Actual source code: plexproject.c

  1: #include <petsc/private/dmpleximpl.h>

  3: #include <petsc/private/petscfeimpl.h>

  5: /*@
  6:   DMPlexGetActivePoint - Get the point on which projection is currently working

  8:   Not collective

 10:   Input Parameter:
 11: . dm   - the DM

 13:   Output Parameter:
 14: . point - The mesh point involved in the current projection

 16:   Level: developer

 18: .seealso: DMPlexSetActivePoint()
 19: @*/
 20: PetscErrorCode DMPlexGetActivePoint(DM dm, PetscInt *point)
 21: {
 23:   *point = ((DM_Plex *) dm->data)->activePoint;
 24:   return 0;
 25: }

 27: /*@
 28:   DMPlexSetActivePoint - Set the point on which projection is currently working

 30:   Not collective

 32:   Input Parameters:
 33: + dm   - the DM
 34: - point - The mesh point involved in the current projection

 36:   Level: developer

 38: .seealso: DMPlexGetActivePoint()
 39: @*/
 40: PetscErrorCode DMPlexSetActivePoint(DM dm, PetscInt point)
 41: {
 43:   ((DM_Plex *) dm->data)->activePoint = point;
 44:   return 0;
 45: }

 47: /*
 48:   DMProjectPoint_Func_Private - Interpolate the given function in the output basis on the given point

 50:   Input Parameters:
 51: + dm     - The output DM
 52: . ds     - The output DS
 53: . dmIn   - The input DM
 54: . dsIn   - The input DS
 55: . time   - The time for this evaluation
 56: . fegeom - The FE geometry for this point
 57: . fvgeom - The FV geometry for this point
 58: . isFE   - Flag indicating whether each output field has an FE discretization
 59: . sp     - The output PetscDualSpace for each field
 60: . funcs  - The evaluation function for each field
 61: - ctxs   - The user context for each field

 63:   Output Parameter:
 64: . values - The value for each dual basis vector in the output dual space

 66:   Level: developer

 68: .seealso: DMProjectPoint_Field_Private()
 69: */
 70: static PetscErrorCode DMProjectPoint_Func_Private(DM dm, PetscDS ds, DM dmIn, PetscDS dsIn, PetscReal time, PetscFEGeom *fegeom, PetscFVCellGeom *fvgeom, PetscBool isFE[], PetscDualSpace sp[],
 71:                                                   PetscErrorCode (**funcs)(PetscInt, PetscReal, const PetscReal [], PetscInt, PetscScalar *, void *), void **ctxs,
 72:                                                   PetscScalar values[])
 73: {
 74:   PetscInt       coordDim, Nf, *Nc, f, spDim, d, v, tp;
 75:   PetscBool      isAffine, isCohesive, transform;

 78:   DMGetCoordinateDim(dmIn, &coordDim);
 79:   DMHasBasisTransform(dmIn, &transform);
 80:   PetscDSGetNumFields(ds, &Nf);
 81:   PetscDSGetComponents(ds, &Nc);
 82:   PetscDSIsCohesive(ds, &isCohesive);
 83:   /* Get values for closure */
 84:   isAffine = fegeom->isAffine;
 85:   for (f = 0, v = 0, tp = 0; f < Nf; ++f) {
 86:     void * const ctx = ctxs ? ctxs[f] : NULL;
 87:     PetscBool    cohesive;

 89:     if (!sp[f]) continue;
 90:     PetscDSGetCohesive(ds, f, &cohesive);
 91:     PetscDualSpaceGetDimension(sp[f], &spDim);
 92:     if (funcs[f]) {
 93:       if (isFE[f]) {
 94:         PetscQuadrature   allPoints;
 95:         PetscInt          q, dim, numPoints;
 96:         const PetscReal   *points;
 97:         PetscScalar       *pointEval;
 98:         PetscReal         *x;
 99:         DM                rdm;

101:         PetscDualSpaceGetDM(sp[f],&rdm);
102:         PetscDualSpaceGetAllData(sp[f], &allPoints, NULL);
103:         PetscQuadratureGetData(allPoints,&dim,NULL,&numPoints,&points,NULL);
104:         DMGetWorkArray(rdm,numPoints*Nc[f],MPIU_SCALAR,&pointEval);
105:         DMGetWorkArray(rdm,coordDim,MPIU_REAL,&x);
106:         for (q = 0; q < numPoints; q++, tp++) {
107:           const PetscReal *v0;

109:           if (isAffine) {
110:             const PetscReal *refpoint = &points[q*dim];
111:             PetscReal        injpoint[3] = {0., 0., 0.};

113:             if (dim != fegeom->dim) {
114:               if (isCohesive) {
115:                 /* We just need to inject into the higher dimensional space assuming the last dimension is collapsed */
116:                 for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) injpoint[d] = refpoint[d];
117:                 refpoint = injpoint;
118:               } else SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Reference spatial dimension %D != %D dual basis spatial dimension", fegeom->dim, dim);
119:             }
120:             CoordinatesRefToReal(coordDim, fegeom->dim, fegeom->xi, fegeom->v, fegeom->J, refpoint, x);
121:             v0 = x;
122:           } else {
123:             v0 = &fegeom->v[tp*coordDim];
124:           }
125:           if (transform) {DMPlexBasisTransformApplyReal_Internal(dmIn, v0, PETSC_TRUE, coordDim, v0, x, dm->transformCtx); v0 = x;}
126:           (*funcs[f])(coordDim, time, v0, Nc[f], &pointEval[Nc[f]*q], ctx);
127:         }
128:         /* Transform point evaluations pointEval[q,c] */
129:         PetscDualSpacePullback(sp[f], fegeom, numPoints, Nc[f], pointEval);
130:         PetscDualSpaceApplyAll(sp[f], pointEval, &values[v]);
131:         DMRestoreWorkArray(rdm,coordDim,MPIU_REAL,&x);
132:         DMRestoreWorkArray(rdm,numPoints*Nc[f],MPIU_SCALAR,&pointEval);
133:         v += spDim;
134:         if (isCohesive && !cohesive) {
135:           for (d = 0; d < spDim; d++, v++) values[v] = values[v - spDim];
136:         }
137:       } else {
138:         for (d = 0; d < spDim; ++d, ++v) {
139:           PetscDualSpaceApplyFVM(sp[f], d, time, fvgeom, Nc[f], funcs[f], ctx, &values[v]);
140:         }
141:       }
142:     } else {
143:       for (d = 0; d < spDim; d++, v++) values[v] = 0.;
144:       if (isCohesive && !cohesive) {
145:         for (d = 0; d < spDim; d++, v++) values[v] = 0.;
146:       }
147:     }
148:   }
149:   return 0;
150: }

152: /*
153:   DMProjectPoint_Field_Private - Interpolate a function of the given field, in the input basis, using the output basis on the given point

