Actual source code: dadd.c

  1: #include <petsc/private/dmdaimpl.h>

  3: /*@
  4:   DMDACreatePatchIS - Creates an index set corresponding to a patch of the DA.

  6:   Collective

  8:   Input Parameters:
  9: +  da - the DMDA
 10: .  lower - a matstencil with i, j and k corresponding to the lower corner of the patch
 11: .  upper - a matstencil with i, j and k corresponding to the upper corner of the patch
 12: -  offproc - indicate whether the returned IS will contain off process indices

 14:   Output Parameters:
 15: .  is - the IS corresponding to the patch

 17:   Level: developer

 19: Notes:
 20: This routine always returns an IS on the DMDA's comm, if offproc is set to PETSC_TRUE,
 21: the routine returns an IS with all the indices requested regardless of whether these indices
 22: are present on the requesting rank or not. Thus, it is upon the caller to ensure that
 23: the indices returned in this mode are appropriate. If offproc is set to PETSC_FALSE,
 24: the IS only returns the subset of indices that are present on the requesting rank and there
 25: is no duplication of indices.

 27: .seealso: DMDACreateDomainDecomposition(), DMDACreateDomainDecompositionScatters()
 28: @*/
 29: PetscErrorCode DMDACreatePatchIS(DM da,MatStencil *lower,MatStencil *upper,IS *is, PetscBool offproc)
 30: {
 31:   PetscInt       ms=0,ns=0,ps=0;
 32:   PetscInt       mw=0,nw=0,pw=0;
 33:   PetscInt       me=1,ne=1,pe=1;
 34:   PetscInt       mr=0,nr=0,pr=0;
 35:   PetscInt       ii,jj,kk;
 36:   PetscInt       si,sj,sk;
 37:   PetscInt       i,j,k,l,idx=0;
 38:   PetscInt       base;
 39:   PetscInt       xm=1,ym=1,zm=1;
 40:   PetscInt       ox,oy,oz;
 41:   PetscInt       m,n,p,M,N,P,dof;
 42:   const PetscInt *lx,*ly,*lz;
 43:   PetscInt       nindices;
 44:   PetscInt       *indices;
 45:   DM_DA          *dd = (DM_DA*)da->data;
 46:   PetscBool      skip_i=PETSC_TRUE, skip_j=PETSC_TRUE, skip_k=PETSC_TRUE;
 47:   PetscBool      valid_j=PETSC_FALSE, valid_k=PETSC_FALSE; /* DMDA has at least 1 dimension */

 49:   M = dd->M; N = dd->N; P = dd->P;
 50:   m = dd->m; n = dd->n; p = dd->p;
 51:   dof = dd->w;

 53:   nindices = -1;
 54:   if (PetscLikely(upper->i - lower->i)) {
 55:     nindices = nindices*(upper->i - lower->i);
 56:     skip_i=PETSC_FALSE;
 57:   }
 58:   if (N>1) {
 59:     valid_j = PETSC_TRUE;
 60:     if (PetscLikely(upper->j - lower->j)) {
 61:       nindices = nindices*(upper->j - lower->j);
 62:       skip_j=PETSC_FALSE;
 63:     }
 64:   }
 65:   if (P>1) {
 66:     valid_k = PETSC_TRUE;
 67:     if (PetscLikely(upper->k - lower->k)) {
 68:       nindices = nindices*(upper->k - lower->k);
 69:       skip_k=PETSC_FALSE;
 70:     }
 71:   }
 72:   if (PetscLikely(nindices<0)) {
 73:     if (PetscUnlikely(skip_i && skip_j && skip_k)) {
 74:       nindices = 0;
 75:     } else nindices = nindices*(-1);
 76:   } else SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)da),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Lower and Upper stencils are identical! Please check inputs.");

 78:   PetscMalloc1(nindices*dof,&indices);
 79:   DMDAGetOffset(da,&ox,&oy,&oz,NULL,NULL,NULL);

 81:   if (!valid_k) {
 82:     k = 0;
 83:     upper->k=0;
 84:     lower->k=0;
 85:   }
 86:   if (!valid_j) {
 87:     j = 0;
 88:     upper->j=0;
 89:     lower->j=0;
 90:   }

