Actual source code: stag.c

  1: /*
  2:    Implementation of DMStag, defining dimension-independent functions in the
  3:    DM API. stag1d.c, stag2d.c, and stag3d.c may include dimension-specific
  4:    implementations of DM API functions, and other files here contain additional
  5:    DMStag-specific API functions, as well as internal functions.
  6: */
  7: #include <petsc/private/dmstagimpl.h>
  8: #include <petscsf.h>

 10: static PetscErrorCode DMClone_Stag(DM dm,DM *newdm)
 11: {

 15:   /* Destroy the DM created by generic logic in DMClone() */
 16:   if (*newdm) {
 17:     DMDestroy(newdm);
 18:   }
 19:   DMStagDuplicateWithoutSetup(dm,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),newdm);
 20:   DMSetUp(*newdm);
 21:   return(0);
 22: }

 24: static PetscErrorCode DMDestroy_Stag(DM dm)
 25: {
 27:   DM_Stag        *stag;
 28:   PetscInt       i;

 31:   stag = (DM_Stag*)dm->data;
 32:   for (i=0; i<DMSTAG_MAX_DIM; ++i) {
 33:     PetscFree(stag->l[i]);
 34:   }
 35:   VecScatterDestroy(&stag->gtol);
 36:   VecScatterDestroy(&stag->ltog_injective);
 37:   PetscFree(stag->neighbors);
 38:   PetscFree(stag->locationOffsets);
 39:   PetscFree(stag->coordinateDMType);
 40:   PetscFree(stag);
 41:   return(0);
 42: }

 44: static PetscErrorCode DMCreateGlobalVector_Stag(DM dm,Vec *vec)
 45: {
 46:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
 47:   DM_Stag * const stag = (DM_Stag*)dm->data;

 50:   if (PetscUnlikely(!dm->setupcalled)) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"This function must be called after DMSetUp()");
 51:   VecCreateMPI(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),stag->entries,PETSC_DECIDE,vec);
 52:   VecSetDM(*vec,dm);
 53:   /* Could set some ops, as DMDA does */
 54:   VecSetLocalToGlobalMapping(*vec,dm->ltogmap);
 55:   return(0);
 56: }

 58: static PetscErrorCode DMCreateLocalVector_Stag(DM dm,Vec *vec)
 59: {
 60:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
 61:   DM_Stag * const stag = (DM_Stag*)dm->data;

 64:   if (PetscUnlikely(!dm->setupcalled)) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"This function must be called after DMSetUp()");
 65:   VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF,stag->entriesGhost,vec);
 66:   VecSetBlockSize(*vec,stag->entriesPerElement);
 67:   VecSetDM(*vec,dm);
 68:   return(0);
 69: }

 71: static PetscErrorCode DMCreateMatrix_Stag(DM dm,Mat *mat)
 72: {
 73:   PetscErrorCode         ierr;
 74:   MatType                matType;
 75:   PetscBool              isaij,isshell;
 76:   PetscInt               entries,width,nNeighbors,dim,dof[DMSTAG_MAX_STRATA],stencilWidth;
 77:   DMStagStencilType      stencilType;
 78:   ISLocalToGlobalMapping ltogmap;

 81:   if (PetscUnlikely(!dm->setupcalled)) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"This function must be called after DMSetUp()");
 82:   DMGetDimension(dm,&dim);
 83:   DMGetMatType(dm,&matType);
 84:   PetscStrcmp(matType,MATAIJ,&isaij);
 85:   PetscStrcmp(matType,MATSHELL,&isshell);
 86:   DMStagGetEntries(dm,&entries);
 87:   DMStagGetDOF(dm,&dof[0],&dof[1],&dof[2],&dof[3]);
 88:   DMStagGetStencilWidth(dm,&stencilWidth);
 89:   DMStagGetStencilType(dm,&stencilType);

