PETSc version 3.17.5


The DMLABEL object is used to mark pieces of a mesh or DM, for example to indicate that a boundary condition should hold on that section. Markers are integers, so it can be seen as a multimap between integers and mesh pieces. Insertion is amortized O(1) since hash tables are used, but each bin is then sorted so that extraction into sorted levels is also O(1). The total cost should be O(N log N) for N entries.

Beginner - Basic usage
DMLabelAddStrata DMLabelCreate DMLabelReset
DMLabelAddStrataIS DMLabelDestroy DMLabelSetDefaultValue
DMLabelAddStratum DMLabelGetDefaultValue
Intermediate - Setting options for algorithms and data structures
DMLabelClearStratum DMLabelGetBounds DMLabelGetValueIndex
DMLabelClearValue DMLabelGetNonEmptyStratumValuesIS DMLabelHasStratum
DMLabelCompare DMLabelGetNumValues DMLabelInsertIS
DMLabelComputeIndex DMLabelGetStratumBounds DMLabelPermute
DMLabelCreateIndex DMLabelGetStratumIS DMLabelSetStratumBounds
DMLabelDestroyIndex DMLabelGetStratumPointIndex DMLabelSetStratumIS
DMLabelDistribute DMLabelGetStratumSize DMLabelSetValue
DMLabelDuplicate DMLabelGetValue DMLabelStratumHasPoint
DMLabelFilter DMLabelGetValueIS DMLabelView
No advanced routines
Developer - Interfaces intended primarily for library developers, not for typical applications programmers
DMLabelConvertToSection DMLabelHasValue PetscSectionSymLabelGetStratum
DMLabelGather PetscSectionCreateGlobalSectionLabel PetscSectionSymLabelSetLabel
DMLabelHasPoint PetscSectionSymCreateLabel PetscSectionSymLabelSetStratum
No deprecated routines

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