Actual source code: icc.c

  2: #include <../src/ksp/pc/impls/factor/icc/icc.h>

  4: static PetscErrorCode PCSetUp_ICC(PC pc)
  5: {
  6:   PC_ICC                 *icc = (PC_ICC*)pc->data;
  7:   IS                     perm = NULL,cperm = NULL;
  8:   PetscErrorCode         ierr;
  9:   MatInfo                info;
 10:   MatSolverType          stype;
 11:   MatFactorError         err;

 14:   pc->failedreason = PC_NOERROR;

 16:   MatSetErrorIfFailure(pc->pmat,pc->erroriffailure);
 17:   if (!pc->setupcalled) {
 18:     if (!((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact) {
 19:       PetscBool useordering;
 20:       MatGetFactor(pc->pmat,((PC_Factor*)icc)->solvertype,MAT_FACTOR_ICC,&((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact);
 21:       MatFactorGetUseOrdering(((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact,&useordering);
 22:       if (useordering) {
 23:         MatGetOrdering(pc->pmat, ((PC_Factor*)icc)->ordering,&perm,&cperm);
 24:       }
 25:     }
 26:     MatICCFactorSymbolic(((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact,pc->pmat,perm,&((PC_Factor*)icc)->info);
 27:   } else if (pc->flag != SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN) {
 28:     PetscBool useordering;
 29:     MatDestroy(&((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact);
 30:     MatGetFactor(pc->pmat,((PC_Factor*)icc)->solvertype,MAT_FACTOR_ICC,&((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact);
 31:     MatFactorGetUseOrdering(((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact,&useordering);
 32:     if (useordering) {
 33:       MatGetOrdering(pc->pmat, ((PC_Factor*)icc)->ordering,&perm,&cperm);
 34:     }
 35:     MatICCFactorSymbolic(((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact,pc->pmat,perm,&((PC_Factor*)icc)->info);
 36:   }
 37:   MatGetInfo(((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact,MAT_LOCAL,&info);
 38:   icc->hdr.actualfill = info.fill_ratio_needed;

 40:   ISDestroy(&cperm);
 41:   ISDestroy(&perm);

 43:   MatFactorGetError(((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact,&err);
 44:   if (err) { /* FactorSymbolic() fails */
 45:     pc->failedreason = (PCFailedReason)err;
 46:     return(0);
 47:   }

 49:   MatCholeskyFactorNumeric(((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact,pc->pmat,&((PC_Factor*)icc)->info);
 50:   MatFactorGetError(((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact,&err);
 51:   if (err) { /* FactorNumeric() fails */
 52:     pc->failedreason = (PCFailedReason)err;
 53:   }

 55:   PCFactorGetMatSolverType(pc,&stype);
 56:   if (!stype) {
 57:     MatSolverType solverpackage;
 58:     MatFactorGetSolverType(((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact,&solverpackage);
 59:     PCFactorSetMatSolverType(pc,solverpackage);
 60:   }
 61:   return(0);
 62: }

 64: static PetscErrorCode PCReset_ICC(PC pc)
 65: {
 66:   PC_ICC         *icc = (PC_ICC*)pc->data;

 70:   MatDestroy(&((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact);
 71:   return(0);
 72: }

 74: static PetscErrorCode PCDestroy_ICC(PC pc)
 75: {
 76:   PC_ICC         *icc = (PC_ICC*)pc->data;

 80:   PCReset_ICC(pc);
 81:   PetscFree(((PC_Factor*)icc)->ordering);
 82:   PetscFree(((PC_Factor*)icc)->solvertype);
 83:   PetscFree(pc->data);
 84:   return(0);
 85: }

 87: static PetscErrorCode PCApply_ICC(PC pc,Vec x,Vec y)
 88: {
 89:   PC_ICC         *icc = (PC_ICC*)pc->data;

 93:   MatSolve(((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact,x,y);
 94:   return(0);
 95: }

 97: static PetscErrorCode PCMatApply_ICC(PC pc,Mat X,Mat Y)
 98: {
 99:   PC_ICC         *icc = (PC_ICC*)pc->data;

103:   MatMatSolve(((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact,X,Y);
104:   return(0);
105: }

107: static PetscErrorCode PCApplySymmetricLeft_ICC(PC pc,Vec x,Vec y)
108: {
110:   PC_ICC         *icc = (PC_ICC*)pc->data;

113:   MatForwardSolve(((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact,x,y);
114:   return(0);
115: }

117: static PetscErrorCode PCApplySymmetricRight_ICC(PC pc,Vec x,Vec y)
118: {
120:   PC_ICC         *icc = (PC_ICC*)pc->data;