 91:   if (isaij) {
 92:     /* This implementation gives a very dense stencil, which is likely unsuitable for
 93:        real applications. */
 94:     switch (stencilType) {
 95:       case DMSTAG_STENCIL_NONE:
 96:         nNeighbors = 1;
 97:         break;
 98:       case DMSTAG_STENCIL_STAR:
 99:         switch (dim) {
100:           case 1 :
101:             nNeighbors = 2*stencilWidth + 1;
102:             break;
103:           case 2 :
104:             nNeighbors = 4*stencilWidth + 3;
105:             break;
106:           case 3 :
107:             nNeighbors = 6*stencilWidth + 5;
108:             break;
109:           default : SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Unsupported dimension %d",dim);
110:         }
111:         break;
112:       case DMSTAG_STENCIL_BOX:
113:         switch (dim) {
114:           case 1 :
115:             nNeighbors = (2*stencilWidth + 1);
116:             break;
117:           case 2 :
118:             nNeighbors = (2*stencilWidth + 1) * (2*stencilWidth + 1);
119:             break;
120:           case 3 :
121:             nNeighbors = (2*stencilWidth + 1) * (2*stencilWidth + 1) * (2*stencilWidth + 1);
122:             break;
123:           default : SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Unsupported dimension %d",dim);
124:         }
125:         break;
126:       default : SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Unsupported stencil");
127:     }
128:     width = (dof[0] + dof[1] + dof[2] + dof[3]) * nNeighbors;
129:     MatCreateAIJ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),entries,entries,PETSC_DETERMINE,PETSC_DETERMINE,width,NULL,width,NULL,mat);
130:   } else if (isshell) {
131:     MatCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),mat);
132:     MatSetSizes(*mat,entries,entries,PETSC_DETERMINE,PETSC_DETERMINE);
133:     MatSetType(*mat,MATSHELL);
134:     MatSetUp(*mat);
135:   } else SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Not implemented for Mattype %s",matType);

137:   DMGetLocalToGlobalMapping(dm,&ltogmap);
138:   MatSetLocalToGlobalMapping(*mat,ltogmap,ltogmap);
139:   MatSetDM(*mat,dm);
140:   return(0);
141: }

143: static PetscErrorCode DMGetCompatibility_Stag(DM dm,DM dm2,PetscBool *compatible,PetscBool *set)
144: {
145:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
146:   const DM_Stag * const stag  = (DM_Stag*)dm->data;
147:   const DM_Stag * const stag2 = (DM_Stag*)dm2->data;
148:   PetscInt              dim,dim2,i;
149:   MPI_Comm              comm;
150:   PetscMPIInt           sameComm;
151:   DMType                type2;
152:   PetscBool             sameType;

155:   DMGetType(dm2,&type2);
156:   PetscStrcmp(DMSTAG,type2,&sameType);
157:   if (!sameType) {
158:     PetscInfo1((PetscObject)dm,"DMStag compatibility check not implemented with DM of type %s\n",type2);
159:     *set = PETSC_FALSE;
160:     return(0);
161:   }

163:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)dm,&comm);
164:   MPI_Comm_compare(comm,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm2),&sameComm);
165:   if (sameComm != MPI_IDENT) {
166:     PetscInfo2((PetscObject)dm,"DMStag objects have different communicators: %d != %d\n",comm,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm2));
167:     *set = PETSC_FALSE;
168:     return(0);
169:   }
170:   DMGetDimension(dm ,&dim);
171:   DMGetDimension(dm2,&dim2);
172:   if (dim != dim2) {
173:     PetscInfo((PetscObject)dm,"DMStag objects have different dimensions");
174:     *set = PETSC_TRUE;
175:     *compatible = PETSC_FALSE;
176:     return(0);
177:   }
178:   for (i=0; i<dim; ++i) {
179:     if (stag->N[i] != stag2->N[i]) {
180:       PetscInfo3((PetscObject)dm,"DMStag objects have different global numbers of elements in dimension %D: %D != %D\n",i,stag->n[i],stag2->n[i]);
181:       *set = PETSC_TRUE;
182:       *compatible = PETSC_FALSE;
183:       return(0);
184:     }
185:     if (stag->n[i] != stag2->n[i]) {
186:       PetscInfo3((PetscObject)dm,"DMStag objects have different local numbers of elements in dimension %D: %D != %D\n",i,stag->n[i],stag2->n[i]);
187:       *set = PETSC_TRUE;
188:       *compatible = PETSC_FALSE;
189:       return(0);
190:     }
191:     if (stag->boundaryType[i] != stag2->boundaryType[i]) {
192:       PetscInfo3((PetscObject)dm,"DMStag objects have different boundary types in dimension %d: %s != %s\n",i,stag->boundaryType[i],stag2->boundaryType[i]);
193:       *set = PETSC_TRUE;
194:       *compatible = PETSC_FALSE;
195:       return(0);
196:     }
197:   }
198:   /* Note: we include stencil type and width in the notion of compatibility, as this affects
199:      the "atlas" (local subdomains). This might be irritating in legitimate cases
200:      of wanting to transfer between two other-wise compatible DMs with different
201:      stencil characteristics. */
202:   if (stag->stencilType != stag2->stencilType) {
203:     PetscInfo2((PetscObject)dm,"DMStag objects have different ghost stencil types: %s != %s\n",DMStagStencilTypes[stag->stencilType],DMStagStencilTypes[stag2->stencilType]);
204:     *set = PETSC_TRUE;
205:     *compatible = PETSC_FALSE;
206:     return(0);
207:   }
208:   if (stag->stencilWidth != stag2->stencilWidth) {
209:     PetscInfo2((PetscObject)dm,"DMStag objects have different ghost stencil widths: %D != %D\n",stag->stencilWidth,stag->stencilWidth);
210:     *set = PETSC_TRUE;
211:     *compatible = PETSC_FALSE;
212:     return(0);
213:   }
214:   *set = PETSC_TRUE;
215:   *compatible = PETSC_TRUE;
216:   return(0);
217: }

