Actual source code: dtprob.c

  1: #include <petscdt.h>

  3: #include <petscvec.h>
  4: #include <petscdraw.h>
  5: #include <petsc/private/petscimpl.h>

  7: const char * const DTProbDensityTypes[] = {"constant", "gaussian", "maxwell_boltzmann", "DTProb Density", "DTPROB_DENSITY_", NULL};

  9: /*@
 10:   PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann1D - PDF for the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in 1D

 12:   Not collective

 14:   Input Parameter:
 15: . x - Speed in [0, \infty]

 17:   Output Parameter:
 18: . p - The probability density at x

 20:   Level: beginner

 22: .seealso: PetscCDFMaxwellBoltzmann1D
 23: @*/
 24: PetscErrorCode PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann1D(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal dummy[], PetscReal p[])
 25: {
 26:   p[0] = PetscSqrtReal(2. / PETSC_PI) * PetscExpReal(-0.5 * PetscSqr(x[0]));
 27:   return 0;
 28: }

 30: /*@
 31:   PetscCDFMaxwellBoltzmann1D - CDF for the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in 1D

 33:   Not collective

 35:   Input Parameter:
 36: . x - Speed in [0, \infty]

 38:   Output Parameter:
 39: . p - The probability density at x

 41:   Level: beginner

 43: .seealso: PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann1D
 44: @*/
 45: PetscErrorCode PetscCDFMaxwellBoltzmann1D(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal dummy[], PetscReal p[])
 46: {
 47:   p[0] = PetscErfReal(x[0] / PETSC_SQRT2);
 48:   return 0;
 49: }

 51: /*@
 52:   PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann2D - PDF for the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in 2D

 54:   Not collective

 56:   Input Parameter:
 57: . x - Speed in [0, \infty]

 59:   Output Parameter:
 60: . p - The probability density at x

 62:   Level: beginner

 64: .seealso: PetscCDFMaxwellBoltzmann2D
 65: @*/
 66: PetscErrorCode PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann2D(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal dummy[], PetscReal p[])
 67: {
 68:   p[0] = x[0] * PetscExpReal(-0.5 * PetscSqr(x[0]));
 69:   return 0;
 70: }

 72: /*@
 73:   PetscCDFMaxwellBoltzmann2D - CDF for the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in 2D

 75:   Not collective

 77:   Input Parameter:
 78: . x - Speed in [0, \infty]

 80:   Output Parameter:
 81: . p - The probability density at x

 83:   Level: beginner

 85: .seealso: PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann2D
 86: @*/
 87: PetscErrorCode PetscCDFMaxwellBoltzmann2D(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal dummy[], PetscReal p[])
 88: {
 89:   p[0] = 1. - PetscExpReal(-0.5 * PetscSqr(x[0]));
 90:   return 0;
 91: }

 93: /*@
 94:   PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann3D - PDF for the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in 3D

 96:   Not collective

 98:   Input Parameter:
 99: . x - Speed in [0, \infty]

101:   Output Parameter:
102: . p - The probability density at x

104:   Level: beginner

106: .seealso: PetscCDFMaxwellBoltzmann3D
107: @*/
108: PetscErrorCode PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann3D(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal dummy[], PetscReal p[])
109: {
110:   p[0] = PetscSqrtReal(2. / PETSC_PI) * PetscSqr(x[0]) * PetscExpReal(-0.5 * PetscSqr(x[0]));
111:   return 0;
112: }

114: /*@
115:   PetscCDFMaxwellBoltzmann3D - CDF for the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in 3D

117:   Not collective

119:   Input Parameter:
120: . x - Speed in [0, \infty]

122:   Output Parameter:
123: . p - The probability density at x

125:   Level: beginner

127: .seealso: PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann3D
128: @*/
129: PetscErrorCode PetscCDFMaxwellBoltzmann3D(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal dummy[], PetscReal p[])
130: {
131:   p[0] = PetscErfReal(x[0] / PETSC_SQRT2) - PetscSqrtReal(2. / PETSC_PI) * x[0] * PetscExpReal(-0.5 * PetscSqr(x[0]));
132:   return 0;
133: }

135: /*@
136:   PetscPDFGaussian1D - PDF for the Gaussian distribution in 1D

138:   Not collective

140:   Input Parameter:
141: . x - Coordinate in [-\infty, \infty]

143:   Output Parameter:
144: . p - The probability density at x

146:   Level: beginner

148: .seealso: PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann3D
149: @*/
150: PetscErrorCode PetscPDFGaussian1D(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal scale[], PetscReal p[])
151: {
152:   const PetscReal sigma = scale ? scale[0] : 1.;
153:   p[0] = PetscSqrtReal(1. / (2.*PETSC_PI)) * PetscExpReal(-0.5 * PetscSqr(x[0] / sigma)) / sigma;
154:   return 0;
155: }

