Actual source code: parms.c

  1: #define PETSCKSP_DLL

  3: /*
  4:    Provides an interface to pARMS.
  5:    Requires pARMS 3.2 or later.
  6: */

  8: #include <petsc/private/pcimpl.h>

 10: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
 11: #define DBL_CMPLX
 12: #else
 13: #define DBL
 14: #endif
 15: #define USE_MPI
 16: #define REAL double
 17: #define HAS_BLAS
 19: #include "parms_sys.h"
 20: #undef FLOAT
 21: #define FLOAT PetscScalar
 22: #include <parms.h>

 24: /*
 25:    Private context (data structure) for the  preconditioner.
 26: */
 27: typedef struct {
 28:   parms_Map         map;
 29:   parms_Mat         A;
 30:   parms_PC          pc;
 31:   PCPARMSGlobalType global;
 32:   PCPARMSLocalType  local;
 33:   PetscInt          levels, blocksize, maxdim, maxits, lfil[7];
 34:   PetscBool         nonsymperm, meth[8];
 35:   PetscReal         solvetol, indtol, droptol[7];
 36:   PetscScalar       *lvec0, *lvec1;
 37: } PC_PARMS;

 40: static PetscErrorCode PCSetUp_PARMS(PC pc)
 41: {
 42:   Mat               pmat;
 43:   PC_PARMS          *parms = (PC_PARMS*)pc->data;
 44:   const PetscInt    *mapptr0;
 45:   PetscInt          n, lsize, low, high, i, pos, ncols, length;
 46:   int               *maptmp, *mapptr, *ia, *ja, *ja1, *im;
 47:   PetscScalar       *aa, *aa1;
 48:   const PetscInt    *cols;
 49:   PetscInt          meth[8];
 50:   const PetscScalar *values;
 51:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
 52:   MatInfo           matinfo;
 53:   PetscMPIInt       rank, npro;

 56:   /* Get preconditioner matrix from PETSc and setup pARMS structs */
 57:   PCGetOperators(pc,NULL,&pmat);
 58:   MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)pmat),&npro);
 59:   MPI_Comm_rank(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)pmat),&rank);

 61:   MatGetSize(pmat,&n,NULL);
 62:   PetscMalloc1(npro+1,&mapptr);
 63:   PetscMalloc1(n,&maptmp);
 64:   MatGetOwnershipRanges(pmat,&mapptr0);
 65:   low   = mapptr0[rank];
 66:   high  = mapptr0[rank+1];
 67:   lsize = high - low;

 69:   for (i=0; i<npro+1; i++) mapptr[i] = mapptr0[i]+1;
 70:   for (i = 0; i<n; i++) maptmp[i] = i+1;

 72:   /* if created, destroy the previous map */
 73:   if (parms->map) {
 74:     parms_MapFree(&parms->map);
 75:     parms->map = NULL;
 76:   }

 78:   /* create pARMS map object */
 79:   parms_MapCreateFromPtr(&parms->map,(int)n,maptmp,mapptr,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)pmat),1,NONINTERLACED);

 81:   /* if created, destroy the previous pARMS matrix */
 82:   if (parms->A) {
 83:     parms_MatFree(&parms->A);
 84:     parms->A = NULL;
 85:   }

 87:   /* create pARMS mat object */
 88:   parms_MatCreate(&parms->A,parms->map);

 90:   /* setup and copy csr data structure for pARMS */
 91:   PetscMalloc1(lsize+1,&ia);
 92:   ia[0]  = 1;
 93:   MatGetInfo(pmat,MAT_LOCAL,&matinfo);
 94:   length = matinfo.nz_used;
 95:   PetscMalloc1(length,&ja);
 96:   PetscMalloc1(length,&aa);

 98:   for (i = low; i<high; i++) {
 99:     pos         = ia[i-low]-1;
100:     MatGetRow(pmat,i,&ncols,&cols,&values);
101:     ia[i-low+1] = ia[i-low] + ncols;

