Actual source code: dmmbutil.cxx

  1: #include <petsc/private/dmmbimpl.h>
  2: #include <petsc/private/vecimpl.h>

  4: #include <petscdmmoab.h>
  5: #include <MBTagConventions.hpp>
  6: #include <moab/ReadUtilIface.hpp>
  7: #include <moab/MergeMesh.hpp>
  8: #include <moab/CN.hpp>

 10: typedef struct {
 11:   // options
 12:   PetscInt  A, B, C, M, N, K, dim;
 13:   PetscInt  blockSizeVertexXYZ[3];              // Number of element blocks per partition
 14:   PetscInt  blockSizeElementXYZ[3];
 15:   PetscReal xyzbounds[6]; // the physical size of the domain
 16:   bool      newMergeMethod, keep_skins, simplex, adjEnts;

 18:   // compute params
 19:   PetscReal dx, dy, dz;
 20:   PetscInt  NX, NY, NZ, nex, ney, nez;
 21:   PetscInt  q, xstride, ystride, zstride;
 22:   PetscBool usrxyzgrid, usrprocgrid, usrrefgrid;
 23:   PetscInt  fraction, remainder, cumfraction;
 24:   PetscLogEvent generateMesh, generateElements, generateVertices, parResolve;

 26: } DMMoabMeshGeneratorCtx;

 28: PetscInt DMMoab_SetTensorElementConnectivity_Private(DMMoabMeshGeneratorCtx& genCtx, PetscInt offset, PetscInt corner, std::vector<PetscInt>& subent_conn, moab::EntityHandle *connectivity)
 29: {
 30:   switch (genCtx.dim) {
 31:   case 1:
 32:     subent_conn.resize(2);
 33:     moab::CN::SubEntityVertexIndices(moab::MBEDGE, 1, 0,;
 34:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = corner;
 35:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = corner + 1;
 36:     break;
 37:   case 2:
 38:     subent_conn.resize(4);
 39:     moab::CN::SubEntityVertexIndices(moab::MBQUAD, 2, 0,;
 40:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = corner;
 41:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = corner + 1;
 42:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = corner + 1 + genCtx.ystride;
 43:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[3]] = corner + genCtx.ystride;
 44:     break;
 45:   case 3:
 46:   default:
 47:     subent_conn.resize(8);
 48:     moab::CN::SubEntityVertexIndices(moab::MBHEX, 3, 0,;
 49:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = corner;
 50:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = corner + 1;
 51:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = corner + 1 + genCtx.ystride;
 52:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[3]] = corner + genCtx.ystride;
 53:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[4]] = corner + genCtx.zstride;
 54:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[5]] = corner + 1 + genCtx.zstride;
 55:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[6]] = corner + 1 + genCtx.ystride + genCtx.zstride;
 56:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[7]] = corner + genCtx.ystride + genCtx.zstride;
 57:     break;
 58:   }
 59:   return subent_conn.size();
 60: }

 62: PetscInt DMMoab_SetSimplexElementConnectivity_Private(DMMoabMeshGeneratorCtx& genCtx, PetscInt subelem, PetscInt offset, PetscInt corner, std::vector<PetscInt>& subent_conn, moab::EntityHandle *connectivity)
 63: {
 64:   PetscInt A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, M;
 65:   const PetscInt trigen_opts = 1; /* 1 - Aligned diagonally to right, 2 - Aligned diagonally to left, 3 - 4 elements per quad */
 66:   A = corner;
 67:   B = corner + 1;
 68:   switch (genCtx.dim) {
 69:   case 1:
 70:     subent_conn.resize(2);  /* only linear EDGE supported now */
 71:     moab::CN::SubEntityVertexIndices(moab::MBEDGE, 1, 0,;
 72:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = A;
 73:     connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = B;
 74:     break;
 75:   case 2:
 76:     C = corner + 1 + genCtx.ystride;
 77:     D = corner +     genCtx.ystride;
 78:     M = corner + 0.5; /* technically -- need to modify vertex generation */
 79:     subent_conn.resize(3);  /* only linear TRI supported */
 80:     moab::CN::SubEntityVertexIndices(moab::MBTRI, 2, 0,;
 81:     if (trigen_opts == 1) {
 82:       if (subelem) { /* 0 1 2 of a QUAD */
 83:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = B;
 84:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = C;
 85:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = A;
 86:       }
 87:       else {        /* 2 3 0 of a QUAD */
 88:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = D;
 89:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = A;
 90:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = C;
 91:       }
 92:     }
 93:     else if (trigen_opts == 2) {
 94:       if (subelem) { /* 0 1 2 of a QUAD */
 95:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = A;
 96:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = B;
 97:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = D;
 98:       }
 99:       else {        /* 2 3 0 of a QUAD */
100:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = C;
101:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = D;
102:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = B;
103:       }
104:     }
105:     else {
106:       switch (subelem) { /* 0 1 2 of a QUAD */
107:       case 0:
108:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = A;
109:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = B;
110:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = M;
111:         break;
112:       case 1:
113:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = B;
114:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = C;
115:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = M;
116:         break;
117:       case 2:
118:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = C;
119:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = D;
120:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = M;
121:         break;
122:       case 3:
123:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = D;
124:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = A;
125:         connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = M;
126:         break;
127:       }
128:     }
129:     break;
130:   case 3:
131:   default:
132:     C = corner + 1 + genCtx.ystride;
133:     D = corner +     genCtx.ystride;
134:     E = corner +                      genCtx.zstride;
135:     F = corner + 1 +                  genCtx.zstride;
136:     G = corner + 1 + genCtx.ystride + genCtx.zstride;
137:     H = corner +     genCtx.ystride + genCtx.zstride;
138:     subent_conn.resize(4);  /* only linear TET supported */
139:     moab::CN::SubEntityVertexIndices(moab::MBTET, 3, 0,;
140:     switch (subelem) {
141:     case 0: /* 4 3 7 6 of a HEX */
142:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = E;
143:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = D;
144:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = H;
145:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[3]] = G;
146:       break;
147:     case 1: /* 0 1 2 5 of a HEX */
148:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = A;
149:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = B;
150:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = C;
151:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[3]] = F;
152:       break;
153:     case 2: /* 0 3 4 5 of a HEX */
154:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = A;
155:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = D;
156:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = E;
157:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[3]] = F;
158:       break;
159:     case 3: /* 2 6 3 5 of a HEX */
160:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = C;
161:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = G;
162:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = D;
163:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[3]] = F;
164:       break;
165:     case 4: /* 0 2 3 5 of a HEX */
166:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = A;
167:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = C;
168:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = D;
169:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[3]] = F;
170:       break;
171:     case 5: /* 3 6 4 5 of a HEX */
172:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[0]] = D;
173:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[1]] = G;
174:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[2]] = E;
175:       connectivity[offset + subent_conn[3]] = F;
176:       break;
177:     }
178:     break;
179:   }
180:   return subent_conn.size();
181: }

