;

876:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
878:   *inject = dm->ops->createinjection;
879:   return 0;
880: }

882: /*@C
883:    DMShellSetCreateFieldDecomposition - Set the routine used to create a decomposition of fields for the shell DM

885:    Logically Collective on dm

887:    Input Parameters:
888: +  dm - the shell DM
889: -  decomp - the routine to create the decomposition

891:    Level: advanced

893: .seealso: DMCreateFieldDecomposition(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
894: @*/
895: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetCreateFieldDecomposition(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (*decomp)(DM,PetscInt*,char***, IS**,DM**))
896: {
897:   PetscBool      isshell;

900:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
901:   if (!isshell) return 0;
902:   dm->ops->createfielddecomposition = decomp;
903:   return 0;
904: }

906: /*@C
907:    DMShellSetCreateDomainDecomposition - Set the routine used to create a domain decomposition for the shell DM

909:    Logically Collective on dm

911:    Input Parameters:
912: +  dm - the shell DM
913: -  decomp - the routine to create the decomposition

915:    Level: advanced

917: .seealso: DMCreateDomainDecomposition(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
918: @*/
919: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetCreateDomainDecomposition(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (*decomp)(DM,PetscInt*,char***, IS**,IS**,DM**))
920: {
921:   PetscBool      isshell;

924:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
925:   if (!isshell) return 0;
926:   dm->ops->createdomaindecomposition = decomp;
927:   return 0;
928: }

930: /*@C
931:    DMShellSetCreateDomainDecompositionScatters - Set the routine used to create the scatter contexts for domain decomposition with a shell DM

933:    Logically Collective on dm

935:    Input Parameters:
936: +  dm - the shell DM
937: -  scatter - the routine to create the scatters

939:    Level: advanced

941: .seealso: DMCreateDomainDecompositionScatters(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
942: @*/
943: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetCreateDomainDecompositionScatters(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (*scatter)(DM,PetscInt,DM*,VecScatter**,VecScatter**,VecScatter**))
944: {
945:   PetscBool      isshell;

948:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
949:   if (!isshell) return 0;
950:   dm->ops->createddscatters = scatter;
951:   return 0;
952: }

954: /*@C
955:    DMShellSetCreateSubDM - Set the routine used to create a sub DM from the shell DM

957:    Logically Collective on dm

959:    Input Parameters:
960: +  dm - the shell DM
961: -  subdm - the routine to create the decomposition

963:    Level: advanced

965: .seealso: DMCreateSubDM(), DMShellGetCreateSubDM(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
966: @*/
967: PetscErrorCode DMShellSetCreateSubDM(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (*subdm)(DM,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],IS*,DM*))
968: {
969:   PetscBool      isshell;

972:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
973:   if (!isshell) return 0;
974:   dm->ops->createsubdm = subdm;
975:   return 0;
976: }

978: /*@C
979:    DMShellGetCreateSubDM - Get the routine used to create a sub DM from the shell DM

981:    Logically Collective on dm

983:    Input Parameter:
984: .  dm - the shell DM

986:    Output Parameter:
987: .  subdm - the routine to create the decomposition

989:    Level: advanced

991: .seealso: DMCreateSubDM(), DMShellSetCreateSubDM(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
992: @*/
993: PetscErrorCode DMShellGetCreateSubDM(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (**subdm)(DM,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],IS*,DM*))
994: {
995:   PetscBool      isshell;

998:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm,DMSHELL,&isshell);
1000:   *subdm = dm->ops->createsubdm;
1001:   return 0;
1002: }

1004: static PetscErrorCode DMDestroy_Shell(DM dm)
1005: {
1006:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;

1008:   MatDestroy(&shell->A);
1009:   VecDestroy(&shell->Xglobal);
1010:   VecDestroy(&shell->Xlocal);
1011:   VecScatterDestroy(&shell->gtol);
1012:   VecScatterDestroy(&shell->ltog);
1013:   VecScatterDestroy(&shell->ltol);
1014:   /* This was originally freed in DMDestroy(), but that prevents reference counting of backend objects */
1015:   PetscFree(shell);
1016:   return 0;
1017: }

1019: static PetscErrorCode DMView_Shell(DM dm,PetscViewer v)
1020: {
1021:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;

1023:   VecView(shell->Xglobal,v);
1024:   return 0;
1025: }

1027: static PetscErrorCode DMLoad_Shell(DM dm,PetscViewer v)
1028: {
1029:   DM_Shell       *shell = (DM_Shell*)dm->data;

1031:   VecCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),&shell->Xglobal);
1032:   VecLoad(shell->Xglobal,v);
1033:   return 0;
1034: }

1036: PetscErrorCode DMCreateSubDM_Shell(DM dm, PetscInt numFields, const PetscInt fields[], IS *is, DM *subdm)
1037: {
1038:   if (subdm) DMShellCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) dm), subdm);
1039:   DMCreateSectionSubDM(dm, numFields, fields, is, subdm);
1040:   return 0;
1041: }

1043: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMCreate_Shell(DM dm)
1044: {
1045:   DM_Shell       *shell;

1047:   PetscNewLog(dm,&shell);
1048:   dm->data = shell;

1050:   dm->ops->destroy            = DMDestroy_Shell;
1051:   dm->ops->createglobalvector = DMCreateGlobalVector_Shell;
1052:   dm->ops->createlocalvector  = DMCreateLocalVector_Shell;
1053:   dm->ops->creatematrix       = DMCreateMatrix_Shell;
1054:   dm->ops->view               = DMView_Shell;
1055:   dm->ops->load               = DMLoad_Shell;
1056:   dm->ops->globaltolocalbegin = DMGlobalToLocalBeginDefaultShell;
1057:   dm->ops->globaltolocalend   = DMGlobalToLocalEndDefaultShell;
1058:   dm->ops->localtoglobalbegin = DMLocalToGlobalBeginDefaultShell;
1059:   dm->ops->localtoglobalend   = DMLocalToGlobalEndDefaultShell;
1060:   dm->ops->localtolocalbegin  = DMLocalToLocalBeginDefaultShell;
1061:   dm->ops->localtolocalend    = DMLocalToLocalEndDefaultShell;
1062:   dm->ops->createsubdm        = DMCreateSubDM_Shell;
1063:   DMSetMatType(dm,MATDENSE);
1064:   return 0;
1065: }

1067: /*@
1068:     DMShellCreate - Creates a shell DM object, used to manage user-defined problem data

1070:     Collective

1072:     Input Parameter:
1073: .   comm - the processors that will share the global vector

1075:     Output Parameters:
1076: .   shell - the shell DM

1078:     Level: advanced

1080: .seealso DMDestroy(), DMCreateGlobalVector(), DMCreateLocalVector(), DMShellSetContext(), DMShellGetContext()
1081: @*/
1082: PetscErrorCode  DMShellCreate(MPI_Comm comm,DM *dm)
1083: {
1085:   DMCreate(comm,dm);
1086:   DMSetType(*dm,DMSHELL);
1087:   DMSetUp(*dm);
1088:   return 0;
1089: }