Actual source code: kspimpl.h

  2: #ifndef _KSPIMPL_H
  3: #define _KSPIMPL_H

  5: #include <petscksp.h>
  6: #include <petscds.h>
  7: #include <petsc/private/petscimpl.h>

  9: PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool KSPRegisterAllCalled;
 10: PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool KSPMonitorRegisterAllCalled;
 11: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode KSPRegisterAll(void);
 12: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode KSPMonitorRegisterAll(void);
 13: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode KSPGuessRegisterAll(void);
 14: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode KSPMatRegisterAll(void);

 16: typedef struct _KSPOps *KSPOps;

 18: struct _KSPOps {
 19:   PetscErrorCode (*buildsolution)(KSP,Vec,Vec*);       /* Returns a pointer to the solution, or
 20:                                                           calculates the solution in a
 21:                                                           user-provided area. */
 22:   PetscErrorCode (*buildresidual)(KSP,Vec,Vec,Vec*);   /* Returns a pointer to the residual, or
 23:                                                           calculates the residual in a
 24:                                                           user-provided area.  */
 25:   PetscErrorCode (*solve)(KSP);                        /* actual solver */
 26:   PetscErrorCode (*matsolve)(KSP,Mat,Mat);             /* multiple dense RHS solver */
 27:   PetscErrorCode (*setup)(KSP);
 28:   PetscErrorCode (*setfromoptions)(PetscOptionItems*,KSP);
 29:   PetscErrorCode (*publishoptions)(KSP);
 30:   PetscErrorCode (*computeextremesingularvalues)(KSP,PetscReal*,PetscReal*);
 31:   PetscErrorCode (*computeeigenvalues)(KSP,PetscInt,PetscReal*,PetscReal*,PetscInt *);
 32:   PetscErrorCode (*computeritz)(KSP,PetscBool,PetscBool,PetscInt*,Vec[],PetscReal*,PetscReal*);
 33:   PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(KSP);
 34:   PetscErrorCode (*view)(KSP,PetscViewer);
 35:   PetscErrorCode (*reset)(KSP);
 36:   PetscErrorCode (*load)(KSP,PetscViewer);
 37: };

 39: typedef struct _KSPGuessOps *KSPGuessOps;

 41: struct _KSPGuessOps {
 42:   PetscErrorCode (*formguess)(KSPGuess,Vec,Vec); /* Form initial guess */
 43:   PetscErrorCode (*update)(KSPGuess,Vec,Vec);    /* Update database */
 44:   PetscErrorCode (*setfromoptions)(KSPGuess);
 45:   PetscErrorCode (*setup)(KSPGuess);
 46:   PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(KSPGuess);
 47:   PetscErrorCode (*view)(KSPGuess,PetscViewer);
 48:   PetscErrorCode (*reset)(KSPGuess);
 49: };

 51: /*
 52:    Defines the KSPGuess data structure.
 53: */
 54: struct _p_KSPGuess {
 55:   PETSCHEADER(struct _KSPGuessOps);
 56:   KSP              ksp;       /* the parent KSP */
 57:   Mat              A;         /* the current linear operator */
 58:   PetscObjectState omatstate; /* previous linear operator state */
 59:   void             *data;     /* pointer to the specific implementation */
 60: };

 62: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode KSPGuessCreate_Fischer(KSPGuess);
 63: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode KSPGuessCreate_POD(KSPGuess);

 65: /*
 66:      Maximum number of monitors you can run with a single KSP
 67: */
 68: #define MAXKSPMONITORS 5

