Actual source code: dmmbvec.cxx

  1: #include <petsc/private/dmmbimpl.h>
  2: #include <petsc/private/vecimpl.h>

  4: #include <petscdmmoab.h>
  5: #include <MBTagConventions.hpp>


  9: /* declare some private DMMoab specific overrides */
 10: static PetscErrorCode DMCreateVector_Moab_Private(DM dm,moab::Tag tag,const moab::Range* userrange,PetscBool is_global_vec,PetscBool destroy_tag,Vec *vec);
 11: static PetscErrorCode DMVecUserDestroy_Moab(void *user);
 12: static PetscErrorCode DMVecDuplicate_Moab(Vec x,Vec *y);
 13: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
 14: static PetscErrorCode DMVecCreateTagName_Moab_Private(moab::Interface *mbiface,moab::ParallelComm *pcomm,char** tag_name);
 15: #else
 16: static PetscErrorCode DMVecCreateTagName_Moab_Private(moab::Interface *mbiface,char** tag_name);
 17: #endif

 19: /*@C
 20:   DMMoabCreateVector - Create a Vec from either an existing tag, or a specified tag size, and a range of entities

 22:   Collective

 24:   Input Parameters:
 25: + dm              - The DMMoab object being set
 26: . tag             - If non-zero, block size will be taken from the tag size
 27: . range           - If non-empty, Vec corresponds to these entities, otherwise to the entities set on the DMMoab
 28: . is_global_vec   - If true, this is a local representation of the Vec (including ghosts in parallel), otherwise a truly parallel one
 29: - destroy_tag     - If true, MOAB tag is destroyed with Vec, otherwise it is left on MOAB

 31:   Output Parameter:
 32: . vec             - The created vector

 34:   Level: beginner

 36: .seealso: VecCreate()
 37: @*/
 38: PetscErrorCode DMMoabCreateVector(DM dm, moab::Tag tag, const moab::Range* range, PetscBool is_global_vec, PetscBool destroy_tag, Vec *vec)
 39: {
 40:   PetscErrorCode     ierr;

 43:   if (!tag && (!range || range->empty())) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Both tag and range cannot be null.");

 45:   DMCreateVector_Moab_Private(dm, tag, range, is_global_vec, destroy_tag, vec);
 46:   return(0);
 47: }

 49: /*@C
 50:   DMMoabGetVecTag - Get the MOAB tag associated with this Vec

 52:   Input Parameter:
 53: . vec - Vec being queried

 55:   Output Parameter:
 56: . tag - Tag associated with this Vec. NULL if vec is a native PETSc Vec.

 58:   Level: beginner

 60: .seealso: DMMoabCreateVector(), DMMoabGetVecRange()
 61: @*/
 62: PetscErrorCode DMMoabGetVecTag(Vec vec, moab::Tag *tag)
 63: {
 64:   PetscContainer  moabdata;
 65:   Vec_MOAB        *vmoab;
 66:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;

 71:   /* Get the MOAB private data */
 72:   PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)vec, "MOABData", (PetscObject*) &moabdata);
 73:   PetscContainerGetPointer(moabdata, (void**) &vmoab);

 75:   *tag = vmoab->tag;
 76:   return(0);
 77: }

 79: /*@C
 80:   DMMoabGetVecRange - Get the MOAB entities associated with this Vec

 82:   Input Parameter:
 83: . vec   - Vec being queried

 85:   Output Parameter:
 86: . range - Entities associated with this Vec. NULL if vec is a native PETSc Vec.

 88:   Level: beginner

 90: .seealso: DMMoabCreateVector(), DMMoabGetVecTag()
 91: @*/
 92: PetscErrorCode DMMoabGetVecRange(Vec vec, moab::Range *range)
 93: {
 94:   PetscContainer  moabdata;
 95:   Vec_MOAB        *vmoab;
 96:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;

101:   /* Get the MOAB private data handle */
102:   PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)vec, "MOABData", (PetscObject*) &moabdata);
103:   PetscContainerGetPointer(moabdata, (void**) &vmoab);

105:   *range = *vmoab->tag_range;
106:   return(0);
107: }

109: /*@C
110:   DMMoabVecGetArray - Returns the writable direct access array to the local representation of MOAB tag data for the underlying vector using locally owned+ghosted range of entities

112:   Collective

114:   Input Parameters:
115: + dm              - The DMMoab object being set
116: - vec             - The Vector whose underlying data is requested

