Actual source code: dacreate.c

  2: #include <petsc/private/dmdaimpl.h>

  4: PetscErrorCode  DMSetFromOptions_DA(PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject,DM da)
  5: {
  6:   DM_DA          *dd    = (DM_DA*)da->data;
  7:   PetscInt       refine = 0,dim = da->dim,maxnlevels = 100,refx[100],refy[100],refz[100],n,i;
  8:   PetscBool      flg;

 16:   PetscOptionsHead(PetscOptionsObject,"DMDA Options");
 17:   PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_grid_x","Number of grid points in x direction","DMDASetSizes",dd->M,&dd->M,NULL,1);
 18:   if (dim > 1) PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_grid_y","Number of grid points in y direction","DMDASetSizes",dd->N,&dd->N,NULL,1);
 19:   if (dim > 2) PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_grid_z","Number of grid points in z direction","DMDASetSizes",dd->P,&dd->P,NULL,1);

 21:   PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_overlap","Decomposition overlap in all directions","DMDASetOverlap",dd->xol,&dd->xol,&flg,0);
 22:   if (flg) DMDASetOverlap(da,dd->xol,dd->xol,dd->xol);
 23:   PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_overlap_x","Decomposition overlap in x direction","DMDASetOverlap",dd->xol,&dd->xol,NULL,0);
 24:   if (dim > 1) PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_overlap_y","Decomposition overlap in y direction","DMDASetOverlap",dd->yol,&dd->yol,NULL,0);
 25:   if (dim > 2) PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_overlap_z","Decomposition overlap in z direction","DMDASetOverlap",dd->zol,&dd->zol,NULL,0);

 27:   PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_local_subdomains","","DMDASetNumLocalSubdomains",dd->Nsub,&dd->Nsub,&flg,PETSC_DECIDE);
 28:   if (flg) DMDASetNumLocalSubDomains(da,dd->Nsub);

 30:   /* Handle DMDA parallel distribution */
 31:   PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_processors_x","Number of processors in x direction","DMDASetNumProcs",dd->m,&dd->m,NULL,PETSC_DECIDE);
 32:   if (dim > 1) PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_processors_y","Number of processors in y direction","DMDASetNumProcs",dd->n,&dd->n,NULL,PETSC_DECIDE);
 33:   if (dim > 2) PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_processors_z","Number of processors in z direction","DMDASetNumProcs",dd->p,&dd->p,NULL,PETSC_DECIDE);
 34:   /* Handle DMDA refinement */
 35:   PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_refine_x","Refinement ratio in x direction","DMDASetRefinementFactor",dd->refine_x,&dd->refine_x,NULL,1);
 36:   if (dim > 1) PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_refine_y","Refinement ratio in y direction","DMDASetRefinementFactor",dd->refine_y,&dd->refine_y,NULL,1);
 37:   if (dim > 2) PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_refine_z","Refinement ratio in z direction","DMDASetRefinementFactor",dd->refine_z,&dd->refine_z,NULL,1);
 38:   dd->coarsen_x = dd->refine_x; dd->coarsen_y = dd->refine_y; dd->coarsen_z = dd->refine_z;

