Actual source code: ex26.c

  2: static char help[] = "Transient nonlinear driven cavity in 2d.\n\
  3:   \n\
  4: The 2D driven cavity problem is solved in a velocity-vorticity formulation.\n\
  5: The flow can be driven with the lid or with bouyancy or both:\n\
  6:   -lidvelocity <lid>, where <lid> = dimensionless velocity of lid\n\
  7:   -grashof <gr>, where <gr> = dimensionless temperature gradent\n\
  8:   -prandtl <pr>, where <pr> = dimensionless thermal/momentum diffusity ratio\n\
  9:   -contours : draw contour plots of solution\n\n";
 10: /*
 11:       See src/snes/tutorials/ex19.c for the steady-state version.

 13:       There used to be a SNES example (src/snes/tutorials/ex27.c) that
 14:       implemented this algorithm without using TS and was used for the numerical
 15:       results in the paper

 17:         Todd S. Coffey and C. T. Kelley and David E. Keyes, Pseudotransient
 18:         Continuation and Differential-Algebraic Equations, 2003.

 20:       That example was removed because it used obsolete interfaces, but the
 21:       algorithms from the paper can be reproduced using this example.

 23:       Note: The paper describes the algorithm as being linearly implicit but the
 24:       numerical results were created using nonlinearly implicit Euler.  The
 25:       algorithm as described (linearly implicit) is more efficient and is the
 26:       default when using TSPSEUDO.  If you want to reproduce the numerical
 27:       results from the paper, you'll have to change the SNES to converge the
 28:       nonlinear solve (e.g., -snes_type newtonls).  The DAE versus ODE variants
 29:       are controlled using the -parabolic option.

 31:       Comment preserved from snes/tutorials/ex27.c, since removed:

 33:         [H]owever Figure 3.1 was generated with a slightly different algorithm
 34:         (see targets runex27 and runex27_p) than described in the paper.  In
 35:         particular, the described algorithm is linearly implicit, advancing to
 36:         the next step after one Newton step, so that the steady state residual
 37:         is always used, but the figure was generated by converging each step to
 38:         a relative tolerance of 1.e-3.  On the example problem, setting
 39:         -snes_type ksponly has only minor impact on number of steps, but
 40:         significantly reduces the required number of linear solves.

 42:       See also
 43: */

 45: /*T
 46:    Concepts: TS^solving a system of nonlinear equations (parallel multicomponent example);
 47:    Concepts: DMDA^using distributed arrays;
 48:    Concepts: TS^multicomponent
 49:    Concepts: TS^differential-algebraic equation
 50:    Processors: n
 51: T*/
 52: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------

 54:     We thank David E. Keyes for contributing the driven cavity discretization
 55:     within this example code.

 57:     This problem is modeled by the partial differential equation system

 59:         - Lap(U) - Grad_y(Omega) = 0
 60:         - Lap(V) + Grad_x(Omega) = 0
 61:         Omega_t - Lap(Omega) + Div([U*Omega,V*Omega]) - GR*Grad_x(T) = 0
 62:         T_t - Lap(T) + PR*Div([U*T,V*T]) = 0

 64:     in the unit square, which is uniformly discretized in each of x and
 65:     y in this simple encoding.

 67:     No-slip, rigid-wall Dirichlet conditions are used for [U,V].
 68:     Dirichlet conditions are used for Omega, based on the definition of
 69:     vorticity: Omega = - Grad_y(U) + Grad_x(V), where along each
 70:     constant coordinate boundary, the tangential derivative is zero.
 71:     Dirichlet conditions are used for T on the left and right walls,
 72:     and insulation homogeneous Neumann conditions are used for T on
 73:     the top and bottom walls.

 75:     A finite difference approximation with the usual 5-point stencil
 76:     is used to discretize the boundary value problem to obtain a
 77:     nonlinear system of equations.  Upwinding is used for the divergence
 78:     (convective) terms and central for the gradient (source) terms.

