Actual source code: ex21.c

  2: static char help[] = "DMSwarm-PIC demonstator of advecting points within cell DM defined by a DA or PLEX object \n\
  3: Options: \n\
  4: -ppcell   : Number of times to sub-divide the reference cell when layout the initial particle coordinates \n\
  5: -meshtype : 0 ==> DA , 1 ==> PLEX \n\
  6: -nt       : Number of timestep to perform \n\
  7: -view     : Write out initial condition and time dependent data \n";

  9: #include <petsc.h>
 10: #include <petscdm.h>
 11: #include <petscdmda.h>
 12: #include <petscdmswarm.h>

 14: PetscErrorCode pic_advect(PetscInt ppcell,PetscInt meshtype)
 15: {
 17:   const PetscInt dim = 2;
 18:   DM celldm,swarm;
 19:   PetscInt tk,nt = 200;
 20:   PetscBool view = PETSC_FALSE;
 21:   Vec *pfields;
 22:   PetscReal minradius;
 23:   PetscReal dt;
 24:   PetscReal vel[] = { 1.0, 0.16 };
 25:   const char *fieldnames[] = { "phi" };
 26:   PetscViewer viewer;

 29:   PetscOptionsGetBool(NULL,NULL,"-view",&view,NULL);
 30:   PetscOptionsGetInt(NULL,NULL,"-nt",&nt,NULL);

 32:   /* Create the background cell DM */
 33:   if (meshtype == 0) { /* DA */
 34:     PetscInt nxy;
 35:     PetscInt dof = 1;
 36:     PetscInt stencil_width = 1;

 38:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Mesh type: DMDA\n");
 39:     nxy = 33;

 42:     DMDASetElementType(celldm,DMDA_ELEMENT_Q1);

 44:     DMSetFromOptions(celldm);

 46:     DMSetUp(celldm);

 48:     DMDASetUniformCoordinates(celldm,0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,1.5);

 50:     minradius = 1.0/((PetscReal)(nxy-1));

 52:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"DA(minradius) %1.4e\n",(double)minradius);
 53:   }

 55:   if (meshtype == 1){ /* PLEX */
 56:     DM distributedMesh = NULL;
 57:     PetscInt numComp[] = {1};
 58:     PetscInt numDof[] = {1,0,0}; /* vert, edge, cell */
 59:     PetscInt faces[]  = {1,1,1};
 60:     PetscInt numBC = 0;
 61:     PetscSection section;
 62:     Vec cellgeom = NULL;
 63:     Vec facegeom = NULL;

 65:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Mesh type: DMPLEX\n");
 66:     DMPlexCreateBoxMesh(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, dim, PETSC_TRUE, faces, NULL, NULL, PETSC_TRUE, &celldm);

 68:     /* Distribute mesh over processes */
 69:     DMPlexDistribute(celldm,0,NULL,&distributedMesh);
 70:     if (distributedMesh) {
 71:       DMDestroy(&celldm);
 72:       celldm = distributedMesh;
 73:     }

 75:     DMSetFromOptions(celldm);

 77:     DMPlexCreateSection(celldm,NULL,numComp,numDof,numBC,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,&section);
 78:     DMSetLocalSection(celldm,section);

 80:     DMSetUp(celldm);

 82:     /* Calling DMPlexComputeGeometryFVM() generates the value returned by DMPlexGetMinRadius() */
 83:     DMPlexComputeGeometryFVM(celldm,&cellgeom,&facegeom);
 84:     DMPlexGetMinRadius(celldm,&minradius);
 85:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"PLEX(minradius) %1.4e\n",(double)minradius);
 86:     VecDestroy(&cellgeom);
 87:     VecDestroy(&facegeom);
 88:     PetscSectionDestroy(&section);
 89:   }

 91:   /* Create the DMSwarm */
 92:   DMCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&swarm);
 93:   DMSetType(swarm,DMSWARM);
 94:   DMSetDimension(swarm,dim);