219: /*
220: Note there are several orderings in play here.
221: In all cases, non-element dof are associated with the element that they are below/left/behind, and the order in 2D proceeds vertex/bottom edge/left edge/element (with all dof on each together).
222: Also in all cases, only subdomains which are the last in their dimension have partial elements.

224: 1) "Natural" Ordering (not used). Number adding each full or partial (on the right or top) element, starting at the bottom left (i=0,j=0) and proceeding across the entire domain, row by row to get a global numbering.
225: 2) Global ("PETSc") ordering. The same as natural, but restricted to each domain. So, traverse all elements (again starting at the bottom left and going row-by-row) on rank 0, then continue numbering with rank 1, and so on.
226: 3) Local ordering. Including ghost elements (both interior and on the right/top/front to complete partial elements), use the same convention to create a local numbering.
227: */

229: static PetscErrorCode DMLocalToGlobalBegin_Stag(DM dm,Vec l,InsertMode mode,Vec g)
230: {
231:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
232:   DM_Stag * const stag = (DM_Stag*)dm->data;

235:   if (mode == ADD_VALUES) {
236:     VecScatterBegin(stag->gtol,l,g,mode,SCATTER_REVERSE);
237:   } else if (mode == INSERT_VALUES) {
238:     if (stag->ltog_injective) {
239:       VecScatterBegin(stag->ltog_injective,l,g,mode,SCATTER_FORWARD);
240:     } else {
241:       VecScatterBegin(stag->gtol,l,g,mode,SCATTER_REVERSE_LOCAL);
242:     }
243:   } else SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Unsupported InsertMode");
244:   return(0);
245: }

247: static PetscErrorCode DMLocalToGlobalEnd_Stag(DM dm,Vec l,InsertMode mode,Vec g)
248: {
249:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
250:   DM_Stag * const stag = (DM_Stag*)dm->data;

253:   if (mode == ADD_VALUES) {
254:     VecScatterEnd(stag->gtol,l,g,mode,SCATTER_REVERSE);
255:   } else if (mode == INSERT_VALUES) {
256:     if (stag->ltog_injective) {
257:       VecScatterEnd(stag->ltog_injective,l,g,mode,SCATTER_FORWARD);
258:     } else {
259:       VecScatterEnd(stag->gtol,l,g,mode,SCATTER_REVERSE_LOCAL);
260:     }
261:   } else SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Unsupported InsertMode");
262:   return(0);
263: }

265: static PetscErrorCode DMGlobalToLocalBegin_Stag(DM dm,Vec g,InsertMode mode,Vec l)
266: {
267:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
268:   DM_Stag * const stag = (DM_Stag*)dm->data;

271:   VecScatterBegin(stag->gtol,g,l,mode,SCATTER_FORWARD);
272:   return(0);
273: }