118:   Output Parameter:
119: . array           - The local data array

121:   Level: intermediate

123: .seealso: DMMoabVecRestoreArray(), DMMoabVecGetArrayRead(), DMMoabVecRestoreArrayRead()
124: @*/
125: PetscErrorCode  DMMoabVecGetArray(DM dm, Vec vec, void* array)
126: {
127:   DM_Moab        *dmmoab;
128:   moab::ErrorCode merr;
129:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
130:   PetscInt        count, i, f;
131:   moab::Tag       vtag;
132:   PetscScalar     **varray;
133:   PetscScalar     *marray;
134:   PetscContainer  moabdata;
135:   Vec_MOAB        *vmoab, *xmoab;

141:   dmmoab = (DM_Moab*)dm->data;

143:   /* Get the Vec_MOAB struct for the original vector */
144:   PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)vec, "MOABData", (PetscObject*) &moabdata);
145:   PetscContainerGetPointer(moabdata, (void**)&vmoab);

147:   /* Get the real scalar array handle */
148:   varray = reinterpret_cast<PetscScalar**>(array);

150:   if (vmoab->is_native_vec) {

152:     /* get the local representation of the arrays from Vectors */
153:     DMGetLocalVector(dm, &vmoab->local);
154:     DMGlobalToLocalBegin(dm, vec, INSERT_VALUES, vmoab->local);
155:     DMGlobalToLocalEnd(dm, vec, INSERT_VALUES, vmoab->local);

157:     /* Get the Vec_MOAB struct for the original vector */
158:     PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)vmoab->local, "MOABData", (PetscObject*) &moabdata);
159:     PetscContainerGetPointer(moabdata, (void**)&xmoab);

161:     /* get the local representation of the arrays from Vectors */
162:     VecGhostGetLocalForm(vmoab->local, &xmoab->local);
163:     VecGhostUpdateBegin(vmoab->local, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD);
164:     VecGhostUpdateEnd(vmoab->local, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD);

166:     VecGetArray(xmoab->local, varray);
167:   }
168:   else {

170:     /* Get the MOAB private data */
171:     DMMoabGetVecTag(vec, &vtag);

173: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
174:     /* exchange the data into ghost cells first */
175:     merr = dmmoab->pcomm->exchange_tags(vtag, *dmmoab->vlocal); MBERRNM(merr);
176: #endif

178:     PetscMalloc1((dmmoab->nloc + dmmoab->nghost) * dmmoab->numFields, varray);

180:     /* Get the array data for local entities */
181:     merr = dmmoab->mbiface->tag_iterate(vtag, dmmoab->vlocal->begin(), dmmoab->vlocal->end(), count, reinterpret_cast<void*&>(marray), false); MBERRNM(merr);
182:     if (count != dmmoab->nloc + dmmoab->nghost) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Mismatch between local vertices and tag partition for Vec. %D != %D.", count, dmmoab->nloc + dmmoab->nghost);

184:     i = 0;
185:     for (moab::Range::iterator iter = dmmoab->vlocal->begin(); iter != dmmoab->vlocal->end(); iter++) {
186:       for (f = 0; f < dmmoab->numFields; f++, i++)
187:         (*varray)[dmmoab->lidmap[(PetscInt)*iter - dmmoab->seqstart]*dmmoab->numFields + f] = marray[i];
188:       //(*varray)[dmmoab->llmap[dmmoab->lidmap[((PetscInt)*iter-dmmoab->seqstart)]*dmmoab->numFields+f]]=marray[i];
189:     }
190:   }
191:   return(0);
192: }

194: /*@C
195:   DMMoabVecRestoreArray - Restores the writable direct access array obtained via DMMoabVecGetArray

197:   Collective

199:   Input Parameters:
200: + dm              - The DMMoab object being set
201: . vec             - The Vector whose underlying data is requested
202: - array           - The local data array

204:   Level: intermediate

206: .seealso: DMMoabVecGetArray(), DMMoabVecGetArrayRead(), DMMoabVecRestoreArrayRead()
207: @*/
208: PetscErrorCode  DMMoabVecRestoreArray(DM dm, Vec vec, void* array)
209: {
210:   DM_Moab        *dmmoab;
211:   moab::ErrorCode merr;
212:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
213:   moab::Tag       vtag;
214:   PetscInt        count, i, f;
215:   PetscScalar     **varray;
216:   PetscScalar     *marray;
217:   PetscContainer  moabdata;
218:   Vec_MOAB        *vmoab, *xmoab;