183: std::pair<PetscInt, PetscInt> DMMoab_SetElementConnectivity_Private(DMMoabMeshGeneratorCtx& genCtx, PetscInt offset, PetscInt corner, moab::EntityHandle *connectivity)
184: {
185:   PetscInt vcount = 0;
186:   PetscInt simplices_per_tensor[4] = {0, 1, 2, 6};
187:   std::vector<PetscInt> subent_conn;  /* only linear edge, tri, tet supported now */
188:   subent_conn.reserve(27);
189:   PetscInt m, subelem;
190:   if (genCtx.simplex) {
191:     subelem = simplices_per_tensor[genCtx.dim];
192:     for (m = 0; m < subelem; m++) {
193:       vcount = DMMoab_SetSimplexElementConnectivity_Private(genCtx, m, offset, corner, subent_conn, connectivity);
194:       offset += vcount;
195:     }
196:   }
197:   else {
198:     subelem = 1;
199:     vcount = DMMoab_SetTensorElementConnectivity_Private(genCtx, offset, corner, subent_conn, connectivity);
200:   }
201:   return std::pair<PetscInt, PetscInt>(vcount * subelem, subelem);
202: }

204: PetscErrorCode DMMoab_GenerateVertices_Private(moab::Interface *mbImpl, moab::ReadUtilIface *iface, DMMoabMeshGeneratorCtx& genCtx, PetscInt m, PetscInt n, PetscInt k,
205:     PetscInt a, PetscInt b, PetscInt c, moab::Tag& global_id_tag, moab::EntityHandle& startv, moab::Range& uverts)
206: {
207:   PetscInt x, y, z, ix, nnodes;
209:   PetscInt ii, jj, kk;
210:   std::vector<PetscReal*> arrays;
211:   PetscInt* gids;
212:   moab::ErrorCode merr;

215:   /* we will generate (q*block+1)^3 vertices, and block^3 hexas; q is 1 for linear, 2 for quadratic
216:    * the global id of the vertices will come from m, n, k, a, b, c
217:    * x will vary from  m*A*q*block + a*q*block to m*A*q*block+(a+1)*q*block etc.
218:    */
219:   nnodes = genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[0] * (genCtx.dim > 1 ? genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[1] * (genCtx.dim > 2 ? genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[2] : 1) : 1);
220:   PetscMalloc1(nnodes, &gids);

222:   merr = iface->get_node_coords(3, nnodes, 0, startv, arrays);MBERR("Can't get node coords.", merr);

224:   /* will start with the lower corner: */
225:   /* x = ( m * genCtx.A + a) * genCtx.q * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0]; */
226:   /* y = ( n * genCtx.B + b) * genCtx.q * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1]; */
227:   /* z = ( k * genCtx.C + c) * genCtx.q * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2]; */

229:   x = ( m * genCtx.A + a) * genCtx.q;
230:   y = ( n * genCtx.B + b) * genCtx.q;
231:   z = ( k * genCtx.C + c) * genCtx.q;
232:   PetscInfo3(NULL, "Starting offset for coordinates := %d, %d, %d\n", x, y, z);
233:   ix = 0;
234:   moab::Range verts(startv, startv + nnodes - 1);
235:   for (kk = 0; kk < (genCtx.dim > 2 ? genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[2] : 1); kk++) {
236:     for (jj = 0; jj < (genCtx.dim > 1 ? genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[1] : 1); jj++) {
237:       for (ii = 0; ii < genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[0]; ii++, ix++) {
238:         /* set coordinates for the vertices */
239:         arrays[0][ix] = (x + ii) * genCtx.dx + genCtx.xyzbounds[0];
240:         arrays[1][ix] = (y + jj) * genCtx.dy + genCtx.xyzbounds[2];
241:         arrays[2][ix] = (z + kk) * + genCtx.xyzbounds[4];
242:         PetscInfo3(NULL, "Creating vertex with coordinates := %f, %f, %f\n", arrays[0][ix], arrays[1][ix], arrays[2][ix]);

244:         /* If we want to set some tags on the vertices -> use the following entity handle definition:
245:            moab::EntityHandle v = startv + ix;
246:         */
247:         /* compute the global ID for vertex */
248:         gids[ix] = 1 + (x + ii) + (y + jj) * genCtx.NX + (z + kk) * (genCtx.NX * genCtx.NY);
249:       }
250:     }
251:   }
252:   /* set global ID data on vertices */
253:   mbImpl->tag_set_data(global_id_tag, verts, &gids[0]);
254:   verts.swap(uverts);
255:   PetscFree(gids);
256:   return(0);
257: }

259: PetscErrorCode DMMoab_GenerateElements_Private(moab::Interface* mbImpl, moab::ReadUtilIface* iface, DMMoabMeshGeneratorCtx& genCtx, PetscInt m, PetscInt n, PetscInt k,
260:     PetscInt a, PetscInt b, PetscInt c, moab::Tag& global_id_tag, moab::EntityHandle startv, moab::Range& cells)
261: {
262:   moab::ErrorCode merr;
263:   PetscInt ix, ie, xe, ye, ze;
264:   PetscInt ii, jj, kk, nvperelem;
265:   PetscInt simplices_per_tensor[4] = {0, 1, 2, 6};
266:   PetscInt ntensorelems = genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0] * (genCtx.dim > 1 ? genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1] * (genCtx.dim > 2 ? genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2] : 1) : 1); /*pow(genCtx.blockSizeElement,genCtx.dim);*/
267:   PetscInt nelems = ntensorelems;
268:   moab::EntityHandle starte; /* connectivity */
269:   moab::EntityHandle* conn;