103:     if (ia[i-low+1] >= length) {
104:       length += ncols;
105:       PetscMalloc1(length,&ja1);
106:       PetscArraycpy(ja1,ja,ia[i-low]-1);
107:       PetscFree(ja);
108:       ja      = ja1;
109:       PetscMalloc1(length,&aa1);
110:       PetscArraycpy(aa1,aa,ia[i-low]-1);
111:       PetscFree(aa);
112:       aa      = aa1;
113:     }
114:     PetscArraycpy(&ja[pos],cols,ncols);
115:     PetscArraycpy(&aa[pos],values,ncols);
116:     MatRestoreRow(pmat,i,&ncols,&cols,&values);
117:   }

119:   /* csr info is for local matrix so initialize im[] locally */
120:   PetscMalloc1(lsize,&im);
121:   PetscArraycpy(im,&maptmp[mapptr[rank]-1],lsize);

123:   /* 1-based indexing */
124:   for (i=0; i<ia[lsize]-1; i++) ja[i] = ja[i]+1;

126:   /* Now copy csr matrix to parms_mat object */
127:   parms_MatSetValues(parms->A,(int)lsize,im,ia,ja,aa,INSERT);

129:   /* free memory */
130:   PetscFree(maptmp);
131:   PetscFree(mapptr);
132:   PetscFree(aa);
133:   PetscFree(ja);
134:   PetscFree(ia);
135:   PetscFree(im);

137:   /* setup parms matrix */
138:   parms_MatSetup(parms->A);

140:   /* if created, destroy the previous pARMS pc */
141:   if (parms->pc) {
142:     parms_PCFree(&parms->pc);
143:     parms->pc = NULL;
144:   }

146:   /* Now create pARMS preconditioner object based on A */
147:   parms_PCCreate(&parms->pc,parms->A);

149:   /* Transfer options from PC to pARMS */
150:   switch (parms->global) {
151:   case 0: parms_PCSetType(parms->pc, PCRAS); break;
152:   case 1: parms_PCSetType(parms->pc, PCSCHUR); break;
153:   case 2: parms_PCSetType(parms->pc, PCBJ); break;
154:   }
155:   switch (parms->local) {
156:   case 0: parms_PCSetILUType(parms->pc, PCILU0); break;
157:   case 1: parms_PCSetILUType(parms->pc, PCILUK); break;
158:   case 2: parms_PCSetILUType(parms->pc, PCILUT); break;
159:   case 3: parms_PCSetILUType(parms->pc, PCARMS); break;
160:   }
161:   parms_PCSetInnerEps(parms->pc, parms->solvetol);
162:   parms_PCSetNlevels(parms->pc, parms->levels);
163:   parms_PCSetPermType(parms->pc, parms->nonsymperm ? 1 : 0);
164:   parms_PCSetBsize(parms->pc, parms->blocksize);
165:   parms_PCSetTolInd(parms->pc, parms->indtol);
166:   parms_PCSetInnerKSize(parms->pc, parms->maxdim);
167:   parms_PCSetInnerMaxits(parms->pc, parms->maxits);
168:   for (i=0; i<8; i++) meth[i] = parms->meth[i] ? 1 : 0;
169:   parms_PCSetPermScalOptions(parms->pc, &meth[0], 1);
170:   parms_PCSetPermScalOptions(parms->pc, &meth[4], 0);
171:   parms_PCSetFill(parms->pc, parms->lfil);
172:   parms_PCSetTol(parms->pc, parms->droptol);

174:   parms_PCSetup(parms->pc);

176:   /* Allocate two auxiliary vector of length lsize */
177:   if (parms->lvec0) { PetscFree(parms->lvec0); }
178:   PetscMalloc1(lsize, &parms->lvec0);
179:   if (parms->lvec1) { PetscFree(parms->lvec1); }
180:   PetscMalloc1(lsize, &parms->lvec1);
181:   return(0);
182: }

184: static PetscErrorCode PCView_PARMS(PC pc,PetscViewer viewer)
185: {
187:   PetscBool      iascii;
188:   PC_PARMS       *parms = (PC_PARMS*)pc->data;
189:   char           *str;
190:   double         fill_fact;

193:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&iascii);
194:   if (iascii) {
195:     parms_PCGetName(parms->pc,&str);
196:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  global preconditioner: %s\n",str);
197:     parms_PCILUGetName(parms->pc,&str);
198:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  local preconditioner: %s\n",str);
199:     parms_PCGetRatio(parms->pc,&fill_fact);
200:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  non-zero elements/original non-zero entries: %-4.2f\n",fill_fact);
201:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Tolerance for local solve: %g\n",parms->solvetol);
202:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Number of levels: %d\n",parms->levels);
203:     if (parms->nonsymperm) {
204:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Using nonsymmetric permutation\n");
205:     }
206:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Block size: %d\n",parms->blocksize);
207:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Tolerance for independent sets: %g\n",parms->indtol);
208:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Inner Krylov dimension: %d\n",parms->maxdim);
209:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Maximum number of inner iterations: %d\n",parms->maxits);
210:     if (parms->meth[0]) {
211:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Using nonsymmetric permutation for interlevel blocks\n");
212:     }
213:     if (parms->meth[1]) {
214:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Using column permutation for interlevel blocks\n");
215:     }
216:     if (parms->meth[2]) {
217:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Using row scaling for interlevel blocks\n");
218:     }
219:     if (parms->meth[3]) {
220:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Using column scaling for interlevel blocks\n");
221:     }
222:     if (parms->meth[4]) {
223:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Using nonsymmetric permutation for last level blocks\n");
224:     }
225:     if (parms->meth[5]) {
226:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Using column permutation for last level blocks\n");
227:     }
228:     if (parms->meth[6]) {
229:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Using row scaling for last level blocks\n");
230:     }
231:     if (parms->meth[7]) {
232:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Using column scaling for last level blocks\n");
233:     }
234:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  amount of fill-in for ilut, iluk and arms: %d\n",parms->lfil[0]);
235:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  amount of fill-in for schur: %d\n",parms->lfil[4]);
236:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  amount of fill-in for ILUT L and U: %d\n",parms->lfil[5]);
237:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  drop tolerance for L, U, L^{-1}F and EU^{-1}: %g\n",parms->droptol[0]);
238:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  drop tolerance for schur complement at each level: %g\n",parms->droptol[4]);
239:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  drop tolerance for ILUT in last level schur complement: %g\n",parms->droptol[5]);
240:   }
241:   return(0);
242: }

244: static PetscErrorCode PCDestroy_PARMS(PC pc)
245: {
246:   PC_PARMS       *parms = (PC_PARMS*)pc->data;

250:   if (parms->map) parms_MapFree(&parms->map);
251:   if (parms->A) parms_MatFree(&parms->A);
252:   if (parms->pc) parms_PCFree(&parms->pc);
253:   if (parms->lvec0) {
254:     PetscFree(parms->lvec0);
255:   }
256:   if (parms->lvec1) {
257:     PetscFree(parms->lvec1);
258:   }
259:   PetscFree(pc->data);

261:   PetscObjectChangeTypeName((PetscObject)pc,0);
262:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc,"PCPARMSSetGlobal_C",NULL);
263:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc,"PCPARMSSetLocal_C",NULL);
264:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc,"PCPARMSSetSolveTolerances_C",NULL);
265:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc,"PCPARMSSetSolveRestart_C",NULL);
266:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc,"PCPARMSSetNonsymPerm_C",NULL);
267:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc,"PCPARMSSetFill_C",NULL);
268:   return(0);
269: }

271: static PetscErrorCode PCSetFromOptions_PARMS(PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject,PC pc)
272: {
273:   PC_PARMS          *parms = (PC_PARMS*)pc->data;
274:   PetscBool         flag;
275:   PCPARMSGlobalType global;
276:   PCPARMSLocalType  local;
277:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;