155:   Input Parameters:
156: + dm             - The output DM
157: . ds             - The output DS
158: . dmIn           - The input DM
159: . dsIn           - The input DS
160: . dmAux          - The auxiliary DM, which is always for the input space
161: . dsAux          - The auxiliary DS, which is always for the input space
162: . time           - The time for this evaluation
163: . localU         - The local solution
164: . localA         - The local auziliary fields
165: . cgeom          - The FE geometry for this point
166: . sp             - The output PetscDualSpace for each field
167: . p              - The point in the output DM
168: . T              - Input basis and derivatives for each field tabulated on the quadrature points
169: . TAux           - Auxiliary basis and derivatives for each aux field tabulated on the quadrature points
170: . funcs          - The evaluation function for each field
171: - ctxs           - The user context for each field

173:   Output Parameter:
174: . values         - The value for each dual basis vector in the output dual space

176:   Note: Not supported for FV

178:   Level: developer

180: .seealso: DMProjectPoint_Field_Private()
181: */
182: static PetscErrorCode DMProjectPoint_Field_Private(DM dm, PetscDS ds, DM dmIn, DMEnclosureType encIn, PetscDS dsIn, DM dmAux, DMEnclosureType encAux, PetscDS dsAux, PetscReal time, Vec localU, Vec localA, PetscFEGeom *cgeom, PetscDualSpace sp[], PetscInt p,
183:                                                    PetscTabulation *T, PetscTabulation *TAux,
184:                                                    void (**funcs)(PetscInt, PetscInt, PetscInt,
185:                                                                   const PetscInt[], const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[],
186:                                                                   const PetscInt[], const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[],
187:                                                                   PetscReal, const PetscReal[], PetscInt, const PetscScalar[], PetscScalar[]), void **ctxs,
188:                                                    PetscScalar values[])
189: {
190:   PetscSection       section, sectionAux = NULL;
191:   PetscScalar       *u, *u_t = NULL, *u_x, *a = NULL, *a_t = NULL, *a_x = NULL, *bc;
192:   PetscScalar       *coefficients   = NULL, *coefficientsAux   = NULL;
193:   PetscScalar       *coefficients_t = NULL, *coefficientsAux_t = NULL;
194:   const PetscScalar *constants;
195:   PetscReal         *x;
196:   PetscInt          *uOff, *uOff_x, *aOff = NULL, *aOff_x = NULL, *Nc;
197:   PetscFEGeom        fegeom;
198:   const PetscInt     dE = cgeom->dimEmbed;
199:   PetscInt           numConstants, Nf, NfIn, NfAux = 0, f, spDim, d, v, inp, tp = 0;
200:   PetscBool          isAffine, isCohesive, transform;

203:   PetscDSGetNumFields(ds, &Nf);
204:   PetscDSGetComponents(ds, &Nc);
205:   PetscDSIsCohesive(ds, &isCohesive);
206:   PetscDSGetNumFields(dsIn, &NfIn);
207:   PetscDSGetComponentOffsets(dsIn, &uOff);
208:   PetscDSGetComponentDerivativeOffsets(dsIn, &uOff_x);
209:   PetscDSGetEvaluationArrays(dsIn, &u, &bc /*&u_t*/, &u_x);
210:   PetscDSGetWorkspace(dsIn, &x, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
211:   PetscDSGetConstants(dsIn, &numConstants, &constants);
212:   DMHasBasisTransform(dmIn, &transform);
213:   DMGetLocalSection(dmIn, &section);
214:   DMGetEnclosurePoint(dmIn, dm, encIn, p, &inp);
215:   DMPlexVecGetClosure(dmIn, section, localU, inp, NULL, &coefficients);
216:   if (dmAux) {
217:     PetscInt subp;

219:     DMGetEnclosurePoint(dmAux, dm, encAux, p, &subp);
220:     PetscDSGetNumFields(dsAux, &NfAux);
221:     DMGetLocalSection(dmAux, &sectionAux);
222:     PetscDSGetComponentOffsets(dsAux, &aOff);
223:     PetscDSGetComponentDerivativeOffsets(dsAux, &aOff_x);
224:     PetscDSGetEvaluationArrays(dsAux, &a, NULL /*&a_t*/, &a_x);
225:     DMPlexVecGetClosure(dmAux, sectionAux, localA, subp, NULL, &coefficientsAux);
226:   }
227:   /* Get values for closure */
228:   isAffine = cgeom->isAffine;
229:   fegeom.dim      = cgeom->dim;
230:   fegeom.dimEmbed = cgeom->dimEmbed;
231:   if (isAffine) {
232:     fegeom.v    = x;
233:     fegeom.xi   = cgeom->xi;
234:     fegeom.J    = cgeom->J;
235:     fegeom.invJ = cgeom->invJ;
236:     fegeom.detJ = cgeom->detJ;
237:   }
238:   for (f = 0, v = 0; f < Nf; ++f) {
239:     PetscQuadrature  allPoints;
240:     PetscInt         q, dim, numPoints;
241:     const PetscReal *points;
242:     PetscScalar     *pointEval;
243:     PetscBool        cohesive;
244:     DM               dm;

246:     if (!sp[f]) continue;
247:     PetscDSGetCohesive(ds, f, &cohesive);
248:     PetscDualSpaceGetDimension(sp[f], &spDim);
249:     if (!funcs[f]) {
250:       for (d = 0; d < spDim; d++, v++) values[v] = 0.;
251:       if (isCohesive && !cohesive) {
252:         for (d = 0; d < spDim; d++, v++) values[v] = 0.;
253:       }
254:       continue;
255:     }
256:     PetscDualSpaceGetDM(sp[f],&dm);
257:     PetscDualSpaceGetAllData(sp[f], &allPoints, NULL);
258:     PetscQuadratureGetData(allPoints,&dim,NULL,&numPoints,&points,NULL);
259:     DMGetWorkArray(dm,numPoints*Nc[f],MPIU_SCALAR,&pointEval);
260:     for (q = 0; q < numPoints; ++q, ++tp) {
261:       if (isAffine) {
262:         CoordinatesRefToReal(dE, cgeom->dim, fegeom.xi, cgeom->v, fegeom.J, &points[q*dim], x);
263:       } else {
264:         fegeom.v    = &cgeom->v[tp*dE];
265:         fegeom.J    = &cgeom->J[tp*dE*dE];
266:         fegeom.invJ = &cgeom->invJ[tp*dE*dE];
267:         fegeom.detJ = &cgeom->detJ[tp];
268:       }
269:       PetscFEEvaluateFieldJets_Internal(dsIn, NfIn, 0, tp, T, &fegeom, coefficients, coefficients_t, u, u_x, u_t);
270:       if (dsAux) PetscFEEvaluateFieldJets_Internal(dsAux, NfAux, 0, tp, TAux, &fegeom, coefficientsAux, coefficientsAux_t, a, a_x, a_t);
271:       if (transform) DMPlexBasisTransformApplyReal_Internal(dmIn, fegeom.v, PETSC_TRUE, dE, fegeom.v, fegeom.v, dm->transformCtx);
272:       (*funcs[f])(dE, NfIn, NfAux, uOff, uOff_x, u, u_t, u_x, aOff, aOff_x, a, a_t, a_x, time, fegeom.v, numConstants, constants, &pointEval[Nc[f]*q]);
273:     }
274:     PetscDualSpaceApplyAll(sp[f], pointEval, &values[v]);
275:     DMRestoreWorkArray(dm,numPoints*Nc[f],MPIU_SCALAR,&pointEval);
276:     v += spDim;
277:     /* TODO: For now, set both sides equal, but this should use info from other support cell */
278:     if (isCohesive && !cohesive) {
279:       for (d = 0; d < spDim; d++, v++) values[v] = values[v - spDim];
280:     }
281:   }
282:   DMPlexVecRestoreClosure(dmIn, section, localU, inp, NULL, &coefficients);
283:   if (dmAux) DMPlexVecRestoreClosure(dmAux, sectionAux, localA, p, NULL, &coefficientsAux);
284:   return 0;
285: }

