Actual source code: swarmpic_da.c

petsc-3.14.6 2021-03-30
Report Typos and Errors
  1: #include <petscdm.h>
  2: #include <petscdmda.h>
  3: #include <petscdmswarm.h>
  4: #include <petsc/private/dmswarmimpl.h>
  5: #include "../src/dm/impls/swarm/data_bucket.h"

  7: PetscErrorCode private_DMSwarmCreateCellLocalCoords_DA_Q1_Regular(PetscInt dim,PetscInt np[],PetscInt *_npoints,PetscReal **_xi)
  8: {
 10:   PetscReal *xi;
 11:   PetscInt d,npoints=0,cnt;
 12:   PetscReal ds[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
 13:   PetscInt ii,jj,kk;

 16:   switch (dim) {
 17:     case 1:
 18:       npoints = np[0];
 19:       break;
 20:     case 2:
 21:       npoints = np[0]*np[1];
 22:       break;
 23:     case 3:
 24:       npoints = np[0]*np[1]*np[2];
 25:       break;
 26:   }
 27:   for (d=0; d<dim; d++) {
 28:     ds[d] = 2.0 / ((PetscReal)np[d]);
 29:   }

 31:   PetscMalloc1(dim*npoints,&xi);

 33:   switch (dim) {
 34:     case 1:
 35:       cnt = 0;
 36:       for (ii=0; ii<np[0]; ii++) {
 37:         xi[dim*cnt+0] = -1.0 + 0.5*ds[d] + ii*ds[0];
 38:         cnt++;
 39:       }
 40:       break;

 42:     case 2:
 43:       cnt = 0;
 44:       for (jj=0; jj<np[1]; jj++) {
 45:         for (ii=0; ii<np[0]; ii++) {
 46:           xi[dim*cnt+0] = -1.0 + 0.5*ds[0] + ii*ds[0];
 47:           xi[dim*cnt+1] = -1.0 + 0.5*ds[1] + jj*ds[1];
 48:           cnt++;
 49:         }
 50:       }
 51:       break;

 53:     case 3:
 54:       cnt = 0;
 55:       for (kk=0; kk<np[2]; kk++) {
 56:         for (jj=0; jj<np[1]; jj++) {
 57:           for (ii=0; ii<np[0]; ii++) {
 58:             xi[dim*cnt+0] = -1.0 + 0.5*ds[0] + ii*ds[0];
 59:             xi[dim*cnt+1] = -1.0 + 0.5*ds[1] + jj*ds[1];
 60:             xi[dim*cnt+2] = -1.0 + 0.5*ds[2] + kk*ds[2];
 61:             cnt++;
 62:           }
 63:         }
 64:       }
 65:       break;
 66:   }

 68:   *_npoints = npoints;
 69:   *_xi = xi;

 71:   return(0);
 72: }

 74: PetscErrorCode private_DMSwarmCreateCellLocalCoords_DA_Q1_Gauss(PetscInt dim,PetscInt np_1d,PetscInt *_npoints,PetscReal **_xi)
 75: {
 77:   PetscQuadrature quadrature;
 78:   const PetscReal *quadrature_xi;
 79:   PetscReal *xi;
 80:   PetscInt d,q,npoints_q;

 83:   PetscDTGaussTensorQuadrature(dim,1,np_1d,-1.0,1.0,&quadrature);
 84:   PetscQuadratureGetData(quadrature,NULL,NULL,&npoints_q,&quadrature_xi,NULL);
 85:   PetscMalloc1(dim*npoints_q,&xi);
 86:   for (q=0; q<npoints_q; q++) {
 87:     for (d=0; d<dim; d++) {
 88:       xi[dim*q+d] = quadrature_xi[dim*q+d];
 89:     }
 90:   }
 91:   PetscQuadratureDestroy(&quadrature);

 93:   *_npoints = npoints_q;
 94:   *_xi = xi;

 96:   return(0);
 97: }

 99: PetscErrorCode private_DMSwarmInsertPointsUsingCellDM_DA_Q1(DM dm,DM dmc,PetscInt npoints,DMSwarmPICLayoutType layout)
100: {
102:   PetscInt dim,npoints_q;
103:   PetscInt nel,npe,e,q,k,d;
104:   const PetscInt *element_list;
105:   PetscReal **basis;
106:   PetscReal *xi;
107:   Vec coor;
108:   const PetscScalar *_coor;
109:   PetscReal *elcoor;
110:   PetscReal *swarm_coor;
111:   PetscInt *swarm_cellid;
112:   PetscInt pcnt;

115:   DMGetDimension(dm,&dim);
116:   switch (layout) {
118:     {
119:       PetscInt np_dir[3];
120:       np_dir[0] = np_dir[1] = np_dir[2] = npoints;
121:       private_DMSwarmCreateCellLocalCoords_DA_Q1_Regular(dim,np_dir,&npoints_q,&xi);
122:     }
123:       break;
125:       private_DMSwarmCreateCellLocalCoords_DA_Q1_Gauss(dim,npoints,&npoints_q,&xi);
126:       break;