 72: /*
 73:    Defines the KSP data structure.
 74: */
 75: struct _p_KSP {
 76:   PETSCHEADER(struct _KSPOps);
 77:   DM              dm;
 78:   PetscBool       dmAuto;       /* DM was created automatically by KSP */
 79:   PetscBool       dmActive;     /* KSP should use DM for computing operators */
 80:   /*------------------------- User parameters--------------------------*/
 81:   PetscInt        max_it;                     /* maximum number of iterations */
 82:   KSPGuess        guess;
 83:   PetscBool       guess_zero,                  /* flag for whether initial guess is 0 */
 84:                   calc_sings,                  /* calculate extreme Singular Values */
 85:                   calc_ritz,                   /* calculate (harmonic) Ritz pairs */
 86:                   guess_knoll;                /* use initial guess of PCApply(ksp->B,b */
 87:   PCSide          pc_side;                  /* flag for left, right, or symmetric preconditioning */
 88:   PetscInt        normsupporttable[KSP_NORM_MAX][PC_SIDE_MAX]; /* Table of supported norms and pc_side, see KSPSetSupportedNorm() */
 89:   PetscReal       rtol,                     /* relative tolerance */
 90:                   abstol,                     /* absolute tolerance */
 91:                   ttol,                     /* (not set by user)  */
 92:                   divtol;                   /* divergence tolerance */
 93:   PetscReal       rnorm0;                   /* initial residual norm (used for divergence testing) */
 94:   PetscReal       rnorm;                    /* current residual norm */
 95:   KSPConvergedReason    reason;
 96:   PetscBool             errorifnotconverged; /* create an error if the KSPSolve() does not converge */

 98:   Vec vec_sol,vec_rhs;            /* pointer to where user has stashed
 99:                                       the solution and rhs, these are
100:                                       never touched by the code, only
101:                                       passed back to the user */
102:   PetscReal     *res_hist;            /* If !0 stores residual each at iteration */
103:   PetscReal     *res_hist_alloc;      /* If !0 means user did not provide buffer, needs deallocation */
104:   PetscInt      res_hist_len;         /* current size of residual history array */
105:   PetscInt      res_hist_max;         /* actual amount of storage in residual history */
106:   PetscBool     res_hist_reset;       /* reset history to length zero for each new solve */
107:   PetscReal     *err_hist;            /* If !0 stores error at each iteration */
108:   PetscReal     *err_hist_alloc;      /* If !0 means user did not provide buffer, needs deallocation */
109:   PetscInt      err_hist_len;         /* current size of error history array */
110:   PetscInt      err_hist_max;         /* actual amount of storage in error history */
111:   PetscBool     err_hist_reset;       /* reset history to length zero for each new solve */

113:   PetscInt      chknorm;             /* only compute/check norm if iterations is great than this */
114:   PetscBool     lagnorm;             /* Lag the residual norm calculation so that it is computed as part of the
115:                                         MPI_Allreduce() for computing the inner products for the next iteration. */

117:   PetscInt   nmax;                   /* maximum number of right-hand sides to be handled simultaneously */

119:   /* --------User (or default) routines (most return -1 on error) --------*/
120:   PetscErrorCode (*monitor[MAXKSPMONITORS])(KSP,PetscInt,PetscReal,void*); /* returns control to user after */
121:   PetscErrorCode (*monitordestroy[MAXKSPMONITORS])(void**);         /* */
122:   void *monitorcontext[MAXKSPMONITORS];                  /* residual calculation, allows user */
123:   PetscInt  numbermonitors;                                   /* to, for instance, print residual norm, etc. */
124:   PetscBool        pauseFinal;        /* Pause all drawing monitor at the final iterate */

126:   PetscErrorCode (*reasonview[MAXKSPREASONVIEWS])(KSP,void*);       /* KSP converged reason view */
127:   PetscErrorCode (*reasonviewdestroy[MAXKSPREASONVIEWS])(void**);   /* Optional destroy routine */
128:   void *reasonviewcontext[MAXKSPREASONVIEWS];                       /* User context */
129:   PetscInt  numberreasonviews;                                      /* Number if reason viewers */

131:   PetscErrorCode (*converged)(KSP,PetscInt,PetscReal,KSPConvergedReason*,void*);
132:   PetscErrorCode (*convergeddestroy)(void*);
133:   void       *cnvP;

135:   void       *user;             /* optional user-defined context */

137:   PC         pc;

139:   void       *data;                      /* holder for misc stuff associated
140:                                    with a particular iterative solver */