287: static PetscErrorCode DMProjectPoint_BdField_Private(DM dm, PetscDS ds, DM dmIn, PetscDS dsIn, DM dmAux, DMEnclosureType encAux, PetscDS dsAux, PetscReal time, Vec localU, Vec localA, PetscFEGeom *fgeom, PetscDualSpace sp[], PetscInt p,
288:                                                      PetscTabulation *T, PetscTabulation *TAux,
289:                                                      void (**funcs)(PetscInt, PetscInt, PetscInt,
290:                                                                     const PetscInt[], const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[],
291:                                                                     const PetscInt[], const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[],
292:                                                                     PetscReal, const PetscReal[], const PetscReal[], PetscInt, const PetscScalar[], PetscScalar[]), void **ctxs,
293:                                                      PetscScalar values[])
294: {
295:   PetscSection       section, sectionAux = NULL;
296:   PetscScalar       *u, *u_t = NULL, *u_x, *a = NULL, *a_t = NULL, *a_x = NULL, *bc;
297:   PetscScalar       *coefficients   = NULL, *coefficientsAux   = NULL;
298:   PetscScalar       *coefficients_t = NULL, *coefficientsAux_t = NULL;
299:   const PetscScalar *constants;
300:   PetscReal         *x;
301:   PetscInt          *uOff, *uOff_x, *aOff = NULL, *aOff_x = NULL, *Nc;
302:   PetscFEGeom        fegeom, cgeom;
303:   const PetscInt     dE = fgeom->dimEmbed;
304:   PetscInt           numConstants, Nf, NfAux = 0, f, spDim, d, v, tp = 0;
305:   PetscBool          isAffine;

309:   PetscDSGetNumFields(ds, &Nf);
310:   PetscDSGetComponents(ds, &Nc);
311:   PetscDSGetComponentOffsets(ds, &uOff);
312:   PetscDSGetComponentDerivativeOffsets(ds, &uOff_x);
313:   PetscDSGetEvaluationArrays(ds, &u, &bc /*&u_t*/, &u_x);
314:   PetscDSGetWorkspace(ds, &x, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
315:   PetscDSGetConstants(ds, &numConstants, &constants);
316:   DMGetLocalSection(dm, &section);
317:   DMPlexVecGetClosure(dmIn, section, localU, p, NULL, &coefficients);
318:   if (dmAux) {
319:     PetscInt subp;

321:     DMGetEnclosurePoint(dmAux, dm, encAux, p, &subp);
322:     PetscDSGetNumFields(dsAux, &NfAux);
323:     DMGetLocalSection(dmAux, &sectionAux);
324:     PetscDSGetComponentOffsets(dsAux, &aOff);
325:     PetscDSGetComponentDerivativeOffsets(dsAux, &aOff_x);
326:     PetscDSGetEvaluationArrays(dsAux, &a, NULL /*&a_t*/, &a_x);
327:     DMPlexVecGetClosure(dmAux, sectionAux, localA, subp, NULL, &coefficientsAux);
328:   }
329:   /* Get values for closure */
330:   isAffine = fgeom->isAffine;
331:   fegeom.n  = NULL;
332:   fegeom.J  = NULL;
333:   fegeom.v  = NULL;
334:   fegeom.xi = NULL;
335:   cgeom.dim      = fgeom->dim;
336:   cgeom.dimEmbed = fgeom->dimEmbed;
337:   if (isAffine) {
338:     fegeom.v    = x;
339:     fegeom.xi   = fgeom->xi;
340:     fegeom.J    = fgeom->J;
341:     fegeom.invJ = fgeom->invJ;
342:     fegeom.detJ = fgeom->detJ;
343:     fegeom.n    = fgeom->n;

345:     cgeom.J     = fgeom->suppJ[0];
346:     cgeom.invJ  = fgeom->suppInvJ[0];
347:     cgeom.detJ  = fgeom->suppDetJ[0];
348:   }
349:   for (f = 0, v = 0; f < Nf; ++f) {
350:     PetscQuadrature   allPoints;
351:     PetscInt          q, dim, numPoints;
352:     const PetscReal   *points;
353:     PetscScalar       *pointEval;
354:     DM                dm;

356:     if (!sp[f]) continue;
357:     PetscDualSpaceGetDimension(sp[f], &spDim);
358:     if (!funcs[f]) {
359:       for (d = 0; d < spDim; d++, v++) values[v] = 0.;
360:       continue;
361:     }
362:     PetscDualSpaceGetDM(sp[f],&dm);
363:     PetscDualSpaceGetAllData(sp[f], &allPoints, NULL);
364:     PetscQuadratureGetData(allPoints,&dim,NULL,&numPoints,&points,NULL);
365:     DMGetWorkArray(dm,numPoints*Nc[f],MPIU_SCALAR,&pointEval);
366:     for (q = 0; q < numPoints; ++q, ++tp) {
367:       if (isAffine) {
368:         CoordinatesRefToReal(dE, fgeom->dim, fegeom.xi, fgeom->v, fegeom.J, &points[q*dim], x);
369:       } else {
370:         fegeom.v    = &fgeom->v[tp*dE];
371:         fegeom.J    = &fgeom->J[tp*dE*dE];
372:         fegeom.invJ = &fgeom->invJ[tp*dE*dE];
373:         fegeom.detJ = &fgeom->detJ[tp];
374:         fegeom.n    = &fgeom->n[tp*dE];