224:   dmmoab = (DM_Moab*)dm->data;

226:   /* Get the Vec_MOAB struct for the original vector */
227:   PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)vec, "MOABData", (PetscObject*) &moabdata);
228:   PetscContainerGetPointer(moabdata, (void**)&vmoab);

230:   /* Get the real scalar array handle */
231:   varray = reinterpret_cast<PetscScalar**>(array);

233:   if (vmoab->is_native_vec) {

235:     /* Get the Vec_MOAB struct for the original vector */
236:     PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)vmoab->local, "MOABData", (PetscObject*) &moabdata);
237:     PetscContainerGetPointer(moabdata, (void**)&xmoab);

239:     /* get the local representation of the arrays from Vectors */
240:     VecRestoreArray(xmoab->local, varray);
241:     VecGhostUpdateBegin(vmoab->local, ADD_VALUES, SCATTER_REVERSE);
242:     VecGhostUpdateEnd(vmoab->local, ADD_VALUES, SCATTER_REVERSE);
243:     VecGhostRestoreLocalForm(vmoab->local, &xmoab->local);

245:     /* restore local pieces */
246:     DMLocalToGlobalBegin(dm, vmoab->local, INSERT_VALUES, vec);
247:     DMLocalToGlobalEnd(dm, vmoab->local, INSERT_VALUES, vec);
248:     DMRestoreLocalVector(dm, &vmoab->local);
249:   }
250:   else {

252:     /* Get the MOAB private data */
253:     DMMoabGetVecTag(vec, &vtag);

255:     /* Get the array data for local entities */
256:     merr = dmmoab->mbiface->tag_iterate(vtag, dmmoab->vlocal->begin(), dmmoab->vlocal->end(), count, reinterpret_cast<void*&>(marray), false); MBERRNM(merr);
257:     if (count != dmmoab->nloc + dmmoab->nghost) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Mismatch between local vertices and tag partition for Vec. %D != %D.", count, dmmoab->nloc + dmmoab->nghost);

259:     i = 0;
260:     for (moab::Range::iterator iter = dmmoab->vlocal->begin(); iter != dmmoab->vlocal->end(); iter++) {
261:       for (f = 0; f < dmmoab->numFields; f++, i++)
262:         marray[i] = (*varray)[dmmoab->lidmap[(PetscInt) * iter - dmmoab->seqstart] * dmmoab->numFields + f];
263:       //marray[i] = (*varray)[dmmoab->llmap[dmmoab->lidmap[((PetscInt)*iter-dmmoab->seqstart)]*dmmoab->numFields+f]];
264:     }

266: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
267:     /* reduce the tags correctly -> should probably let the user choose how to reduce in the future
268:       For all FEM residual based assembly calculations, MPI_SUM should serve well */
269:     merr = dmmoab->pcomm->reduce_tags(vtag, MPI_SUM, *dmmoab->vlocal); MBERRV(dmmoab->mbiface, merr);
270: #endif
271:     PetscFree(*varray);
272:   }
273:   return(0);
274: }

276: /*@C
277:   DMMoabVecGetArrayRead - Returns the read-only direct access array to the local representation of MOAB tag data for the underlying vector using locally owned+ghosted range of entities

279:   Collective

281:   Input Parameters:
282: + dm              - The DMMoab object being set
283: - vec             - The Vector whose underlying data is requested

285:   Output Parameter:
286: . array           - The local data array

288:   Level: intermediate

290: .seealso: DMMoabVecRestoreArrayRead(), DMMoabVecGetArray(), DMMoabVecRestoreArray()
291: @*/
292: PetscErrorCode  DMMoabVecGetArrayRead(DM dm, Vec vec, void* array)
293: {
294:   DM_Moab        *dmmoab;
295:   moab::ErrorCode merr;
296:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
297:   PetscInt        count, i, f;
298:   moab::Tag       vtag;
299:   PetscScalar     **varray;
300:   PetscScalar     *marray;
301:   PetscContainer  moabdata;
302:   Vec_MOAB        *vmoab, *xmoab;

308:   dmmoab = (DM_Moab*)dm->data;

310:   /* Get the Vec_MOAB struct for the original vector */
311:   PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)vec, "MOABData", (PetscObject*) &moabdata);
312:   PetscContainerGetPointer(moabdata, (void**)&vmoab);

