ex2.c: Solves a linear ODE
ex3.c: Solves 1D heat equation with FEM formulation
ex4.c: Solve the convection-diffusion equation
ex5.c: Nonlinear, time-dependent
ex6.c: Solves DAE with integrator only on non-algebraic terms \n
ex7.c: Solves DAE with integrator only on non-algebraic terms \n
ex8.c: Solves DAE with integrator only on non-algebraic terms \n
ex9.c: Solves DAE with integrator only on non-algebraic terms \n
ex10.c: Simple wrapper object to solve DAE of the form:\n\
ex12.c: Tests PetscObjectSetOptions() for TS object\n\n
ex13.c: Tests TSTrajectoryGetVecs
ex25.c: Call PetscInitialize multiple times