376:         cgeom.J     = &fgeom->suppJ[0][tp*dE*dE];
377:         cgeom.invJ  = &fgeom->suppInvJ[0][tp*dE*dE];
378:         cgeom.detJ  = &fgeom->suppDetJ[0][tp];
379:       }
380:       /* TODO We should use cgeom here, instead of fegeom, however the geometry coming in through fgeom does not have the support cell geometry */
381:       PetscFEEvaluateFieldJets_Internal(ds, Nf, 0, tp, T, &cgeom, coefficients, coefficients_t, u, u_x, u_t);
382:       if (dsAux) PetscFEEvaluateFieldJets_Internal(dsAux, NfAux, 0, tp, TAux, &cgeom, coefficientsAux, coefficientsAux_t, a, a_x, a_t);
383:       (*funcs[f])(dE, Nf, NfAux, uOff, uOff_x, u, u_t, u_x, aOff, aOff_x, a, a_t, a_x, time, fegeom.v, fegeom.n, numConstants, constants, &pointEval[Nc[f]*q]);
384:     }
385:     PetscDualSpaceApplyAll(sp[f], pointEval, &values[v]);
386:     DMRestoreWorkArray(dm,numPoints*Nc[f],MPIU_SCALAR,&pointEval);
387:     v += spDim;
388:   }
389:   DMPlexVecRestoreClosure(dmIn, section, localU, p, NULL, &coefficients);
390:   if (dmAux) DMPlexVecRestoreClosure(dmAux, sectionAux, localA, p, NULL, &coefficientsAux);
391:   return 0;
392: }

394: static PetscErrorCode DMProjectPoint_Private(DM dm, PetscDS ds, DM dmIn, DMEnclosureType encIn, PetscDS dsIn, DM dmAux, DMEnclosureType encAux, PetscDS dsAux, PetscFEGeom *fegeom, PetscInt effectiveHeight, PetscReal time, Vec localU, Vec localA, PetscBool hasFE, PetscBool hasFV, PetscBool isFE[],
395:                                              PetscDualSpace sp[], PetscInt p, PetscTabulation *T, PetscTabulation *TAux,
396:                                              DMBoundaryConditionType type, void (**funcs)(void), void **ctxs, PetscBool fieldActive[], PetscScalar values[])
397: {
398:   PetscFVCellGeom fvgeom;
399:   PetscInt        dim, dimEmbed;
400:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;

403:   DMGetDimension(dm, &dim);
404:   DMGetCoordinateDim(dm, &dimEmbed);
405:   if (hasFV) DMPlexComputeCellGeometryFVM(dm, p, &fvgeom.volume, fvgeom.centroid, NULL);
406:   switch (type) {
407:   case DM_BC_ESSENTIAL:
408:   case DM_BC_NATURAL:
409:     DMProjectPoint_Func_Private(dm, ds, dmIn, dsIn, time, fegeom, &fvgeom, isFE, sp, (PetscErrorCode (**)(PetscInt, PetscReal, const PetscReal [], PetscInt, PetscScalar *, void *)) funcs, ctxs, values);break;
411:   case DM_BC_NATURAL_FIELD:
412:     DMProjectPoint_Field_Private(dm, ds, dmIn, encIn, dsIn, dmAux, encAux, dsAux, time, localU, localA, fegeom, sp, p, T, TAux,
413:                                         (void (**)(PetscInt, PetscInt, PetscInt,
414:                                                    const PetscInt[], const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[],
415:                                                    const PetscInt[], const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[],
416:                                                    PetscReal, const PetscReal[], PetscInt, const PetscScalar[], PetscScalar[])) funcs, ctxs, values);break;
418:     DMProjectPoint_BdField_Private(dm, ds, dmIn, dsIn, dmAux, encAux, dsAux, time, localU, localA, fegeom, sp, p, T, TAux,
419:                                           (void (**)(PetscInt, PetscInt, PetscInt,
420:                                                      const PetscInt[], const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[],
421:                                                      const PetscInt[], const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[],
422:                                                      PetscReal, const PetscReal[], const PetscReal[], PetscInt, const PetscScalar[], PetscScalar[])) funcs, ctxs, values);break;
423:   default: SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) dm), PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Unknown boundary condition type: %d", (int) type);
424:   }
425:   return 0;
426: }

428: static PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceGetAllPointsUnion(PetscInt Nf, PetscDualSpace *sp, PetscInt dim, void (**funcs)(void), PetscQuadrature *allPoints)
429: {
430:   PetscReal      *points;
431:   PetscInt       f, numPoints;

433:   numPoints = 0;
434:   for (f = 0; f < Nf; ++f) {
435:     if (funcs[f]) {
436:       PetscQuadrature fAllPoints;
437:       PetscInt        fNumPoints;

439:       PetscDualSpaceGetAllData(sp[f],&fAllPoints, NULL);
440:       PetscQuadratureGetData(fAllPoints, NULL, NULL, &fNumPoints, NULL, NULL);
441:       numPoints += fNumPoints;
442:     }
443:   }
444:   PetscMalloc1(dim*numPoints,&points);
445:   numPoints = 0;
446:   for (f = 0; f < Nf; ++f) {
447:     if (funcs[f]) {
448:       PetscQuadrature fAllPoints;
449:       PetscInt        qdim, fNumPoints, q;
450:       const PetscReal *fPoints;

452:       PetscDualSpaceGetAllData(sp[f],&fAllPoints, NULL);
453:       PetscQuadratureGetData(fAllPoints, &qdim, NULL, &fNumPoints, &fPoints, NULL);
455:       for (q = 0; q < fNumPoints*dim; ++q) points[numPoints*dim+q] = fPoints[q];
456:       numPoints += fNumPoints;
457:     }
458:   }
459:   PetscQuadratureCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,allPoints);
460:   PetscQuadratureSetData(*allPoints,dim,0,numPoints,points,NULL);
461:   return 0;
462: }

464: /*@C
465:   DMGetFirstLabeledPoint - Find first labeled point p_o in odm such that the corresponding point p in dm has the specified height. Return p and the corresponding ds.

467:   Input Parameters:
468:   dm - the DM
469:   odm - the enclosing DM
470:   label - label for DM domain, or NULL for whole domain
471:   numIds - the number of ids
472:   ids - An array of the label ids in sequence for the domain
473:   height - Height of target cells in DMPlex topology

475:   Output Parameters:
476:   point - the first labeled point
477:   ds - the ds corresponding to the first labeled point

479:   Level: developer
480: @*/
481: PetscErrorCode DMGetFirstLabeledPoint(DM dm, DM odm, DMLabel label, PetscInt numIds, const PetscInt ids[], PetscInt height, PetscInt *point, PetscDS *ds)
482: {
483:   DM              plex;
484:   DMEnclosureType enc;
485:   PetscInt        ls = -1;