129:     {
130:       PetscInt s,nsub;
131:       PetscInt np_dir[3];
132:       nsub = npoints;
133:       np_dir[0] = 1;
134:       for (s=0; s<nsub; s++) {
135:         np_dir[0] *= 2;
136:       }
137:       np_dir[1] = np_dir[0];
138:       np_dir[2] = np_dir[0];
139:       private_DMSwarmCreateCellLocalCoords_DA_Q1_Regular(dim,np_dir,&npoints_q,&xi);
140:     }
141:       break;
142:     default:
143:       SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"A valid DMSwarmPIC layout must be provided");
144:   }

146:   DMDAGetElements(dmc,&nel,&npe,&element_list);

148:   PetscMalloc1(dim*npe,&elcoor);
149:   PetscMalloc1(npoints_q,&basis);
150:   for (q=0; q<npoints_q; q++) {
151:     PetscMalloc1(npe,&basis[q]);

153:     switch (dim) {
154:       case 1:
155:         basis[q][0] = 0.5*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+0]);
156:         basis[q][1] = 0.5*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+0]);
157:         break;
158:       case 2:
159:         basis[q][0] = 0.25*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+0])*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+1]);
160:         basis[q][1] = 0.25*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+0])*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+1]);
161:         basis[q][2] = 0.25*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+0])*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+1]);
162:         basis[q][3] = 0.25*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+0])*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+1]);
163:         break;

165:       case 3:
166:         basis[q][0] = 0.125*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+0])*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+1])*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+2]);
167:         basis[q][1] = 0.125*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+0])*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+1])*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+2]);
168:         basis[q][2] = 0.125*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+0])*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+1])*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+2]);
169:         basis[q][3] = 0.125*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+0])*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+1])*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+2]);
170:         basis[q][4] = 0.125*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+0])*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+1])*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+2]);
171:         basis[q][5] = 0.125*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+0])*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+1])*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+2]);
172:         basis[q][6] = 0.125*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+0])*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+1])*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+2]);
173:         basis[q][7] = 0.125*(1.0 - xi[dim*q+0])*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+1])*(1.0 + xi[dim*q+2]);
174:         break;
175:     }
176:   }

178:   DMSwarmSetLocalSizes(dm,npoints_q*nel,-1);
179:   DMSwarmGetField(dm,DMSwarmPICField_coor,NULL,NULL,(void**)&swarm_coor);
180:   DMSwarmGetField(dm,DMSwarmPICField_cellid,NULL,NULL,(void**)&swarm_cellid);

182:   DMGetCoordinatesLocal(dmc,&coor);
183:   VecGetArrayRead(coor,&_coor);
184:   pcnt = 0;
185:   for (e=0; e<nel; e++) {
186:     const PetscInt *element = &element_list[npe*e];

188:     for (k=0; k<npe; k++) {
189:       for (d=0; d<dim; d++) {
190:         elcoor[dim*k+d] = PetscRealPart(_coor[ dim*element[k] + d ]);
191:       }
192:     }

194:     for (q=0; q<npoints_q; q++) {
195:       for (d=0; d<dim; d++) {
196:         swarm_coor[dim*pcnt+d] = 0.0;
197:       }
198:       for (k=0; k<npe; k++) {
199:         for (d=0; d<dim; d++) {
200:           swarm_coor[dim*pcnt+d] += basis[q][k] * elcoor[dim*k+d];
201:         }
202:       }
203:       swarm_cellid[pcnt] = e;
204:       pcnt++;
205:     }
206:   }
207:   VecRestoreArrayRead(coor,&_coor);
208:   DMSwarmRestoreField(dm,DMSwarmPICField_cellid,NULL,NULL,(void**)&swarm_cellid);
209:   DMSwarmRestoreField(dm,DMSwarmPICField_coor,NULL,NULL,(void**)&swarm_coor);
210:   DMDARestoreElements(dmc,&nel,&npe,&element_list);

212:   PetscFree(xi);
213:   PetscFree(elcoor);
214:   for (q=0; q<npoints_q; q++) {
215:     PetscFree(basis[q]);
216:   }
217:   PetscFree(basis);

219:   return(0);
220: }

222: PetscErrorCode private_DMSwarmInsertPointsUsingCellDM_DA(DM dm,DM celldm,DMSwarmPICLayoutType layout,PetscInt layout_param)
223: {
225:   DMDAElementType etype;
226:   PetscInt dim;

229:   DMDAGetElementType(celldm,&etype);
230:   DMGetDimension(celldm,&dim);
231:   switch (etype) {
232:     case DMDA_ELEMENT_P1:
233:       SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"DA support is not currently available for DMDA_ELEMENT_P1");
234:     case DMDA_ELEMENT_Q1:
235:       if (dim == 1) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Support only available for dim = 2, 3");
236:       private_DMSwarmInsertPointsUsingCellDM_DA_Q1(dm,celldm,layout_param,layout);
237:       break;
238:   }
239:   return(0);
240: }