 40:   /* Get refinement factors, defaults taken from the coarse DMDA */
 41:   DMDAGetRefinementFactor(da,&refx[0],&refy[0],&refz[0]);
 42:   for (i=1; i<maxnlevels; i++) {
 43:     refx[i] = refx[0];
 44:     refy[i] = refy[0];
 45:     refz[i] = refz[0];
 46:   }
 47:   n    = maxnlevels;
 48:   PetscOptionsIntArray("-da_refine_hierarchy_x","Refinement factor for each level","None",refx,&n,&flg);
 49:   if (flg) {
 50:     dd->refine_x = refx[0];
 51:     dd->refine_x_hier_n = n;
 52:     PetscMalloc1(n,&dd->refine_x_hier);
 53:     PetscArraycpy(dd->refine_x_hier,refx,n);
 54:   }
 55:   if (dim > 1) {
 56:     n    = maxnlevels;
 57:     PetscOptionsIntArray("-da_refine_hierarchy_y","Refinement factor for each level","None",refy,&n,&flg);
 58:     if (flg) {
 59:       dd->refine_y = refy[0];
 60:       dd->refine_y_hier_n = n;
 61:       PetscMalloc1(n,&dd->refine_y_hier);
 62:       PetscArraycpy(dd->refine_y_hier,refy,n);
 63:     }
 64:   }
 65:   if (dim > 2) {
 66:     n    = maxnlevels;
 67:     PetscOptionsIntArray("-da_refine_hierarchy_z","Refinement factor for each level","None",refz,&n,&flg);
 68:     if (flg) {
 69:       dd->refine_z = refz[0];
 70:       dd->refine_z_hier_n = n;
 71:       PetscMalloc1(n,&dd->refine_z_hier);
 72:       PetscArraycpy(dd->refine_z_hier,refz,n);
 73:     }
 74:   }

 76:   PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-da_refine","Uniformly refine DA one or more times","None",refine,&refine,NULL,0);
 77:   PetscOptionsTail();

 79:   while (refine--) {
 80:     if (dd->bx == DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC || dd->interptype == DMDA_Q0) {
 81:       dd->M = dd->refine_x*dd->M;
 82:     } else {
 83:       dd->M = 1 + dd->refine_x*(dd->M - 1);
 84:     }
 85:     if (dd->by == DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC || dd->interptype == DMDA_Q0) {
 86:       dd->N = dd->refine_y*dd->N;
 87:     } else {
 88:       dd->N = 1 + dd->refine_y*(dd->N - 1);
 89:     }
 90:     if (dd->bz == DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC || dd->interptype == DMDA_Q0) {
 91:       dd->P = dd->refine_z*dd->P;
 92:     } else {
 93:       dd->P = 1 + dd->refine_z*(dd->P - 1);
 94:     }
 95:     da->levelup++;
 96:     if (da->levelup - da->leveldown >= 0) {
 97:       dd->refine_x = refx[da->levelup - da->leveldown];
 98:       dd->refine_y = refy[da->levelup - da->leveldown];
 99:       dd->refine_z = refz[da->levelup - da->leveldown];
100:     }
101:     if (da->levelup - da->leveldown >= 1) {
102:       dd->coarsen_x = refx[da->levelup - da->leveldown - 1];
103:       dd->coarsen_y = refy[da->levelup - da->leveldown - 1];
104:       dd->coarsen_z = refz[da->levelup - da->leveldown - 1];
105:     }
106:   }
107:   return 0;
108: }

110: extern PetscErrorCode  DMCreateGlobalVector_DA(DM,Vec*);
111: extern PetscErrorCode  DMCreateLocalVector_DA(DM,Vec*);
112: extern PetscErrorCode  DMGlobalToLocalBegin_DA(DM,Vec,InsertMode,Vec);
113: extern PetscErrorCode  DMGlobalToLocalEnd_DA(DM,Vec,InsertMode,Vec);
114: extern PetscErrorCode  DMLocalToGlobalBegin_DA(DM,Vec,InsertMode,Vec);
115: extern PetscErrorCode  DMLocalToGlobalEnd_DA(DM,Vec,InsertMode,Vec);
116: extern PetscErrorCode  DMLocalToLocalBegin_DA(DM,Vec,InsertMode,Vec);
117: extern PetscErrorCode  DMLocalToLocalEnd_DA(DM,Vec,InsertMode,Vec);
118: extern PetscErrorCode  DMCreateInterpolation_DA(DM,DM,Mat*,Vec*);
119: extern PetscErrorCode  DMCreateColoring_DA(DM,ISColoringType,ISColoring*);
120: extern PetscErrorCode  DMCreateMatrix_DA(DM,Mat*);
121: extern PetscErrorCode  DMCreateCoordinateDM_DA(DM,DM*);
122: extern PetscErrorCode  DMRefine_DA(DM,MPI_Comm,DM*);
123: extern PetscErrorCode  DMCoarsen_DA(DM,MPI_Comm,DM*);
124: extern PetscErrorCode  DMRefineHierarchy_DA(DM,PetscInt,DM[]);
125: extern PetscErrorCode  DMCoarsenHierarchy_DA(DM,PetscInt,DM[]);
126: extern PetscErrorCode  DMCreateInjection_DA(DM,DM,Mat*);
127: extern PetscErrorCode  DMView_DA(DM,PetscViewer);
128: extern PetscErrorCode  DMSetUp_DA(DM);
129: extern PetscErrorCode  DMDestroy_DA(DM);
130: extern PetscErrorCode  DMCreateDomainDecomposition_DA(DM,PetscInt*,char***,IS**,IS**,DM**);
131: extern PetscErrorCode  DMCreateDomainDecompositionScatters_DA(DM,PetscInt,DM*,VecScatter**,VecScatter**,VecScatter**);
132: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode DMGetCompatibility_DA(DM,DM,PetscBool*,PetscBool*);