314:   /* Get the real scalar array handle */
315:   varray = reinterpret_cast<PetscScalar**>(array);

317:   if (vmoab->is_native_vec) {
318:     /* get the local representation of the arrays from Vectors */
319:     DMGetLocalVector(dm, &vmoab->local);
320:     DMGlobalToLocalBegin(dm, vec, INSERT_VALUES, vmoab->local);
321:     DMGlobalToLocalEnd(dm, vec, INSERT_VALUES, vmoab->local);

323:     /* Get the Vec_MOAB struct for the original vector */
324:     PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)vmoab->local, "MOABData", (PetscObject*) &moabdata);
325:     PetscContainerGetPointer(moabdata, (void**)&xmoab);

327:     /* get the local representation of the arrays from Vectors */
328:     VecGhostGetLocalForm(vmoab->local, &xmoab->local);
329:     VecGhostUpdateBegin(vmoab->local, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD);
330:     VecGhostUpdateEnd(vmoab->local, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD);
331:     VecGetArray(xmoab->local, varray);
332:   }
333:   else {
334:     /* Get the MOAB private data */
335:     DMMoabGetVecTag(vec, &vtag);

337: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
338:     /* exchange the data into ghost cells first */
339:     merr = dmmoab->pcomm->exchange_tags(vtag, *dmmoab->vlocal); MBERRNM(merr);
340: #endif
341:     PetscMalloc1((dmmoab->nloc + dmmoab->nghost) * dmmoab->numFields, varray);

343:     /* Get the array data for local entities */
344:     merr = dmmoab->mbiface->tag_iterate(vtag, dmmoab->vlocal->begin(), dmmoab->vlocal->end(), count, reinterpret_cast<void*&>(marray), false); MBERRNM(merr);
345:     if (count != dmmoab->nloc + dmmoab->nghost) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Mismatch between local vertices and tag partition for Vec. %D != %D.", count, dmmoab->nloc + dmmoab->nghost);

347:     i = 0;
348:     for (moab::Range::iterator iter = dmmoab->vlocal->begin(); iter != dmmoab->vlocal->end(); iter++) {
349:       for (f = 0; f < dmmoab->numFields; f++, i++)
350:         (*varray)[dmmoab->lidmap[(PetscInt)*iter - dmmoab->seqstart]*dmmoab->numFields + f] = marray[i];
351:       //(*varray)[dmmoab->llmap[dmmoab->lidmap[((PetscInt)*iter-dmmoab->seqstart)]*dmmoab->numFields+f]]=marray[i];
352:     }
353:   }
354:   return(0);
355: }

357: /*@C
358:   DMMoabVecRestoreArrayRead - Restores the read-only direct access array obtained via DMMoabVecGetArray

360:   Collective

362:   Input Parameters:
363: + dm              - The DMMoab object being set
364: . vec             - The Vector whose underlying data is requested
365: - array           - The local data array

367:   Level: intermediate

369: .seealso: DMMoabVecGetArrayRead(), DMMoabVecGetArray(), DMMoabVecRestoreArray()
370: @*/
371: PetscErrorCode  DMMoabVecRestoreArrayRead(DM dm, Vec vec, void* array)
372: {
373:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
374:   PetscScalar     **varray;
375:   PetscContainer  moabdata;
376:   Vec_MOAB        *vmoab, *xmoab;

383:   /* Get the Vec_MOAB struct for the original vector */
384:   PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)vec, "MOABData", (PetscObject*) &moabdata);
385:   PetscContainerGetPointer(moabdata, (void**)&vmoab);

387:   /* Get the real scalar array handle */
388:   varray = reinterpret_cast<PetscScalar**>(array);

390:   if (vmoab->is_native_vec) {
391:     /* Get the Vec_MOAB struct for the original vector */
392:     PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)vmoab->local, "MOABData", (PetscObject*) &moabdata);
393:     PetscContainerGetPointer(moabdata, (void**)&xmoab);

395:     /* restore the local representation of the arrays from Vectors */
396:     VecRestoreArray(xmoab->local, varray);
397:     VecGhostRestoreLocalForm(vmoab->local, &xmoab->local);

399:     /* restore local pieces */
400:     DMRestoreLocalVector(dm, &vmoab->local);
401:   }
402:   else {
403:     /* Nothing to do but just free the memory allocated before */
404:     PetscFree(*varray);