 80:     The Jacobian can be either
 81:       * formed via finite differencing using coloring (the default), or
 82:       * applied matrix-free via the option -snes_mf
 83:         (for larger grid problems this variant may not converge
 84:         without a preconditioner due to ill-conditioning).

 86:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 88: /*
 89:    Include "petscdmda.h" so that we can use distributed arrays (DMDAs).
 90:    Include "petscts.h" so that we can use TS solvers.  Note that this
 91:    file automatically includes:
 92:      petscsys.h       - base PETSc routines   petscvec.h - vectors
 93:      petscmat.h - matrices
 94:      petscis.h     - index sets            petscksp.h - Krylov subspace methods
 95:      petscviewer.h - viewers               petscpc.h  - preconditioners
 96:      petscksp.h   - linear solvers         petscsnes.h - nonlinear solvers
 97: */
 98: #include <petscts.h>
 99: #include <petscdm.h>
100: #include <petscdmda.h>

102: /*
103:    User-defined routines and data structures
104: */
105: typedef struct {
106:   PetscScalar u,v,omega,temp;
107: } Field;

109: PetscErrorCode FormIFunctionLocal(DMDALocalInfo*,PetscReal,Field**,Field**,Field**,void*);

111: typedef struct {
112:   PetscReal   lidvelocity,prandtl,grashof;   /* physical parameters */
113:   PetscBool   parabolic;                     /* allow a transient term corresponding roughly to artificial compressibility */
114:   PetscReal   cfl_initial;                   /* CFL for first time step */
115: } AppCtx;

117: PetscErrorCode FormInitialSolution(TS,Vec,AppCtx*);

119: int main(int argc,char **argv)
120: {
121:   AppCtx            user;             /* user-defined work context */
122:   PetscInt          mx,my,steps;
123:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
124:   TS                ts;
125:   DM                da;
126:   Vec               X;
127:   PetscReal         ftime;
128:   TSConvergedReason reason;

130:   PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv,(char*)0,help);if (ierr) return ierr;
131:   TSCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&ts);
133:   DMSetFromOptions(da);
134:   DMSetUp(da);
135:   TSSetDM(ts,(DM)da);

139:   /*
140:      Problem parameters (velocity of lid, prandtl, and grashof numbers)
141:   */
142:   user.lidvelocity = 1.0/(mx*my);
143:   user.prandtl     = 1.0;
144:   user.grashof     = 1.0;
145:   user.parabolic   = PETSC_FALSE;
146:   user.cfl_initial = 50.;

148:   PetscOptionsBegin(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,NULL,"Driven cavity/natural convection options","");
149:   PetscOptionsReal("-lidvelocity","Lid velocity, related to Reynolds number","",user.lidvelocity,&user.lidvelocity,NULL);
150:   PetscOptionsReal("-prandtl","Ratio of viscous to thermal diffusivity","",user.prandtl,&user.prandtl,NULL);
151:   PetscOptionsReal("-grashof","Ratio of bouyant to viscous forces","",user.grashof,&user.grashof,NULL);
152:   PetscOptionsBool("-parabolic","Relax incompressibility to make the system parabolic instead of differential-algebraic","",user.parabolic,&user.parabolic,NULL);
153:   PetscOptionsReal("-cfl_initial","Advective CFL for the first time step","",user.cfl_initial,&user.cfl_initial,NULL);
154:   PetscOptionsEnd();

156:   DMDASetFieldName(da,0,"x-velocity");
157:   DMDASetFieldName(da,1,"y-velocity");
158:   DMDASetFieldName(da,2,"Omega");
159:   DMDASetFieldName(da,3,"temperature");

161:   /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
162:      Create user context, set problem data, create vector data structures.
163:      Also, compute the initial guess.
164:      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