134: PetscErrorCode DMLoad_DA(DM da,PetscViewer viewer)
135: {
136:   PetscInt         dim,m,n,p,dof,swidth;
137:   DMDAStencilType  stencil;
138:   DMBoundaryType   bx,by,bz;
139:   PetscBool        coors;
140:   DM               dac;
141:   Vec              c;

143:   PetscViewerBinaryRead(viewer,&dim,1,NULL,PETSC_INT);
144:   PetscViewerBinaryRead(viewer,&m,1,NULL,PETSC_INT);
145:   PetscViewerBinaryRead(viewer,&n,1,NULL,PETSC_INT);
146:   PetscViewerBinaryRead(viewer,&p,1,NULL,PETSC_INT);
147:   PetscViewerBinaryRead(viewer,&dof,1,NULL,PETSC_INT);
148:   PetscViewerBinaryRead(viewer,&swidth,1,NULL,PETSC_INT);
149:   PetscViewerBinaryRead(viewer,&bx,1,NULL,PETSC_ENUM);
150:   PetscViewerBinaryRead(viewer,&by,1,NULL,PETSC_ENUM);
151:   PetscViewerBinaryRead(viewer,&bz,1,NULL,PETSC_ENUM);
152:   PetscViewerBinaryRead(viewer,&stencil,1,NULL,PETSC_ENUM);

154:   DMSetDimension(da, dim);
155:   DMDASetSizes(da, m,n,p);
156:   DMDASetBoundaryType(da, bx, by, bz);
157:   DMDASetDof(da, dof);
158:   DMDASetStencilType(da, stencil);
159:   DMDASetStencilWidth(da, swidth);
160:   DMSetUp(da);
161:   PetscViewerBinaryRead(viewer,&coors,1,NULL,PETSC_ENUM);
162:   if (coors) {
163:     DMGetCoordinateDM(da,&dac);
164:     DMCreateGlobalVector(dac,&c);
165:     VecLoad(c,viewer);
166:     DMSetCoordinates(da,c);
167:     VecDestroy(&c);
168:   }
169:   return 0;
170: }

172: PetscErrorCode DMCreateSubDM_DA(DM dm, PetscInt numFields, const PetscInt fields[], IS *is, DM *subdm)
173: {
174:   DM_DA         *da = (DM_DA*) dm->data;

176:   if (subdm) {
177:     PetscSF sf;
178:     Vec     coords;
179:     void   *ctx;
180:     /* Cannot use DMClone since the dof stuff is mixed in. Ugh
181:     DMClone(dm, subdm); */
182:     DMCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), subdm);
183:     DMGetPointSF(dm, &sf);
184:     DMSetPointSF(*subdm, sf);
185:     DMGetApplicationContext(dm, &ctx);
186:     DMSetApplicationContext(*subdm, ctx);
187:     DMGetCoordinatesLocal(dm, &coords);
188:     if (coords) {
189:       DMSetCoordinatesLocal(*subdm, coords);
190:     } else {
191:       DMGetCoordinates(dm, &coords);
192:       if (coords) DMSetCoordinates(*subdm, coords);
193:     }