406:   }
407:   return(0);
408: }

410: PetscErrorCode DMCreateVector_Moab_Private(DM dm, moab::Tag tag, const moab::Range* userrange, PetscBool is_global_vec, PetscBool destroy_tag, Vec *vec)
411: {
412:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
413:   moab::ErrorCode   merr;
414:   PetscBool         is_newtag;
415:   const moab::Range *range;
416:   PetscInt          count, lnative_vec, gnative_vec;
417:   std::string       ttname;
418:   PetscScalar       *data_ptr, *defaultvals;

420:   Vec_MOAB *vmoab;
421:   DM_Moab *dmmoab = (DM_Moab*)dm->data;
422: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
423:   moab::ParallelComm *pcomm = dmmoab->pcomm;
424: #endif
425:   moab::Interface *mbiface = dmmoab->mbiface;

428:   if (sizeof(PetscReal) != sizeof(PetscScalar)) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "MOAB tags only support Real types (Complex-type unsupported)");
429:   if (!userrange) range = dmmoab->vowned;
430:   else range = userrange;
431:   if (!range) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Input range cannot be empty or call DMSetUp first.");

434:   /* If the tag data is in a single sequence, use PETSc native vector since tag_iterate isn't useful anymore */
435:   lnative_vec = (range->psize() - 1);
436: #else
437:   lnative_vec = 1; /* NOTE: Testing PETSc vector: will force to create native vector all the time */
438: //  lnative_vec=0; /* NOTE: Testing MOAB vector: will force to create MOAB tag_iterate based vector all the time */
439: #endif

441: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
442:   MPIU_Allreduce(&lnative_vec, &gnative_vec, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, (((PetscObject)dm)->comm));
443: #else
444:   gnative_vec = lnative_vec;
445: #endif

447:   /* Create the MOAB internal data object */
448:   PetscNew(&vmoab);
449:   vmoab->is_native_vec = (gnative_vec > 0 ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE);

451:   if (!vmoab->is_native_vec) {
452:     merr = moab::MB_SUCCESS;
453:     if (tag != 0) merr = mbiface->tag_get_name(tag, ttname);
454:     if (!ttname.length() || merr != moab::MB_SUCCESS) {
455:       /* get the new name for the anonymous MOABVec -> the tag_name will be destroyed along with Tag */
456:       char *tag_name = NULL;
457: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
458:       DMVecCreateTagName_Moab_Private(mbiface,pcomm,&tag_name);
459: #else
460:       DMVecCreateTagName_Moab_Private(mbiface,&tag_name);
461: #endif
462:       is_newtag = PETSC_TRUE;

464:       /* Create the default value for the tag (all zeros) */
465:       PetscCalloc1(dmmoab->numFields, &defaultvals);

467:       /* Create the tag */
468:       merr = mbiface->tag_get_handle(tag_name, dmmoab->numFields, moab::MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tag,
469:                                      moab::MB_TAG_DENSE | moab::MB_TAG_CREAT, defaultvals); MBERRNM(merr);
470:       PetscFree(tag_name);
471:       PetscFree(defaultvals);
472:     }
473:     else {
474:       /* Make sure the tag data is of type "double" */
475:       moab::DataType tag_type;
476:       merr = mbiface->tag_get_data_type(tag, tag_type); MBERRNM(merr);
477:       if (tag_type != moab::MB_TYPE_DOUBLE) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Tag data type must be MB_TYPE_DOUBLE");
478:       is_newtag = destroy_tag;
479:     }

481:     vmoab->tag = tag;
482:     vmoab->new_tag = is_newtag;
483:   }
484:   vmoab->mbiface = mbiface;
485: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
486:   vmoab->pcomm = pcomm;
487: #endif
488:   vmoab->is_global_vec = is_global_vec;
489:   vmoab->tag_size = dmmoab->bs;