280:   PetscOptionsHead(PetscOptionsObject,"PARMS Options");
281:   PetscOptionsEnum("-pc_parms_global","Global preconditioner","PCPARMSSetGlobal",PCPARMSGlobalTypes,(PetscEnum)parms->global,(PetscEnum*)&global,&flag);
282:   if (flag) {PCPARMSSetGlobal(pc,global);}
283:   PetscOptionsEnum("-pc_parms_local","Local preconditioner","PCPARMSSetLocal",PCPARMSLocalTypes,(PetscEnum)parms->local,(PetscEnum*)&local,&flag);
284:   if (flag) {PCPARMSSetLocal(pc,local);}
285:   PetscOptionsReal("-pc_parms_solve_tol","Tolerance for local solve","PCPARMSSetSolveTolerances",parms->solvetol,&parms->solvetol,NULL);
286:   PetscOptionsInt("-pc_parms_levels","Number of levels","None",parms->levels,&parms->levels,NULL);
287:   PetscOptionsBool("-pc_parms_nonsymmetric_perm","Use nonsymmetric permutation","PCPARMSSetNonsymPerm",parms->nonsymperm,&parms->nonsymperm,NULL);
288:   PetscOptionsInt("-pc_parms_blocksize","Block size","None",parms->blocksize,&parms->blocksize,NULL);
289:   PetscOptionsReal("-pc_parms_ind_tol","Tolerance for independent sets","None",parms->indtol,&parms->indtol,NULL);
290:   PetscOptionsInt("-pc_parms_max_dim","Inner Krylov dimension","PCPARMSSetSolveRestart",parms->maxdim,&parms->maxdim,NULL);
291:   PetscOptionsInt("-pc_parms_max_it","Maximum number of inner iterations","PCPARMSSetSolveTolerances",parms->maxits,&parms->maxits,NULL);
292:   PetscOptionsBool("-pc_parms_inter_nonsymmetric_perm","nonsymmetric permutation for interlevel blocks","None",parms->meth[0],&parms->meth[0],NULL);
293:   PetscOptionsBool("-pc_parms_inter_column_perm","column permutation for interlevel blocks","None",parms->meth[1],&parms->meth[1],NULL);
294:   PetscOptionsBool("-pc_parms_inter_row_scaling","row scaling for interlevel blocks","None",parms->meth[2],&parms->meth[2],NULL);
295:   PetscOptionsBool("-pc_parms_inter_column_scaling","column scaling for interlevel blocks","None",parms->meth[3],&parms->meth[3],NULL);
296:   PetscOptionsBool("-pc_parms_last_nonsymmetric_perm","nonsymmetric permutation for last level blocks","None",parms->meth[4],&parms->meth[4],NULL);
297:   PetscOptionsBool("-pc_parms_last_column_perm","column permutation for last level blocks","None",parms->meth[5],&parms->meth[5],NULL);
298:   PetscOptionsBool("-pc_parms_last_row_scaling","row scaling for last level blocks","None",parms->meth[6],&parms->meth[6],NULL);
299:   PetscOptionsBool("-pc_parms_last_column_scaling","column scaling for last level blocks","None",parms->meth[7],&parms->meth[7],NULL);
300:   PetscOptionsInt("-pc_parms_lfil_ilu_arms","amount of fill-in for ilut, iluk and arms","PCPARMSSetFill",parms->lfil[0],&parms->lfil[0],&flag);
301:   if (flag) parms->lfil[1] = parms->lfil[2] = parms->lfil[3] = parms->lfil[0];
302:   PetscOptionsInt("-pc_parms_lfil_schur","amount of fill-in for schur","PCPARMSSetFill",parms->lfil[4],&parms->lfil[4],NULL);
303:   PetscOptionsInt("-pc_parms_lfil_ilut_L_U","amount of fill-in for ILUT L and U","PCPARMSSetFill",parms->lfil[5],&parms->lfil[5],&flag);
304:   if (flag) parms->lfil[6] = parms->lfil[5];
305:   PetscOptionsReal("-pc_parms_droptol_factors","drop tolerance for L, U, L^{-1}F and EU^{-1}","None",parms->droptol[0],&parms->droptol[0],NULL);
306:   PetscOptionsReal("-pc_parms_droptol_schur_compl","drop tolerance for schur complement at each level","None",parms->droptol[4],&parms->droptol[4],&flag);
307:   if (flag) parms->droptol[1] = parms->droptol[2] = parms->droptol[3] = parms->droptol[0];
308:   PetscOptionsReal("-pc_parms_droptol_last_schur","drop tolerance for ILUT in last level schur complement","None",parms->droptol[5],&parms->droptol[5],&flag);
309:   if (flag) parms->droptol[6] = parms->droptol[5];
310:   PetscOptionsTail();
311:   return(0);
312: }

