Actual source code: ex40f90.F90

petsc-3.14.6 2021-03-30
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  1: !
  2: !  Demonstrates use of DMDASNESSetFunctionLocal() from Fortran
  3: !
  4: !    Note: the access to the entries of the local arrays below use the Fortran
  5: !   convention of starting at zero. However calls to MatSetValues()  start at 0.
  6: !   Also note that you will have to map the i,j,k coordinates to the local PETSc ordering
  7: !   before calling MatSetValuesLocal(). Often you will find that using PETSc's default
  8: !   code for computing the Jacobian works fine and you will not need to implement
  9: !   your own FormJacobianLocal().

 11:       program ex40f90

 13: #include <petsc/finclude/petscsnes.h>
 14: #include <petsc/finclude/petscdmda.h>
 15:       use petscsnes
 16:       use petscdmda
 17:       implicit none

 19:       SNES             snes
 20:       PetscErrorCode   ierr
 21:       DM               da
 22:       PetscInt         ten,two,one
 23:       external         FormFunctionLocal

 26:       call PetscInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,ierr)
 27:       if (ierr .ne. 0) then
 28:          print*,'PetscInitialize failed'
 29:          stop
 30:       endif

 32:       ten = 10
 33:       one = 1
 34:       two = 2

 38:       call DMSetFromOptions(da,ierr)
 39:       call DMSetUp(da,ierr)

 41: !       Create solver object and associate it with the unknowns (on the grid)

 43:       call SNESCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,snes,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)
 44:       call SNESSetDM(snes,da,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)

 46:       call DMDASNESSetFunctionLocal(da,INSERT_VALUES,FormFunctionLocal,0,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)
 47:       call SNESSetFromOptions(snes,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)

 49: !      Solve the nonlinear system
 50: !
 51:       call SNESSolve(snes,PETSC_NULL_VEC,PETSC_NULL_VEC,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)

 53:       call SNESDestroy(snes,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)
 54:       call DMDestroy(da,ierr);CHKERRA(ierr)
 55:       call PetscFinalize(ierr)
 56:       end

 59:       subroutine FormFunctionLocal(in,x,f,dummy,ierr)
 60:       implicit none
 61:       PetscInt i,j,k,dummy
 62:       DMDALocalInfo in(DMDA_LOCAL_INFO_SIZE)
 63:       PetscScalar x(in(DMDA_LOCAL_INFO_DOF),XG_RANGE,YG_RANGE)
 64:       PetscScalar f(in(DMDA_LOCAL_INFO_DOF),X_RANGE,Y_RANGE)
 65:       PetscErrorCode ierr

 69:             do k=1,in(DMDA_LOCAL_INFO_DOF)
 70:                f(k,i,j) = x(k,i,j)*x(k,i,j) - 2.0
 71:             enddo
 72:          enddo
 73:       enddo

 75:       return
 76:       end

 78: !/*TEST
 79: !
 80: !   test:
 81: !     args: -snes_monitor_short -snes_view -da_refine 1 -pc_type mg -pc_mg_type full -ksp_type fgmres -pc_mg_galerkin pmat
 82: !     requires: !single
 83: !
 84: !TEST*/