157: PetscErrorCode PetscCDFGaussian1D(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal scale[], PetscReal p[])
158: {
159:   const PetscReal sigma = scale ? scale[0] : 1.;
160:   p[0] = 0.5 * (1. + PetscErfReal(x[0] / PETSC_SQRT2 / sigma));
161:   return 0;
162: }

164: /*@
165:   PetscPDFSampleGaussian1D - Sample uniformly from a Gaussian distribution in 1D

167:   Not collective

169:   Input Parameters:
170: + p - A uniform variable on [0, 1]
171: - dummy - ignored

173:   Output Parameter:
174: . x - Coordinate in [-\infty, \infty]

176:   Level: beginner

178:   Note:
180: @*/
181: PetscErrorCode PetscPDFSampleGaussian1D(const PetscReal p[], const PetscReal dummy[], PetscReal x[])
182: {
183:   const PetscReal q = 2*p[0] - 1.;
184:   const PetscInt  maxIter = 100;
185:   PetscReal       ck[100], r = 0.;
186:   PetscInt        k, m;

189:   /* Transform input to [-1, 1] since the code below computes the inverse error function */
190:   for (k = 0; k < maxIter; ++k) ck[k] = 0.;
191:   ck[0] = 1;
192:   r = ck[0]* (PetscSqrtReal(PETSC_PI) / 2.) * q;
193:   for (k = 1; k < maxIter; ++k) {
194:     const PetscReal temp = 2.*k + 1.;

196:     for (m = 0; m <= k-1; ++m) {
197:       PetscReal denom = (m + 1.)*(2.*m + 1.);

199:       ck[k] += (ck[m]*ck[k-1-m])/denom;
200:     }
201:     r += (ck[k]/temp) * PetscPowReal((PetscSqrtReal(PETSC_PI)/2.) * q, 2.*k+1.);
202:   }
203:   /* Scale erfinv() by \sqrt{\pi/2} */
204:   x[0] = PetscSqrtReal(PETSC_PI * 0.5) * r;
205:   return 0;
206: }

208: /*@
209:   PetscPDFGaussian2D - PDF for the Gaussian distribution in 2D

211:   Not collective

213:   Input Parameters:
214: + x - Coordinate in [-\infty, \infty]^2
215: - dummy - ignored

217:   Output Parameter:
218: . p - The probability density at x

220:   Level: beginner

222: .seealso: PetscPDFSampleGaussian2D(), PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann3D()
223: @*/
224: PetscErrorCode PetscPDFGaussian2D(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal dummy[], PetscReal p[])
225: {
226:   p[0] = (1. / PETSC_PI) * PetscExpReal(-0.5 * (PetscSqr(x[0]) + PetscSqr(x[1])));
227:   return 0;
228: }

230: /*@
231:   PetscPDFSampleGaussian2D - Sample uniformly from a Gaussian distribution in 2D

233:   Not collective

235:   Input Parameters:
236: + p - A uniform variable on [0, 1]^2
237: - dummy - ignored

239:   Output Parameter:
240: . x - Coordinate in [-\infty, \infty]^2

242:   Level: beginner

244:   Note:

246: .seealso: PetscPDFGaussian2D(), PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann3D()
247: @*/
248: PetscErrorCode PetscPDFSampleGaussian2D(const PetscReal p[], const PetscReal dummy[], PetscReal x[])
249: {
250:   const PetscReal mag = PetscSqrtReal(-2.0 * PetscLogReal(p[0]));
251:   x[0] = mag * PetscCosReal(2.0 * PETSC_PI * p[1]);
252:   x[1] = mag * PetscSinReal(2.0 * PETSC_PI * p[1]);
253:   return 0;
254: }

256: /*@
257:   PetscPDFConstant1D - PDF for the uniform distribution in 1D

259:   Not collective

261:   Input Parameter:
262: . x - Coordinate in [-1, 1]

264:   Output Parameter:
265: . p - The probability density at x

267:   Level: beginner

269: .seealso: PetscCDFConstant1D()
270: @*/
271: PetscErrorCode PetscPDFConstant1D(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal dummy[], PetscReal p[])
272: {
273:   p[0] = x[0] > -1. && x[0] <= 1. ? 0.5 : 0.;
274:   return 0;
275: }

277: PetscErrorCode PetscCDFConstant1D(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal dummy[], PetscReal p[])
278: {
279:   p[0] = x[0] <= -1. ? 0. : (x[0] > 1. ? 1. : 0.5*(x[0] + 1.));
280:   return 0;
281: }

283: /*@
284:   PetscPDFSampleConstant1D - Sample uniformly from a uniform distribution on [-1, 1] in 1D