166:   /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
167:      Create time integration context
168:      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
169:   DMSetApplicationContext(da,&user);
170:   DMDATSSetIFunctionLocal(da,INSERT_VALUES,(DMDATSIFunctionLocal)FormIFunctionLocal,&user);
171:   TSSetMaxSteps(ts,10000);
172:   TSSetMaxTime(ts,1e12);
174:   TSSetTimeStep(ts,user.cfl_initial/(user.lidvelocity*mx));
175:   TSSetFromOptions(ts);

177:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%Dx%D grid, lid velocity = %g, prandtl # = %g, grashof # = %g\n",mx,my,(double)user.lidvelocity,(double)user.prandtl,(double)user.grashof);

179:   /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
180:      Solve the nonlinear system
181:      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

183:   DMCreateGlobalVector(da,&X);
184:   FormInitialSolution(ts,X,&user);

186:   TSSolve(ts,X);
187:   TSGetSolveTime(ts,&ftime);
188:   TSGetStepNumber(ts,&steps);
189:   TSGetConvergedReason(ts,&reason);

191:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%s at time %g after %D steps\n",TSConvergedReasons[reason],(double)ftime,steps);

193:   /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
194:      Free work space.  All PETSc objects should be destroyed when they
195:      are no longer needed.
196:      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
197:   VecDestroy(&X);
198:   DMDestroy(&da);
199:   TSDestroy(&ts);

201:   PetscFinalize();
202:   return ierr;
203: }

205: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

207: /*
208:    FormInitialSolution - Forms initial approximation.

210:    Input Parameters:
211:    user - user-defined application context
212:    X - vector

214:    Output Parameter:
215:    X - vector
216:  */
217: PetscErrorCode FormInitialSolution(TS ts,Vec X,AppCtx *user)
218: {
219:   DM             da;
220:   PetscInt       i,j,mx,xs,ys,xm,ym;
222:   PetscReal      grashof,dx;
223:   Field          **x;

225:   grashof = user->grashof;
226:   TSGetDM(ts,&da);
227:   DMDAGetInfo(da,0,&mx,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
228:   dx      = 1.0/(mx-1);

230:   /*
231:      Get local grid boundaries (for 2-dimensional DMDA):
232:        xs, ys   - starting grid indices (no ghost points)
233:        xm, ym   - widths of local grid (no ghost points)
234:   */
235:   DMDAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,NULL,&xm,&ym,NULL);

237:   /*
238:      Get a pointer to vector data.
239:        - For default PETSc vectors, VecGetArray() returns a pointer to
240:          the data array.  Otherwise, the routine is implementation dependent.
241:        - You MUST call VecRestoreArray() when you no longer need access to
242:          the array.
243:   */
244:   DMDAVecGetArray(da,X,&x);

246:   /*
247:      Compute initial guess over the locally owned part of the grid
248:      Initial condition is motionless fluid and equilibrium temperature
249:   */
250:   for (j=ys; j<ys+ym; j++) {
251:     for (i=xs; i<xs+xm; i++) {
252:       x[j][i].u     = 0.0;
253:       x[j][i].v     = 0.0;
254:       x[j][i].omega = 0.0;
255:       x[j][i].temp  = (grashof>0)*i*dx;
256:     }
257:   }

259:   /*
260:      Restore vector
261:   */
262:   DMDAVecRestoreArray(da,X,&x);
263:   return 0;
264: }

266: PetscErrorCode FormIFunctionLocal(DMDALocalInfo *info,PetscReal ptime,Field **x,Field **xdot,Field **f,void *ptr)
267: {
268:   AppCtx         *user = (AppCtx*)ptr;
270:   PetscInt       xints,xinte,yints,yinte,i,j;
271:   PetscReal      hx,hy,dhx,dhy,hxdhy,hydhx;
272:   PetscReal      grashof,prandtl,lid;
273:   PetscScalar    u,udot,uxx,uyy,vx,vy,avx,avy,vxp,vxm,vyp,vym;

276:   grashof = user->grashof;
277:   prandtl = user->prandtl;
278:   lid     = user->lidvelocity;

280:   /*
281:      Define mesh intervals ratios for uniform grid.