142:   PetscBool         view,   viewPre,   viewRate,   viewMat,   viewPMat,   viewRhs,   viewSol,   viewMatExp,   viewEV,   viewSV,   viewEVExp,   viewFinalRes,   viewPOpExp,   viewDScale;
143:   PetscViewer       viewer, viewerPre, viewerRate, viewerMat, viewerPMat, viewerRhs, viewerSol, viewerMatExp, viewerEV, viewerSV, viewerEVExp, viewerFinalRes, viewerPOpExp, viewerDScale;
144:   PetscViewerFormat format, formatPre, formatRate, formatMat, formatPMat, formatRhs, formatSol, formatMatExp, formatEV, formatSV, formatEVExp, formatFinalRes, formatPOpExp, formatDScale;

146:   /* ----------------Default work-area management -------------------- */
147:   PetscInt       nwork;
148:   Vec            *work;

150:   KSPSetUpStage  setupstage;
151:   PetscBool      setupnewmatrix; /* true if we need to call ksp->ops->setup with KSP_SETUP_NEWMATRIX */

153:   PetscInt       its;       /* number of iterations so far computed in THIS linear solve*/
154:   PetscInt       totalits;   /* number of iterations used by this KSP object since it was created */

156:   PetscBool      transpose_solve;    /* solve transpose system instead */
157:   struct {
158:     Mat       AT,BT;
159:     PetscBool use_explicittranspose; /* transpose the system explicitly in KSPSolveTranspose */
160:     PetscBool reuse_transpose;       /* reuse the previous transposed system */
161:   } transpose;

163:   KSPNormType    normtype;          /* type of norm used for convergence tests */

165:   PCSide         pc_side_set;   /* PC type set explicitly by user */
166:   KSPNormType    normtype_set;  /* Norm type set explicitly by user */

168:   /*   Allow diagonally scaling the matrix before computing the preconditioner or using
169:        the Krylov method. Note this is NOT just Jacobi preconditioning */

171:   PetscBool    dscale;       /* diagonal scale system; used with KSPSetDiagonalScale() */
172:   PetscBool    dscalefix;    /* unscale system after solve */
173:   PetscBool    dscalefix2;   /* system has been unscaled */
174:   Vec          diagonal;     /* 1/sqrt(diag of matrix) */
175:   Vec          truediagonal;

177:   PetscInt     setfromoptionscalled;
178:   PetscBool    skippcsetfromoptions; /* if set then KSPSetFromOptions() does not call PCSetFromOptions() */

180:   PetscViewer  eigviewer;   /* Viewer where computed eigenvalues are displayed */

182:   PetscErrorCode (*presolve)(KSP,Vec,Vec,void*);
183:   PetscErrorCode (*postsolve)(KSP,Vec,Vec,void*);
184:   void           *prectx,*postctx;
185: };

187: typedef struct { /* dummy data structure used in KSPMonitorDynamicTolerance() */
188:   PetscReal coef;
189:   PetscReal bnrm;
190: } KSPDynTolCtx;

192: typedef struct {
193:   PetscBool  initialrtol;    /* default relative residual decrease is computed from initial residual, not rhs */
194:   PetscBool  mininitialrtol; /* default relative residual decrease is computed from min of initial residual and rhs */
195:   PetscBool  convmaxits;     /* if true, the convergence test returns KSP_CONVERGED_ITS if the maximum number of iterations is reached */
196:   Vec        work;
197: } KSPConvergedDefaultCtx;

199: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode KSPLogResidualHistory(KSP ksp,PetscReal norm)
200: {

204:   PetscObjectSAWsTakeAccess((PetscObject)ksp);
205:   if (ksp->res_hist && ksp->res_hist_max > ksp->res_hist_len) {
206:     ksp->res_hist[ksp->res_hist_len++] = norm;
207:   }
208:   PetscObjectSAWsGrantAccess((PetscObject)ksp);
209:   return(0);
210: }

212: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode KSPLogErrorHistory(KSP ksp)
213: {
214:   DM             dm;

