Actual source code: ex10.c

  1: static char help[] = "TDycore Mesh Examples\n\n";

  3: #include <petscdmplex.h>

  5: typedef struct {
  6:   PetscBool adapt; /* Flag for adaptation of the surface mesh */
  7: } AppCtx;

  9: static PetscErrorCode ProcessOptions(MPI_Comm comm, AppCtx *options)
 10: {

 14:   options->adapt = PETSC_FALSE;

 16:   PetscOptionsBegin(comm, "", "Meshing Interpolation Test Options", "DMPLEX");
 17:   PetscOptionsBool("-adapt", "Flag for adaptation of the surface mesh", "ex10.c", options->adapt, &options->adapt, NULL);
 18:   PetscOptionsEnd();
 19:   return 0;
 20: }

 22: static PetscErrorCode CreateDomainLabel(DM dm)
 23: {
 24:   DMLabel        label;
 25:   PetscInt       cStart, cEnd, c;

 28:   DMCreateLabel(dm, "Cell Sets");
 29:   DMGetLabel(dm, "Cell Sets", &label);
 30:   DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dm, 0, &cStart, &cEnd);
 31:   for (c = cStart; c < cEnd; ++c) {
 32:     PetscReal centroid[3], volume, x, y;

 34:     DMPlexComputeCellGeometryFVM(dm, c, &volume, centroid, NULL);
 35:     x = centroid[0]; y = centroid[1];
 36:     /* Headwaters are (0.0,0.25)--(0.1,0.75) */
 37:     if ((x >= 0.0 && x <  0.1) && (y >= 0.25 && y <= 0.75)) {DMLabelSetValue(label, c, 1);continue;}
 38:     /* River channel is (0.1,0.45)--(1.0,0.55) */
 39:     if ((x >= 0.1 && x <= 1.0) && (y >= 0.45 && y <= 0.55)) {DMLabelSetValue(label, c, 2);continue;}
 40:   }
 41:   return 0;
 42: }

 44: static PetscErrorCode AdaptMesh(DM *dm, AppCtx *ctx)
 45: {
 46:   DM              dmCur = *dm;
 47:   DMLabel         label;
 48:   IS              valueIS, vIS;
 49:   PetscBool       hasLabel;
 50:   const PetscInt *values;
 51:   PetscReal      *volConst; /* Volume constraints for each label value */
 52:   PetscReal       ratio;
 53:   PetscInt        dim, Nv, v, cStart, cEnd, c;
 54:   PetscBool       adapt = PETSC_TRUE;

 57:   if (!ctx->adapt) return 0;
 58:   DMHasLabel(*dm, "Cell Sets", &hasLabel);
 59:   if (!hasLabel) CreateDomainLabel(*dm);
 60:   DMGetDimension(*dm, &dim);
 61:   ratio = PetscPowRealInt(0.5, dim);
 62:   /* Get volume constraints */
 63:   DMGetLabel(*dm, "Cell Sets", &label);
 64:   DMLabelGetValueIS(label, &vIS);
 65:   ISDuplicate(vIS, &valueIS);
 66:   ISDestroy(&vIS);
 67:   /* Sorting ruins the label */
 68:   ISSort(valueIS);
 69:   ISGetLocalSize(valueIS, &Nv);
 70:   ISGetIndices(valueIS, &values);
 71:   PetscMalloc1(Nv, &volConst);
 72:   for (v = 0; v < Nv; ++v) {
 73:     char opt[128];

 75:     volConst[v] = PETSC_MAX_REAL;
 76:     PetscSNPrintf(opt, 128, "-volume_constraint_%d", (int) values[v]);
 77:     PetscOptionsGetReal(NULL, NULL, opt, &volConst[v], NULL);
 78:   }
 79:   ISRestoreIndices(valueIS, &values);
 80:   ISDestroy(&valueIS);
 81:   /* Adapt mesh iteratively */
 82:   while (adapt) {
 83:     DM       dmAdapt;
 84:     DMLabel  adaptLabel;
 85:     PetscInt nAdaptLoc[2], nAdapt[2];