487:   if (point) *point = -1;
488:   if (!label) return 0;
489:   DMGetEnclosureRelation(dm, odm, &enc);
490:   DMConvert(dm, DMPLEX, &plex);
491:   for (PetscInt i = 0; i < numIds; ++i) {
492:     IS       labelIS;
493:     PetscInt num_points, pStart, pEnd;
494:     DMLabelGetStratumIS(label, ids[i], &labelIS);
495:     if (!labelIS) continue; /* No points with that id on this process */
496:     DMPlexGetHeightStratum(plex, height, &pStart, &pEnd);
497:     ISGetSize(labelIS, &num_points);
498:     if (num_points) {
499:       const PetscInt *points;
500:       ISGetIndices(labelIS, &points);
501:       for (PetscInt i=0; i<num_points; i++) {
502:         PetscInt point;
503:         DMGetEnclosurePoint(dm, odm, enc, points[i], &point);
504:         if (pStart <= point && point < pEnd) {
505:           ls = point;
506:           if (ds) DMGetCellDS(dm, ls, ds);
507:         }
508:       }
509:       ISRestoreIndices(labelIS, &points);
510:     }
511:     ISDestroy(&labelIS);
512:     if (ls >= 0) break;
513:   }
514:   if (point) *point = ls;
515:   DMDestroy(&plex);
516:   return 0;
517: }

519: /*
520:   This function iterates over a manifold, and interpolates the input function/field using the basis provided by the DS in our DM

522:   There are several different scenarios:

524:   1) Volumetric mesh with volumetric auxiliary data

526:      Here minHeight=0 since we loop over cells.

528:   2) Boundary mesh with boundary auxiliary data

530:      Here minHeight=1 since we loop over faces. This normally happens since we hang cells off of our boundary meshes to facilitate computation.

532:   3) Volumetric mesh with boundary auxiliary data

534:      Here minHeight=1 and auxbd=PETSC_TRUE since we loop over faces and use data only supported on those faces. This is common when imposing Dirichlet boundary conditions.

536:   4) Volumetric input mesh with boundary output mesh

538:      Here we must get a subspace for the input DS

540:   The maxHeight is used to support enforcement of constraints in DMForest.

542:   If localU is given and not equal to localX, we call DMPlexInsertBoundaryValues() to complete it.

544:   If we are using an input field (DM_BC_ESSENTIAL_FIELD or DM_BC_NATURAL_FIELD), we need to evaluate it at all the quadrature points of the dual basis functionals.
545:     - We use effectiveHeight to mean the height above our incoming DS. For example, if the DS is for a submesh then the effective height is zero, whereas if the DS
546:       is for the volumetric mesh, but we are iterating over a surface, then the effective height is nonzero. When the effective height is nonzero, we need to extract
547:       dual spaces for the boundary from our input spaces.
548:     - After extracting all quadrature points, we tabulate the input fields and auxiliary fields on them.

550:   We check that the #dof(closure(p)) == #dual basis functionals(p) for a representative p in the iteration

552:   If we have a label, we iterate over those points. This will probably break the maxHeight functionality since we do not check the height of those points.
553: */
554: static PetscErrorCode DMProjectLocal_Generic_Plex(DM dm, PetscReal time, Vec localU,
555:                                                   PetscInt Ncc, const PetscInt comps[], DMLabel label, PetscInt numIds, const PetscInt ids[],
556:                                                   DMBoundaryConditionType type, void (**funcs)(void), void **ctxs,
557:                                                   InsertMode mode, Vec localX)
558: {
559:   DM                 plex, dmIn, plexIn, dmAux = NULL, plexAux = NULL, tdm;
560:   DMEnclosureType    encIn, encAux;
561:   PetscDS            ds = NULL, dsIn = NULL, dsAux = NULL;
562:   Vec                localA = NULL, tv;
563:   IS                 fieldIS;
564:   PetscSection       section;
565:   PetscDualSpace    *sp, *cellsp, *spIn, *cellspIn;
566:   PetscTabulation *T = NULL, *TAux = NULL;
567:   PetscInt          *Nc;
568:   PetscInt           dim, dimEmbed, depth, htInc = 0, htIncIn = 0, htIncAux = 0, minHeight, maxHeight, h, regionNum, Nf, NfIn, NfAux = 0, NfTot, f;
569:   PetscBool         *isFE, hasFE = PETSC_FALSE, hasFV = PETSC_FALSE, isCohesive = PETSC_FALSE, transform;
570:   DMField            coordField;
571:   DMLabel            depthLabel;
572:   PetscQuadrature    allPoints = NULL;
573:   PetscErrorCode     ierr;

575:   if (localU) VecGetDM(localU, &dmIn);
576:   else        {dmIn = dm;}
577:   DMGetAuxiliaryVec(dm, label, numIds ? ids[0] : 0, 0, &localA);
578:   if (localA) VecGetDM(localA, &dmAux); else {dmAux = NULL;}
579:   DMConvert(dm, DMPLEX, &plex);
580:   DMConvert(dmIn, DMPLEX, &plexIn);
581:   DMGetEnclosureRelation(dmIn, dm, &encIn);
582:   DMGetEnclosureRelation(dmAux, dm, &encAux);
583:   DMGetDimension(dm, &dim);
584:   DMPlexGetVTKCellHeight(plex, &minHeight);
585:   DMGetBasisTransformDM_Internal(dm, &tdm);
586:   DMGetBasisTransformVec_Internal(dm, &tv);
587:   DMHasBasisTransform(dm, &transform);
588:   /* Auxiliary information can only be used with interpolation of field functions */
589:   if (dmAux) {
590:     DMConvert(dmAux, DMPLEX, &plexAux);
591:     if (type == DM_BC_ESSENTIAL_FIELD || type == DM_BC_ESSENTIAL_BD_FIELD || type == DM_BC_NATURAL_FIELD) {
593:     }
594:   }
595:   /* Determine height for iteration of all meshes */
596:   {
597:     DMPolytopeType ct, ctIn, ctAux;
598:     PetscInt       minHeightIn, minHeightAux, lStart, pStart, pEnd, p, pStartIn, pStartAux;
599:     PetscInt       dim = -1, dimIn, dimAux;

601:     DMPlexGetSimplexOrBoxCells(plex, minHeight, &pStart, &pEnd);
602:     if (pEnd > pStart) {
603:       DMGetFirstLabeledPoint(dm, dm, label, numIds, ids, minHeight, &lStart, NULL);
604:       p    = lStart < 0 ? pStart : lStart;
605:       DMPlexGetCellType(plex, p, &ct);
606:       dim  = DMPolytopeTypeGetDim(ct);
607:       DMPlexGetVTKCellHeight(plexIn, &minHeightIn);
608:       DMPlexGetSimplexOrBoxCells(plexIn, minHeightIn, &pStartIn, NULL);
609:       DMPlexGetCellType(plexIn, pStartIn, &ctIn);
610:       dimIn = DMPolytopeTypeGetDim(ctIn);
611:       if (dmAux) {
612:         DMPlexGetVTKCellHeight(plexAux, &minHeightAux);
613:         DMPlexGetSimplexOrBoxCells(plexAux, minHeightAux, &pStartAux, NULL);
614:         DMPlexGetCellType(plexAux, pStartAux, &ctAux);
615:         dimAux = DMPolytopeTypeGetDim(ctAux);
616:       } else dimAux = dim;
617:     }
618:     if (dim < 0) {
619:       DMLabel spmap = NULL, spmapIn = NULL, spmapAux = NULL;

