Actual source code: ex5.c

petsc-3.14.6 2021-03-30
Report Typos and Errors
  1: static char help[] = "Vlasov example of particles orbiting around a central massive point.\n";

  3: #include <petscdmplex.h>
  4: #include <petsc/private/dmpleximpl.h>
  5: #include <petsc/private/petscfeimpl.h>
  6: #include <petscdmswarm.h>
  7: #include <petscts.h>

  9: typedef struct {
 10:   PetscInt  dim;                          /* The topological mesh dimension */
 11:   PetscBool simplex;                      /* Flag for simplices or tensor cells */
 12:   char      filename[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN]; /* Name of the mesh filename if any */
 13:   PetscInt  particlesPerCell;             /* The number of partices per cell */
 14:   PetscReal momentTol;                    /* Tolerance for checking moment conservation */
 15:   PetscBool monitor;                      /* Flag for using the TS monitor */
 16:   PetscBool error;                        /* Flag for printing the error */
 17:   PetscInt  ostep;                        /* print the energy at each ostep time steps */
 18: } AppCtx;

 20: static PetscErrorCode ProcessOptions(MPI_Comm comm, AppCtx *options)
 21: {

 25:   options->dim              = 2;
 26:   options->simplex          = PETSC_TRUE;
 27:   options->monitor          = PETSC_FALSE;
 28:   options->error            = PETSC_FALSE;
 29:   options->particlesPerCell = 1;
 30:   options->momentTol        = 100.0*PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON;
 31:   options->ostep            = 100;

 33:   PetscStrcpy(options->filename, "");

 35:   PetscOptionsBegin(comm, "", "Vlasov Options", "DMPLEX");
 36:   PetscOptionsInt("-output_step", "Number of time steps between output", "ex4.c", options->ostep, &options->ostep, PETSC_NULL);
 37:   PetscOptionsInt("-dim", "The topological mesh dimension", "ex4.c", options->dim, &options->dim, NULL);
 38:   PetscOptionsBool("-monitor", "Flag to use the TS monitor", "ex4.c", options->monitor, &options->monitor, NULL);
 39:   PetscOptionsBool("-error", "Flag to print the error", "ex4.c", options->error, &options->error, NULL);
 40:   PetscOptionsBool("-simplex", "The flag for simplices or tensor cells", "ex4.c", options->simplex, &options->simplex, NULL);
 41:   PetscOptionsString("-mesh", "Name of the mesh filename if any", "ex4.c", options->filename, options->filename, sizeof(options->filename), NULL);
 42:   PetscOptionsInt("-particles_per_cell", "Number of particles per cell", "ex4.c", options->particlesPerCell, &options->particlesPerCell, NULL);
 43:   PetscOptionsEnd();

 45:   return(0);
 46: }

 48: static PetscErrorCode CreateMesh(MPI_Comm comm, DM *dm, AppCtx *user)
 49: {
 50:   PetscBool      flg;

 54:   PetscStrcmp(user->filename, "", &flg);
 55:   if (flg) {
 56:     DMPlexCreateBoxMesh(comm, user->dim, user->simplex, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, PETSC_TRUE, dm);
 57:   } else {
 58:     DMPlexCreateFromFile(comm, user->filename, PETSC_TRUE, dm);
 59:     DMGetDimension(*dm, &user->dim);
 60:   }
 61:   {
 62:     DM distributedMesh = NULL;

 64:     DMPlexDistribute(*dm, 0, NULL, &distributedMesh);
 65:     if (distributedMesh) {
 66:       DMDestroy(dm);
 67:       *dm  = distributedMesh;
 68:     }
 69:   }
 70:   DMLocalizeCoordinates(*dm); /* needed for periodic */
 71:   DMSetFromOptions(*dm);
 72:   PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) *dm, "Mesh");
 73:   DMViewFromOptions(*dm, NULL, "-dm_view");
 74:   return(0);
 75: }

