Actual source code: ivec.c

petsc-3.14.6 2021-03-30
Report Typos and Errors

  3: /**********************************ivec.c**************************************

  5: Author: Henry M. Tufo III

  7: e-mail:

  9: snail-mail:
 10: Division of Applied Mathematics
 11: Brown University
 12: Providence, RI 02912

 14: Last Modification:
 15: 6.21.97
 16: ***********************************ivec.c*************************************/

 18: #include <../src/ksp/pc/impls/tfs/tfs.h>

 20: /* sorting args ivec.c ivec.c ... */
 21: #define   SORT_OPT     6
 22: #define   SORT_STACK   50000

 25: /* allocate an address and size stack for sorter(s) */
 26: static void     *offset_stack[2*SORT_STACK];
 27: static PetscInt size_stack[SORT_STACK];

 29: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
 30: PetscInt *PCTFS_ivec_copy(PetscInt *arg1, PetscInt *arg2, PetscInt n)
 31: {
 32:   while (n--) *arg1++ = *arg2++;
 33:   return(arg1);
 34: }

 36: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
 37: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_zero(PetscInt *arg1, PetscInt n)
 38: {
 40:   while (n--) *arg1++ = 0;
 41:   return(0);
 42: }

 44: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
 45: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_set(PetscInt *arg1, PetscInt arg2, PetscInt n)
 46: {
 48:   while (n--) *arg1++ = arg2;
 49:   return(0);
 50: }

 52: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
 53: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_max(PetscInt *arg1, PetscInt *arg2, PetscInt n)
 54: {
 56:   while (n--) { *arg1 = PetscMax(*arg1,*arg2); arg1++; arg2++; }
 57:   return(0);
 58: }

 60: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
 61: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_min(PetscInt *arg1,  PetscInt *arg2,  PetscInt n)
 62: {
 64:   while (n--) {
 65:     *(arg1) = PetscMin(*arg1,*arg2);
 66:     arg1++;
 67:     arg2++;
 68:   }
 69:   return(0);
 70: }

 72: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
 73: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_mult(PetscInt *arg1,  PetscInt *arg2,  PetscInt n)
 74: {
 76:   while (n--) *arg1++ *= *arg2++;
 77:   return(0);
 78: }

 80: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
 81: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_add(PetscInt *arg1,  PetscInt *arg2,  PetscInt n)
 82: {
 84:   while (n--) *arg1++ += *arg2++;
 85:   return(0);
 86: }

 88: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
 89: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_lxor(PetscInt *arg1,  PetscInt *arg2,  PetscInt n)
 90: {
 92:   while (n--) {
 93:     *arg1=((*arg1 || *arg2) && !(*arg1 && *arg2));
 94:     arg1++;
 95:     arg2++;
 96:   }
 97:   return(0);
 98: }

100: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
101: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_xor(PetscInt *arg1,  PetscInt *arg2,  PetscInt n)
102: {
104:   while (n--) *arg1++ ^= *arg2++;
105:   return(0);
106: }

108: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
109: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_or(PetscInt *arg1,  PetscInt *arg2,  PetscInt n)
110: {
112:   while (n--) *arg1++ |= *arg2++;
113:   return(0);
114: }

116: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
117: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_lor(PetscInt *arg1,  PetscInt *arg2,  PetscInt n)
118: {
120:   while (n--) {
121:     *arg1 = (*arg1 || *arg2);
122:     arg1++;
123:     arg2++;
124:   }
125:   return(0);
126: }

128: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
129: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_and(PetscInt *arg1,  PetscInt *arg2,  PetscInt n)
130: {
132:   while (n--) *arg1++ &= *arg2++;
133:   return(0);
134: }

136: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
137: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_land(PetscInt *arg1,  PetscInt *arg2,  PetscInt n)
138: {
140:   while (n--) {
141:     *arg1 = (*arg1 && *arg2);
142:     arg1++;
143:     arg2++;
144:   }
145:   return(0);
146: }

148: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
149: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_and3(PetscInt *arg1,  PetscInt *arg2,  PetscInt *arg3, PetscInt n)
150: {
152:   while (n--) *arg1++ = (*arg2++ & *arg3++);
153:   return(0);
154: }

156: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
157: PetscInt PCTFS_ivec_sum(PetscInt *arg1,  PetscInt n)
158: {
159:   PetscInt tmp = 0;
160:   while (n--) tmp += *arg1++;
161:   return(tmp);
162: }