621:       /* Fall back to determination based on being a submesh */
622:       DMPlexGetSubpointMap(plex,   &spmap);
623:       DMPlexGetSubpointMap(plexIn, &spmapIn);
624:       if (plexAux) DMPlexGetSubpointMap(plexAux, &spmapAux);
625:       dim    = spmap    ? 1 : 0;
626:       dimIn  = spmapIn  ? 1 : 0;
627:       dimAux = spmapAux ? 1 : 0;
628:     }
629:     {
630:       PetscInt dimProj = PetscMin(PetscMin(dim, dimIn), dimAux);

633:       if (dimProj < dim) minHeight = 1;
634:       htInc    =  dim    - dimProj;
635:       htIncIn  =  dimIn  - dimProj;
636:       htIncAux =  dimAux - dimProj;
637:     }
638:   }
639:   DMPlexGetDepth(plex, &depth);
640:   DMPlexGetDepthLabel(plex, &depthLabel);
641:   DMPlexGetMaxProjectionHeight(plex, &maxHeight);
642:   maxHeight = PetscMax(maxHeight, minHeight);
644:   DMGetFirstLabeledPoint(dm, dm, label, numIds, ids, 0, NULL, &ds);
645:   if (!ds) DMGetDS(dm, &ds);
646:   DMGetFirstLabeledPoint(dmIn, dm, label, numIds, ids, 0, NULL, &dsIn);
647:   if (!dsIn) DMGetDS(dmIn, &dsIn);
648:   PetscDSGetNumFields(ds, &Nf);
649:   PetscDSGetNumFields(dsIn, &NfIn);
650:   DMGetNumFields(dm, &NfTot);
651:   DMFindRegionNum(dm, ds, &regionNum);
652:   DMGetRegionNumDS(dm, regionNum, NULL, &fieldIS, NULL);
653:   PetscDSIsCohesive(ds, &isCohesive);
654:   DMGetCoordinateDim(dm, &dimEmbed);
655:   DMGetLocalSection(dm, &section);
656:   if (dmAux) {
657:     DMGetDS(dmAux, &dsAux);
658:     PetscDSGetNumFields(dsAux, &NfAux);
659:   }
660:   PetscDSGetComponents(ds, &Nc);
661:   PetscMalloc3(Nf, &isFE, Nf, &sp, NfIn, &spIn);
662:   if (maxHeight > 0) PetscMalloc2(Nf, &cellsp, NfIn, &cellspIn);
663:   else               {cellsp = sp; cellspIn = spIn;}
664:   if (localU && localU != localX) DMPlexInsertBoundaryValues(plex, PETSC_TRUE, localU, time, NULL, NULL, NULL);
665:   /* Get cell dual spaces */
666:   for (f = 0; f < Nf; ++f) {
667:     PetscDiscType disctype;

669:     PetscDSGetDiscType_Internal(ds, f, &disctype);
670:     if (disctype == PETSC_DISC_FE) {
671:       PetscFE fe;

673:       isFE[f] = PETSC_TRUE;
674:       hasFE   = PETSC_TRUE;
675:       PetscDSGetDiscretization(ds, f, (PetscObject *) &fe);
676:       PetscFEGetDualSpace(fe, &cellsp[f]);
677:     } else if (disctype == PETSC_DISC_FV) {
678:       PetscFV fv;

680:       isFE[f] = PETSC_FALSE;
681:       hasFV   = PETSC_TRUE;
682:       PetscDSGetDiscretization(ds, f, (PetscObject *) &fv);
683:       PetscFVGetDualSpace(fv, &cellsp[f]);
684:     } else {
685:       isFE[f]   = PETSC_FALSE;
686:       cellsp[f] = NULL;
687:     }
688:   }
689:   for (f = 0; f < NfIn; ++f) {
690:     PetscDiscType disctype;

692:     PetscDSGetDiscType_Internal(dsIn, f, &disctype);
693:     if (disctype == PETSC_DISC_FE) {
694:       PetscFE fe;

696:       PetscDSGetDiscretization(dsIn, f, (PetscObject *) &fe);
697:       PetscFEGetDualSpace(fe, &cellspIn[f]);
698:     } else if (disctype == PETSC_DISC_FV) {
699:       PetscFV fv;

701:       PetscDSGetDiscretization(dsIn, f, (PetscObject *) &fv);
702:       PetscFVGetDualSpace(fv, &cellspIn[f]);
703:     } else {
704:       cellspIn[f] = NULL;
705:     }
706:   }
707:   DMGetCoordinateField(dm,&coordField);
708:   for (f = 0; f < Nf; ++f) {
709:     if (!htInc) {sp[f] = cellsp[f];}
710:     else        PetscDualSpaceGetHeightSubspace(cellsp[f], htInc, &sp[f]);
711:   }
712:   if (type == DM_BC_ESSENTIAL_FIELD || type == DM_BC_ESSENTIAL_BD_FIELD || type == DM_BC_NATURAL_FIELD) {
713:     PetscFE          fem, subfem;
714:     PetscDiscType    disctype;
715:     const PetscReal *points;
716:     PetscInt         numPoints;

719:     PetscDualSpaceGetAllPointsUnion(Nf, sp, dim-htInc, funcs, &allPoints);
720:     PetscQuadratureGetData(allPoints, NULL, NULL, &numPoints, &points, NULL);
721:     PetscMalloc2(NfIn, &T, NfAux, &TAux);
722:     for (f = 0; f < NfIn; ++f) {
723:       if (!htIncIn) {spIn[f] = cellspIn[f];}
724:       else          PetscDualSpaceGetHeightSubspace(cellspIn[f], htIncIn, &spIn[f]);

726:       PetscDSGetDiscType_Internal(dsIn, f, &disctype);
727:       if (disctype != PETSC_DISC_FE) continue;
728:       PetscDSGetDiscretization(dsIn, f, (PetscObject *) &fem);
729:       if (!htIncIn) {subfem = fem;}
730:       else          PetscFEGetHeightSubspace(fem, htIncIn, &subfem);
731:       PetscFECreateTabulation(subfem, 1, numPoints, points, 1, &T[f]);
732:     }
733:     for (f = 0; f < NfAux; ++f) {
734:       PetscDSGetDiscType_Internal(dsAux, f, &disctype);
735:       if (disctype != PETSC_DISC_FE) continue;
736:       PetscDSGetDiscretization(dsAux, f, (PetscObject *) &fem);
737:       if (!htIncAux) {subfem = fem;}
738:       else           PetscFEGetHeightSubspace(fem, htIncAux, &subfem);
739:       PetscFECreateTabulation(subfem, 1, numPoints, points, 1, &TAux[f]);
740:     }
741:   }
742:   /* Note: We make no attempt to optimize for height. Higher height things just overwrite the lower height results. */
743:   for (h = minHeight; h <= maxHeight; h++) {
744:     PetscInt     hEff     = h - minHeight + htInc;
745:     PetscInt     hEffIn   = h - minHeight + htIncIn;
746:     PetscInt     hEffAux  = h - minHeight + htIncAux;
747:     PetscDS      dsEff    = ds;
748:     PetscDS      dsEffIn  = dsIn;
749:     PetscDS      dsEffAux = dsAux;
750:     PetscScalar *values;
751:     PetscBool   *fieldActive;
752:     PetscInt     maxDegree;
753:     PetscInt     pStart, pEnd, p, lStart, spDim, totDim, numValues;
754:     IS           heightIS;