 77: static PetscErrorCode SetInitialCoordinates(DM dmSw)
 78: {
 79:   DM             dm;
 80:   AppCtx        *user;
 81:   PetscRandom    rnd;
 82:   PetscBool      simplex;
 83:   PetscReal     *centroid, *coords, *xi0, *v0, *J, *invJ, detJ;
 84:   PetscInt       dim, d, cStart, cEnd, c, Np, p;

 88:   PetscRandomCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) dmSw), &rnd);
 89:   PetscRandomSetInterval(rnd, -1.0, 1.0);
 90:   PetscRandomSetFromOptions(rnd);

 92:   DMGetApplicationContext(dmSw, (void **) &user);
 93:   simplex = user->simplex;
 94:   Np   = user->particlesPerCell;
 95:   DMSwarmGetCellDM(dmSw, &dm);
 96:   DMGetDimension(dm, &dim);
 97:   DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dm, 0, &cStart, &cEnd);
 98:   PetscMalloc5(dim, &centroid, dim, &xi0, dim, &v0, dim*dim, &J, dim*dim, &invJ);
 99:   for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) xi0[d] = -1.0;
100:   DMSwarmGetField(dmSw, DMSwarmPICField_coor, NULL, NULL, (void **) &coords);
101:   for (c = cStart; c < cEnd; ++c) {
102:     if (Np == 1) {
103:       DMPlexComputeCellGeometryFVM(dm, c, NULL, centroid, NULL);
104:       for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) coords[c*dim+d] = centroid[d];
105:     } else {
106:       DMPlexComputeCellGeometryFEM(dm, c, NULL, v0, J, invJ, &detJ); /* affine */
107:       for (p = 0; p < Np; ++p) {
108:         const PetscInt n   = c*Np + p;
109:         PetscReal      sum = 0.0, refcoords[3];

111:         for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
112:           PetscRandomGetValueReal(rnd, &refcoords[d]);
113:           sum += refcoords[d];
114:         }
115:         if (simplex && sum > 0.0) for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) refcoords[d] -= PetscSqrtReal(dim)*sum;
116:         CoordinatesRefToReal(dim, dim, xi0, v0, J, refcoords, &coords[n*dim]);
117:       }
118:     }
119:   }
120:   DMSwarmRestoreField(dmSw, DMSwarmPICField_coor, NULL, NULL, (void **) &coords);
121:   PetscFree5(centroid, xi0, v0, J, invJ);
122:   PetscRandomDestroy(&rnd);
123:   return(0);
124: }

126: static PetscErrorCode SetInitialConditions(DM dmSw, Vec u)
127: {
128:   DM             dm;
129:   AppCtx        *user;
130:   PetscScalar   *initialConditions;
131:   PetscInt       dim, cStart, cEnd, c, Np, p;

135:   DMGetApplicationContext(dmSw, (void **) &user);
136:   Np   = user->particlesPerCell;
137:   DMSwarmGetCellDM(dmSw, &dm);
138:   DMGetDimension(dm, &dim);
139:   DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dm, 0, &cStart, &cEnd);
140:   VecGetArray(u, &initialConditions);
141:   for (c = cStart; c < cEnd; ++c) {
142:     for (p = 0; p < Np; ++p) {
143:       const PetscInt n = c*Np + p;

145:       initialConditions[(n*2 + 0)*dim + 0] = n+1;
146:       initialConditions[(n*2 + 0)*dim + 1] = 0;
147:       initialConditions[(n*2 + 1)*dim + 0] = 0;
148:       initialConditions[(n*2 + 1)*dim + 1] = PetscSqrtReal(1000./(n+1.));
149:     }
150:   }
151:   VecRestoreArray(u, &initialConditions);
152:   return(0);
153: }

155: static PetscErrorCode CreateParticles(DM dm, DM *sw, AppCtx *user)
156: {
157:   PetscInt      *cellid;
158:   PetscInt       dim, cStart, cEnd, c, Np = user->particlesPerCell, p;

162:   DMGetDimension(dm, &dim);
163:   DMCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) dm), sw);
164:   DMSetType(*sw, DMSWARM);
165:   DMSetDimension(*sw, dim);