 92:   if (offproc) {
 93:     DMDAGetOwnershipRanges(da,&lx,&ly,&lz);
 94:     /* start at index 0 on processor 0 */
 95:     mr = 0;
 96:     nr = 0;
 97:     pr = 0;
 98:     ms = 0;
 99:     ns = 0;
100:     ps = 0;
101:     if (lx) me = lx[0];
102:     if (ly) ne = ly[0];
103:     if (lz) pe = lz[0];
104:     /*
105:        If no indices are to be returned, create an empty is,
106:        this prevents hanging in while loops
107:     */
108:     if (skip_i && skip_j && skip_k) goto createis;
109:     /*
110:        do..while loops to ensure the block gets entered once,
111:        regardless of control condition being met, necessary for
112:        cases when a subset of skip_i/j/k is true
113:     */
114:     if (skip_k) k = upper->k-oz; else k = lower->k-oz;
115:     do {
116:       if (skip_j) j = upper->j-oy; else j = lower->j-oy;
117:       do {
118:         if (skip_i) i = upper->i-ox; else i = lower->i-ox;
119:         do {
120:           /* "actual" indices rather than ones outside of the domain */
121:           ii = i;
122:           jj = j;
123:           kk = k;
124:           if (ii < 0) ii = M + ii;
125:           if (jj < 0) jj = N + jj;
126:           if (kk < 0) kk = P + kk;
127:           if (ii > M-1) ii = ii - M;
128:           if (jj > N-1) jj = jj - N;
129:           if (kk > P-1) kk = kk - P;
130:           /* gone out of processor range on x axis */
131:           while (ii > me-1 || ii < ms) {
132:             if (mr == m-1) {
133:               ms = 0;
134:               me = lx[0];
135:               mr = 0;
136:             } else {
137:               mr++;
138:               ms = me;
139:               me += lx[mr];
140:             }
141:           }
142:           /* gone out of processor range on y axis */
143:           while (jj > ne-1 || jj < ns) {
144:             if (nr == n-1) {
145:               ns = 0;
146:               ne = ly[0];
147:               nr = 0;
148:             } else {
149:               nr++;
150:               ns = ne;
151:               ne += ly[nr];
152:             }
153:           }
154:           /* gone out of processor range on z axis */
155:           while (kk > pe-1 || kk < ps) {
156:             if (pr == p-1) {
157:               ps = 0;
158:               pe = lz[0];
159:               pr = 0;
160:             } else {
161:               pr++;
162:               ps = pe;
163:               pe += lz[pr];
164:             }
165:           }
166:           /* compute the vector base on owning processor */
167:           xm = me - ms;
168:           ym = ne - ns;
169:           zm = pe - ps;
170:           base = ms*ym*zm + ns*M*zm + ps*M*N;
171:           /* compute the local coordinates on owning processor */
172:           si = ii - ms;
173:           sj = jj - ns;
174:           sk = kk - ps;
175:           for (l=0;l<dof;l++) {
176:             indices[idx] = l + dof*(base + si + xm*sj + xm*ym*sk);
177:             idx++;
178:           }
179:           i++;
180:         } while (i<upper->i-ox);
181:         j++;
182:       } while (j<upper->j-oy);
183:       k++;
184:     } while (k<upper->k-oz);
185:   }

187:   if (!offproc) {
188:     DMDAGetCorners(da, &ms, &ns, &ps, &mw, &nw, &pw);
189:     me = ms + mw;
190:     if (N>1) ne = ns + nw;
191:     if (P>1) pe = ps + pw;
192:     /* Account for DM offsets */
193:     ms = ms - ox; me = me - ox;
194:     ns = ns - oy; ne = ne - oy;
195:     ps = ps - oz; pe = pe - oz;