286:   Not collective

288:   Input Parameter:
289: . p - A uniform variable on [0, 1]

291:   Output Parameter:
292: . x - Coordinate in [-1, 1]

294:   Level: beginner

296: .seealso: PetscPDFConstant1D(), PetscCDFConstant1D()
297: @*/
298: PetscErrorCode PetscPDFSampleConstant1D(const PetscReal p[], const PetscReal dummy[], PetscReal x[])
299: {
300:   x[0] = 2.*p[1] - 1.;
301:   return 0;
302: }

304: /*@C
305:   PetscProbCreateFromOptions - Return the probability distribution specified by the argumetns and options

307:   Not collective

309:   Input Parameters:
310: + dim    - The dimension of sample points
311: . prefix - The options prefix, or NULL
312: - name   - The option name for the probility distribution type

314:   Output Parameters:
315: + pdf - The PDF of this type
316: . cdf - The CDF of this type
317: - sampler - The PDF sampler of this type

319:   Level: intermediate

321: .seealso: PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann1D(), PetscPDFGaussian1D(), PetscPDFConstant1D()
322: @*/
323: PetscErrorCode PetscProbCreateFromOptions(PetscInt dim, const char prefix[], const char name[], PetscProbFunc *pdf, PetscProbFunc *cdf, PetscProbFunc *sampler)
324: {
325:   DTProbDensityType den = DTPROB_DENSITY_GAUSSIAN;
326:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;

328:   PetscOptionsBegin(PETSC_COMM_SELF, prefix, "PetscProb Options", "DT");
329:   PetscOptionsEnum(name, "Method to compute PDF <constant, gaussian>", "", DTProbDensityTypes, (PetscEnum) den, (PetscEnum *) &den, NULL);
330:   PetscOptionsEnd();

335:   switch (den) {
337:       switch (dim) {
338:         case 1:
339:           if (pdf) *pdf = PetscPDFConstant1D;
340:           if (cdf) *cdf = PetscCDFConstant1D;
341:           if (sampler) *sampler = PetscPDFSampleConstant1D;
342:           break;
343:         default: SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Dimension %" PetscInt_FMT " not supported for density type %s", dim, DTProbDensityTypes[den]);
344:       }
345:       break;
347:       switch (dim) {
348:         case 1:
349:           if (pdf) *pdf = PetscPDFGaussian1D;
350:           if (cdf) *cdf = PetscCDFGaussian1D;
351:           if (sampler) *sampler = PetscPDFSampleGaussian1D;
352:           break;
353:         case 2:
354:           if (pdf) *pdf = PetscPDFGaussian2D;
355:           if (sampler) *sampler = PetscPDFSampleGaussian2D;
356:           break;
357:         default: SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Dimension %" PetscInt_FMT " not supported for density type %s", dim, DTProbDensityTypes[den]);
358:       }
359:       break;
361:       switch (dim) {
362:         case 1:
363:           if (pdf) *pdf = PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann1D;
364:           if (cdf) *cdf = PetscCDFMaxwellBoltzmann1D;
365:           break;
366:         case 2:
367:           if (pdf) *pdf = PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann2D;
368:           if (cdf) *cdf = PetscCDFMaxwellBoltzmann2D;
369:           break;
370:         case 3:
371:           if (pdf) *pdf = PetscPDFMaxwellBoltzmann3D;
372:           if (cdf) *cdf = PetscCDFMaxwellBoltzmann3D;
373:           break;
374:         default: SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Dimension %" PetscInt_FMT " not supported for density type %s", dim, DTProbDensityTypes[den]);
375:       }
376:       break;
377:     default: SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Density type %s is not supported", DTProbDensityTypes[PetscMax(0, PetscMin(den, DTPROB_NUM_DENSITY))]);
378:   }
379:   return 0;
380: }

382: #ifdef PETSC_HAVE_KS
384: #include <KolmogorovSmirnovDist.h>
386: #endif

388: /*@C
389:   PetscProbComputeKSStatistic - Compute the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic for the empirical distribution for an input vector, compared to an analytic CDF.

391:   Collective on v

393:   Input Parameters:
394: + v   - The data vector, blocksize is the sample dimension
395: - cdf - The analytic CDF

397:   Output Parameter:
398: . alpha - The KS statisic

400:   Level: advanced

402:   Note: The Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic for a given cumulative distribution function $F(x)$ is
403: $
404: $    D_n = \sup_x \left| F_n(x) - F(x) \right|
405: $
406: where $\sup_x$ is the supremum of the set of distances, and the empirical distribution
407: function $F_n(x)$ is discrete, and given by
408: $
409: $    F_n =  # of samples <= x / n
410: $
411: The empirical distribution function $F_n(x)$ is discrete, and thus had a ``stairstep''
412: cumulative distribution, making $n$ the number of stairs. Intuitively, the statistic takes
413: the largest absolute difference between the two distribution functions across all $x$ values.