314: static PetscErrorCode PCApply_PARMS(PC pc,Vec b,Vec x)
315: {
316:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
317:   PC_PARMS          *parms = (PC_PARMS*)pc->data;
318:   const PetscScalar *b1;
319:   PetscScalar       *x1;

322:   VecGetArrayRead(b,&b1);
323:   VecGetArray(x,&x1);
324:   parms_VecPermAux((PetscScalar*)b1,parms->lvec0,parms->map);
325:   parms_PCApply(parms->pc,parms->lvec0,parms->lvec1);
326:   parms_VecInvPermAux(parms->lvec1,x1,parms->map);
327:   VecRestoreArrayRead(b,&b1);
328:   VecRestoreArray(x,&x1);
329:   return(0);
330: }

332: static PetscErrorCode PCPARMSSetGlobal_PARMS(PC pc,PCPARMSGlobalType type)
333: {
334:   PC_PARMS *parms = (PC_PARMS*)pc->data;

337:   if (type != parms->global) {
338:     parms->global   = type;
339:     pc->setupcalled = 0;
340:   }
341:   return(0);
342: }

344: /*@
345:    PCPARMSSetGlobal - Sets the global preconditioner to be used in PARMS.

347:    Collective on PC

349:    Input Parameters:
350: +  pc - the preconditioner context
351: -  type - the global preconditioner type, one of
352: .vb
353:      PC_PARMS_GLOBAL_RAS   - Restricted additive Schwarz
354:      PC_PARMS_GLOBAL_SCHUR - Schur complement
355:      PC_PARMS_GLOBAL_BJ    - Block Jacobi
356: .ve

358:    Options Database Keys:
359:    -pc_parms_global [ras,schur,bj] - Sets global preconditioner

361:    Level: intermediate

363:    Notes:
364:    See the pARMS function parms_PCSetType for more information.

366: .seealso: PCPARMS, PCPARMSSetLocal()
367: @*/
368: PetscErrorCode PCPARMSSetGlobal(PC pc,PCPARMSGlobalType type)
369: {

375:   PetscTryMethod(pc,"PCPARMSSetGlobal_C",(PC,PCPARMSGlobalType),(pc,type));
376:   return(0);
377: }

379: static PetscErrorCode PCPARMSSetLocal_PARMS(PC pc,PCPARMSLocalType type)
380: {
381:   PC_PARMS *parms = (PC_PARMS*)pc->data;

384:   if (type != parms->local) {
385:     parms->local    = type;
386:     pc->setupcalled = 0;
387:   }
388:   return(0);
389: }

391: /*@
392:    PCPARMSSetLocal - Sets the local preconditioner to be used in PARMS.

394:    Collective on PC

396:    Input Parameters:
397: +  pc - the preconditioner context
398: -  type - the local preconditioner type, one of
399: .vb
400:      PC_PARMS_LOCAL_ILU0   - ILU0 preconditioner
401:      PC_PARMS_LOCAL_ILUK   - ILU(k) preconditioner
402:      PC_PARMS_LOCAL_ILUT   - ILUT preconditioner
403:      PC_PARMS_LOCAL_ARMS   - ARMS preconditioner
404: .ve

406:    Options Database Keys:
407:    -pc_parms_local [ilu0,iluk,ilut,arms] - Sets local preconditioner

409:    Level: intermediate

411:    Notes:
412:    For the ARMS preconditioner, one can use either the symmetric ARMS or the non-symmetric
413:    variant (ARMS-ddPQ) by setting the permutation type with PCPARMSSetNonsymPerm().

415:    See the pARMS function parms_PCILUSetType for more information.