197:     /* compute the vector base on owning processor */
198:     xm = me - ms;
199:     ym = ne - ns;
200:     zm = pe - ps;
201:     base = ms*ym*zm + ns*M*zm + ps*M*N;
202:     /*
203:        if no indices are to be returned, create an empty is,
204:        this prevents hanging in while loops
205:     */
206:     if (skip_i && skip_j && skip_k) goto createis;
207:     /*
208:        do..while loops to ensure the block gets entered once,
209:        regardless of control condition being met, necessary for
210:        cases when a subset of skip_i/j/k is true
211:     */
212:     if (skip_k) k = upper->k-oz; else k = lower->k-oz;
213:     do {
214:       if (skip_j) j = upper->j-oy; else j = lower->j-oy;
215:       do {
216:         if (skip_i) i = upper->i-ox; else i = lower->i-ox;
217:         do {
218:           if (k>=ps && k<=pe-1) {
219:             if (j>=ns && j<=ne-1) {
220:               if (i>=ms && i<=me-1) {
221:                 /* compute the local coordinates on owning processor */
222:                 si = i - ms;
223:                 sj = j - ns;
224:                 sk = k - ps;
225:                 for (l=0; l<dof; l++) {
226:                   indices[idx] = l + dof*(base + si + xm*sj + xm*ym*sk);
227:                   idx++;
228:                 }
229:               }
230:             }
231:           }
232:           i++;
233:         } while (i<upper->i-ox);
234:         j++;
235:       } while (j<upper->j-oy);
236:       k++;
237:     } while (k<upper->k-oz);

239:     PetscRealloc((size_t)(idx*sizeof(PetscInt)), (void*)&indices);
240:   }

242:   createis:
243:   ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)da),idx,indices,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,is);
244:   return 0;
245: }

247: PetscErrorCode DMDASubDomainDA_Private(DM dm, PetscInt *nlocal, DM **sdm)
248: {
249:   DM             *da;
250:   PetscInt       dim,size,i,j,k,idx;
251:   DMDALocalInfo  info;
252:   PetscInt       xsize,ysize,zsize;
253:   PetscInt       xo,yo,zo;
254:   PetscInt       xs,ys,zs;
255:   PetscInt       xm=1,ym=1,zm=1;
256:   PetscInt       xol,yol,zol;
257:   PetscInt       m=1,n=1,p=1;
258:   PetscInt       M,N,P;
259:   PetscInt       pm,mtmp;

261:   DMDAGetLocalInfo(dm,&info);
262:   DMDAGetOverlap(dm,&xol,&yol,&zol);
263:   DMDAGetNumLocalSubDomains(dm,&size);
264:   PetscMalloc1(size,&da);

266:   if (nlocal) *nlocal = size;

268:   dim = info.dim;

270:   M = info.xm;
271:   N = info.ym;
272:   P =;

274:   if (dim == 1) {
275:     m = size;
276:   } else if (dim == 2) {
277:     m = (PetscInt)(0.5 + PetscSqrtReal(((PetscReal)M)*((PetscReal)size)/((PetscReal)N)));
278:     while (m > 0) {
279:       n = size/m;
280:       if (m*n*p == size) break;
281:       m--;
282:     }
283:   } else if (dim == 3) {
284:     n = (PetscInt)(0.5 + PetscPowReal(((PetscReal)N*N)*((PetscReal)size)/((PetscReal)P*M),(PetscReal)(1./3.))); if (!n) n = 1;
285:     while (n > 0) {
286:       pm = size/n;
287:       if (n*pm == size) break;
288:       n--;
289:     }
290:     if (!n) n = 1;
291:     m = (PetscInt)(0.5 + PetscSqrtReal(((PetscReal)M)*((PetscReal)size)/((PetscReal)P*n)));
292:     if (!m) m = 1;
293:     while (m > 0) {
294:       p = size/(m*n);
295:       if (m*n*p == size) break;
296:       m--;
297:     }
298:     if (M > P && m < p) {mtmp = m; m = p; p = mtmp;}
299:   }

301:   zs = info.zs;
302:   idx = 0;
303:   for (k = 0; k < p; k++) {
304:     ys = info.ys;
305:     for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
306:       xs = info.xs;
307:       for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
308:         if (dim == 1) {
309:           xm = M/m + ((M % m) > i);
310:         } else if (dim == 2) {
311:           xm = M/m + ((M % m) > i);
312:           ym = N/n + ((N % n) > j);
313:         } else if (dim == 3) {
314:           xm = M/m + ((M % m) > i);
315:           ym = N/n + ((N % n) > j);
316:           zm = P/p + ((P % p) > k);
317:         }

319:         xsize = xm;
320:         ysize = ym;
321:         zsize = zm;
322:         xo = xs;
323:         yo = ys;
324:         zo = zs;