415: .seealso: PetscProbFunc
416: @*/
417: PetscErrorCode PetscProbComputeKSStatistic(Vec v, PetscProbFunc cdf, PetscReal *alpha)
418: {
419: #if !defined(PETSC_HAVE_KS)
420:   SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) v), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "No support for Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.\nReconfigure using --download-ks");
421: #else
422:   PetscViewer        viewer = NULL;
423:   PetscViewerFormat  format;
424:   PetscDraw          draw;
425:   PetscDrawLG        lg;
426:   PetscDrawAxis      axis;
427:   const PetscScalar *a;
428:   PetscReal         *speed, Dn = PETSC_MIN_REAL;
429:   PetscBool          isascii = PETSC_FALSE, isdraw = PETSC_FALSE, flg;
430:   PetscInt           n, p, dim, d;
431:   PetscMPIInt        size;
432:   const char        *names[2] = {"Analytic", "Empirical"};
433:   char               title[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
434:   PetscOptions       options;
435:   const char        *prefix;
436:   MPI_Comm           comm;

438:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject) v, &comm);
439:   PetscObjectGetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject) v, &prefix);
440:   PetscObjectGetOptions((PetscObject) v, &options);
441:   PetscOptionsGetViewer(comm, options, prefix, "-ks_monitor", &viewer, &format, &flg);
442:   if (flg) {
443:     PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject) viewer, PETSCVIEWERASCII, &isascii);
444:     PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject) viewer, PETSCVIEWERDRAW,  &isdraw);
445:   }
446:   if (isascii) {
447:     PetscViewerPushFormat(viewer, format);
448:   } else if (isdraw) {
449:     PetscViewerPushFormat(viewer, format);
450:     PetscViewerDrawGetDraw(viewer, 0, &draw);
451:     PetscDrawLGCreate(draw, 2, &lg);
452:     PetscDrawLGSetLegend(lg, names);
453:   }

455:   MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) v), &size);
456:   VecGetLocalSize(v, &n);
457:   VecGetBlockSize(v, &dim);
458:   n   /= dim;
459:   /* TODO Parallel algorithm is harder */
460:   if (size == 1) {
461:     PetscMalloc1(n, &speed);
462:     VecGetArrayRead(v, &a);
463:     for (p = 0; p < n; ++p) {
464:       PetscReal mag = 0.;

466:       for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) mag += PetscSqr(PetscRealPart(a[p*dim+d]));
467:       speed[p] = PetscSqrtReal(mag);
468:     }
469:     PetscSortReal(n, speed);
470:     VecRestoreArrayRead(v, &a);
471:     for (p = 0; p < n; ++p) {
472:       const PetscReal x = speed[p], Fn = ((PetscReal) p) / n;
473:       PetscReal       F, vals[2];

475:       cdf(&x, NULL, &F);
476:       Dn = PetscMax(PetscAbsReal(Fn - F), Dn);
477:       if (isascii) PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "x: %g F: %g Fn: %g Dn: %.2g\n", x, F, Fn, Dn);
478:       if (isdraw)  {vals[0] = F; vals[1] = Fn; PetscDrawLGAddCommonPoint(lg, x, vals);}
479:     }
480:     if (speed[n-1] < 6.) {
481:       const PetscReal k = (PetscInt) (6. - speed[n-1]) + 1, dx = (6. - speed[n-1])/k;
482:       for (p = 0; p <= k; ++p) {
483:         const PetscReal x = speed[n-1] + p*dx, Fn = 1.0;
484:         PetscReal       F, vals[2];

486:         cdf(&x, NULL, &F);
487:         Dn = PetscMax(PetscAbsReal(Fn - F), Dn);
488:         if (isascii) PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "x: %g F: %g Fn: %g Dn: %.2g\n", x, F, Fn, Dn);
489:         if (isdraw)  {vals[0] = F; vals[1] = Fn; PetscDrawLGAddCommonPoint(lg, x, vals);}
490:       }
491:     }
492:     PetscFree(speed);
493:   }
494:   if (isdraw) {
495:     PetscDrawLGGetAxis(lg, &axis);
496:     PetscSNPrintf(title, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN, "Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test (Dn %.2g)", Dn);
497:     PetscDrawAxisSetLabels(axis, title, "x", "CDF(x)");
498:     PetscDrawLGDraw(lg);
499:     PetscDrawLGDestroy(&lg);
500:   }
501:   if (viewer) {
502:     PetscViewerFlush(viewer);
503:     PetscViewerPopFormat(viewer);
504:     PetscViewerDestroy(&viewer);
505:   }
506:   *alpha = KSfbar((int) n, (double) Dn);
507:   return 0;
508: #endif
509: }