272:   switch (genCtx.dim) {
273:   case 1:
274:     nvperelem = 2;
275:     merr = iface->get_element_connect(nelems, 2, moab::MBEDGE, 0, starte, conn);MBERR("Can't get EDGE2 element connectivity.", merr);
276:     break;
277:   case 2:
278:     if (genCtx.simplex) {
279:       nvperelem = 3;
280:       nelems = ntensorelems * simplices_per_tensor[genCtx.dim];
281:       merr = iface->get_element_connect(nelems, 3, moab::MBTRI, 0, starte, conn);MBERR("Can't get TRI3 element connectivity.", merr);
282:     }
283:     else {
284:       nvperelem = 4;
285:       merr = iface->get_element_connect(nelems, 4, moab::MBQUAD, 0, starte, conn);MBERR("Can't get QUAD4 element connectivity.", merr);
286:     }
287:     break;
288:   case 3:
289:   default:
290:     if (genCtx.simplex) {
291:       nvperelem = 4;
292:       nelems = ntensorelems * simplices_per_tensor[genCtx.dim];
293:       merr = iface->get_element_connect(nelems, 4, moab::MBTET, 0, starte, conn);MBERR("Can't get TET4 element connectivity.", merr);
294:     }
295:     else {
296:       nvperelem = 8;
297:       merr = iface->get_element_connect(nelems, 8, moab::MBHEX, 0, starte, conn);MBERR("Can't get HEX8 element connectivity.", merr);
298:     }
299:     break;
300:   }

302:   ix = ie = 0; /* index now in the elements, for global ids */

304:   /* create a temporary range to store local element handles */
305:   moab::Range tmp(starte, starte + nelems - 1);
306:   std::vector<PetscInt> gids(nelems);

308:   /* identify the elements at the lower corner, for their global ids */
309:   xe = m * genCtx.A * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0] + a * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0];
310:   ye = (genCtx.dim > 1 ? n * genCtx.B * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1] + b * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1] : 0);
311:   ze = (genCtx.dim > 2 ? k * genCtx.C * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2] + c * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2] : 0);

313:   /* create owned elements requested by genCtx */
314:   for (kk = 0; kk < (genCtx.dim > 2 ? genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2] : 1); kk++) {
315:     for (jj = 0; jj < (genCtx.dim > 1 ? genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1] : 1); jj++) {
316:       for (ii = 0; ii < genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0]; ii++) {

318:         moab::EntityHandle corner = startv + genCtx.q * ii + genCtx.q * jj * genCtx.ystride + genCtx.q * kk * genCtx.zstride;

320:         std::pair<PetscInt, PetscInt> entoffset = DMMoab_SetElementConnectivity_Private(genCtx, ix, corner, conn);

322:         for (PetscInt j = 0; j < entoffset.second; j++) {
323:           /* The entity handle for the particular element -> if we want to set some tags is
324:              moab::EntityHandle eh = starte + ie + j;
325:           */
326:           gids[ie + j] = 1 + ((xe + ii) + (ye + jj) * genCtx.nex + (ze + kk) * (genCtx.nex * genCtx.ney));
327:           /* gids[ie+j] = ie + j + ((xe + ii) + (ye + jj) * genCtx.nex + (ze + kk) * (genCtx.nex * genCtx.ney)); */
328:           /* gids[ie+j] = 1 + ie; */
329:           /* ie++; */
330:         }

332:         ix += entoffset.first;
333:         ie += entoffset.second;
334:       }
335:     }
336:   }
337:   if (genCtx.adjEnts) { /* we need to update adjacencies now, because some elements are new */
338:     merr = iface->update_adjacencies(starte, nelems, nvperelem, conn);MBERR("Can't update adjacencies", merr);
339:   }
340:   tmp.swap(cells);
341:   merr = mbImpl->tag_set_data(global_id_tag, cells, &gids[0]);MBERR("Can't set global ids to elements.", merr);
342:   return(0);
343: }

345: PetscErrorCode DMMBUtil_InitializeOptions(DMMoabMeshGeneratorCtx& genCtx, PetscInt dim, PetscBool simplex, PetscInt rank, PetscInt nprocs, const PetscReal* bounds, PetscInt nelems)
346: {
348:   /* Initialize all genCtx data */
349:   genCtx.dim = dim;
350:   genCtx.simplex = simplex;
351:   genCtx.newMergeMethod = genCtx.keep_skins = genCtx.adjEnts = true;
352:   /* determine other global quantities for the mesh used for nodes increments */
353:   genCtx.q = 1;
354:   genCtx.fraction = genCtx.remainder = genCtx.cumfraction = 0;

356:   if (!genCtx.usrxyzgrid) { /* not overridden by genCtx - assume nele equally and that genCtx wants a uniform cube mesh */

358:     genCtx.fraction = nelems / nprocs; /* partition only by the largest dimension */
359:     genCtx.remainder = nelems % nprocs; /* remainder after partition which gets evenly distributed by round-robin */
360:     genCtx.cumfraction = (rank > 0 ? (genCtx.fraction) * (rank) + (rank - 1 < genCtx.remainder ? rank : genCtx.remainder) : 0);
361:     if (rank < genCtx.remainder)    /* This process gets "fraction+1" elements */
362:       genCtx.fraction++;