195:     DMSetType(*subdm, DMDA);
196:     DMSetDimension(*subdm, dm->dim);
197:     DMDASetSizes(*subdm, da->M, da->N, da->P);
198:     DMDASetNumProcs(*subdm, da->m, da->n, da->p);
199:     DMDASetBoundaryType(*subdm, da->bx, da->by, da->bz);
200:     DMDASetDof(*subdm, numFields);
201:     DMDASetStencilType(*subdm, da->stencil_type);
202:     DMDASetStencilWidth(*subdm, da->s);
203:     DMDASetOwnershipRanges(*subdm, da->lx, da->ly, da->lz);
204:   }
205:   if (is) {
206:     PetscInt *indices, cnt = 0, dof = da->w, i, j;

208:     PetscMalloc1(da->Nlocal*numFields/dof, &indices);
209:     for (i = da->base/dof; i < (da->base+da->Nlocal)/dof; ++i) {
210:       for (j = 0; j < numFields; ++j) {
211:         indices[cnt++] = dof*i + fields[j];
212:       }
213:     }
215:     ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) dm), cnt, indices, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, is);
216:   }
217:   return 0;
218: }

220: PetscErrorCode DMCreateFieldDecomposition_DA(DM dm, PetscInt *len,char ***namelist, IS **islist, DM **dmlist)
221: {
222:   PetscInt       i;
223:   DM_DA          *dd = (DM_DA*)dm->data;
224:   PetscInt       dof = dd->w;

226:   if (len) *len = dof;
227:   if (islist) {
228:     Vec      v;
229:     PetscInt rstart,n;

231:     DMGetGlobalVector(dm,&v);
232:     VecGetOwnershipRange(v,&rstart,NULL);
233:     VecGetLocalSize(v,&n);
234:     DMRestoreGlobalVector(dm,&v);
235:     PetscMalloc1(dof,islist);
236:     for (i=0; i<dof; i++) {
237:       ISCreateStride(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),n/dof,rstart+i,dof,&(*islist)[i]);
238:     }
239:   }
240:   if (namelist) {
241:     PetscMalloc1(dof, namelist);
242:     if (dd->fieldname) {
243:       for (i=0; i<dof; i++) {
244:         PetscStrallocpy(dd->fieldname[i],&(*namelist)[i]);
245:       }
246:     } else SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Currently DMDA must have fieldnames");
247:   }
248:   if (dmlist) {
249:     DM da;

251:     DMDACreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), &da);
252:     DMSetDimension(da, dm->dim);
253:     DMDASetSizes(da, dd->M, dd->N, dd->P);
254:     DMDASetNumProcs(da, dd->m, dd->n, dd->p);
255:     DMDASetBoundaryType(da, dd->bx, dd->by, dd->bz);
256:     DMDASetDof(da, 1);
257:     DMDASetStencilType(da, dd->stencil_type);
258:     DMDASetStencilWidth(da, dd->s);
259:     DMSetUp(da);
260:     PetscMalloc1(dof,dmlist);
261:     for (i=0; i<dof-1; i++) PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)da);
262:     for (i=0; i<dof; i++) (*dmlist)[i] = da;
263:   }
264:   return 0;
265: }

267: PetscErrorCode DMClone_DA(DM dm, DM *newdm)
268: {
269:   DM_DA         *da = (DM_DA *) dm->data;

271:   DMSetType(*newdm, DMDA);
272:   DMSetDimension(*newdm, dm->dim);
273:   DMDASetSizes(*newdm, da->M, da->N, da->P);
274:   DMDASetNumProcs(*newdm, da->m, da->n, da->p);
275:   DMDASetBoundaryType(*newdm, da->bx, da->by, da->bz);
276:   DMDASetDof(*newdm, da->w);
277:   DMDASetStencilType(*newdm, da->stencil_type);
278:   DMDASetStencilWidth(*newdm, da->s);
279:   DMDASetOwnershipRanges(*newdm, da->lx, da->ly, da->lz);
280:   DMSetUp(*newdm);
281:   return 0;
282: }