 87:     adapt = PETSC_FALSE;
 88:     nAdaptLoc[0] = nAdaptLoc[1] = 0;
 89:     nAdapt[0]    = nAdapt[1]    = 0;
 90:     /* Adaptation is not preserving the domain label */
 91:     DMHasLabel(dmCur, "Cell Sets", &hasLabel);
 92:     if (!hasLabel) CreateDomainLabel(dmCur);
 93:     DMGetLabel(dmCur, "Cell Sets", &label);
 94:     DMLabelGetValueIS(label, &vIS);
 95:     ISDuplicate(vIS, &valueIS);
 96:     ISDestroy(&vIS);
 97:     /* Sorting directly the label's value IS would corrupt the label so we duplicate the IS first */
 98:     ISSort(valueIS);
 99:     ISGetLocalSize(valueIS, &Nv);
100:     ISGetIndices(valueIS, &values);
101:     /* Construct adaptation label */
102:     DMLabelCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "adapt", &adaptLabel);
103:     DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dmCur, 0, &cStart, &cEnd);
104:     for (c = cStart; c < cEnd; ++c) {
105:       PetscReal volume, centroid[3];
106:       PetscInt  value, vidx;

108:       DMPlexComputeCellGeometryFVM(dmCur, c, &volume, centroid, NULL);
109:       DMLabelGetValue(label, c, &value);
110:       if (value < 0) continue;
111:       PetscFindInt(value, Nv, values, &vidx);
113:       if (volume > volConst[vidx])        {DMLabelSetValue(adaptLabel, c, DM_ADAPT_REFINE);  ++nAdaptLoc[0];}
114:       if (volume < volConst[vidx]*ratio) {DMLabelSetValue(adaptLabel, c, DM_ADAPT_COARSEN); ++nAdaptLoc[1];}
115:     }
116:     ISRestoreIndices(valueIS, &values);
117:     ISDestroy(&valueIS);
118:     MPI_Allreduce(&nAdaptLoc, &nAdapt, 2, MPIU_INT, MPI_SUM, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) dmCur));
119:     if (nAdapt[0]) {
120:       PetscInfo(dmCur, "Adapted mesh, marking %D cells for refinement, and %D cells for coarsening\n", nAdapt[0], nAdapt[1]);
121:       DMAdaptLabel(dmCur, adaptLabel, &dmAdapt);
122:       DMDestroy(&dmCur);
123:       DMViewFromOptions(dmAdapt, NULL, "-adapt_dm_view");
124:       dmCur = dmAdapt;
125:       adapt = PETSC_TRUE;
126:     }
127:     DMLabelDestroy(&adaptLabel);
128:   }
129:   PetscFree(volConst);
130:   *dm = dmCur;
131:   return 0;
132: }

134: static PetscErrorCode CreateMesh(MPI_Comm comm, AppCtx *user, DM *dm)
135: {
136:   PetscInt       dim;

139:   /* Create top surface */
140:   DMCreate(comm, dm);
141:   DMSetType(*dm, DMPLEX);
142:   PetscObjectSetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject) *dm, "init_");
143:   DMSetFromOptions(*dm);
144:   PetscObjectSetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject) *dm, NULL);
145:   /* Adapt surface */
146:   AdaptMesh(dm, user);
147:   /* Extrude surface to get volume mesh */
148:   DMGetDimension(*dm, &dim);
149:   DMLocalizeCoordinates(*dm);
150:   PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) *dm, "Mesh");
151:   DMSetFromOptions(*dm);
152:   DMViewFromOptions(*dm, NULL, "-dm_view");
153:   return 0;
154: }

156: int main(int argc, char **argv)
157: {
158:   DM             dm;
159:   AppCtx         user;

161:   PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, NULL, help);
162:   ProcessOptions(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &user);
163:   CreateMesh(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &user, &dm);
164:   DMDestroy(&dm);
165:   PetscFinalize();
166:   return 0;
167: }

169: /*TEST

171:   test:
172:     suffix: 0
173:     requires: triangle
174:     args: -init_dm_plex_dim 2 -init_dm_plex_box_faces 1,1 -dm_extrude 1 -dm_view

176:   test: # Regularly refine the surface before extrusion
177:     suffix: 1
178:     requires: triangle
179:     args: -init_dm_plex_dim 2 -init_dm_refine 2 -dm_extrude 1 -dm_view

181:   test: # Parallel run
182:     suffix: 2
183:     requires: triangle
184:     nsize: 5
185:     args: -init_dm_plex_dim 2 -init_dm_refine 3 -petscpartitioner_type simple -dm_extrude 3 -dm_view

187:   test: # adaptively refine the surface before extrusion
188:     suffix: 3
189:     requires: triangle
190:     args: -init_dm_plex_dim 2 -init_dm_plex_box_faces 5,5 -adapt -volume_constraint_1 0.01 -volume_constraint_2 0.000625 -dm_extrude 10

192: TEST*/