326:         DMDACreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,&(da[idx]));
327:         DMSetOptionsPrefix(da[idx],"sub_");
328:         DMSetDimension(da[idx], info.dim);
329:         DMDASetDof(da[idx], info.dof);

331:         DMDASetStencilType(da[idx],;
332:         DMDASetStencilWidth(da[idx],info.sw);

334:         if (info.bx == DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC || (xs != 0)) {
335:           xsize += xol;
336:           xo    -= xol;
337:         }
338:         if ( == DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC || (ys != 0)) {
339:           ysize += yol;
340:           yo    -= yol;
341:         }
342:         if ( == DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC || (zs != 0)) {
343:           zsize += zol;
344:           zo    -= zol;
345:         }

347:         if (info.bx == DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC || (xs+xm != xsize += xol;
348:         if ( == DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC || (ys+ym != ysize += yol;
349:         if ( == DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC || (zs+zm != zsize += zol;

351:         if (info.bx != DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC) {
352:           if (xo < 0) {
353:             xsize += xo;
354:             xo = 0;
355:           }
356:           if (xo+xsize > {
357:             xsize -= xo+xsize -;
358:           }
359:         }
360:         if ( != DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC) {
361:           if (yo < 0) {
362:             ysize += yo;
363:             yo = 0;
364:           }
365:           if (yo+ysize > {
366:             ysize -= yo+ysize -;
367:           }
368:         }
369:         if ( != DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC) {
370:           if (zo < 0) {
371:             zsize += zo;
372:             zo = 0;
373:           }
374:           if (zo+zsize > {
375:             zsize -= zo+zsize -;
376:           }
377:         }

379:         DMDASetSizes(da[idx], xsize, ysize, zsize);
380:         DMDASetNumProcs(da[idx], 1, 1, 1);

383:         /* set up as a block instead */
384:         DMSetUp(da[idx]);

386:         /* nonoverlapping region */
387:         DMDASetNonOverlappingRegion(da[idx],xs,ys,zs,xm,ym,zm);

389:         /* this alters the behavior of DMDAGetInfo, DMDAGetLocalInfo, DMDAGetCorners, and DMDAGetGhostedCorners and should be used with care */
390:         DMDASetOffset(da[idx],xo,yo,zo,,,;
391:         xs += xm;
392:         idx++;
393:       }
394:       ys += ym;
395:     }
396:     zs += zm;
397:   }
398:   *sdm = da;
399:   return 0;
400: }

402: /*
403:    Fills the local vector problem on the subdomain from the global problem.

405:    Right now this assumes one subdomain per processor.

407: */
408: PetscErrorCode DMCreateDomainDecompositionScatters_DA(DM dm,PetscInt nsubdms,DM *subdms,VecScatter **iscat,VecScatter **oscat, VecScatter **lscat)
409: {
410:   DMDALocalInfo  info,subinfo;
411:   DM             subdm;
412:   MatStencil     upper,lower;
413:   IS             idis,isis,odis,osis,gdis;
414:   Vec            svec,dvec,slvec;
415:   PetscInt       xm,ym,zm,xs,ys,zs;
416:   PetscInt       i;
417:   PetscBool      patchis_offproc = PETSC_TRUE;

419:   /* allocate the arrays of scatters */
420:   if (iscat) PetscMalloc1(nsubdms,iscat);
421:   if (oscat) PetscMalloc1(nsubdms,oscat);
422:   if (lscat) PetscMalloc1(nsubdms,lscat);

424:   DMDAGetLocalInfo(dm,&info);
425:   for (i = 0; i < nsubdms; i++) {
426:     subdm = subdms[i];
427:     DMDAGetLocalInfo(subdm,&subinfo);
428:     DMDAGetNonOverlappingRegion(subdm,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xm,&ym,&zm);

430:     /* create the global and subdomain index sets for the inner domain */
431:     lower.i = xs;
432:     lower.j = ys;
433:     lower.k = zs;
434:     upper.i = xs+xm;
435:     upper.j = ys+ym;
436:     upper.k = zs+zm;
437:     DMDACreatePatchIS(dm,&lower,&upper,&idis,patchis_offproc);
438:     DMDACreatePatchIS(subdm,&lower,&upper,&isis,patchis_offproc);