756:     if (h > minHeight) {
757:       for (f = 0; f < Nf; ++f) PetscDualSpaceGetHeightSubspace(cellsp[f], hEff, &sp[f]);
758:     }
759:     DMPlexGetSimplexOrBoxCells(plex, h, &pStart, &pEnd);
760:     DMGetFirstLabeledPoint(dm, dm, label, numIds, ids, h, &lStart, NULL);
761:     DMLabelGetStratumIS(depthLabel, depth - h, &heightIS);
762:     if (pEnd <= pStart) {
763:       ISDestroy(&heightIS);
764:       continue;
765:     }
766:     /* Compute totDim, the number of dofs in the closure of a point at this height */
767:     totDim = 0;
768:     for (f = 0; f < Nf; ++f) {
769:       PetscBool cohesive;

771:       if (!sp[f]) continue;
772:       PetscDSGetCohesive(ds, f, &cohesive);
773:       PetscDualSpaceGetDimension(sp[f], &spDim);
774:       totDim += spDim;
775:       if (isCohesive && !cohesive) totDim += spDim;
776:     }
777:     p    = lStart < 0 ? pStart : lStart;
778:     DMPlexVecGetClosure(plex, section, localX, p, &numValues, NULL);
780:     if (!totDim) {
781:       ISDestroy(&heightIS);
782:       continue;
783:     }
784:     if (htInc) PetscDSGetHeightSubspace(ds, hEff, &dsEff);
785:     /* Compute totDimIn, the number of dofs in the closure of a point at this height */
786:     if (localU) {
787:       PetscInt totDimIn, pIn, numValuesIn;

789:       totDimIn = 0;
790:       for (f = 0; f < NfIn; ++f) {
791:         PetscBool cohesive;

793:         if (!spIn[f]) continue;
794:         PetscDSGetCohesive(dsIn, f, &cohesive);
795:         PetscDualSpaceGetDimension(spIn[f], &spDim);
796:         totDimIn += spDim;
797:         if (isCohesive && !cohesive) totDimIn += spDim;
798:       }
799:       DMGetEnclosurePoint(dmIn, dm, encIn, lStart < 0 ? pStart : lStart, &pIn);
800:       DMPlexVecGetClosure(plexIn, NULL, localU, pIn, &numValuesIn, NULL);
802:       if (htIncIn) PetscDSGetHeightSubspace(dsIn, hEffIn, &dsEffIn);
803:     }
804:     if (htIncAux) PetscDSGetHeightSubspace(dsAux, hEffAux, &dsEffAux);
805:     /* Loop over points at this height */
806:     DMGetWorkArray(dm, numValues, MPIU_SCALAR, &values);
807:     DMGetWorkArray(dm, NfTot, MPI_INT, &fieldActive);
808:     {
809:       const PetscInt *fields;

811:       ISGetIndices(fieldIS, &fields);
812:       for (f = 0; f < NfTot; ++f) {fieldActive[f] = PETSC_FALSE;}
813:       for (f = 0; f < Nf; ++f) {fieldActive[fields[f]] = (funcs[f] && sp[f]) ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE;}
814:       ISRestoreIndices(fieldIS, &fields);
815:     }
816:     if (label) {
817:       PetscInt i;

819:       for (i = 0; i < numIds; ++i) {
820:         IS              pointIS, isectIS;
821:         const PetscInt *points;
822:         PetscInt        n;
823:         PetscFEGeom  *fegeom = NULL, *chunkgeom = NULL;
824:         PetscQuadrature quad = NULL;

826:         DMLabelGetStratumIS(label, ids[i], &pointIS);
827:         if (!pointIS) continue; /* No points with that id on this process */
828:         ISIntersect(pointIS,heightIS,&isectIS);
829:         ISDestroy(&pointIS);
830:         if (!isectIS) continue;
831:         ISGetLocalSize(isectIS, &n);
832:         ISGetIndices(isectIS, &points);
833:         DMFieldGetDegree(coordField,isectIS,NULL,&maxDegree);
834:         if (maxDegree <= 1) {
835:           DMFieldCreateDefaultQuadrature(coordField,isectIS,&quad);
836:         }
837:         if (!quad) {
838:           if (!h && allPoints) {
839:             quad = allPoints;
840:             allPoints = NULL;
841:           } else {
842:             PetscDualSpaceGetAllPointsUnion(Nf,sp,isCohesive ? dim-htInc-1 : dim-htInc,funcs,&quad);
843:           }
844:         }
845:         DMFieldCreateFEGeom(coordField, isectIS, quad, (htInc && h == minHeight) ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE, &fegeom);
846:         for (p = 0; p < n; ++p) {
847:           const PetscInt  point = points[p];

849:           PetscArrayzero(values, numValues);
850:           PetscFEGeomGetChunk(fegeom,p,p+1,&chunkgeom);
851:           DMPlexSetActivePoint(dm, point);
852:           DMProjectPoint_Private(dm, dsEff, plexIn, encIn, dsEffIn, plexAux, encAux, dsEffAux, chunkgeom, htInc, time, localU, localA, hasFE, hasFV, isFE, sp, point, T, TAux, type, funcs, ctxs, fieldActive, values);
853:           if (ierr) {
854:             DMRestoreWorkArray(dm, numValues, MPIU_SCALAR, &values);
855:             DMRestoreWorkArray(dm, Nf, MPI_INT, &fieldActive);
856:             ierr;
857:           }
858:           if (transform) DMPlexBasisTransformPoint_Internal(plex, tdm, tv, point, fieldActive, PETSC_FALSE, values);
859:           DMPlexVecSetFieldClosure_Internal(plex, section, localX, fieldActive, point, Ncc, comps, label, ids[i], values, mode);
860:         }
861:         PetscFEGeomRestoreChunk(fegeom,p,p+1,&chunkgeom);
862:         PetscFEGeomDestroy(&fegeom);
863:         PetscQuadratureDestroy(&quad);
864:         ISRestoreIndices(isectIS, &points);
865:         ISDestroy(&isectIS);
866:       }
867:     } else {
868:       PetscFEGeom    *fegeom = NULL, *chunkgeom = NULL;
869:       PetscQuadrature quad = NULL;
870:       IS              pointIS;

