1. | - G.L.G. Sleijpen, H.A. van der Vorst, "An overview of approaches for the stable computation of hybrid BiCG methods", Applied Numerical Mathematics: Transactions f IMACS, 19(3), 1996. | |
2. | - G.L.G. Sleijpen, H.A. van der Vorst, D.R. Fokkema, "BiCGStab(L) and other hybrid BiCG methods", Numerical Algorithms, 7, 1994. | |
3. | - D.R. Fokkema, "Enhanced implementation of BiCGStab(L) for solving linear systems of equations", preprint from www.citeseer.com. |
Contributed by: Joel M. Malard, email jm.malard@pnl.gov
-ksp_bcgsl_ell <ell> Number of Krylov search directions, defaults to 2 | - - KSPBCGSLSetEll() | |
-ksp_bcgsl_cxpol | - Use a convex function of the MinRes and OR polynomials after the BiCG step instead of default MinRes -- KSPBCGSLSetPol() | |
-ksp_bcgsl_mrpoly | - Use the default MinRes polynomial after the BiCG step -- KSPBCGSLSetPol() | |
-ksp_bcgsl_xres <res> Threshold used to decide when to refresh computed residuals | - - KSPBCGSLSetXRes() | |
-ksp_bcgsl_pinv <true/false> | - (de)activate use of pseudoinverse -- KSPBCGSLSetUsePseudoinverse() |