364:     PetscInfo3(NULL, "Fraction = %D, Remainder = %D, Cumulative fraction = %D\n", genCtx.fraction, genCtx.remainder, genCtx.cumfraction);
365:     switch (genCtx.dim) {
366:     case 1:
367:       genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0] = genCtx.fraction;
368:       genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1] = 1;
369:       genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2] = 1;
370:       break;
371:     case 2:
372:       genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0] = nelems;
373:       genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1] = genCtx.fraction;
374:       genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2] = 1;
375:       break;
376:     case 3:
377:     default:
378:       genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0] = nelems;
379:       genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1] = nelems;
380:       genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2] = genCtx.fraction;
381:       break;
382:     }
383:   }

385:   /* partition only by the largest dimension */
386:   /* Total number of local elements := genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0]*(genCtx.dim>1? genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1]*(genCtx.dim>2 ? genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2]:1) :1); */
387:   if (bounds) {
388:     for (PetscInt i = 0; i < 6; i++)
389:       genCtx.xyzbounds[i] = bounds[i];
390:   }
391:   else {
392:     genCtx.xyzbounds[0] = genCtx.xyzbounds[2] = genCtx.xyzbounds[4] = 0.0;
393:     genCtx.xyzbounds[1] = genCtx.xyzbounds[3] = genCtx.xyzbounds[5] = 1.0;
394:   }

396:   if (!genCtx.usrprocgrid) {
397:     switch (genCtx.dim) {
398:     case 1:
399:       genCtx.M = nprocs;
400:       genCtx.N = genCtx.K = 1;
401:       break;
402:     case 2:
403:       genCtx.N = nprocs;
404:       genCtx.M = genCtx.K = 1;
405:       break;
406:     default:
407:       genCtx.K = nprocs;
408:       genCtx.M = genCtx.N = 1;
409:       break;
410:     }
411:   }

413:   if (!genCtx.usrrefgrid) {
414:     genCtx.A = genCtx.B = genCtx.C = 1;
415:   }

417:   /* more default values */
418:   genCtx.nex = genCtx.ney = genCtx.nez = 0;
419:   genCtx.xstride = genCtx.ystride = genCtx.zstride = 0;
420:   genCtx.NX = genCtx.NY = genCtx.NZ = 0;
421:   genCtx.nex = genCtx.ney = genCtx.nez = 0;
422:   genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[0] = genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[1] = genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[2] = 1;

424:   switch (genCtx.dim) {
425:   case 3:
426:     genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[0] = genCtx.q * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0] + 1;
427:     genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[1] = genCtx.q * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1] + 1;
428:     genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[2] = genCtx.q * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2] + 1;

430:     genCtx.nex = genCtx.M * genCtx.A * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0];   /* number of elements in x direction, used for global id on element */
431:     genCtx.dx = (genCtx.xyzbounds[1] - genCtx.xyzbounds[0]) / (nelems * genCtx.q); /* distance between 2 nodes in x direction */
432:     genCtx.NX = (genCtx.q * genCtx.nex + 1);
433:     genCtx.xstride = 1;
434:     genCtx.ney = genCtx.N * genCtx.B * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1];  /* number of elements in y direction  .... */
435:     genCtx.dy = (genCtx.xyzbounds[3] - genCtx.xyzbounds[2]) / (nelems * genCtx.q); /* distance between 2 nodes in y direction */
436:     genCtx.NY = (genCtx.q * genCtx.ney + 1);
437:     genCtx.ystride = genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[0];
438:     genCtx.nez = genCtx.K * genCtx.C * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2];  /* number of elements in z direction  .... */
439: = (genCtx.xyzbounds[5] - genCtx.xyzbounds[4]) / (nelems * genCtx.q); /* distance between 2 nodes in z direction */
440:     genCtx.NZ = (genCtx.q * genCtx.nez + 1);
441:     genCtx.zstride = genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[0] * genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[1];
442:     break;
443:   case 2:
444:     genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[0] = genCtx.q * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0] + 1;
445:     genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[1] = genCtx.q * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1] + 1;
446:     genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[2] = 0;

448:     genCtx.nex = genCtx.M * genCtx.A * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0];   /* number of elements in x direction, used for global id on element */
449:     genCtx.dx = (genCtx.xyzbounds[1] - genCtx.xyzbounds[0]) / (genCtx.nex * genCtx.q); /* distance between 2 nodes in x direction */
450:     genCtx.NX = (genCtx.q * genCtx.nex + 1);
451:     genCtx.xstride = 1;
452:     genCtx.ney = genCtx.N * genCtx.B * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1];  /* number of elements in y direction  .... */
453:     genCtx.dy = (genCtx.xyzbounds[3] - genCtx.xyzbounds[2]) / (nelems * genCtx.q); /* distance between 2 nodes in y direction */
454:     genCtx.NY = (genCtx.q * genCtx.ney + 1);
455:     genCtx.ystride = genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[0];
456:     break;
457:   case 1:
458:     genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[1] = genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[2] = 0;
459:     genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[0] = genCtx.q * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0] + 1;

461:     genCtx.nex = genCtx.M * genCtx.A * genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0];   /* number of elements in x direction, used for global id on element */
462:     genCtx.dx = (genCtx.xyzbounds[1] - genCtx.xyzbounds[0]) / (nelems * genCtx.q); /* distance between 2 nodes in x direction */
463:     genCtx.NX = (genCtx.q * genCtx.nex + 1);
464:     genCtx.xstride = 1;
465:     break;
466:   }

468:   /* Lets check for some valid input */
469:   if (genCtx.dim < 1 || genCtx.dim > 3) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Invalid topological dimension specified: %d.\n", genCtx.dim);
470:   if (genCtx.M * genCtx.N * genCtx.K != nprocs) SETERRQ4(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Invalid [m, n, k] data: %d, %d, %d. Product must be equal to global size = %d.\n", genCtx.M, genCtx.N, genCtx.K, nprocs);
471:   /* validate the bounds data */
472:   if (genCtx.xyzbounds[0] >= genCtx.xyzbounds[1]) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "X-dim: Left boundary cannot be greater than right. [%G >= %G]\n", genCtx.xyzbounds[0], genCtx.xyzbounds[1]);
473:   if (genCtx.dim > 1 && (genCtx.xyzbounds[2] >= genCtx.xyzbounds[3])) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Y-dim: Left boundary cannot be greater than right. [%G >= %G]\n", genCtx.xyzbounds[2], genCtx.xyzbounds[3]);
474:   if (genCtx.dim > 2 && (genCtx.xyzbounds[4] >= genCtx.xyzbounds[5])) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Z-dim: Left boundary cannot be greater than right. [%G >= %G]\n", genCtx.xyzbounds[4], genCtx.xyzbounds[5]);