417: .seealso: PCPARMS, PCPARMSSetGlobal(), PCPARMSSetNonsymPerm()

419: @*/
420: PetscErrorCode PCPARMSSetLocal(PC pc,PCPARMSLocalType type)
421: {

427:   PetscTryMethod(pc,"PCPARMSSetLocal_C",(PC,PCPARMSLocalType),(pc,type));
428:   return(0);
429: }

431: static PetscErrorCode PCPARMSSetSolveTolerances_PARMS(PC pc,PetscReal tol,PetscInt maxits)
432: {
433:   PC_PARMS *parms = (PC_PARMS*)pc->data;

436:   if (tol != parms->solvetol) {
437:     parms->solvetol = tol;
438:     pc->setupcalled = 0;
439:   }
440:   if (maxits != parms->maxits) {
441:     parms->maxits   = maxits;
442:     pc->setupcalled = 0;
443:   }
444:   return(0);
445: }

447: /*@
448:    PCPARMSSetSolveTolerances - Sets the convergence tolerance and the maximum iterations for the
449:    inner GMRES solver, when the Schur global preconditioner is used.

451:    Collective on PC

453:    Input Parameters:
454: +  pc - the preconditioner context
455: .  tol - the convergence tolerance
456: -  maxits - the maximum number of iterations to use

458:    Options Database Keys:
459: +  -pc_parms_solve_tol - set the tolerance for local solve
460: -  -pc_parms_max_it - set the maximum number of inner iterations

462:    Level: intermediate

464:    Notes:
465:    See the pARMS functions parms_PCSetInnerEps and parms_PCSetInnerMaxits for more information.

467: .seealso: PCPARMS, PCPARMSSetSolveRestart()
468: @*/
469: PetscErrorCode PCPARMSSetSolveTolerances(PC pc,PetscReal tol,PetscInt maxits)
470: {

475:   PetscTryMethod(pc,"PCPARMSSetSolveTolerances_C",(PC,PetscReal,PetscInt),(pc,tol,maxits));
476:   return(0);
477: }

479: static PetscErrorCode PCPARMSSetSolveRestart_PARMS(PC pc,PetscInt restart)
480: {
481:   PC_PARMS *parms = (PC_PARMS*)pc->data;

484:   if (restart != parms->maxdim) {
485:     parms->maxdim   = restart;
486:     pc->setupcalled = 0;
487:   }
488:   return(0);
489: }

491: /*@
492:    PCPARMSSetSolveRestart - Sets the number of iterations at which the
493:    inner GMRES solver restarts.

495:    Collective on PC

497:    Input Parameters:
498: +  pc - the preconditioner context
499: -  restart - maximum dimension of the Krylov subspace

501:    Options Database Keys:
502: .  -pc_parms_max_dim - sets the inner Krylov dimension

504:    Level: intermediate

506:    Notes:
507:    See the pARMS function parms_PCSetInnerKSize for more information.

509: .seealso: PCPARMS, PCPARMSSetSolveTolerances()
510: @*/
511: PetscErrorCode PCPARMSSetSolveRestart(PC pc,PetscInt restart)
512: {

517:   PetscTryMethod(pc,"PCPARMSSetSolveRestart_C",(PC,PetscInt),(pc,restart));
518:   return(0);
519: }

521: static PetscErrorCode PCPARMSSetNonsymPerm_PARMS(PC pc,PetscBool nonsym)
522: {
523:   PC_PARMS *parms = (PC_PARMS*)pc->data;

526:   if ((nonsym && !parms->nonsymperm) || (!nonsym && parms->nonsymperm)) {
527:     parms->nonsymperm = nonsym;
528:     pc->setupcalled   = 0;
529:   }
530:   return(0);
531: }

533: /*@
534:    PCPARMSSetNonsymPerm - Sets the type of permutation for the ARMS preconditioner: the standard
535:    symmetric ARMS or the non-symmetric ARMS (ARMS-ddPQ).

537:    Collective on PC

539:    Input Parameters:
540: +  pc - the preconditioner context
541: -  nonsym - PETSC_TRUE indicates the non-symmetric ARMS is used;
542:             PETSC_FALSE indicates the symmetric ARMS is used

544:    Options Database Keys:
545: .  -pc_parms_nonsymmetric_perm - sets the use of nonsymmetric permutation

547:    Level: intermediate

549:    Notes:
550:    See the pARMS function parms_PCSetPermType for more information.

