Actual source code: plexgenerate.c

  1: #include <petsc/private/dmpleximpl.h>

  3: /*@C
  4:   DMPlexInvertCell - Flips cell orientations since Plex stores some of them internally with outward normals.

  6:   Input Parameters:
  7: + cellType - The cell type
  8: - cone - The incoming cone

 10:   Output Parameter:
 11: . cone - The inverted cone (in-place)

 13:   Level: developer

 15: .seealso: DMPlexGenerate()
 16: @*/
 17: PetscErrorCode DMPlexInvertCell(DMPolytopeType cellType, PetscInt cone[])
 18: {
 19: #define SWAPCONE(cone,i,j)  \
 20:   do {                      \
 21:     PetscInt _cone_tmp;     \
 22:     _cone_tmp = (cone)[i];  \
 23:     (cone)[i] = (cone)[j];  \
 24:     (cone)[j] = _cone_tmp;  \
 25:   } while (0)

 27:   switch (cellType) {
 28:   case DM_POLYTOPE_POINT:              break;
 29:   case DM_POLYTOPE_SEGMENT:            break;
 31:   case DM_POLYTOPE_TRIANGLE:           break;
 32:   case DM_POLYTOPE_QUADRILATERAL:      break;
 33:   case DM_POLYTOPE_SEG_PRISM_TENSOR:   SWAPCONE(cone,2,3); break;
 34:   case DM_POLYTOPE_TETRAHEDRON:        SWAPCONE(cone,0,1); break;
 35:   case DM_POLYTOPE_HEXAHEDRON:         SWAPCONE(cone,1,3); break;
 36:   case DM_POLYTOPE_TRI_PRISM:          SWAPCONE(cone,1,2); break;
 37:   case DM_POLYTOPE_TRI_PRISM_TENSOR:   break;
 38:   case DM_POLYTOPE_QUAD_PRISM_TENSOR:  break;
 39:   default: break;
 40:   }
 41:   return 0;
 42: #undef SWAPCONE
 43: }

 45: /*@C
 46:   DMPlexReorderCell - Flips cell orientations since Plex stores some of them internally with outward normals.

 48:   Input Parameters:
 49: + dm - The DMPlex object
 50: . cell - The cell
 51: - cone - The incoming cone

 53:   Output Parameter:
 54: . cone - The reordered cone (in-place)

 56:   Level: developer

 58: .seealso: DMPlexGenerate()
 59: @*/
 60: PetscErrorCode DMPlexReorderCell(DM dm, PetscInt cell, PetscInt cone[])
 61: {
 62:   DMPolytopeType cellType;

 64:   DMPlexGetCellType(dm, cell, &cellType);
 65:   DMPlexInvertCell(cellType, cone);
 66:   return 0;
 67: }

 69: /*@C
 70:   DMPlexTriangleSetOptions - Set the options used for the Triangle mesh generator

 72:   Not Collective

 74:   Inputs Parameters:
 75: + dm - The DMPlex object
 76: - opts - The command line options

 78:   Level: developer

 80: .seealso: DMPlexTetgenSetOptions(), DMPlexGenerate()
 81: @*/
 82: PetscErrorCode DMPlexTriangleSetOptions(DM dm, const char *opts)
 83: {
 84:   DM_Plex       *mesh = (DM_Plex*) dm->data;

 88:   PetscFree(mesh->triangleOpts);
 89:   PetscStrallocpy(opts, &mesh->triangleOpts);
 90:   return 0;
 91: }

 93: /*@C
 94:   DMPlexTetgenSetOptions - Set the options used for the Tetgen mesh generator

 96:   Not Collective

 98:   Inputs Parameters:
 99: + dm - The DMPlex object
100: - opts - The command line options

102:   Level: developer

104: .seealso: DMPlexTriangleSetOptions(), DMPlexGenerate()
105: @*/
106: PetscErrorCode DMPlexTetgenSetOptions(DM dm, const char *opts)
107: {
108:   DM_Plex       *mesh = (DM_Plex*) dm->data;

112:   PetscFree(mesh->tetgenOpts);
113:   PetscStrallocpy(opts, &mesh->tetgenOpts);
114:   return 0;
115: }

117: /*@C
118:   DMPlexGenerate - Generates a mesh.

120:   Not Collective

122:   Input Parameters:
123: + boundary - The DMPlex boundary object
124: . name - The mesh generation package name
125: - interpolate - Flag to create intermediate mesh elements

127:   Output Parameter:
128: . mesh - The DMPlex object

130:   Options Database:
131: +  -dm_plex_generate <name> - package to generate mesh, for example, triangle, ctetgen or tetgen
132: -  -dm_generator <name> - package to generate mesh, for example, triangle, ctetgen or tetgen

134:   Level: intermediate

136: .seealso: DMPlexCreate(), DMRefine()
137: @*/
138: PetscErrorCode DMPlexGenerate(DM boundary, const char name[], PetscBool interpolate, DM *mesh)
139: {
140:   DMGeneratorFunctionList fl;
141:   char                    genname[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
142:   const char             *suggestions;
143:   PetscInt                dim;
144:   PetscBool               flg;

148:   DMGetDimension(boundary, &dim);
149:   PetscOptionsGetString(((PetscObject) boundary)->options,((PetscObject) boundary)->prefix, "-dm_generator", genname, sizeof(genname), &flg);
150:   if (flg) name = genname;
151:   else {
152:     PetscOptionsGetString(((PetscObject) boundary)->options,((PetscObject) boundary)->prefix, "-dm_plex_generate", genname, sizeof(genname), &flg);
153:     if (flg) name = genname;
154:   }

156:   fl = DMGenerateList;
157:   if (name) {
158:     while (fl) {
159:       PetscStrcmp(fl->name,name,&flg);
160:       if (flg) {
161:         (*fl->generate)(boundary,interpolate,mesh);
162:         return 0;
163:       }
164:       fl = fl->next;
165:     }
166:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Grid generator %s not registered; you may need to add --download-%s to your ./configure options",name,name);
167:   } else {
168:     while (fl) {
169:       if (boundary->dim == fl->dim) {
170:         (*fl->generate)(boundary,interpolate,mesh);
171:         return 0;
172:       }
173:       fl = fl->next;
174:     }
175:     suggestions = "";
176:     if (boundary->dim+1 == 2) suggestions = " You may need to add --download-triangle to your ./configure options";
177:     else if (boundary->dim+1 == 3) suggestions = " You may need to add --download-ctetgen or --download-tetgen in your ./configure options";
178:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"No grid generator of dimension %D registered%s",boundary->dim+1,suggestions);
179:   }
180: }