167:   DMSwarmSetType(*sw, DMSWARM_PIC);
168:   DMSwarmSetCellDM(*sw, dm);
169:   DMSwarmRegisterPetscDatatypeField(*sw, "kinematics", 2*dim, PETSC_REAL);
170:   DMSwarmFinalizeFieldRegister(*sw);
171:   DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dm, 0, &cStart, &cEnd);
172:   DMSwarmSetLocalSizes(*sw, (cEnd - cStart) * Np, 0);
173:   DMSetFromOptions(*sw);
174:   DMSwarmGetField(*sw, DMSwarmPICField_cellid, NULL, NULL, (void **) &cellid);
175:   for (c = cStart; c < cEnd; ++c) {
176:     for (p = 0; p < Np; ++p) {
177:       const PetscInt n = c*Np + p;

179:       cellid[n] = c;
180:     }
181:   }
182:   DMSwarmRestoreField(*sw, DMSwarmPICField_cellid, NULL, NULL, (void **) &cellid);
183:   PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) *sw, "Particles");
184:   DMViewFromOptions(*sw, NULL, "-sw_view");
185:   return(0);
186: }

188: /* Create particle RHS Functions for gravity with G = 1 for simplification */
189: static PetscErrorCode RHSFunction1(TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec V, Vec Xres, void *ctx)
190: {
191:   DM                dm;
192:   const PetscScalar *v;
193:   PetscScalar       *xres;
194:   PetscInt          Np, p, dim, d;
195:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;

198:   TSGetDM(ts, &dm);
199:   DMGetDimension(dm, &dim);
200:   VecGetLocalSize(Xres, &Np);
201:   Np  /= dim;
202:   VecGetArray(Xres, &xres);
203:   VecGetArrayRead(V, &v);
204:   for (p = 0; p < Np; ++p) {
205:      for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
206:        xres[p*dim+d] = v[p*dim+d];
207:      }
208:   }
209:   VecRestoreArrayRead(V,& v);
210:   VecRestoreArray(Xres, &xres);
211:   return(0);
212: }

214: static PetscErrorCode RHSFunction2(TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec X, Vec Vres, void *ctx)
215: {
216:   DM                dm;
217:   const PetscScalar *x;
218:   PetscScalar       *vres;
219:   PetscInt          Np, p, dim, d;
220:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;

224:   TSGetDM(ts, &dm);
225:   DMGetDimension(dm, &dim);
226:   VecGetLocalSize(Vres, &Np);
227:   Np  /= dim;
228:   VecGetArray(Vres, &vres);
229:   VecGetArrayRead(X, &x);
230:   for (p = 0; p < Np; ++p) {
231:     const PetscScalar rsqr = DMPlex_NormD_Internal(dim, &x[p*dim]);

233:     for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
234:       vres[p*dim+d] = -(1000./(p+1.)) * x[p*dim+d]/PetscSqr(rsqr);
235:     }
236:   }
237:   VecRestoreArray(Vres, &vres);
238:   VecRestoreArrayRead(X, &x);
239:   return(0);
240: }

242: static PetscErrorCode RHSFunctionParticles(TS ts, PetscReal t , Vec U, Vec R, void *ctx)
243: {
244:   DM                dm;
245:   const PetscScalar *u;
246:   PetscScalar       *r;
247:   PetscInt          Np, p, dim, d;
248:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;

251:   TSGetDM(ts, &dm);
252:   DMGetDimension(dm, &dim);
253:   VecGetLocalSize(U, &Np);
254:   Np  /= 2*dim;
255:   VecGetArrayRead(U, &u);
256:   VecGetArray(R, &r);
257:   for (p = 0; p < Np; ++p) {
258:     const PetscScalar rsqr = DMPlex_NormD_Internal(dim, &u[p*2*dim]);

260:     for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
261:         r[p*2*dim+d]   = u[p*2*dim+d+2];
262:         r[p*2*dim+d+2] = -(1000./(1.+p)) * u[p*2*dim+d]/PetscSqr(rsqr);
263:     }
264:   }
265:   VecRestoreArrayRead(U, &u);
266:   VecRestoreArray(R, &r);
267:   return(0);
268: }