552: .seealso: PCPARMS
553: @*/
554: PetscErrorCode PCPARMSSetNonsymPerm(PC pc,PetscBool nonsym)
555: {

560:   PetscTryMethod(pc,"PCPARMSSetNonsymPerm_C",(PC,PetscBool),(pc,nonsym));
561:   return(0);
562: }

564: static PetscErrorCode PCPARMSSetFill_PARMS(PC pc,PetscInt lfil0,PetscInt lfil1,PetscInt lfil2)
565: {
566:   PC_PARMS *parms = (PC_PARMS*)pc->data;

569:   if (lfil0 != parms->lfil[0] || lfil0 != parms->lfil[1] || lfil0 != parms->lfil[2] || lfil0 != parms->lfil[3]) {
570:     parms->lfil[1]  = parms->lfil[2] = parms->lfil[3] = parms->lfil[0] = lfil0;
571:     pc->setupcalled = 0;
572:   }
573:   if (lfil1 != parms->lfil[4]) {
574:     parms->lfil[4]  = lfil1;
575:     pc->setupcalled = 0;
576:   }
577:   if (lfil2 != parms->lfil[5] || lfil2 != parms->lfil[6]) {
578:     parms->lfil[5]  = parms->lfil[6] = lfil2;
579:     pc->setupcalled = 0;
580:   }
581:   return(0);
582: }

584: /*@
585:    PCPARMSSetFill - Sets the fill-in parameters for ILUT, ILUK and ARMS preconditioners.
586:    Consider the original matrix A = [B F; E C] and the approximate version
587:    M = [LB 0; E/UB I]*[UB LB\F; 0 S].

589:    Collective on PC

591:    Input Parameters:
592: +  pc - the preconditioner context
593: .  fil0 - the level of fill-in kept in LB, UB, E/UB and LB\F
594: .  fil1 - the level of fill-in kept in S
595: -  fil2 - the level of fill-in kept in the L and U parts of the LU factorization of S

597:    Options Database Keys:
598: +  -pc_parms_lfil_ilu_arms - set the amount of fill-in for ilut, iluk and arms
599: .  -pc_parms_lfil_schur - set the amount of fill-in for schur
600: -  -pc_parms_lfil_ilut_L_U - set the amount of fill-in for ILUT L and U

602:    Level: intermediate

604:    Notes:
605:    See the pARMS function parms_PCSetFill for more information.

607: .seealso: PCPARMS
608: @*/
609: PetscErrorCode PCPARMSSetFill(PC pc,PetscInt lfil0,PetscInt lfil1,PetscInt lfil2)
610: {

615:   PetscTryMethod(pc,"PCPARMSSetFill_C",(PC,PetscInt,PetscInt,PetscInt),(pc,lfil0,lfil1,lfil2));
616:   return(0);
617: }

619: /*MC
620:    PCPARMS - Allows the use of the parallel Algebraic Recursive Multilevel Solvers
621:       available in the package pARMS