872:       ISCreateStride(PETSC_COMM_SELF,pEnd-pStart,pStart,1,&pointIS);
873:       DMFieldGetDegree(coordField,pointIS,NULL,&maxDegree);
874:       if (maxDegree <= 1) {
875:         DMFieldCreateDefaultQuadrature(coordField,pointIS,&quad);
876:       }
877:       if (!quad) {
878:         if (!h && allPoints) {
879:           quad = allPoints;
880:           allPoints = NULL;
881:         } else {
882:           PetscDualSpaceGetAllPointsUnion(Nf, sp, dim-htInc, funcs, &quad);
883:         }
884:       }
885:       DMFieldCreateFEGeom(coordField, pointIS, quad, (htInc && h == minHeight) ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE, &fegeom);
886:       for (p = pStart; p < pEnd; ++p) {
887:         PetscArrayzero(values, numValues);
888:         PetscFEGeomGetChunk(fegeom,p-pStart,p-pStart+1,&chunkgeom);
889:         DMPlexSetActivePoint(dm, p);
890:         DMProjectPoint_Private(dm, dsEff, plexIn, encIn, dsEffIn, plexAux, encAux, dsEffAux, chunkgeom, htInc, time, localU, localA, hasFE, hasFV, isFE, sp, p, T, TAux, type, funcs, ctxs, fieldActive, values);
891:         if (ierr) {
892:           DMRestoreWorkArray(dm, numValues, MPIU_SCALAR, &values);
893:           DMRestoreWorkArray(dm, Nf, MPI_INT, &fieldActive);
894:           ierr;
895:         }
896:         if (transform) DMPlexBasisTransformPoint_Internal(plex, tdm, tv, p, fieldActive, PETSC_FALSE, values);
897:         DMPlexVecSetFieldClosure_Internal(plex, section, localX, fieldActive, p, Ncc, comps, NULL, -1, values, mode);
898:       }
899:       PetscFEGeomRestoreChunk(fegeom,p-pStart,pStart-p+1,&chunkgeom);
900:       PetscFEGeomDestroy(&fegeom);
901:       PetscQuadratureDestroy(&quad);
902:       ISDestroy(&pointIS);
903:     }
904:     ISDestroy(&heightIS);
905:     DMRestoreWorkArray(dm, numValues, MPIU_SCALAR, &values);
906:     DMRestoreWorkArray(dm, Nf, MPI_INT, &fieldActive);
907:   }
908:   /* Cleanup */
909:   if (type == DM_BC_ESSENTIAL_FIELD || type == DM_BC_ESSENTIAL_BD_FIELD || type == DM_BC_NATURAL_FIELD) {
910:     for (f = 0; f < NfIn;  ++f) PetscTabulationDestroy(&T[f]);
911:     for (f = 0; f < NfAux; ++f) PetscTabulationDestroy(&TAux[f]);
912:     PetscFree2(T, TAux);
913:   }
914:   PetscQuadratureDestroy(&allPoints);
915:   PetscFree3(isFE, sp, spIn);
916:   if (maxHeight > 0) PetscFree2(cellsp, cellspIn);
917:   DMDestroy(&plex);
918:   DMDestroy(&plexIn);
919:   if (dmAux) DMDestroy(&plexAux);
920:   return 0;
921: }

923: PetscErrorCode DMProjectFunctionLocal_Plex(DM dm, PetscReal time, PetscErrorCode (**funcs)(PetscInt, PetscReal, const PetscReal [], PetscInt, PetscScalar *, void *), void **ctxs, InsertMode mode, Vec localX)
924: {
925:   DMProjectLocal_Generic_Plex(dm, time, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, DM_BC_ESSENTIAL, (void (**)(void)) funcs, ctxs, mode, localX);
926:   return 0;
927: }

929: PetscErrorCode DMProjectFunctionLabelLocal_Plex(DM dm, PetscReal time, DMLabel label, PetscInt numIds, const PetscInt ids[], PetscInt Ncc, const PetscInt comps[], PetscErrorCode (**funcs)(PetscInt, PetscReal, const PetscReal [], PetscInt, PetscScalar *, void *), void **ctxs, InsertMode mode, Vec localX)
930: {
931:   DMProjectLocal_Generic_Plex(dm, time, NULL, Ncc, comps, label, numIds, ids, DM_BC_ESSENTIAL, (void (**)(void)) funcs, ctxs, mode, localX);
932:   return 0;
933: }

935: PetscErrorCode DMProjectFieldLocal_Plex(DM dm, PetscReal time, Vec localU,
936:                                         void (**funcs)(PetscInt, PetscInt, PetscInt,
937:                                                        const PetscInt[], const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[],
938:                                                        const PetscInt[], const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[],
939:                                                        PetscReal, const PetscReal[], PetscInt, const PetscScalar[], PetscScalar[]),
940:                                         InsertMode mode, Vec localX)
941: {
942:   DMProjectLocal_Generic_Plex(dm, time, localU, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, DM_BC_ESSENTIAL_FIELD, (void (**)(void)) funcs, NULL, mode, localX);
943:   return 0;
944: }

946: PetscErrorCode DMProjectFieldLabelLocal_Plex(DM dm, PetscReal time, DMLabel label, PetscInt numIds, const PetscInt ids[], PetscInt Ncc, const PetscInt comps[], Vec localU,
947:                                              void (**funcs)(PetscInt, PetscInt, PetscInt,
948:                                                             const PetscInt[], const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[],
949:                                                             const PetscInt[], const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[],
950:                                                             PetscReal, const PetscReal[], PetscInt, const PetscScalar[], PetscScalar[]),
951:                                              InsertMode mode, Vec localX)
952: {
953:   DMProjectLocal_Generic_Plex(dm, time, localU, Ncc, comps, label, numIds, ids, DM_BC_ESSENTIAL_FIELD, (void (**)(void)) funcs, NULL, mode, localX);
954:   return 0;
955: }

957: PetscErrorCode DMProjectBdFieldLabelLocal_Plex(DM dm, PetscReal time, DMLabel label, PetscInt numIds, const PetscInt ids[], PetscInt Ncc, const PetscInt comps[], Vec localU,
958:                                                void (**funcs)(PetscInt, PetscInt, PetscInt,
959:                                                               const PetscInt[], const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[],
960:                                                               const PetscInt[], const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[],
961:                                                               PetscReal, const PetscReal[], const PetscReal[], PetscInt, const PetscScalar[], PetscScalar[]),
962:                                                InsertMode mode, Vec localX)
963: {
964:   DMProjectLocal_Generic_Plex(dm, time, localU, Ncc, comps, label, numIds, ids, DM_BC_ESSENTIAL_BD_FIELD, (void (**)(void)) funcs, NULL, mode, localX);
965:   return 0;
966: }