218:   PetscObjectSAWsTakeAccess((PetscObject) ksp);
219:   KSPGetDM(ksp, &dm);
220:   if (dm && ksp->err_hist && ksp->err_hist_max > ksp->err_hist_len) {
221:     PetscSimplePointFunc exactSol;
222:     void                *exactCtx;
223:     PetscDS              ds;
224:     Vec                  u;
225:     PetscReal            error;
226:     PetscInt             Nf;

228:     KSPBuildSolution(ksp, NULL, &u);
229:     /* TODO Was needed to correct for Newton solution, but I just need to set a solution */
230:     //VecScale(u, -1.0);
231:     /* TODO Case when I have a solution */
232:     if (0) {
233:       DMGetDS(dm, &ds);
234:       PetscDSGetNumFields(ds, &Nf);
235:       if (Nf > 1) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Cannot handle number of fields %D > 1 right now", Nf);
236:       PetscDSGetExactSolution(ds, 0, &exactSol, &exactCtx);
237:       DMComputeL2FieldDiff(dm, 0.0, &exactSol, &exactCtx, u, &error);
238:     } else {
239:       /* The null solution A 0 = 0 */
240:       VecNorm(u, NORM_2, &error);
241:     }
242:     ksp->err_hist[ksp->err_hist_len++] = error;
243:   }
244:   PetscObjectSAWsGrantAccess((PetscObject) ksp);
245:   return(0);
246: }

248: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscScalar KSPNoisyHash_Private(PetscInt xx)
249: {
250:   unsigned int x = xx;
251:   x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
252:   x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
253:   x = ((x >> 16) ^ x);
254:   return (PetscScalar)((PetscInt64)x-2147483648)*5.e-10; /* center around zero, scaled about -1. to 1.*/
255: }

257: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode KSPSetNoisy_Private(Vec v)
258: {
259:   PetscScalar   *a;
260:   PetscInt       n, istart, i;

263:   VecGetOwnershipRange(v, &istart, NULL);
264:   VecGetLocalSize(v, &n);
265:   VecGetArrayWrite(v, &a);
266:   for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) a[i] = KSPNoisyHash_Private(i+istart);
267:   VecRestoreArrayWrite(v, &a);
268:   return(0);
269: }

271: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode KSPSetUpNorms_Private(KSP,PetscBool,KSPNormType*,PCSide*);

273: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode KSPPlotEigenContours_Private(KSP,PetscInt,const PetscReal*,const PetscReal*);

275: typedef struct _p_DMKSP *DMKSP;
276: typedef struct _DMKSPOps *DMKSPOps;
277: struct _DMKSPOps {
278:   PetscErrorCode (*computeoperators)(KSP,Mat,Mat,void*);
279:   PetscErrorCode (*computerhs)(KSP,Vec,void*);
280:   PetscErrorCode (*computeinitialguess)(KSP,Vec,void*);
281:   PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(DMKSP*);
282:   PetscErrorCode (*duplicate)(DMKSP,DMKSP);
283: };

285: struct _p_DMKSP {
286:   PETSCHEADER(struct _DMKSPOps);
287:   void *operatorsctx;
288:   void *rhsctx;
289:   void *initialguessctx;
290:   void *data;

292:   /* This is NOT reference counted. The DM on which this context was first created is cached here to implement one-way
293:    * copy-on-write. When DMGetDMKSPWrite() sees a request using a different DM, it makes a copy. Thus, if a user
294:    * only interacts directly with one level, e.g., using KSPSetComputeOperators(), then coarse levels are constructed by
295:    * PCMG, then the user changes the routine with another call to KSPSetComputeOperators(), it automatically propagates
296:    * to all the levels. If instead, they get out a specific level and set the routines on that level, subsequent changes
297:    * to the original level will no longer propagate to that level.
298:    */
299:   DM originaldm;

301:   void (*fortran_func_pointers[3])(void); /* Store our own function pointers so they are associated with the DMKSP instead of the DM */
302: };
304: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMGetDMKSPWrite(DM,DMKSP*);
305: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMCopyDMKSP(DM,DM);