270: static PetscErrorCode InitializeSolve(TS ts, Vec u)
271: {
272:   DM             dm;
273:   AppCtx        *user;

277:   TSGetDM(ts, &dm);
278:   DMGetApplicationContext(dm, (void **) &user);
279:   SetInitialCoordinates(dm);
280:   SetInitialConditions(dm, u);
281:   return(0);
282: }

284: static PetscErrorCode ComputeError(TS ts, Vec U, Vec E)
285: {
286:   MPI_Comm           comm;
287:   DM                 sdm;
288:   AppCtx            *user;
289:   const PetscScalar *u, *coords;
290:   PetscScalar       *e;
291:   PetscReal          t;
292:   PetscInt           dim, Np, p;
293:   PetscErrorCode     ierr;

296:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject) ts, &comm);
297:   TSGetDM(ts, &sdm);
298:   DMGetApplicationContext(sdm, (void **) &user);
299:   DMGetDimension(sdm, &dim);
300:   TSGetSolveTime(ts, &t);
301:   VecGetArray(E, &e);
302:   VecGetArrayRead(U, &u);
303:   VecGetLocalSize(U, &Np);
304:   Np  /= 2*dim;
305:   DMSwarmGetField(sdm, DMSwarmPICField_coor, NULL, NULL, (void **) &coords);
306:   for (p = 0; p < Np; ++p) {
307:     const PetscScalar *x     = &u[(p*2+0)*dim];
308:     const PetscScalar *v     = &u[(p*2+1)*dim];
309:     const PetscReal    x0    = p+1.;
310:     const PetscReal    omega = PetscSqrtReal(1000./(p+1.))/x0;
311:     const PetscReal    xe[3] = { x0*PetscCosReal(omega*t),       x0*PetscSinReal(omega*t),       0.0};
312:     const PetscReal    ve[3] = {-x0*omega*PetscSinReal(omega*t), x0*omega*PetscCosReal(omega*t), 0.0};
313:     PetscInt           d;

315:     for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
316:       e[(p*2+0)*dim+d] = x[d] - xe[d];
317:       e[(p*2+1)*dim+d] = v[d] - ve[d];
318:     }
319:     if (user->error) {PetscPrintf(comm, "p%D error [%.2g %.2g] sol [(%.6lf %.6lf) (%.6lf %.6lf)] exact [(%.6lf %.6lf) (%.6lf %.6lf)] energy/exact energy %g / %g\n", p, (double) DMPlex_NormD_Internal(dim, &e[(p*2+0)*dim]), (double) DMPlex_NormD_Internal(dim, &e[(p*2+1)*dim]), (double) x[0], (double) x[1], (double) v[0], (double) v[1], (double) xe[0], (double) xe[1], (double) ve[0], (double) ve[1], 0.5*DMPlex_NormD_Internal(dim, v), (double) (0.5*(1000./(p+1))));}
320:   }
321:   DMSwarmRestoreField(sdm, DMSwarmPICField_coor, NULL, NULL, (void **) &coords);
322:   VecRestoreArrayRead(U, &u);
323:   VecRestoreArray(E, &e);
324:   return(0);
325: }

327: int main(int argc, char **argv)
328: {
329:   TS                 ts;
330:   TSConvergedReason  reason;
331:   DM                 dm, sw;
332:   Vec                u;
333:   IS                 is1, is2;
334:   PetscInt          *idx1, *idx2;
335:   MPI_Comm           comm;
336:   AppCtx             user;
337:   const PetscScalar *endVals;
338:   PetscReal          ftime   = .1;
339:   PetscInt           locSize, dim, d, Np, p, steps;
340:   PetscErrorCode     ierr;

342:   PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, NULL, help);if (ierr) return ierr;
343:   comm = PETSC_COMM_WORLD;
344:   ProcessOptions(comm, &user);