623:    Options Database Keys:
624: +  -pc_parms_global - one of ras, schur, bj
625: .  -pc_parms_local - one of ilu0, iluk, ilut, arms
626: .  -pc_parms_solve_tol - set the tolerance for local solve
627: .  -pc_parms_levels - set the number of levels
628: .  -pc_parms_nonsymmetric_perm - set the use of nonsymmetric permutation
629: .  -pc_parms_blocksize - set the block size
630: .  -pc_parms_ind_tol - set the tolerance for independent sets
631: .  -pc_parms_max_dim - set the inner krylov dimension
632: .  -pc_parms_max_it - set the maximum number of inner iterations
633: .  -pc_parms_inter_nonsymmetric_perm - set the use of nonsymmetric permutation for interlevel blocks
634: .  -pc_parms_inter_column_perm - set the use of column permutation for interlevel blocks
635: .  -pc_parms_inter_row_scaling - set the use of row scaling for interlevel blocks
636: .  -pc_parms_inter_column_scaling - set the use of column scaling for interlevel blocks
637: .  -pc_parms_last_nonsymmetric_perm - set the use of nonsymmetric permutation for last level blocks
638: .  -pc_parms_last_column_perm - set the use of column permutation for last level blocks
639: .  -pc_parms_last_row_scaling - set the use of row scaling for last level blocks
640: .  -pc_parms_last_column_scaling - set the use of column scaling for last level blocks
641: .  -pc_parms_lfil_ilu_arms - set the amount of fill-in for ilut, iluk and arms
642: .  -pc_parms_lfil_schur - set the amount of fill-in for schur
643: .  -pc_parms_lfil_ilut_L_U - set the amount of fill-in for ILUT L and U
644: .  -pc_parms_droptol_factors - set the drop tolerance for L, U, L^{-1}F and EU^{-1}
645: .  -pc_parms_droptol_schur_compl - set the drop tolerance for schur complement at each level
646: -  -pc_parms_droptol_last_schur - set the drop tolerance for ILUT in last level schur complement

648:    IMPORTANT:
649:    Unless configured appropriately, this preconditioner performs an inexact solve
650:    as part of the preconditioner application. Therefore, it must be used in combination
651:    with flexible variants of iterative solvers, such as KSPFGMRES or KSPGCR.

653:    Level: intermediate

655: .seealso:  PCCreate(), PCSetType(), PCType (for list of available types), PC
656: M*/

658: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PCCreate_PARMS(PC pc)
659: {
660:   PC_PARMS       *parms;

664:   PetscNewLog(pc,&parms);

666:   parms->map        = 0;
667:   parms->A          = 0;
668:   parms->pc         = 0;
669:   parms->global     = PC_PARMS_GLOBAL_RAS;
670:   parms->local      = PC_PARMS_LOCAL_ARMS;
671:   parms->levels     = 10;
672:   parms->nonsymperm = PETSC_TRUE;
673:   parms->blocksize  = 250;
674:   parms->maxdim     = 0;
675:   parms->maxits     = 0;
676:   parms->meth[0]    = PETSC_FALSE;
677:   parms->meth[1]    = PETSC_FALSE;
678:   parms->meth[2]    = PETSC_FALSE;
679:   parms->meth[3]    = PETSC_FALSE;
680:   parms->meth[4]    = PETSC_FALSE;
681:   parms->meth[5]    = PETSC_FALSE;
682:   parms->meth[6]    = PETSC_FALSE;
683:   parms->meth[7]    = PETSC_FALSE;
684:   parms->solvetol   = 0.01;
685:   parms->indtol     = 0.4;
686:   parms->lfil[0]    = parms->lfil[1] = parms->lfil[2] = parms->lfil[3] = 20;
687:   parms->lfil[4]    = parms->lfil[5] = parms->lfil[6] = 20;
688:   parms->droptol[0] = parms->droptol[1] = parms->droptol[2] = parms->droptol[3] = 0.00001;
689:   parms->droptol[4] = 0.001;
690:   parms->droptol[5] = parms->droptol[6] = 0.001;

692:   pc->data                = parms;
693:   pc->ops->destroy        = PCDestroy_PARMS;
694:   pc->ops->setfromoptions = PCSetFromOptions_PARMS;
695:   pc->ops->setup          = PCSetUp_PARMS;
696:   pc->ops->apply          = PCApply_PARMS;
697:   pc->ops->view           = PCView_PARMS;

699:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc,"PCPARMSSetGlobal_C",PCPARMSSetGlobal_PARMS);
700:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc,"PCPARMSSetLocal_C",PCPARMSSetLocal_PARMS);
701:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc,"PCPARMSSetSolveTolerances_C",PCPARMSSetSolveTolerances_PARMS);
702:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc,"PCPARMSSetSolveRestart_C",PCPARMSSetSolveRestart_PARMS);
703:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc,"PCPARMSSetNonsymPerm_C",PCPARMSSetNonsymPerm_PARMS);
704:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc,"PCPARMSSetFill_C",PCPARMSSetFill_PARMS);
705:   return(0);
706: }