307: /*
308:        These allow the various Krylov methods to apply to either the linear system or its transpose.
309: */
310: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode KSP_RemoveNullSpace(KSP ksp,Vec y)
311: {
314:   if (ksp->pc_side == PC_LEFT) {
315:     Mat          A;
316:     MatNullSpace nullsp;
317:     PCGetOperators(ksp->pc,&A,NULL);
318:     MatGetNullSpace(A,&nullsp);
319:     if (nullsp) {
320:       MatNullSpaceRemove(nullsp,y);
321:     }
322:   }
323:   return(0);
324: }

326: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode KSP_RemoveNullSpaceTranspose(KSP ksp,Vec y)
327: {
330:   if (ksp->pc_side == PC_LEFT) {
331:     Mat          A;
332:     MatNullSpace nullsp;
333:     PCGetOperators(ksp->pc,&A,NULL);
334:     MatGetTransposeNullSpace(A,&nullsp);
335:     if (nullsp) {
336:       MatNullSpaceRemove(nullsp,y);
337:     }
338:   }
339:   return(0);
340: }

342: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode KSP_MatMult(KSP ksp,Mat A,Vec x,Vec y)
343: {
346:   if (!ksp->transpose_solve) {MatMult(A,x,y);}
347:   else                       {MatMultTranspose(A,x,y);}
348:   return(0);
349: }

351: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode KSP_MatMultTranspose(KSP ksp,Mat A,Vec x,Vec y)
352: {
355:   if (!ksp->transpose_solve) {MatMultTranspose(A,x,y);}
356:   else                       {MatMult(A,x,y);}
357:   return(0);
358: }

360: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode KSP_PCApply(KSP ksp,Vec x,Vec y)
361: {
364:   if (!ksp->transpose_solve) {
365:     PCApply(ksp->pc,x,y);
366:     KSP_RemoveNullSpace(ksp,y);
367:   } else {
368:     PCApplyTranspose(ksp->pc,x,y);
369:     KSP_RemoveNullSpaceTranspose(ksp,y);
370:   }
371:   return(0);
372: }

374: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode KSP_PCApplyTranspose(KSP ksp,Vec x,Vec y)
375: {
378:   if (!ksp->transpose_solve) {
379:     PCApplyTranspose(ksp->pc,x,y);
380:     KSP_RemoveNullSpaceTranspose(ksp,y);
381:   } else {
382:     PCApply(ksp->pc,x,y);
383:     KSP_RemoveNullSpace(ksp,y);
384:   }
385:   return(0);
386: }

388: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode KSP_PCApplyBAorAB(KSP ksp,Vec x,Vec y,Vec w)
389: {
392:   if (!ksp->transpose_solve) {
393:     PCApplyBAorAB(ksp->pc,ksp->pc_side,x,y,w);
394:     KSP_RemoveNullSpace(ksp,y);
395:   } else {
396:     PCApplyBAorABTranspose(ksp->pc,ksp->pc_side,x,y,w);
397:     KSP_RemoveNullSpaceTranspose(ksp,y);
398:   }
399:   return(0);
400: }

402: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode KSP_PCApplyBAorABTranspose(KSP ksp,Vec x,Vec y,Vec w)
403: {
406:   if (!ksp->transpose_solve) {
407:     PCApplyBAorABTranspose(ksp->pc,ksp->pc_side,x,y,w);
408:   } else {
409:     PCApplyBAorAB(ksp->pc,ksp->pc_side,x,y,w);
410:   }
411:   return(0);
412: }

414: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent KSP_GMRESOrthogonalization;
415: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent KSP_SetUp;
416: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent KSP_Solve;
417: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent KSP_Solve_FS_0;
418: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent KSP_Solve_FS_1;
419: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent KSP_Solve_FS_2;
420: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent KSP_Solve_FS_3;
421: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent KSP_Solve_FS_4;
422: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent KSP_Solve_FS_S;
423: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent KSP_Solve_FS_L;
424: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent KSP_Solve_FS_U;
425: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent KSP_SolveTranspose;
426: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent KSP_MatSolve;

428: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatGetSchurComplement_Basic(Mat,IS,IS,IS,IS,MatReuse,Mat*,MatSchurComplementAinvType,MatReuse,Mat*);
429: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PCPreSolveChangeRHS(PC,PetscBool*);

431: /*MC
432:    KSPCheckDot - Checks if the result of a dot product used by the corresponding KSP contains Inf or NaN. These indicate that the previous
433:       application of the preconditioner generated an error

435:    Collective on ksp

437:    Input Parameter:
438: .  ksp - the linear solver (KSP) context.