284: static PetscErrorCode DMHasCreateInjection_DA(DM dm, PetscBool *flg)
285: {
286:   DM_DA          *da = (DM_DA *)dm->data;

290:   *flg = da->interptype == DMDA_Q1 ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE;
291:   return 0;
292: }

294: static PetscErrorCode DMGetDimPoints_DA(DM dm, PetscInt dim, PetscInt *pStart, PetscInt *pEnd)
295: {
296:   DMDAGetDepthStratum(dm, dim, pStart, pEnd);
297:   return 0;
298: }

300: static PetscErrorCode DMGetNeighbors_DA(DM dm, PetscInt *nranks, const PetscMPIInt *ranks[])
301: {
302:   PetscInt dim;
303:   DMDAStencilType st;

305:   DMDAGetNeighbors(dm,ranks);

308:   switch (dim) {
309:     case 1:
310:       *nranks = 3;
311:       /* if (st == DMDA_STENCIL_STAR) { *nranks = 3; } */
312:       break;
313:     case 2:
314:       *nranks = 9;
315:       /* if (st == DMDA_STENCIL_STAR) { *nranks = 5; } */
316:       break;
317:     case 3:
318:       *nranks = 27;
319:       /* if (st == DMDA_STENCIL_STAR) { *nranks = 7; } */
320:       break;
321:     default:
322:       break;
323:   }
324:   return 0;
325: }

327: /*MC
328:    DMDA = "da" - A DM object that is used to manage data for a structured grid in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions.
329:          In the global representation of the vector each process stores a non-overlapping rectangular (or slab in 3d) portion of the grid points.
330:          In the local representation these rectangular regions (slabs) are extended in all directions by a stencil width.

332:          The vectors can be thought of as either cell centered or vertex centered on the mesh. But some variables cannot be cell centered and others
333:          vertex centered; see the documentation for DMSTAG, a similar DM implementation which supports these staggered grids.

335:   Level: intermediate

337: .seealso: DMType, DMCOMPOSITE, DMSTAG, DMDACreate(), DMCreate(), DMSetType()
338: M*/

340: extern PetscErrorCode DMLocatePoints_DA_Regular(DM,Vec,DMPointLocationType,PetscSF);
341: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode DMSetUpGLVisViewer_DMDA(PetscObject,PetscViewer);

343: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMCreate_DA(DM da)
344: {
345:   DM_DA          *dd;

348:   PetscNewLog(da,&dd);
349:   da->data = dd;

351:   da->dim        = -1;
352:   dd->interptype = DMDA_Q1;
353:   dd->refine_x   = 2;
354:   dd->refine_y   = 2;
355:   dd->refine_z   = 2;
356:   dd->coarsen_x  = 2;
357:   dd->coarsen_y  = 2;
358:   dd->coarsen_z  = 2;
359:   dd->fieldname  = NULL;
360:   dd->nlocal     = -1;
361:   dd->Nlocal     = -1;
362:   dd->M          = -1;
363:   dd->N          = -1;
364:   dd->P          = -1;
365:   dd->m          = -1;
366:   dd->n          = -1;
367:   dd->p          = -1;
368:   dd->w          = -1;
369:   dd->s          = -1;

371:   dd->xs = -1; dd->xe = -1; dd->ys = -1; dd->ye = -1; dd->zs = -1; dd->ze = -1;
372:   dd->Xs = -1; dd->Xe = -1; dd->Ys = -1; dd->Ye = -1; dd->Zs = -1; dd->Ze = -1;

374:   dd->Nsub            = 1;
375:   dd->xol             = 0;
376:   dd->yol             = 0;
377:   dd->zol             = 0;
378:   dd->xo              = 0;
379:   dd->yo              = 0;
380:   dd->zo              = 0;
381:   dd->Mo              = -1;
382:   dd->No              = -1;
383:   dd->Po              = -1;