476:   PetscInfo3(NULL, "Local elements:= %d, %d, %d\n", genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0], genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1], genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2]);
477:   PetscInfo3(NULL, "Local vertices:= %d, %d, %d\n", genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[0], genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[1], genCtx.blockSizeVertexXYZ[2]);
478:   PetscInfo3(NULL, "Local blocks/processors := %d, %d, %d\n", genCtx.A, genCtx.B, genCtx.C);
479:   PetscInfo3(NULL, "Local processors := %d, %d, %d\n", genCtx.M, genCtx.N, genCtx.K);
480:   PetscInfo3(NULL, "Local nexyz:= %d, %d, %d\n", genCtx.nex, genCtx.ney, genCtx.nez);
481:   PetscInfo3(NULL, "Local delxyz:= %g, %g, %g\n", genCtx.dx, genCtx.dy,;
482:   PetscInfo3(NULL, "Local strides:= %d, %d, %d\n", genCtx.xstride, genCtx.ystride, genCtx.zstride);
483:   return(0);
484: }

486: /*@C
487:   DMMoabCreateBoxMesh - Creates a mesh on the tensor product (box) of intervals with genCtx specified bounds.

489:   Collective

491:   Input Parameters:
492: + comm - The communicator for the DM object
493: . dim - The spatial dimension
494: . bounds - The bounds of the box specified with [x-left, x-right, y-bottom, y-top, z-bottom, z-top] depending on the spatial dimension
495: . nele - The number of discrete elements in each direction
496: - user_nghost - The number of ghosted layers needed in the partitioned mesh

498:   Output Parameter:
499: . dm  - The DM object

501:   Level: beginner

503: .seealso: DMSetType(), DMCreate(), DMMoabLoadFromFile()
504: @*/
505: PetscErrorCode DMMoabCreateBoxMesh(MPI_Comm comm, PetscInt dim, PetscBool useSimplex, const PetscReal* bounds, PetscInt nele, PetscInt nghost, DM *dm)
506: {
507:   PetscErrorCode         ierr;
508:   moab::ErrorCode        merr;
509:   PetscInt               a, b, c, n, global_size, global_rank;
510:   DM_Moab               *dmmoab;
511:   moab::Interface       *mbImpl;
512: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
513:   moab::ParallelComm    *pcomm;
514: #endif
515:   moab::ReadUtilIface   *readMeshIface;
516:   moab::Range            verts, cells, edges, faces, adj, dim3, dim2;
517:   DMMoabMeshGeneratorCtx genCtx;
518:   const PetscInt         npts = nele + 1;    /* Number of points in every dimension */

520:   moab::Tag              global_id_tag, part_tag, geom_tag, mat_tag, dir_tag, neu_tag;
521:   moab::Range            ownedvtx, ownedelms, localvtxs, localelms;
522:   moab::EntityHandle     regionset;
523:   PetscInt               ml = 0, nl = 0, kl = 0;

526:   if (dim < 1 || dim > 3) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Invalid dimension argument for mesh: dim=[1,3].\n");

528:   PetscLogEventRegister("GenerateMesh", DM_CLASSID,   &genCtx.generateMesh);
529:   PetscLogEventRegister("AddVertices", DM_CLASSID,   &genCtx.generateVertices);
530:   PetscLogEventRegister("AddElements", DM_CLASSID,   &genCtx.generateElements);
531:   PetscLogEventRegister("ParResolve", DM_CLASSID,   &genCtx.parResolve);
532:   PetscLogEventBegin(genCtx.generateMesh, 0, 0, 0, 0);
533:   MPI_Comm_size(comm, &global_size);
534:   /* total number of vertices in all dimensions */
535:   n = pow(npts, dim);

537:   /* do some error checking */
538:   if (n < 2) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Number of points must be >= 2.\n");
539:   if (global_size > n) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Number of processors must be less than or equal to number of elements.\n");
540:   if (nghost < 0) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Number of ghost layers cannot be negative.\n");

542:   /* Create the basic DMMoab object and keep the default parameters created by DM impls */
543:   DMMoabCreateMoab(comm, NULL, NULL, NULL, dm);

545:   /* get all the necessary handles from the private DM object */
546:   dmmoab = (DM_Moab*)(*dm)->data;
547:   mbImpl = dmmoab->mbiface;
548: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
549:   pcomm = dmmoab->pcomm;
550:   global_rank = pcomm->rank();
551: #else
552:   global_rank = 0;
553:   global_size = 1;
554: #endif
555:   global_id_tag = dmmoab->ltog_tag;
556:   dmmoab->dim = dim;
557:   dmmoab->nghostrings = nghost;
558:   dmmoab->refct = 1;

560:   /* create a file set to associate all entities in current mesh */
561:   merr = mbImpl->create_meshset(moab::MESHSET_SET, dmmoab->fileset);MBERR("Creating file set failed", merr);

563:   /* No errors yet; proceed with building the mesh */
564:   merr = mbImpl->query_interface(readMeshIface);MBERRNM(merr);

566:   genCtx.M = genCtx.N = genCtx.K = 1;
567:   genCtx.A = genCtx.B = genCtx.C = 1;
568:   genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0] = 0;
569:   genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1] = 0;
570:   genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2] = 0;