283:      Note: FD formulae below are normalized by multiplying through by
284:      local volume element (i.e. hx*hy) to obtain coefficients O(1) in two dimensions.

286:   */
287:   dhx   = (PetscReal)(info->mx-1);  dhy = (PetscReal)(info->my-1);
288:   hx    = 1.0/dhx;                   hy = 1.0/dhy;
289:   hxdhy = hx*dhy;                 hydhx = hy*dhx;

291:   xints = info->xs; xinte = info->xs+info->xm; yints = info->ys; yinte = info->ys+info->ym;

293:   /* Test whether we are on the bottom edge of the global array */
294:   if (yints == 0) {
295:     j     = 0;
296:     yints = yints + 1;
297:     /* bottom edge */
298:     for (i=info->xs; i<info->xs+info->xm; i++) {
299:       f[j][i].u     = x[j][i].u;
300:       f[j][i].v     = x[j][i].v;
301:       f[j][i].omega = x[j][i].omega + (x[j+1][i].u - x[j][i].u)*dhy;
302:       f[j][i].temp  = x[j][i].temp-x[j+1][i].temp;
303:     }
304:   }

306:   /* Test whether we are on the top edge of the global array */
307:   if (yinte == info->my) {
308:     j     = info->my - 1;
309:     yinte = yinte - 1;
310:     /* top edge */
311:     for (i=info->xs; i<info->xs+info->xm; i++) {
312:       f[j][i].u     = x[j][i].u - lid;
313:       f[j][i].v     = x[j][i].v;
314:       f[j][i].omega = x[j][i].omega + (x[j][i].u - x[j-1][i].u)*dhy;
315:       f[j][i].temp  = x[j][i].temp-x[j-1][i].temp;
316:     }
317:   }

319:   /* Test whether we are on the left edge of the global array */
320:   if (xints == 0) {
321:     i     = 0;
322:     xints = xints + 1;
323:     /* left edge */
324:     for (j=info->ys; j<info->ys+info->ym; j++) {
325:       f[j][i].u     = x[j][i].u;
326:       f[j][i].v     = x[j][i].v;
327:       f[j][i].omega = x[j][i].omega - (x[j][i+1].v - x[j][i].v)*dhx;
328:       f[j][i].temp  = x[j][i].temp;
329:     }
330:   }

332:   /* Test whether we are on the right edge of the global array */
333:   if (xinte == info->mx) {
334:     i     = info->mx - 1;
335:     xinte = xinte - 1;
336:     /* right edge */
337:     for (j=info->ys; j<info->ys+info->ym; j++) {
338:       f[j][i].u     = x[j][i].u;
339:       f[j][i].v     = x[j][i].v;
340:       f[j][i].omega = x[j][i].omega - (x[j][i].v - x[j][i-1].v)*dhx;
341:       f[j][i].temp  = x[j][i].temp - (PetscReal)(grashof>0);
342:     }
343:   }

345:   /* Compute over the interior points */
346:   for (j=yints; j<yinte; j++) {
347:     for (i=xints; i<xinte; i++) {

349:       /*
350:         convective coefficients for upwinding
351:       */
352:       vx  = x[j][i].u; avx = PetscAbsScalar(vx);
353:       vxp = .5*(vx+avx); vxm = .5*(vx-avx);
354:       vy  = x[j][i].v; avy = PetscAbsScalar(vy);
355:       vyp = .5*(vy+avy); vym = .5*(vy-avy);

357:       /* U velocity */
358:       u         = x[j][i].u;
359:       udot      = user->parabolic ? xdot[j][i].u : 0.;
360:       uxx       = (2.0*u - x[j][i-1].u - x[j][i+1].u)*hydhx;
361:       uyy       = (2.0*u - x[j-1][i].u - x[j+1][i].u)*hxdhy;
362:       f[j][i].u = udot + uxx + uyy - .5*(x[j+1][i].omega-x[j-1][i].omega)*hx;