440:     /* create the global and subdomain index sets for the outer subdomain */
441:     lower.i = subinfo.xs;
442:     lower.j = subinfo.ys;
443:     lower.k = subinfo.zs;
444:     upper.i = subinfo.xs+subinfo.xm;
445:     upper.j = subinfo.ys+subinfo.ym;
446:     upper.k =;
447:     DMDACreatePatchIS(dm,&lower,&upper,&odis,patchis_offproc);
448:     DMDACreatePatchIS(subdm,&lower,&upper,&osis,patchis_offproc);

450:     /* global and subdomain ISes for the local indices of the subdomain */
451:     /* todo - make this not loop over at nonperiodic boundaries, which will be more involved */
452:     lower.i = subinfo.gxs;
453:     lower.j = subinfo.gys;
454:     lower.k = subinfo.gzs;
455:     upper.i = subinfo.gxs+subinfo.gxm;
456:     upper.j = subinfo.gys+subinfo.gym;
457:     upper.k = subinfo.gzs+subinfo.gzm;
458:     DMDACreatePatchIS(dm,&lower,&upper,&gdis,patchis_offproc);

460:     /* form the scatter */
461:     DMGetGlobalVector(dm,&dvec);
462:     DMGetGlobalVector(subdm,&svec);
463:     DMGetLocalVector(subdm,&slvec);

465:     if (iscat) VecScatterCreate(dvec,idis,svec,isis,&(*iscat)[i]);
466:     if (oscat) VecScatterCreate(dvec,odis,svec,osis,&(*oscat)[i]);
467:     if (lscat) VecScatterCreate(dvec,gdis,slvec,NULL,&(*lscat)[i]);

469:     DMRestoreGlobalVector(dm,&dvec);
470:     DMRestoreGlobalVector(subdm,&svec);
471:     DMRestoreLocalVector(subdm,&slvec);

473:     ISDestroy(&idis);
474:     ISDestroy(&isis);

476:     ISDestroy(&odis);
477:     ISDestroy(&osis);

479:     ISDestroy(&gdis);
480:   }
481:   return 0;
482: }

484: PetscErrorCode DMDASubDomainIS_Private(DM dm,PetscInt n,DM *subdm,IS **iis,IS **ois)
485: {
486:   PetscInt       i;
487:   DMDALocalInfo  info,subinfo;
488:   MatStencil     lower,upper;
489:   PetscBool      patchis_offproc = PETSC_TRUE;

491:   DMDAGetLocalInfo(dm,&info);
492:   if (iis) PetscMalloc1(n,iis);
493:   if (ois) PetscMalloc1(n,ois);

495:   for (i = 0;i < n; i++) {
496:     DMDAGetLocalInfo(subdm[i],&subinfo);
497:     if (iis) {
498:       /* create the inner IS */
499:       lower.i = info.xs;
500:       lower.j = info.ys;
501:       lower.k = info.zs;
502:       upper.i = info.xs+info.xm;
503:       upper.j = info.ys+info.ym;
504:       upper.k =;
505:       DMDACreatePatchIS(dm,&lower,&upper,&(*iis)[i],patchis_offproc);
506:     }

508:     if (ois) {
509:       /* create the outer IS */
510:       lower.i = subinfo.xs;
511:       lower.j = subinfo.ys;
512:       lower.k = subinfo.zs;
513:       upper.i = subinfo.xs+subinfo.xm;
514:       upper.j = subinfo.ys+subinfo.ym;
515:       upper.k =;
516:       DMDACreatePatchIS(dm,&lower,&upper,&(*ois)[i],patchis_offproc);
517:     }
518:   }
519:   return 0;
520: }

522: PetscErrorCode DMCreateDomainDecomposition_DA(DM dm,PetscInt *len,char ***names,IS **iis,IS **ois,DM **subdm)
523: {
524:   DM             *sdm;
525:   PetscInt       n,i;

527:   DMDASubDomainDA_Private(dm,&n,&sdm);
528:   if (names) {
529:     PetscMalloc1(n,names);
530:     for (i=0;i<n;i++) (*names)[i] = NULL;
531:   }
532:   DMDASubDomainIS_Private(dm,n,sdm,iis,ois);
533:   if (subdm) *subdm = sdm;
534:   else {
535:     for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
536:       DMDestroy(&sdm[i]);
537:     }
538:   }
539:   if (len) *len = n;
540:   return 0;
541: }