572:   PetscOptionsBegin(comm, "", "DMMoab Creation Options", "DMMOAB");
573:   /* Handle DMMoab spatial resolution */
574:   PetscOptionsInt("-dmb_grid_x", "Number of grid points in x direction", "DMMoabSetSizes", genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0], &genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[0], &genCtx.usrxyzgrid);
575:   if (dim > 1) {PetscOptionsInt("-dmb_grid_y", "Number of grid points in y direction", "DMMoabSetSizes", genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1], &genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[1], &genCtx.usrxyzgrid);}
576:   if (dim > 2) {PetscOptionsInt("-dmb_grid_z", "Number of grid points in z direction", "DMMoabSetSizes", genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2], &genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2], &genCtx.usrxyzgrid);}

578:   /* Handle DMMoab parallel distibution */
579:   PetscOptionsInt("-dmb_processors_x", "Number of processors in x direction", "DMMoabSetNumProcs", genCtx.M, &genCtx.M, &genCtx.usrprocgrid);
580:   if (dim > 1) {PetscOptionsInt("-dmb_processors_y", "Number of processors in y direction", "DMMoabSetNumProcs", genCtx.N, &genCtx.N, &genCtx.usrprocgrid);}
581:   if (dim > 2) {PetscOptionsInt("-dmb_processors_z", "Number of processors in z direction", "DMMoabSetNumProcs", genCtx.K, &genCtx.K, &genCtx.usrprocgrid);}

583:   /* Handle DMMoab block refinement */
584:   PetscOptionsInt("-dmb_refine_x", "Number of refinement blocks in x direction", "DMMoabSetRefinement", genCtx.A, &genCtx.A, &genCtx.usrrefgrid);
585:   if (dim > 1) {PetscOptionsInt("-dmb_refine_y", "Number of refinement blocks in y direction", "DMMoabSetRefinement", genCtx.B, &genCtx.B, &genCtx.usrrefgrid);}
586:   if (dim > 2) {PetscOptionsInt("-dmb_refine_z", "Number of refinement blocks in z direction", "DMMoabSetRefinement", genCtx.C, &genCtx.C, &genCtx.usrrefgrid);}
587:   PetscOptionsEnd();

589:   DMMBUtil_InitializeOptions(genCtx, dim, useSimplex, global_rank, global_size, bounds, nele);

591:   //if (nele<nprocs) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"The dimensional discretization size should be greater or equal to number of processors: %D < %D",nele,nprocs);

593:   if (genCtx.adjEnts) genCtx.keep_skins = true; /* do not delete anything - consumes more memory */

595:   /* determine m, n, k for processor rank */
596:   ml = nl = kl = 0;
597:   switch (genCtx.dim) {
598:   case 1:
599:     ml = (genCtx.cumfraction);
600:     break;
601:   case 2:
602:     nl = (genCtx.cumfraction);
603:     break;
604:   default:
605:     kl = (genCtx.cumfraction) / genCtx.q / genCtx.blockSizeElementXYZ[2] / genCtx.C; //genCtx.K
606:     break;
607:   }

609:   /*
610:    * so there are a total of M * A * blockSizeElement elements in x direction (so M * A * blockSizeElement + 1 verts in x direction)
611:    * so there are a total of N * B * blockSizeElement elements in y direction (so N * B * blockSizeElement + 1 verts in y direction)
612:    * so there are a total of K * C * blockSizeElement elements in z direction (so K * C * blockSizeElement + 1 verts in z direction)

614:    * there are ( M * A blockSizeElement)      *  ( N * B * blockSizeElement)      * (K * C * blockSizeElement)    hexas
615:    * there are ( M * A * blockSizeElement + 1) *  ( N * B * blockSizeElement + 1) * (K * C * blockSizeElement + 1) vertices
616:    * x is the first dimension that varies
617:    */

619:   /* generate the block at (a, b, c); it will represent a partition , it will get a partition tag */
620:   PetscInt dum_id = -1;
621:   merr = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("GLOBAL_ID", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, global_id_tag);MBERR("Getting Global_ID Tag handle failed", merr);

623:   merr = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(MATERIAL_SET_TAG_NAME, 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, mat_tag);MBERR("Getting Material set Tag handle failed", merr);
624:   merr = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(DIRICHLET_SET_TAG_NAME, 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, dir_tag);MBERR("Getting Dirichlet set Tag handle failed", merr);
625:   merr = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(NEUMANN_SET_TAG_NAME, 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, neu_tag);MBERR("Getting Neumann set Tag handle failed", merr);

627:   merr = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("PARALLEL_PARTITION", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, part_tag, moab::MB_TAG_CREAT | moab::MB_TAG_SPARSE, &dum_id);MBERR("Getting Partition Tag handle failed", merr);

629:   /* lets create some sets */
630:   merr = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME, 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, geom_tag, moab::MB_TAG_CREAT | moab::MB_TAG_SPARSE, &dum_id);MBERRNM(merr);
631:   merr = mbImpl->create_meshset(moab::MESHSET_SET, regionset);MBERRNM(merr);
632:   PetscLogEventEnd(genCtx.generateMesh, 0, 0, 0, 0);

634:   for (a = 0; a < (genCtx.dim > 0 ? genCtx.A : genCtx.A); a++) {
635:     for (b = 0; b < (genCtx.dim > 1 ? genCtx.B : 1); b++) {
636:       for (c = 0; c < (genCtx.dim > 2 ? genCtx.C : 1); c++) {

638:         moab::EntityHandle startv;

640:         PetscLogEventBegin(genCtx.generateVertices, 0, 0, 0, 0);
641:         DMMoab_GenerateVertices_Private(mbImpl, readMeshIface, genCtx, ml, nl, kl, a, b, c, global_id_tag, startv, verts);
642:         PetscLogEventEnd(genCtx.generateVertices, 0, 0, 0, 0);

644:         PetscLogEventBegin(genCtx.generateElements, 0, 0, 0, 0);
645:         DMMoab_GenerateElements_Private(mbImpl, readMeshIface, genCtx, ml, nl, kl, a, b, c, global_id_tag, startv, cells);
646:         PetscLogEventEnd(genCtx.generateElements, 0, 0, 0, 0);