 96:   /* Configure swarm to be of type PIC */
 97:   DMSwarmSetType(swarm,DMSWARM_PIC);
 98:   DMSwarmSetCellDM(swarm,celldm);

100:   /* Register two scalar fields within the DMSwarm */
101:   DMSwarmRegisterPetscDatatypeField(swarm,"phi",1,PETSC_REAL);
102:   DMSwarmRegisterPetscDatatypeField(swarm,"region",1,PETSC_REAL);
103:   DMSwarmFinalizeFieldRegister(swarm);

105:   /* Set initial local sizes of the DMSwarm with a buffer length of zero */
106:   DMSwarmSetLocalSizes(swarm,4,0);

108:   /* Insert swarm coordinates cell-wise */
109:   /*DMSwarmInsertPointsUsingCellDM(swarm,DMSWARMPIC_LAYOUT_REGULAR,ppcell);*/
110:   DMSwarmInsertPointsUsingCellDM(swarm,DMSWARMPIC_LAYOUT_SUBDIVISION,ppcell);

112:   /* Define initial conditions for th swarm fields "phi" and "region" */
113:   {
114:     PetscReal *s_coor,*s_phi,*s_region;
115:     PetscInt npoints,p;

117:     DMSwarmGetLocalSize(swarm,&npoints);
118:     DMSwarmGetField(swarm,DMSwarmPICField_coor,NULL,NULL,(void**)&s_coor);
119:     DMSwarmGetField(swarm,"phi",NULL,NULL,(void**)&s_phi);
120:     DMSwarmGetField(swarm,"region",NULL,NULL,(void**)&s_region);
121:     for (p=0; p<npoints; p++) {
122:       PetscReal pos[2];
123:       pos[0] = s_coor[2*p+0];
124:       pos[1] = s_coor[2*p+1];

126:       s_region[p] = 1.0;
127:       s_phi[p] = 1.0 + PetscExpReal(-200.0*((pos[0]-0.5)*(pos[0]-0.5) + (pos[1]-0.5)*(pos[1]-0.5)));
128:     }
129:     DMSwarmRestoreField(swarm,"region",NULL,NULL,(void**)&s_region);
130:     DMSwarmRestoreField(swarm,"phi",NULL,NULL,(void**)&s_phi);
131:     DMSwarmRestoreField(swarm,DMSwarmPICField_coor,NULL,NULL,(void**)&s_coor);
132:   }

134:   /* Project initial value of phi onto the mesh */
135:   DMSwarmProjectFields(swarm,1,fieldnames,&pfields,PETSC_FALSE);

137:   if (view) {
138:     /* View swarm all swarm fields using data type PETSC_REAL */
139:     DMSwarmViewXDMF(swarm,"ic_dms.xmf");

141:     /* View projected swarm field "phi" */
142:     PetscViewerCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&viewer);
143:     PetscViewerSetType(viewer,PETSCVIEWERVTK);
144:     PetscViewerFileSetMode(viewer,FILE_MODE_WRITE);
145:     if (meshtype == 0) { /* DA */
146:       PetscViewerFileSetName(viewer,"ic_dmda.vts");
147:       VecView(pfields[0],viewer);
148:     }
149:     if (meshtype == 1) { /* PLEX */
150:       PetscViewerFileSetName(viewer,"ic_dmplex.vtk");
151:       DMView(celldm,viewer);
152:       VecView(pfields[0],viewer);
153:     }
154:     PetscViewerDestroy(&viewer);
155:   }


160:   dt = 0.5 * minradius / PetscSqrtReal(vel[0]*vel[0] + vel[1]*vel[1]);
161:   for (tk=1; tk<=nt; tk++) {
162:     PetscReal *s_coor;
163:     PetscInt npoints,p;

165:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"[step %D]\n",tk);
166:     /* advect with analytic prescribed (constant) velocity field */
167:     DMSwarmGetLocalSize(swarm,&npoints);
168:     DMSwarmGetField(swarm,DMSwarmPICField_coor,NULL,NULL,(void**)&s_coor);
169:     for (p=0; p<npoints; p++) {
170:       s_coor[2*p+0] += dt * vel[0];
171:       s_coor[2*p+1] += dt * vel[1];
172:     }
173:     DMSwarmRestoreField(swarm,DMSwarmPICField_coor,NULL,NULL,(void**)&s_coor);

175:     DMSwarmMigrate(swarm,PETSC_TRUE);

177:     /* Ad-hoc cell filling algorithm */
178:     /*
179:        The injection frequency is chosen for default DA case.
180:        They will likely not be appropriate for the general case using an unstructure PLEX mesh.
181:     */
182:     if (tk%10 == 0) {
183:       PetscReal dx = 1.0/32.0;
184:       PetscInt npoints_dir_x[] = { 32, 1 };
185:       PetscReal min[2],max[2];

187:       min[0] = 0.5 * dx;  max[0] = 0.5 * dx + 31.0 * dx;
188:       min[1] = 0.5 * dx;  max[1] = 0.5 * dx;
189:       DMSwarmSetPointsUniformCoordinates(swarm,min,max,npoints_dir_x,ADD_VALUES);
190:     }
191:     if (tk%2 == 0) {
192:       PetscReal dx = 1.0/32.0;
193:       PetscInt npoints_dir_y[] = { 2, 31 };
194:       PetscReal min[2],max[2];

196:       min[0] = 0.05 * dx; max[0] = 0.5 * dx;
197:       min[1] = 0.5 * dx;  max[1] = 0.5 * dx + 31.0 * dx;
198:       DMSwarmSetPointsUniformCoordinates(swarm,min,max,npoints_dir_y,ADD_VALUES);
199:     }

201:     /* Project swarm field "phi" onto the cell DM */
202:     DMSwarmProjectFields(swarm,1,fieldnames,&pfields,PETSC_TRUE);

204:     if (view) {
205:       PetscViewer viewer;
206:       char fname[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];

208:       /* View swarm fields */
209:       PetscSNPrintf(fname,PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN-1,"step%.4D_dms.xmf",tk);
210:       DMSwarmViewXDMF(swarm,fname);

212:       /* View projected field */
213:       PetscViewerCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&viewer);
214:       PetscViewerSetType(viewer,PETSCVIEWERVTK);
215:       PetscViewerFileSetMode(viewer,FILE_MODE_WRITE);

217:       if (meshtype == 0) { /* DA */
218:         PetscSNPrintf(fname,PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN-1,"step%.4D_dmda.vts",tk);
219:         PetscViewerFileSetName(viewer,fname);
220:         VecView(pfields[0],viewer);
221:       }
222:       if (meshtype == 1) { /* PLEX */
223:         PetscSNPrintf(fname,PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN-1,"step%.4D_dmplex.vtk",tk);
224:         PetscViewerFileSetName(viewer,fname);
225:         DMView(celldm,viewer);
226:         VecView(pfields[0],viewer);
227:       }
228:       PetscViewerDestroy(&viewer);
229:     }

231:   }
232:   VecDestroy(&pfields[0]);
233:   PetscFree(pfields);
234:   DMDestroy(&celldm);
235:   DMDestroy(&swarm);

237:   return(0);
238: }

240: int main(int argc,char **args)
241: {
243:   PetscInt ppcell = 1;
244:   PetscInt meshtype = 0;

246:   PetscInitialize(&argc,&args,(char*)0,help);if (ierr) return ierr;
247:   PetscOptionsGetInt(NULL,NULL,"-ppcell",&ppcell,NULL);
248:   PetscOptionsGetInt(NULL,NULL,"-meshtype",&meshtype,NULL);
249:   if (meshtype > 1) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,PETSC_ERR_USER,"-meshtype <value> must be 0 or 1");

251:   pic_advect(ppcell,meshtype);

253:   PetscFinalize();
254:   return ierr;
255: }