275: static PetscErrorCode DMGlobalToLocalEnd_Stag(DM dm,Vec g,InsertMode mode,Vec l)
276: {
277:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
278:   DM_Stag * const stag = (DM_Stag*)dm->data;

281:   VecScatterEnd(stag->gtol,g,l,mode,SCATTER_FORWARD);
282:   return(0);
283: }

285: /*
286: If a stratum is active (non-zero dof), make it active in the coordinate DM.
287: */
288: static PetscErrorCode DMCreateCoordinateDM_Stag(DM dm,DM *dmc)
289: {
290:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
291:   DM_Stag * const stag = (DM_Stag*)dm->data;
292:   PetscInt        dim;
293:   PetscBool       isstag,isproduct;

297:   if (!stag->coordinateDMType) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Before creating a coordinate DM, a type must be specified with DMStagSetCoordinateDMType()");

299:   DMGetDimension(dm,&dim);
300:   PetscStrcmp(stag->coordinateDMType,DMSTAG,&isstag);
301:   PetscStrcmp(stag->coordinateDMType,DMPRODUCT,&isproduct);
302:   if (isstag) {
303:     DMStagCreateCompatibleDMStag(dm,
304:         stag->dof[0] > 0 ? dim : 0,
305:         stag->dof[1] > 0 ? dim : 0,
306:         stag->dof[2] > 0 ? dim : 0,
307:         stag->dof[3] > 0 ? dim : 0,
308:         dmc);
309:   } else if (isproduct) {
310:     DMCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,dmc);
311:     DMSetType(*dmc,DMPRODUCT);
312:     DMSetDimension(*dmc,dim);
313:   } else SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Unsupported coordinate DM type %s",stag->coordinateDMType);
314:   return(0);
315: }

317: static PetscErrorCode DMGetNeighbors_Stag(DM dm,PetscInt *nRanks,const PetscMPIInt *ranks[])
318: {
319:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
320:   DM_Stag * const stag = (DM_Stag*)dm->data;
321:   PetscInt        dim;

324:   DMGetDimension(dm,&dim);
325:   switch (dim) {
326:     case 1: *nRanks = 3; break;
327:     case 2: *nRanks = 9; break;
328:     case 3: *nRanks = 27; break;
329:     default : SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Get neighbors not implemented for dim = %D",dim);
330:   }
331:   *ranks = stag->neighbors;
332:   return(0);
333: }

335: static PetscErrorCode DMView_Stag(DM dm,PetscViewer viewer)
336: {
337:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
338:   DM_Stag * const stag = (DM_Stag*)dm->data;
339:   PetscBool       isascii,viewAllRanks;
340:   PetscMPIInt     rank,size;
341:   PetscInt        dim,maxRanksToView,i;