491:   if (vmoab->is_native_vec) {

493:     /* Create the PETSc Vector directly and attach our functions accordingly */
494:     if (!is_global_vec) {
495:       /* This is an MPI Vector with ghosted padding */
496:       VecCreateGhostBlock((((PetscObject)dm)->comm), dmmoab->bs, dmmoab->numFields * dmmoab->nloc,
497:                                  dmmoab->numFields * dmmoab->n, dmmoab->nghost, &dmmoab->gsindices[dmmoab->nloc], vec);
498:     }
499:     else {
500:       /* This is an MPI/SEQ Vector */
501:       VecCreate((((PetscObject)dm)->comm), vec);
502:       VecSetSizes(*vec, dmmoab->numFields * dmmoab->nloc, PETSC_DECIDE);
503:       VecSetBlockSize(*vec, dmmoab->bs);
504:       VecSetType(*vec, VECMPI);
505:     }
506:   }
507:   else {
508:     /* Call tag_iterate. This will cause MOAB to allocate memory for the
509:        tag data if it hasn't already happened */
510:     merr = mbiface->tag_iterate(tag, range->begin(), range->end(), count, (void*&)data_ptr); MBERRNM(merr);

512:     /* set the reference for vector range */
513:     vmoab->tag_range = new moab::Range(*range);
514:     merr = mbiface->tag_get_length(tag, dmmoab->numFields); MBERRNM(merr);

516:     /* Create the PETSc Vector
517:       Query MOAB mesh to check if there are any ghosted entities
518:         -> if we do, create a ghosted vector to map correctly to the same layout
519:         -> else, create a non-ghosted parallel vector */
520:     if (!is_global_vec) {
521:       /* This is an MPI Vector with ghosted padding */
522:       VecCreateGhostBlockWithArray((((PetscObject)dm)->comm), dmmoab->bs, dmmoab->numFields * dmmoab->nloc,
523:                                           dmmoab->numFields * dmmoab->n, dmmoab->nghost, &dmmoab->gsindices[dmmoab->nloc], data_ptr, vec);
524:     }
525:     else {
526:       /* This is an MPI Vector without ghosted padding */
527:       VecCreateMPIWithArray((((PetscObject)dm)->comm), dmmoab->bs, dmmoab->numFields * range->size(),
528:                                    PETSC_DECIDE, data_ptr, vec);
529:     }
530:   }
531:   VecSetFromOptions(*vec);

533:   /* create a container and store the internal MOAB data for faster access based on Entities etc */
534:   PetscContainer moabdata;
535:   PetscContainerCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &moabdata);
536:   PetscContainerSetPointer(moabdata, vmoab);
537:   PetscContainerSetUserDestroy(moabdata, DMVecUserDestroy_Moab);
538:   PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject) * vec, "MOABData", (PetscObject)moabdata);
539:   (*vec)->ops->duplicate = DMVecDuplicate_Moab;
540:   PetscContainerDestroy(&moabdata);

542:   /* Vector created, manually set local to global mapping */
543:   if (dmmoab->ltog_map) {
544:     VecSetLocalToGlobalMapping(*vec, dmmoab->ltog_map);
545:   }

547:   /* set the DM reference to the vector */
548:   VecSetDM(*vec, dm);
549:   return(0);
550: }

552: /*  DMVecCreateTagName_Moab_Private
553:  *
554:  *  Creates a unique tag name that will be shared across processes. If
555:  *  pcomm is NULL, then this is a serial vector. A unique tag name
556:  *  will be returned in tag_name in either case.
557:  *
558:  *  The tag names have the format _PETSC_VEC_N where N is some integer.
559:  *
560:  *  NOTE: The tag_name is allocated in this routine; The user needs to free
561:  *        the character array.
562:  */
563: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
564: PetscErrorCode DMVecCreateTagName_Moab_Private(moab::Interface *mbiface, moab::ParallelComm *pcomm, char** tag_name)
565: #else
566: PetscErrorCode DMVecCreateTagName_Moab_Private(moab::Interface *mbiface, char** tag_name)
567: #endif
568: {
569:   moab::ErrorCode mberr;
570:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
571:   PetscInt        n, global_n;
572:   moab::Tag indexTag;

575:   const char*       PVEC_PREFIX      = "__PETSC_VEC_";
576:   PetscMalloc1(PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN, tag_name);

578:   moab::EntityHandle rootset = mbiface->get_root_set();

580:   /* Check to see if there are any PETSc vectors defined */
581:   /* Create a tag in MOAB mesh to index and keep track of number of Petsc vec tags */
582:   mberr = mbiface->tag_get_handle("__PETSC_VECS__", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, indexTag,
583:                                   moab::MB_TAG_SPARSE | moab::MB_TAG_CREAT, 0); MBERRNM(mberr);
584:   mberr = mbiface->tag_get_data(indexTag, &rootset, 1, &n);
585:   if (mberr == moab::MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND) n = 0; /* this is the first temporary vector */
586:   else MBERRNM(mberr);