364:       /* V velocity */
365:       u         = x[j][i].v;
366:       udot      = user->parabolic ? xdot[j][i].v : 0.;
367:       uxx       = (2.0*u - x[j][i-1].v - x[j][i+1].v)*hydhx;
368:       uyy       = (2.0*u - x[j-1][i].v - x[j+1][i].v)*hxdhy;
369:       f[j][i].v = udot + uxx + uyy + .5*(x[j][i+1].omega-x[j][i-1].omega)*hy;

371:       /* Omega */
372:       u             = x[j][i].omega;
373:       uxx           = (2.0*u - x[j][i-1].omega - x[j][i+1].omega)*hydhx;
374:       uyy           = (2.0*u - x[j-1][i].omega - x[j+1][i].omega)*hxdhy;
375:       f[j][i].omega = (xdot[j][i].omega + uxx + uyy
376:                        + (vxp*(u - x[j][i-1].omega)
377:                           + vxm*(x[j][i+1].omega - u)) * hy
378:                        + (vyp*(u - x[j-1][i].omega)
379:                           + vym*(x[j+1][i].omega - u)) * hx
380:                        - .5 * grashof * (x[j][i+1].temp - x[j][i-1].temp) * hy);

382:       /* Temperature */
383:       u            = x[j][i].temp;
384:       uxx          = (2.0*u - x[j][i-1].temp - x[j][i+1].temp)*hydhx;
385:       uyy          = (2.0*u - x[j-1][i].temp - x[j+1][i].temp)*hxdhy;
386:       f[j][i].temp =  (xdot[j][i].temp + uxx + uyy
387:                        + prandtl * ((vxp*(u - x[j][i-1].temp)
388:                                      + vxm*(x[j][i+1].temp - u)) * hy
389:                                     + (vyp*(u - x[j-1][i].temp)
390:                                        + vym*(x[j+1][i].temp - u)) * hx));
391:     }
392:   }

394:   /*
395:      Flop count (multiply-adds are counted as 2 operations)
396:   */
397:   PetscLogFlops(84.0*info->ym*info->xm);
398:   return(0);
399: }

401: /*TEST

403:     test:
404:       args: -da_grid_x 20 -da_grid_y 20 -lidvelocity 100 -grashof 1e3 -ts_max_steps 100 -ts_rtol 1e-3 -ts_atol 1e-3 -ts_type rosw -ts_rosw_type ra3pw -ts_monitor -ts_monitor_solution_vtk 'foo-%03D.vts'
405:       requires: !complex !single

407:     test:
408:       suffix: 2
409:       nsize: 4
410:       args: -da_grid_x 20 -da_grid_y 20 -lidvelocity 100 -grashof 1e3 -ts_max_steps 100 -ts_rtol 1e-3 -ts_atol 1e-3 -ts_type rosw -ts_rosw_type ra3pw -ts_monitor -ts_monitor_solution_vtk 'foo-%03D.vts'
411:       requires: !complex !single

413:     test:
414:       suffix: 3
415:       nsize: 4
416:       args: -da_refine 2 -lidvelocity 100 -grashof 1e3 -ts_max_steps 10 -ts_rtol 1e-3 -ts_atol 1e-3 -pc_type none -ts_type beuler -ts_monitor -snes_monitor_short -snes_type aspin -da_overlap 4
417:       requires: !complex !single

419:     test:
420:       suffix: 4
421:       nsize: 2
422:       args: -da_refine 1 -lidvelocity 100 -grashof 1e3 -ts_max_steps 10 -ts_rtol 1e-3 -ts_atol 1e-3
423:       requires: !complex !single

425:     test:
426:       suffix: asm
427:       nsize: 4
428:       args: -da_refine 1 -lidvelocity 100 -grashof 1e3 -ts_max_steps 10 -ts_rtol 1e-3 -ts_atol 1e-3
429:       requires: !complex !single

431: TEST*/