385:   dd->gtol         = NULL;
386:   dd->ltol         = NULL;
387:   dd->ao           = NULL;
388:   PetscStrallocpy(AOBASIC,(char**)&dd->aotype);
389:   dd->base         = -1;
390:   dd->bx           = DM_BOUNDARY_NONE;
391:   dd->by           = DM_BOUNDARY_NONE;
392:   dd->bz           = DM_BOUNDARY_NONE;
393:   dd->stencil_type = DMDA_STENCIL_BOX;
394:   dd->interptype   = DMDA_Q1;
395:   dd->lx           = NULL;
396:   dd->ly           = NULL;
397:   dd->lz           = NULL;

399:   dd->elementtype = DMDA_ELEMENT_Q1;

401:   da->ops->globaltolocalbegin          = DMGlobalToLocalBegin_DA;
402:   da->ops->globaltolocalend            = DMGlobalToLocalEnd_DA;
403:   da->ops->localtoglobalbegin          = DMLocalToGlobalBegin_DA;
404:   da->ops->localtoglobalend            = DMLocalToGlobalEnd_DA;
405:   da->ops->localtolocalbegin           = DMLocalToLocalBegin_DA;
406:   da->ops->localtolocalend             = DMLocalToLocalEnd_DA;
407:   da->ops->createglobalvector          = DMCreateGlobalVector_DA;
408:   da->ops->createlocalvector           = DMCreateLocalVector_DA;
409:   da->ops->createinterpolation         = DMCreateInterpolation_DA;
410:   da->ops->getcoloring                 = DMCreateColoring_DA;
411:   da->ops->creatematrix                = DMCreateMatrix_DA;
412:   da->ops->refine                      = DMRefine_DA;
413:   da->ops->coarsen                     = DMCoarsen_DA;
414:   da->ops->refinehierarchy             = DMRefineHierarchy_DA;
415:   da->ops->coarsenhierarchy            = DMCoarsenHierarchy_DA;
416:   da->ops->createinjection             = DMCreateInjection_DA;
417:   da->ops->hascreateinjection          = DMHasCreateInjection_DA;
418:   da->ops->destroy                     = DMDestroy_DA;
419:   da->ops->view                        = NULL;
420:   da->ops->setfromoptions              = DMSetFromOptions_DA;
421:   da->ops->setup                       = DMSetUp_DA;
422:   da->ops->clone                       = DMClone_DA;
423:   da->ops->load                        = DMLoad_DA;
424:   da->ops->createcoordinatedm          = DMCreateCoordinateDM_DA;
425:   da->ops->createsubdm                 = DMCreateSubDM_DA;
426:   da->ops->createfielddecomposition    = DMCreateFieldDecomposition_DA;
427:   da->ops->createdomaindecomposition   = DMCreateDomainDecomposition_DA;
428:   da->ops->createddscatters            = DMCreateDomainDecompositionScatters_DA;
429:   da->ops->getdimpoints                = DMGetDimPoints_DA;
430:   da->ops->getneighbors                = DMGetNeighbors_DA;
431:   da->ops->locatepoints                = DMLocatePoints_DA_Regular;
432:   da->ops->getcompatibility            = DMGetCompatibility_DA;
433:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)da,"DMSetUpGLVisViewer_C",DMSetUpGLVisViewer_DMDA);
434:   return 0;
435: }

437: /*@
438:   DMDACreate - Creates a DMDA object.

440:   Collective

442:   Input Parameter:
443: . comm - The communicator for the DMDA object

445:   Output Parameter:
446: . da  - The DMDA object

448:   Level: advanced

450:   Developers Note:
451:   Since there exists DMDACreate1/2/3d() should this routine even exist?

453: .seealso:  DMDASetSizes(), DMClone(),  DMDACreate1d(), DMDACreate2d(), DMDACreate3d()
454: @*/
455: PetscErrorCode  DMDACreate(MPI_Comm comm, DM *da)
456: {
458:   DMCreate(comm,da);
459:   DMSetType(*da,DMDA);
460:   return 0;
461: }