588:   /* increment the new value of n */
589:   ++n;

591: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
592:   /* Make sure that n is consistent across all processes */
593:   MPIU_Allreduce(&n, &global_n, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, pcomm->comm());
594: #else
595:   global_n = n;
596: #endif

598:   /* Set the new name accordingly and return */
599:   PetscSNPrintf(*tag_name, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN - 1, "%s_%D", PVEC_PREFIX, global_n);
600:   mberr = mbiface->tag_set_data(indexTag, &rootset, 1, (const void*)&global_n); MBERRNM(mberr);
601:   return(0);
602: }

604: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMCreateGlobalVector_Moab(DM dm, Vec *gvec)
605: {
606:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
607:   DM_Moab         *dmmoab = (DM_Moab*)dm->data;

612:   DMCreateVector_Moab_Private(dm,NULL,dmmoab->vowned,PETSC_TRUE,PETSC_TRUE,gvec);
613:   return(0);
614: }

616: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMCreateLocalVector_Moab(DM dm, Vec *lvec)
617: {
618:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
619:   DM_Moab         *dmmoab = (DM_Moab*)dm->data;

624:   DMCreateVector_Moab_Private(dm,NULL,dmmoab->vlocal,PETSC_FALSE,PETSC_TRUE,lvec);
625:   return(0);
626: }

628: PetscErrorCode DMVecDuplicate_Moab(Vec x, Vec *y)
629: {
631:   DM             dm;
632:   PetscContainer  moabdata;
633:   Vec_MOAB        *vmoab;

639:   /* Get the Vec_MOAB struct for the original vector */
640:   PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)x, "MOABData", (PetscObject*) &moabdata);
641:   PetscContainerGetPointer(moabdata, (void**)&vmoab);

643:   VecGetDM(x, &dm);

646:   DMCreateVector_Moab_Private(dm,NULL,vmoab->tag_range,vmoab->is_global_vec,PETSC_TRUE,y);
647:   VecSetDM(*y, dm);
648:   return(0);
649: }

651: PetscErrorCode DMVecUserDestroy_Moab(void *user)
652: {
653:   Vec_MOAB        *vmoab = (Vec_MOAB*)user;
654:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
655:   moab::ErrorCode merr;

658:   if (vmoab->new_tag && vmoab->tag) {
659:     /* Tag was created via a call to VecDuplicate, delete the underlying tag in MOAB */
660:     merr = vmoab->mbiface->tag_delete(vmoab->tag); MBERRNM(merr);
661:   }
662:   delete vmoab->tag_range;
663:   vmoab->tag = NULL;
664:   vmoab->mbiface = NULL;
665: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
666:   vmoab->pcomm = NULL;
667: #endif
668:   PetscFree(vmoab);
669:   return(0);
670: }

672: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode  DMGlobalToLocalBegin_Moab(DM dm, Vec g, InsertMode mode, Vec l)
673: {
674:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
675:   DM_Moab         *dmmoab = (DM_Moab*)dm->data;

678:   VecScatterBegin(dmmoab->ltog_sendrecv, g, l, mode, SCATTER_REVERSE);
679:   return(0);
680: }

682: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode  DMGlobalToLocalEnd_Moab(DM dm, Vec g, InsertMode mode, Vec l)
683: {
684:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
685:   DM_Moab         *dmmoab = (DM_Moab*)dm->data;

688:   VecScatterEnd(dmmoab->ltog_sendrecv, g, l, mode, SCATTER_REVERSE);
689:   return(0);
690: }

692: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode  DMLocalToGlobalBegin_Moab(DM dm, Vec l, InsertMode mode, Vec g)
693: {
694:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
695:   DM_Moab         *dmmoab = (DM_Moab*)dm->data;

698:   VecScatterBegin(dmmoab->ltog_sendrecv, l, g, mode, SCATTER_FORWARD);
699:   return(0);
700: }

702: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode  DMLocalToGlobalEnd_Moab(DM dm, Vec l, InsertMode mode, Vec g)
703: {
704:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
705:   DM_Moab         *dmmoab = (DM_Moab*)dm->data;

708:   VecScatterEnd(dmmoab->ltog_sendrecv, l, g, mode, SCATTER_FORWARD);
709:   return(0);
710: }