440:    Output Parameter:
441: .  beta - the result of the inner product

443:    Level: developer

445:    Developer Note:
446:    this is used to manage returning from KSP solvers whose preconditioners have failed in some way

448: .seealso: KSPCreate(), KSPSetType(), KSP, KSPCheckNorm(), KSPCheckSolve()
449: M*/
450: #define KSPCheckDot(ksp,beta) do { \
451:   if (PetscIsInfOrNanScalar(beta)) { \
452:     if (ksp->errorifnotconverged) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),PETSC_ERR_NOT_CONVERGED,"KSPSolve has not converged due to Nan or Inf inner product");\
453:     else {\
455:       PCFailedReason pcreason;\
456:       PetscInt       sendbuf,recvbuf; \
457:       PCGetFailedReasonRank(ksp->pc,&pcreason);\
458:       sendbuf = (PetscInt)pcreason; \
459:       MPI_Allreduce(&sendbuf,&recvbuf,1,MPIU_INT,MPI_MAX,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp));\
460:       if (recvbuf) {                                                           \
461:         PCSetFailedReason(ksp->pc,(PCFailedReason)recvbuf); \
462:         ksp->reason = KSP_DIVERGED_PC_FAILED;\
463:         VecSetInf(ksp->vec_sol);\
464:       } else {\
465:         ksp->reason = KSP_DIVERGED_NANORINF;\
466:       }\
467:       return(0);\
468:     }\
469:   } } while (0)

471: /*MC
472:    KSPCheckNorm - Checks if the result of a norm used by the corresponding KSP contains Inf or NaN. These indicate that the previous
473:       application of the preconditioner generated an error

475:    Collective on ksp

477:    Input Parameter:
478: .  ksp - the linear solver (KSP) context.

480:    Output Parameter:
481: .  beta - the result of the norm

483:    Level: developer

485:    Developer Note:
486:    this is used to manage returning from KSP solvers whose preconditioners have failed in some way

488: .seealso: KSPCreate(), KSPSetType(), KSP, KSPCheckDot(), KSPCheckSolve()
489: M*/
490: #define KSPCheckNorm(ksp,beta) do { \
491:   if (PetscIsInfOrNanReal(beta)) { \
492:     if (ksp->errorifnotconverged) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp),PETSC_ERR_NOT_CONVERGED,"KSPSolve has not converged due to Nan or Inf norm");\
493:     else {\
495:       PCFailedReason pcreason;\
496:       PetscInt       sendbuf,recvbuf; \
497:       PCGetFailedReasonRank(ksp->pc,&pcreason);\
498:       sendbuf = (PetscInt)pcreason; \
499:       MPI_Allreduce(&sendbuf,&recvbuf,1,MPIU_INT,MPI_MAX,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ksp));\
500:       if (recvbuf) {                                                           \
501:         PCSetFailedReason(ksp->pc,(PCFailedReason)recvbuf); \
502:         ksp->reason = KSP_DIVERGED_PC_FAILED;                         \
503:         VecSetInf(ksp->vec_sol);\
504:       } else {\
505:         PCSetFailedReason(ksp->pc,PC_NOERROR); \
506:         ksp->reason = KSP_DIVERGED_NANORINF;\
507:       }\
508:       return(0);\
509:     }\
510:   } } while (0)

512: #endif

514: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode KSPMonitorMakeKey_Internal(const char[], PetscViewerType, PetscViewerFormat, char[]);
515: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode KSPMonitorRange_Private(KSP,PetscInt,PetscReal*);