648:         PetscInt part_num = 0;
649:         switch (genCtx.dim) {
650:         case 3:
651:           part_num += (c + kl * genCtx.C) * (genCtx.M * genCtx.A * genCtx.N * genCtx.B);
652:         case 2:
653:           part_num += (b + nl * genCtx.B) * (genCtx.M * genCtx.A);
654:         case 1:
655:           part_num += (a + ml * genCtx.A);
656:           break;
657:         }

659:         moab::EntityHandle part_set;
660:         merr = mbImpl->create_meshset(moab::MESHSET_SET, part_set);MBERR("Can't create mesh set.", merr);

662:         merr = mbImpl->add_entities(part_set, verts);MBERR("Can't add vertices to set.", merr);
663:         merr = mbImpl->add_entities(part_set, cells);MBERR("Can't add entities to set.", merr);
664:         merr = mbImpl->add_entities(regionset, cells);MBERR("Can't add entities to set.", merr);

666:         /* if needed, add all edges and faces */
667:         if (genCtx.adjEnts)
668:         {
669:           if (genCtx.dim > 1) {
670:             merr = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(cells, 1, true, edges, moab::Interface::UNION);MBERR("Can't get edges", merr);
671:             merr = mbImpl->add_entities(part_set, edges);MBERR("Can't add edges to partition set.", merr);
672:           }
673:           if (genCtx.dim > 2) {
674:             merr = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(cells, 2, true, faces, moab::Interface::UNION);MBERR("Can't get faces", merr);
675:             merr = mbImpl->add_entities(part_set, faces);MBERR("Can't add faces to partition set.", merr);
676:           }
677:           edges.clear();
678:           faces.clear();
679:         }
680:         verts.clear(); cells.clear();

682:         merr = mbImpl->tag_set_data(part_tag, &part_set, 1, &part_num);MBERR("Can't set part tag on set", merr);
683:         if (dmmoab->fileset) {
684:           merr = mbImpl->add_parent_child(dmmoab->fileset, part_set);MBERR("Can't add part set to file set.", merr);
685:           merr = mbImpl->unite_meshset(dmmoab->fileset, part_set);MBERRNM(merr);
686:         }
687:         merr = mbImpl->add_entities(dmmoab->fileset, &part_set, 1);MBERRNM(merr);
688:       }
689:     }
690:   }

692:   merr = mbImpl->add_parent_child(dmmoab->fileset, regionset);MBERRNM(merr);

694:   /* Only in parallel: resolve shared entities between processors and exchange ghost layers */
695:   if (global_size > 1) {

697:     PetscLogEventBegin(genCtx.parResolve, 0, 0, 0, 0);

699:     merr = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(dmmoab->fileset, genCtx.dim, cells);MBERR("Can't get all d-dimensional elements.", merr);
700:     merr = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(dmmoab->fileset, 0, verts);MBERR("Can't get all vertices.", merr);

702:     if (genCtx.A * genCtx.B * genCtx.C != 1) { //  merge needed
703:       moab::MergeMesh mm(mbImpl);
704:       if (genCtx.newMergeMethod) {
705:         merr = mm.merge_using_integer_tag(verts, global_id_tag);MBERR("Can't merge with GLOBAL_ID tag", merr);
706:       }
707:       else {
708:         merr = mm.merge_entities(cells, 0.0001);MBERR("Can't merge with coordinates", merr);
709:       }
710:     }

712: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
713:     /* check the handles */
714:     merr = pcomm->check_all_shared_handles();MBERRV(mbImpl, merr);

716:     /* resolve the shared entities by exchanging information to adjacent processors */
717:     merr = pcomm->resolve_shared_ents(dmmoab->fileset, cells, dim, dim - 1, NULL, &global_id_tag);MBERRV(mbImpl, merr);
718:     if (dmmoab->fileset) {
719:       merr = pcomm->exchange_ghost_cells(dim, 0, nghost, dim, true, false, &dmmoab->fileset);MBERRV(mbImpl, merr);
720:     }
721:     else {
722:       merr = pcomm->exchange_ghost_cells(dim, 0, nghost, dim, true, false);MBERRV(mbImpl, merr);
723:     }

725:     /* Reassign global IDs on all entities. */
726:     merr = pcomm->assign_global_ids(dmmoab->fileset, dim, 1, false, true, false);MBERRNM(merr);
727: #endif

729:     PetscLogEventEnd(genCtx.parResolve, 0, 0, 0, 0);
730:   }

732:   if (!genCtx.keep_skins) { // default is to delete the 1- and 2-dimensional entities
733:     // delete all quads and edges
734:     moab::Range toDelete;
735:     if (genCtx.dim > 1) {
736:       merr = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(dmmoab->fileset, 1, toDelete);MBERR("Can't get edges", merr);
737:     }

739:     if (genCtx.dim > 2) {
740:       merr = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(dmmoab->fileset, 2, toDelete);MBERR("Can't get faces", merr);
741:     }

743: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
744:     merr = dmmoab->pcomm->delete_entities(toDelete) ;MBERR("Can't delete entities", merr);
745: #endif
746:   }

748:   /* set geometric dimension tag for regions */
749:   merr = mbImpl->tag_set_data(geom_tag, &regionset, 1, &dmmoab->dim);MBERRNM(merr);
750:   /* set default material ID for regions */
751:   int default_material = 1;
752:   merr = mbImpl->tag_set_data(mat_tag, &regionset, 1, &default_material);MBERRNM(merr);
753:   /*
754:     int default_dbc = 0;
755:     merr = mbImpl->tag_set_data(dir_tag, &vertexset, 1, &default_dbc);MBERRNM(merr);
756:   */
757:   return(0);
758: }

760: PetscErrorCode DMMoab_GetReadOptions_Private(PetscBool by_rank, PetscInt numproc, PetscInt dim, PetscInt nghost, MoabReadMode mode, PetscInt dbglevel, const char* dm_opts, const char* extra_opts, const char** read_opts)
761: {
762:   char           *ropts;
763:   char           ropts_par[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN], ropts_pargh[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
764:   char           ropts_dbg[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];

