Actual source code: ex6f.F90

petsc-3.14.6 2021-03-30
Report Typos and Errors
  1: program main
  2: #include <petsc/finclude/petscvec.h>
  3:   use petscvec

  5:   implicit none

  7:   PetscErrorCode ierr
  8:   PetscMPIInt ::   mySize
  9:   integer     ::      fd
 10:   PetscInt    ::   i,sz
 11:   PetscInt,parameter   ::   m = 10
 12:   PetscInt,parameter   ::   one = 1
 13:   PetscInt, allocatable,dimension(:) :: t
 14:   PetscScalar, pointer, dimension(:) :: avec
 15:   PetscScalar, pointer, dimension(:) :: array
 16:   Vec            vec
 17:   PetscViewer    view_out,view_in
 18:   character(len=256) :: outstring
 19:   PetscBool :: flg

 21:   call PetscInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,ierr)
 22:    if (ierr /= 0) then
 23:    print*,'PetscInitialize failed'
 24:    stop
 25:   endif

 27:   call MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,mySize,ierr)

 29:   if (mySize /= 1) then
 30:     SETERRA(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_WRONG_MPI_SIZE,"This is a uniprocessor example only!")
 31:   endif

 35:   call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,"-m",m,flg,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)

 37:   ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 38:   !          PART 1: Write some data to a file in binary format
 39:   ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 41:   ! Allocate array and set values

 43:   allocate(array(0:m-1))
 44:   do i=0,m-1
 45:     array(i) =  real(i)*10.0
 46:   end do

 48:   allocate(t(1))
 49:   t(1) = m
 50:   ! Open viewer for binary output
 51:   call PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_SELF,"input.dat",FILE_MODE_WRITE,view_out,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)
 52:   call PetscViewerBinaryGetDescriptor(view_out,fd,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)

 54:   ! Write binary output
 55:   call PetscBinaryWrite(fd,t,one,PETSC_INT,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)
 56:   call PetscBinaryWrite(fd,array,m,PETSC_SCALAR,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)

 58:   ! Destroy the output viewer and work array
 59:   call PetscViewerDestroy(view_out,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)
 60:   deallocate(array)

 62:   ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 63:   !          PART 2: Read data from file and form a vector
 64:   ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 66:   ! Open input binary viewer
 67:   call PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_SELF,"input.dat",FILE_MODE_READ,view_in,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)
 68:   call PetscViewerBinaryGetDescriptor(view_in,fd,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)

 70:   ! Create vector and get pointer to data space
 71:   call VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,vec,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)
 72:   call VecSetSizes(vec,PETSC_DECIDE,m,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)

 74:   call VecSetFromOptions(vec,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)

 76:   call VecGetArrayF90(vec,avec,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)

 78:   ! Read data into vector
 79:   call PetscBinaryRead(fd,t,one,PETSC_NULL_INTEGER,PETSC_INT,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)
 80:   sz=t(1)

 82:   if (sz <= 0) then
 83:    SETERRA(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_USER,"Error: Must have array length > 0")
 84:   endif

 86:   write(outstring,'(a,i2.2,a)') "reading data in binary from input.dat, sz =", sz, " ...\n"
 87:   call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,trim(outstring),ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)

 89:   call PetscBinaryRead(fd,avec,sz,PETSC_NULL_INTEGER,PETSC_SCALAR,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)

 91:   ! View vector
 92:   call VecRestoreArrayF90(vec,avec,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)
 93:   call VecView(vec,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_SELF,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)

 95:   ! Free data structures
 96:   deallocate(t)
 97:   call VecDestroy(vec,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)
 98:   call PetscViewerDestroy(view_in,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)
 99:   call PetscFinalize(ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)

101:   end program

103: !/*TEST
104: !
105: !     test:
106: !        output_file: output/ex6_1.out
107: !
108: !TEST*/