346:   CreateMesh(comm, &dm, &user);
347:   CreateParticles(dm, &sw, &user);
348:   DMSetApplicationContext(sw, &user);

350:   TSCreate(comm, &ts);
352:   TSSetDM(ts, sw);
353:   TSSetMaxTime(ts, ftime);
354:   TSSetTimeStep(ts, 0.0001);
355:   TSSetMaxSteps(ts, 10);
357:   TSSetTime(ts, 0.0);
358:   TSSetRHSFunction(ts, NULL, RHSFunctionParticles, &user);

360:   DMSwarmCreateGlobalVectorFromField(sw, "kinematics", &u);
361:   DMGetDimension(sw, &dim);
362:   VecGetLocalSize(u, &locSize);
363:   Np   = locSize/(2*dim);
364:   PetscMalloc1(locSize/2, &idx1);
365:   PetscMalloc1(locSize/2, &idx2);
366:   for (p = 0; p < Np; ++p) {
367:     for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
368:       idx1[p*dim+d] = (p*2+0)*dim + d;
369:       idx2[p*dim+d] = (p*2+1)*dim + d;
370:     }
371:   }
372:   ISCreateGeneral(comm, locSize/2, idx1, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, &is1);
373:   ISCreateGeneral(comm, locSize/2, idx2, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, &is2);
374:   TSRHSSplitSetIS(ts, "position", is1);
375:   TSRHSSplitSetIS(ts, "momentum", is2);
376:   ISDestroy(&is1);
377:   ISDestroy(&is2);
378:   TSRHSSplitSetRHSFunction(ts,"position",NULL,RHSFunction1,&user);
379:   TSRHSSplitSetRHSFunction(ts,"momentum",NULL,RHSFunction2,&user);

381:   TSSetFromOptions(ts);
382:   TSSetComputeInitialCondition(ts, InitializeSolve);
383:   TSSetComputeExactError(ts, ComputeError);
384:   TSComputeInitialCondition(ts, u);
385:   VecViewFromOptions(u, NULL, "-init_view");
386:   TSSolve(ts, u);
387:   TSGetSolveTime(ts, &ftime);
388:   TSGetConvergedReason(ts, &reason);
389:   TSGetStepNumber(ts, &steps);
390:   PetscPrintf(comm,"%s at time %g after %D steps\n", TSConvergedReasons[reason], (double) ftime, steps);

392:   VecGetArrayRead(u, &endVals);
393:   for (p = 0; p < Np; ++p) {
394:     const PetscReal norm = DMPlex_NormD_Internal(dim, &endVals[(p*2 + 1)*dim]);
395:     PetscPrintf(comm, "Particle %D initial Energy: %g  Final Energy: %g\n", p, (double) (0.5*(1000./(p+1))), (double) 0.5*PetscSqr(norm));
396:   }
397:   VecRestoreArrayRead(u, &endVals);
398:   DMSwarmDestroyGlobalVectorFromField(sw, "kinematics", &u);
399:   TSDestroy(&ts);
400:   DMDestroy(&sw);
401:   DMDestroy(&dm);
402:   PetscFinalize();
403:   return ierr;
404: }

407: /*TEST

409:    build:
410:      requires: triangle !single !complex
411:    test:
412:      suffix: bsi1
413:      args: -dim 2 -dm_plex_box_faces 1,1 -dm_view -sw_view -ts_basicsymplectic_type 1 -ts_max_time 0.1 -ts_monitor_sp_swarm -ts_convergence_estimate -convest_num_refine 2
414:    test:
415:      suffix: bsi2
416:      args: -dim 2 -dm_plex_box_faces 1,1 -dm_view -sw_view -ts_basicsymplectic_type 2 -ts_max_time 0.1 -ts_monitor_sp_swarm -ts_convergence_estimate -convest_num_refine 2
417:    test:
418:      suffix: euler
419:      args: -dim 2 -dm_plex_box_faces 1,1 -dm_view -sw_view -ts_type euler -ts_max_time 0.1 -ts_monitor_sp_swarm -ts_convergence_estimate -convest_num_refine 2

421: TEST*/