242: PetscErrorCode DMSwarmProjectField_ApproxQ1_DA_2D(DM swarm,PetscReal *swarm_field,DM dm,Vec v_field)
243: {
245:   Vec v_field_l,denom_l,coor_l,denom;
246:   PetscScalar *_field_l,*_denom_l;
247:   PetscInt k,p,e,npoints,nel,npe;
248:   PetscInt *mpfield_cell;
249:   PetscReal *mpfield_coor;
250:   const PetscInt *element_list;
251:   const PetscInt *element;
252:   PetscScalar xi_p[2],Ni[4];
253:   const PetscScalar *_coor;

256:   VecZeroEntries(v_field);

258:   DMGetLocalVector(dm,&v_field_l);
259:   DMGetGlobalVector(dm,&denom);
260:   DMGetLocalVector(dm,&denom_l);
261:   VecZeroEntries(v_field_l);
262:   VecZeroEntries(denom);
263:   VecZeroEntries(denom_l);

265:   VecGetArray(v_field_l,&_field_l);
266:   VecGetArray(denom_l,&_denom_l);

268:   DMGetCoordinatesLocal(dm,&coor_l);
269:   VecGetArrayRead(coor_l,&_coor);

271:   DMDAGetElements(dm,&nel,&npe,&element_list);
272:   DMSwarmGetLocalSize(swarm,&npoints);
273:   DMSwarmGetField(swarm,DMSwarmPICField_coor,NULL,NULL,(void**)&mpfield_coor);
274:   DMSwarmGetField(swarm,DMSwarmPICField_cellid,NULL,NULL,(void**)&mpfield_cell);

276:   for (p=0; p<npoints; p++) {
277:     PetscReal *coor_p;
278:     const PetscScalar *x0;
279:     const PetscScalar *x2;
280:     PetscScalar dx[2];

282:     e = mpfield_cell[p];
283:     coor_p = &mpfield_coor[2*p];
284:     element = &element_list[npe*e];

286:     /* compute local coordinates: (xp-x0)/dx = (xip+1)/2 */
287:     x0 = &_coor[2*element[0]];
288:     x2 = &_coor[2*element[2]];

290:     dx[0] = x2[0] - x0[0];
291:     dx[1] = x2[1] - x0[1];

293:     xi_p[0] = 2.0 * (coor_p[0] - x0[0])/dx[0] - 1.0;
294:     xi_p[1] = 2.0 * (coor_p[1] - x0[1])/dx[1] - 1.0;

296:     /* evaluate basis functions */
297:     Ni[0] = 0.25*(1.0 - xi_p[0])*(1.0 - xi_p[1]);
298:     Ni[1] = 0.25*(1.0 + xi_p[0])*(1.0 - xi_p[1]);
299:     Ni[2] = 0.25*(1.0 + xi_p[0])*(1.0 + xi_p[1]);
300:     Ni[3] = 0.25*(1.0 - xi_p[0])*(1.0 + xi_p[1]);

302:     for (k=0; k<npe; k++) {
303:       _field_l[ element[k] ] += Ni[k] * swarm_field[p];
304:       _denom_l[ element[k] ] += Ni[k];
305:     }
306:   }

308:   DMSwarmRestoreField(swarm,DMSwarmPICField_cellid,NULL,NULL,(void**)&mpfield_cell);
309:   DMSwarmRestoreField(swarm,DMSwarmPICField_coor,NULL,NULL,(void**)&mpfield_coor);
310:   DMDARestoreElements(dm,&nel,&npe,&element_list);
311:   VecRestoreArrayRead(coor_l,&_coor);
312:   VecRestoreArray(v_field_l,&_field_l);
313:   VecRestoreArray(denom_l,&_denom_l);

315:   DMLocalToGlobalBegin(dm,v_field_l,ADD_VALUES,v_field);
316:   DMLocalToGlobalEnd(dm,v_field_l,ADD_VALUES,v_field);
317:   DMLocalToGlobalBegin(dm,denom_l,ADD_VALUES,denom);
318:   DMLocalToGlobalEnd(dm,denom_l,ADD_VALUES,denom);

320:   VecPointwiseDivide(v_field,v_field,denom);

322:   DMRestoreLocalVector(dm,&v_field_l);
323:   DMRestoreLocalVector(dm,&denom_l);
324:   DMRestoreGlobalVector(dm,&denom);

326:   return(0);
327: }

329: PetscErrorCode private_DMSwarmProjectFields_DA(DM swarm,DM celldm,PetscInt project_type,PetscInt nfields,DMSwarmDataField dfield[],Vec vecs[])
330: {
332:   PetscInt f,dim;
333:   DMDAElementType etype;

336:   DMDAGetElementType(celldm,&etype);
337:   if (etype == DMDA_ELEMENT_P1) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)swarm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Only Q1 DMDA supported");

339:   DMGetDimension(swarm,&dim);
340:   switch (dim) {
341:     case 2:
342:       for (f=0; f<nfields; f++) {
343:         PetscReal *swarm_field;

345:         DMSwarmDataFieldGetEntries(dfield[f],(void**)&swarm_field);
346:         DMSwarmProjectField_ApproxQ1_DA_2D(swarm,swarm_field,celldm,vecs[f]);
347:       }
348:       break;
349:     case 3:
350:       SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)swarm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"No support for 3D");
351:     default:
352:       break;
353:   }
354:   return(0);
355: }