768:   PetscMalloc1(PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN, &ropts);
769:   PetscMemzero(&ropts_par, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN);
770:   PetscMemzero(&ropts_pargh, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN);
771:   PetscMemzero(&ropts_dbg, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN);

773:   /* do parallel read unless using only one processor */
774:   if (numproc > 1) {
777:     if (nghost) {
778:       PetscSNPrintf(ropts_pargh, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN, "PARALLEL_GHOSTS=%d.0.%d;", dim, nghost);
779:     }
780:   }

782:   if (dbglevel) {
783:     if (numproc > 1) {
784:       PetscSNPrintf(ropts_dbg, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN, "CPUTIME;DEBUG_IO=%d;DEBUG_PIO=%d;", dbglevel, dbglevel);
785:     }
786:     else {
787:       PetscSNPrintf(ropts_dbg, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN, "CPUTIME;DEBUG_IO=%d;", dbglevel);
788:     }
789:   }

791:   PetscSNPrintf(ropts, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN, "%s%s%s%s%s", ropts_par, (nghost ? ropts_pargh : ""), ropts_dbg, (extra_opts ? extra_opts : ""), (dm_opts ? dm_opts : ""));
792:   *read_opts = ropts;
793:   return(0);
794: }

796: /*@C
797:   DMMoabLoadFromFile - Creates a DM object by loading the mesh from a user specified file.

799:   Collective

801:   Input Parameters:
802: + comm - The communicator for the DM object
803: . dim - The spatial dimension
804: . filename - The name of the mesh file to be loaded
805: - usrreadopts - The options string to read a MOAB mesh.

807:   Reference (Parallel Mesh Initialization:

809:   Output Parameter:
810: . dm  - The DM object

812:   Level: beginner

814: .seealso: DMSetType(), DMCreate(), DMMoabCreateBoxMesh()
815: @*/
816: PetscErrorCode DMMoabLoadFromFile(MPI_Comm comm, PetscInt dim, PetscInt nghost, const char* filename, const char* usrreadopts, DM *dm)
817: {
818:   moab::ErrorCode     merr;
819:   PetscInt            nprocs;
820:   DM_Moab            *dmmoab;
821:   moab::Interface    *mbiface;
822: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
823:   moab::ParallelComm *pcomm;
824: #endif
825:   moab::Range         verts, elems;
826:   const char         *readopts;
827:   PetscErrorCode      ierr;

832:   /* Create the basic DMMoab object and keep the default parameters created by DM impls */
833:   DMMoabCreateMoab(comm, NULL, NULL, NULL, dm);

835:   /* get all the necessary handles from the private DM object */
836:   dmmoab = (DM_Moab*)(*dm)->data;
837:   mbiface = dmmoab->mbiface;
838: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
839:   pcomm = dmmoab->pcomm;
840:   nprocs = pcomm->size();
841: #else
842:   nprocs = 1;
843: #endif
844:   /* TODO: Decipher dimension based on the loaded mesh instead of getting from user */
845:   dmmoab->dim = dim;
846:   dmmoab->nghostrings = nghost;
847:   dmmoab->refct = 1;

849:   /* create a file set to associate all entities in current mesh */
850:   merr = dmmoab->mbiface->create_meshset(moab::MESHSET_SET, dmmoab->fileset);MBERR("Creating file set failed", merr);

852:   /* add mesh loading options specific to the DM */
853:   DMMoab_GetReadOptions_Private(dmmoab->partition_by_rank, nprocs, dim, nghost, dmmoab->read_mode,
854:                                        dmmoab->rw_dbglevel, dmmoab->extra_read_options, usrreadopts, &readopts);

856:   PetscInfo2(*dm, "Reading file %s with options: %s\n", filename, readopts);

858:   /* Load the mesh from a file. */
859:   if (dmmoab->fileset) {
860:     merr = mbiface->load_file(filename, &dmmoab->fileset, readopts);MBERRVM(mbiface, "Reading MOAB file failed.", merr);
861:   }
862:   else {
863:     merr = mbiface->load_file(filename, 0, readopts);MBERRVM(mbiface, "Reading MOAB file failed.", merr);
864:   }

866: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
867:   /* Reassign global IDs on all entities. */
868:   /* merr = pcomm->assign_global_ids(dmmoab->fileset, dim, 1, true, true, true);MBERRNM(merr); */
869: #endif

871:   /* load the local vertices */
872:   merr = mbiface->get_entities_by_type(dmmoab->fileset, moab::MBVERTEX, verts, true);MBERRNM(merr);
873:   /* load the local elements */
874:   merr = mbiface->get_entities_by_dimension(dmmoab->fileset, dim, elems, true);MBERRNM(merr);

876: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
877:   /* Everything is set up, now just do a tag exchange to update tags
878:      on all of the ghost vertexes */
879:   merr = pcomm->exchange_tags(dmmoab->ltog_tag, verts);MBERRV(mbiface, merr);
880:   merr = pcomm->exchange_tags(dmmoab->ltog_tag, elems);MBERRV(mbiface, merr);
881:   merr = pcomm->collective_sync_partition();MBERR("Collective sync failed", merr);
882: #endif

884:   PetscInfo3(*dm, "MOAB file '%s' was successfully loaded. Found %D vertices and %D elements.\n", filename, verts.size(), elems.size());
885:   PetscFree(readopts);
886:   return(0);
887: }

889: /*@C
890:   DMMoabRenumberMeshEntities - Order and number all entities (vertices->elements) to be contiguously ordered
891:   in parallel

893:   Collective

895:   Input Parameters:
896: . dm  - The DM object

898:   Level: advanced

900: .seealso: DMSetUp(), DMCreate()
901: @*/
902: PetscErrorCode DMMoabRenumberMeshEntities(DM dm)
903: {
904:   moab::Range         verts;

909: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
910:   /* Insert new points */
911:   moab::ErrorCode     merr;
912:   merr = ((DM_Moab*) dm->data)->pcomm->assign_global_ids(((DM_Moab*) dm->data)->fileset, 3, 0, false, true, false);MBERRNM(merr);
913: #endif
914:   return(0);
915: }