Actual source code: petsclandau.h

petsc-3.14.6 2021-03-30
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  1: #if !defined(PETSCLANDAU_H)
  2: #define PETSCLANDAU_H

  4: #include <petscdmplex.h>
  5: #include <petscts.h>

  7: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode LandauPrintNorms(Vec, PetscInt);
  8: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode LandauCreateVelocitySpace(MPI_Comm,PetscInt,const char[],Vec*,Mat*,DM*);
  9: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode LandauDestroyVelocitySpace(DM*);
 10: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode LandauAddMaxwellians(DM, Vec, PetscReal, PetscReal[], PetscReal[], void *);
 11: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode LandauCreateMassMatrix(DM dm, Mat *Amat);
 12: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode LandauIFunction(TS, PetscReal,Vec,Vec,Vec,void *);
 13: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode LandauIJacobian(TS, PetscReal,Vec,Vec,PetscReal,Mat,Mat,void *);

 15: /* the Fokker-Planck-Landau context */
 16: #if !defined(LANDAU_DIM)
 17: #define LANDAU_DIM 2
 18: #endif
 19: #if !defined(LANDAU_MAX_SPECIES)
 20: #define LANDAU_MAX_SPECIES 10
 21: #endif
 22: #if !defined(LANDAU_MAX_NQ)
 23: #define LANDAU_MAX_NQ 25
 24: #endif
 26: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_CUDA)
 28: #else
 30: #endif
 31: #endif
 32: typedef enum {LANDAU_CUDA, LANDAU_KOKKOS, LANDAU_CPU} LandauDeviceType;
 33: typedef struct {
 34:   PetscBool      interpolate;                  /* Generate intermediate mesh elements */
 35:   PetscBool      simplex;
 36:   PetscFE        fe[LANDAU_MAX_SPECIES];
 37:   /* geometry  */
 38:   PetscReal      i_radius;
 39:   PetscReal      e_radius;
 40:   PetscInt       num_sections;
 41:   PetscReal      radius;
 42:   PetscReal      re_radius;           /* radius of refinement along v_perp=0, z>0 */
 43:   PetscReal      vperp0_radius1;      /* radius of refinement along v_perp=0 */
 44:   PetscReal      vperp0_radius2;      /* radius of refinement along v_perp=0 after origin AMR refinement */
 45:   PetscBool      sphere;
 46:   PetscBool      inflate;
 47:   PetscInt       numRERefine;       /* refinement along v_perp=0, z > 0 */
 48:   PetscInt       nZRefine1;          /* origin refinement after v_perp=0 refinement */
 49:   PetscInt       nZRefine2;          /* origin refinement after origin AMR refinement */
 50:   PetscInt       maxRefIts;         /* normal AMR - refine from origin */
 51:   PetscInt       postAMRRefine;     /* uniform refinement of AMR */
 52:   PetscBool      quarter3DDomain;   /* bilateral symetry, 1/4 x-y domain */
 53:   /* discretization - AMR */
 54:   PetscErrorCode (*errorIndicator)(PetscInt, PetscReal, PetscReal [], PetscInt, const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], PetscReal *, void *);
 55:   PetscReal      refineTol[LANDAU_MAX_SPECIES];
 56:   PetscReal      coarsenTol[LANDAU_MAX_SPECIES];
 57:   /* physics */
 58:   PetscReal      thermal_temps[LANDAU_MAX_SPECIES];
 59:   PetscReal      masses[LANDAU_MAX_SPECIES];  /* mass of each species  */
 60:   PetscReal      charges[LANDAU_MAX_SPECIES]; /* charge of each species  */
 61:   PetscReal      n[LANDAU_MAX_SPECIES];       /* number density of each species  */
 62:   PetscReal      m_0;      /* reference mass */
 63:   PetscReal      v_0;      /* reference velocity */
 64:   PetscReal      n_0;      /* reference number density */
 65:   PetscReal      t_0;      /* reference time */
 66:   PetscReal      Ez;
 67:   PetscReal      epsilon0;
 68:   PetscReal      k;
 69:   PetscReal      lnLam;
 70:   PetscReal      electronShift; /* for tests */
 71:   PetscInt       num_species;
 72:   /* diagnostics */
 73:   PetscInt       verbose;
 74:   PetscLogEvent  events[20];
 75:   DM             dmv;
 76:   /* cache */
 77:   Mat            J;
 78:   Mat            M;
 79:   Vec            X;
 80:   PetscReal      normJ; /* used to see if function changed */
 81:   /* derived type */
 82:   void          *data;
 83:   PetscBool      aux_bool;  /* helper */
 84:   /* computing */
 85:   LandauDeviceType deviceType;
 86:   PetscInt       subThreadBlockSize;
 87: } LandauCtx;

 89: typedef struct {
 90:   PetscReal     f;
 91:   PetscReal     df[LANDAU_DIM];
 92: } LandauFDF;

 94: typedef struct {
 95:   /* coordinate */
 96:   PetscReal   crd[LANDAU_DIM];
 97:   /* f; df data [Nc] */
 98:   LandauFDF     fdf[LANDAU_MAX_SPECIES];
 99: } LandauPointData;

101: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode LandauAssembleOpenMP(PetscInt cStart, PetscInt cEnd, PetscInt totDim, DM plex, PetscSection section, PetscSection globalSection, Mat JacP, PetscScalar elemMats[], PetscContainer container);
102: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode LandauCreateColoring(Mat, DM, PetscContainer *);
103: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode LandauFormJacobian_Internal(Vec, Mat, const PetscInt, void *);
104: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_CUDA)
105: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode LandauCUDAJacobian(DM, const PetscInt, const PetscReal [], const PetscReal [], const PetscReal[], const PetscReal[],
106:                                              const PetscReal * const, const PetscReal[], const PetscReal [],const PetscInt, const PetscLogEvent[], PetscBool, Mat);
107: #endif
108: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_KOKKOS)
109: /* TODO: this won't work if PETSc is built with C++ */
111: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode LandauKokkosJacobian(DM, const PetscInt, const PetscReal [], const PetscReal [], const PetscReal[], const PetscReal[],
112:                                                const PetscReal * const, const PetscReal[], const PetscReal [],const PetscInt, const PetscLogEvent[], PetscBool, Mat);
113: #endif
114: #endif

116: #endif /* PETSCLANDAU_H */