344:   MPI_Comm_rank(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),&rank);
345:   MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),&size);
346:   DMGetDimension(dm,&dim);
347:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&isascii);
348:   if (isascii) {
349:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Dimension: %D\n",dim);
350:     switch (dim) {
351:       case 1:
352:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Global size: %D\n",stag->N[0]);
353:         break;
354:       case 2:
355:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Global sizes: %D x %D\n",stag->N[0],stag->N[1]);
356:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Parallel decomposition: %D x %D ranks\n",stag->nRanks[0],stag->nRanks[1]);
357:         break;
358:       case 3:
359:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Global sizes: %D x %D x %D\n",stag->N[0],stag->N[1],stag->N[2]);
360:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Parallel decomposition: %D x %D x %D ranks\n",stag->nRanks[0],stag->nRanks[1],stag->nRanks[2]);
361:         break;
362:       default: SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"not implemented for dim==%D",dim);
363:     }
364:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Boundary ghosting:");
365:     for (i=0; i<dim; ++i) {
366:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %s",DMBoundaryTypes[stag->boundaryType[i]]);
367:     }
368:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"\n");
369:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Elementwise ghost stencil: %s, width %D\n",DMStagStencilTypes[stag->stencilType],stag->stencilWidth);
370:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Stratum dof:");
371:     for (i=0; i<dim+1; ++i) {
372:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %D:%D",i,stag->dof[i]);
373:     }
374:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"\n");
375:     if (dm->coordinateDM) {
376:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Has coordinate DM\n");
377:     }
378:     maxRanksToView = 16;
379:     viewAllRanks = (PetscBool)(size <= maxRanksToView);
380:     if (viewAllRanks) {
381:       PetscViewerASCIIPushSynchronized(viewer);
382:       switch (dim) {
383:         case 1:
384:           PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(viewer,"[%d] Local elements : %D (%D with ghosts)\n",rank,stag->n[0],stag->nGhost[0]);
385:           break;
386:         case 2:
387:           PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(viewer,"[%d] Rank coordinates (%d,%d)\n",rank,stag->rank[0],stag->rank[1]);
388:           PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(viewer,"[%d] Local elements : %D x %D (%D x %D with ghosts)\n",rank,stag->n[0],stag->n[1],stag->nGhost[0],stag->nGhost[1]);
389:           break;
390:         case 3:
391:           PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(viewer,"[%d] Rank coordinates (%d,%d,%d)\n",rank,stag->rank[0],stag->rank[1],stag->rank[2]);
392:           PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(viewer,"[%d] Local elements : %D x %D x %D (%D x %D x %D with ghosts)\n",rank,stag->n[0],stag->n[1],stag->n[2],stag->nGhost[0],stag->nGhost[1],stag->nGhost[2]);
393:           break;
394:         default: SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"not implemented for dim==%D",dim);
395:       }
396:       PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(viewer,"[%d] Local native entries: %d\n",rank,stag->entries);
397:       PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(viewer,"[%d] Local entries total : %d\n",rank,stag->entriesGhost);
398:       PetscViewerFlush(viewer);
399:       PetscViewerASCIIPopSynchronized(viewer);
400:     } else {
401:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"(Per-rank information omitted since >%D ranks used)\n",maxRanksToView);
402:     }
403:   }
404:   return(0);
405: }

407: static PetscErrorCode DMSetFromOptions_Stag(PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject,DM dm)
408: {
409:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
410:   DM_Stag * const stag = (DM_Stag*)dm->data;
411:   PetscInt        dim;

414:   DMGetDimension(dm,&dim);
415:   PetscOptionsHead(PetscOptionsObject,"DMStag Options");
416:   PetscOptionsInt("-stag_grid_x","Number of grid points in x direction","DMStagSetGlobalSizes",stag->N[0],&stag->N[0],NULL);
417:   if (dim > 1) { PetscOptionsInt("-stag_grid_y","Number of grid points in y direction","DMStagSetGlobalSizes",stag->N[1],&stag->N[1],NULL); }
418:   if (dim > 2) { PetscOptionsInt("-stag_grid_z","Number of grid points in z direction","DMStagSetGlobalSizes",stag->N[2],&stag->N[2],NULL); }
419:   PetscOptionsInt("-stag_ranks_x","Number of ranks in x direction","DMStagSetNumRanks",stag->nRanks[0],&stag->nRanks[0],NULL);
420:   if (dim > 1) { PetscOptionsInt("-stag_ranks_y","Number of ranks in y direction","DMStagSetNumRanks",stag->nRanks[1],&stag->nRanks[1],NULL); }
421:   if (dim > 2) { PetscOptionsInt("-stag_ranks_z","Number of ranks in z direction","DMStagSetNumRanks",stag->nRanks[2],&stag->nRanks[2],NULL); }
422:   PetscOptionsInt("-stag_stencil_width","Elementwise stencil width","DMStagSetStencilWidth",stag->stencilWidth,&stag->stencilWidth,NULL);
423:   PetscOptionsEnum("-stag_stencil_type","Elementwise stencil stype","DMStagSetStencilType",DMStagStencilTypes,(PetscEnum)stag->stencilType,(PetscEnum*)&stag->stencilType,NULL);
424:   PetscOptionsEnum("-stag_boundary_type_x","Treatment of (physical) boundaries in x direction","DMStagSetBoundaryTypes",DMBoundaryTypes,(PetscEnum)stag->boundaryType[0],(PetscEnum*)&stag->boundaryType[0],NULL);
425:   PetscOptionsEnum("-stag_boundary_type_y","Treatment of (physical) boundaries in y direction","DMStagSetBoundaryTypes",DMBoundaryTypes,(PetscEnum)stag->boundaryType[1],(PetscEnum*)&stag->boundaryType[1],NULL);
426:   PetscOptionsEnum("-stag_boundary_type_z","Treatment of (physical) boundaries in z direction","DMStagSetBoundaryTypes",DMBoundaryTypes,(PetscEnum)stag->boundaryType[2],(PetscEnum*)&stag->boundaryType[2],NULL);
427:   PetscOptionsInt("-stag_dof_0","Number of dof per 0-cell (vertex/corner)","DMStagSetDOF",stag->dof[0],&stag->dof[0],NULL);
428:   PetscOptionsInt("-stag_dof_1","Number of dof per 1-cell (edge)",         "DMStagSetDOF",stag->dof[1],&stag->dof[1],NULL);
429:   PetscOptionsInt("-stag_dof_2","Number of dof per 2-cell (face)",         "DMStagSetDOF",stag->dof[2],&stag->dof[2],NULL);
430:   PetscOptionsInt("-stag_dof_3","Number of dof per 3-cell (hexahedron)",   "DMStagSetDOF",stag->dof[3],&stag->dof[3],NULL);
431:   PetscOptionsTail();
432:   return(0);
433: }