123:   MatBackwardSolve(((PC_Factor*)icc)->fact,x,y);
124:   return(0);
125: }

127: static PetscErrorCode PCSetFromOptions_ICC(PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject,PC pc)
128: {
129:   PC_ICC         *icc = (PC_ICC*)pc->data;
130:   PetscBool      flg;
132:   /* PetscReal      dt[3];*/

135:   PetscOptionsHead(PetscOptionsObject,"ICC Options");
136:   PCSetFromOptions_Factor(PetscOptionsObject,pc);

138:   PetscOptionsReal("-pc_factor_levels","levels of fill","PCFactorSetLevels",((PC_Factor*)icc)->info.levels,&((PC_Factor*)icc)->info.levels,&flg);
139:   /*dt[0] = ((PC_Factor*)icc)->info.dt;
140:   dt[1] = ((PC_Factor*)icc)->info.dtcol;
141:   dt[2] = ((PC_Factor*)icc)->info.dtcount;
142:   PetscInt       dtmax = 3;
143:   PetscOptionsRealArray("-pc_factor_drop_tolerance","<dt,dtcol,maxrowcount>","PCFactorSetDropTolerance",dt,&dtmax,&flg);
144:   if (flg) {
145:     PCFactorSetDropTolerance(pc,dt[0],dt[1],(PetscInt)dt[2]);
146:   }
147:   */
148:   PetscOptionsTail();
149:   return(0);
150: }

152: extern PetscErrorCode  PCFactorSetDropTolerance_ILU(PC,PetscReal,PetscReal,PetscInt);

154: /*MC
155:      PCICC - Incomplete Cholesky factorization preconditioners.

157:    Options Database Keys:
158: +  -pc_factor_levels <k> - number of levels of fill for ICC(k)
159: .  -pc_factor_in_place - only for ICC(0) with natural ordering, reuses the space of the matrix for
160:                       its factorization (overwrites original matrix)
161: .  -pc_factor_fill <nfill> - expected amount of fill in factored matrix compared to original matrix, nfill > 1
162: -  -pc_factor_mat_ordering_type <natural,nd,1wd,rcm,qmd> - set the row/column ordering of the factored matrix

164:    Level: beginner

166:    Notes:
167:     Only implemented for some matrix formats. Not implemented in parallel.

169:           For BAIJ matrices this implements a point block ICC.

171:           The Manteuffel shift is only implemented for matrices with block size 1

173:           By default, the Manteuffel is applied (for matrices with block size 1). Call PCFactorSetShiftType(pc,MAT_SHIFT_POSITIVE_DEFINITE);
174:           to turn off the shift.

176:    References:
178:       Chapter in Parallel Numerical Algorithms, edited by D. Keyes, A. Semah, V. Venkatakrishnan, ICASE/LaRC Interdisciplinary Series in
179:       Science and Engineering, Kluwer.

182: .seealso:  PCCreate(), PCSetType(), PCType (for list of available types), PC, PCSOR, MatOrderingType,
183:            PCFactorSetZeroPivot(), PCFactorSetShiftType(), PCFactorSetShiftAmount(),
184:            PCFactorSetFill(), PCFactorSetMatOrderingType(), PCFactorSetReuseOrdering(),
185:            PCFactorSetLevels()

187: M*/

189: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PCCreate_ICC(PC pc)
190: {
192:   PC_ICC         *icc;

195:   PetscNewLog(pc,&icc);
196:   pc->data = (void*)icc;
197:   PCFactorInitialize(pc);
198:   PetscStrallocpy(MATORDERINGNATURAL,(char**)&((PC_Factor*)icc)->ordering);

200:   ((PC_Factor*)icc)->factortype     = MAT_FACTOR_ICC;
201:   ((PC_Factor*)icc)->info.fill      = 1.0;
202:   ((PC_Factor*)icc)->info.dtcol     = PETSC_DEFAULT;
203:   ((PC_Factor*)icc)->info.shifttype = (PetscReal) MAT_SHIFT_POSITIVE_DEFINITE;

205:   pc->ops->apply               = PCApply_ICC;
206:   pc->ops->matapply            = PCMatApply_ICC;
207:   pc->ops->applytranspose      = PCApply_ICC;
208:   pc->ops->setup               = PCSetUp_ICC;
209:   pc->ops->reset               = PCReset_ICC;
210:   pc->ops->destroy             = PCDestroy_ICC;
211:   pc->ops->setfromoptions      = PCSetFromOptions_ICC;
212:   pc->ops->view                = PCView_Factor;
213:   pc->ops->applysymmetricleft  = PCApplySymmetricLeft_ICC;
214:   pc->ops->applysymmetricright = PCApplySymmetricRight_ICC;
215:   return(0);
216: }