435: /*MC
436:   DMSTAG = "stag" - A DM object representing a "staggered grid" or a structured cell complex.

438:   This implementation parallels the DMDA implementation in many ways, but allows degrees of freedom
439:   to be associated with all "strata" in a logically-rectangular grid: vertices, edges, faces, and elements.

441:   Level: beginner

443: .seealso: DM, DMPRODUCT, DMDA, DMPLEX, DMStagCreate1d(), DMStagCreate2d(), DMStagCreate3d(), DMType, DMCreate(), DMSetType()
444: M*/

446: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMCreate_Stag(DM dm)
447: {
449:   DM_Stag        *stag;
450:   PetscInt       i,dim;

454:   PetscNewLog(dm,&stag);
455:   dm->data = stag;

457:   stag->gtol                                          = NULL;
458:   stag->ltog_injective                                = NULL;
459:   for (i=0; i<DMSTAG_MAX_STRATA; ++i) stag->dof[i]    = 0;
460:   for (i=0; i<DMSTAG_MAX_DIM;    ++i) stag->l[i]      = NULL;
461:   stag->stencilType                                   = DMSTAG_STENCIL_NONE;
462:   stag->stencilWidth                                  = 0;
463:   for (i=0; i<DMSTAG_MAX_DIM;    ++i) stag->nRanks[i] = -1;
464:   stag->coordinateDMType                              = NULL;

466:   DMGetDimension(dm,&dim);
467:   if (dim != 1 && dim != 2 && dim != 3) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"DMSetDimension() must be called to set a dimension with value 1, 2, or 3");

469:   PetscMemzero(dm->ops,sizeof(*(dm->ops)));
470:   dm->ops->createcoordinatedm  = DMCreateCoordinateDM_Stag;
471:   dm->ops->createglobalvector  = DMCreateGlobalVector_Stag;
472:   dm->ops->createinterpolation = NULL;
473:   dm->ops->createlocalvector   = DMCreateLocalVector_Stag;
474:   dm->ops->creatematrix        = DMCreateMatrix_Stag;
475:   dm->ops->destroy             = DMDestroy_Stag;
476:   dm->ops->getneighbors        = DMGetNeighbors_Stag;
477:   dm->ops->globaltolocalbegin  = DMGlobalToLocalBegin_Stag;
478:   dm->ops->globaltolocalend    = DMGlobalToLocalEnd_Stag;
479:   dm->ops->localtoglobalbegin  = DMLocalToGlobalBegin_Stag;
480:   dm->ops->localtoglobalend    = DMLocalToGlobalEnd_Stag;
481:   dm->ops->setfromoptions      = DMSetFromOptions_Stag;
482:   switch (dim) {
483:     case 1: dm->ops->setup     = DMSetUp_Stag_1d; break;
484:     case 2: dm->ops->setup     = DMSetUp_Stag_2d; break;
485:     case 3: dm->ops->setup     = DMSetUp_Stag_3d; break;
486:     default : SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Unsupported dimension %d",dim);
487:   }
488:   dm->ops->clone               = DMClone_Stag;
489:   dm->ops->view                = DMView_Stag;
490:   dm->ops->getcompatibility    = DMGetCompatibility_Stag;
491:   return(0);
492: }