164: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
165: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_non_uniform(PetscInt *arg1, PetscInt *arg2,  PetscInt n,  PetscInt *arg3)
166: {
167:   PetscInt i, j, type;

170:   /* LATER: if we're really motivated we can sort and then unsort */
171:   for (i=0; i<n;) {
172:     /* clump 'em for now */
173:     j    =i+1;
174:     type = arg3[i];
175:     while ((j<n)&&(arg3[j]==type)) j++;

177:     /* how many together */
178:     j -= i;

180:     /* call appropriate ivec function */
181:     if (type == GL_MAX)        PCTFS_ivec_max(arg1,arg2,j);
182:     else if (type == GL_MIN)   PCTFS_ivec_min(arg1,arg2,j);
183:     else if (type == GL_MULT)  PCTFS_ivec_mult(arg1,arg2,j);
184:     else if (type == GL_ADD)   PCTFS_ivec_add(arg1,arg2,j);
185:     else if (type == GL_B_XOR) PCTFS_ivec_xor(arg1,arg2,j);
186:     else if (type == GL_B_OR)  PCTFS_ivec_or(arg1,arg2,j);
187:     else if (type == GL_B_AND) PCTFS_ivec_and(arg1,arg2,j);
188:     else if (type == GL_L_XOR) PCTFS_ivec_lxor(arg1,arg2,j);
189:     else if (type == GL_L_OR)  PCTFS_ivec_lor(arg1,arg2,j);
190:     else if (type == GL_L_AND) PCTFS_ivec_land(arg1,arg2,j);
191:     else SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"unrecognized type passed to PCTFS_ivec_non_uniform()!");

193:     arg1+=j; arg2+=j; i+=j;
194:   }
195:   return(0);
196: }

198: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
199: vfp PCTFS_ivec_fct_addr(PetscInt type)
200: {
201:   if (type == NON_UNIFORM)   return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_ivec_non_uniform);
202:   else if (type == GL_MAX)   return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_ivec_max);
203:   else if (type == GL_MIN)   return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_ivec_min);
204:   else if (type == GL_MULT)  return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_ivec_mult);
205:   else if (type == GL_ADD)   return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_ivec_add);
206:   else if (type == GL_B_XOR) return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_ivec_xor);
207:   else if (type == GL_B_OR)  return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_ivec_or);
208:   else if (type == GL_B_AND) return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_ivec_and);
209:   else if (type == GL_L_XOR) return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_ivec_lxor);
210:   else if (type == GL_L_OR)  return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_ivec_lor);
211:   else if (type == GL_L_AND) return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_ivec_land);

213:   /* catch all ... not good if we get here */
214:   return(NULL);
215: }

217: /******************************************************************************/
218: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_sort(PetscInt *ar,  PetscInt size)
219: {
220:   PetscInt *pi, *pj, temp;
221:   PetscInt **top_a = (PetscInt**) offset_stack;
222:   PetscInt *top_s  = size_stack, *bottom_s = size_stack;

225:   /* we're really interested in the offset of the last element */
226:   /* ==> length of the list is now size + 1                    */
227:   size--;

229:   /* do until we're done ... return when stack is exhausted */
230:   for (;;) {
231:     /* if list is large enough use quicksort partition exchange code */
232:     if (size > SORT_OPT) {
233:       /* start up pointer at element 1 and down at size     */
234:       pi = ar+1;
235:       pj = ar+size;

237:       /* find middle element in list and swap w/ element 1 */
238:       SWAP(*(ar+(size>>1)),*pi)

240:       /* order element 0,1,size-1 st {M,L,...,U} w/L<=M<=U */
241:       /* note ==> pivot_value in index 0                   */
242:       if (*pi > *pj) { SWAP(*pi,*pj) }
243:       if (*ar > *pj) { SWAP(*ar,*pj) }
244:       else if (*pi > *ar) { SWAP(*(ar),*(ar+1)) }

246:       /* partition about pivot_value ...                              */
247:       /* note lists of length 2 are not guaranteed to be sorted */
248:       for (;;) {
249:         /* walk up ... and down ... swap if equal to pivot! */
250:         do pi++; while (*pi<*ar);
251:         do pj--; while (*pj>*ar);

253:         /* if we've crossed we're done */
254:         if (pj<pi) break;

256:         /* else swap */
257:         SWAP(*pi,*pj)
258:       }

260:       /* place pivot_value in it's correct location */
261:       SWAP(*ar,*pj)

263:       /* test stack_size to see if we've exhausted our stack */
264:       if (top_s-bottom_s >= SORT_STACK) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"PCTFS_ivec_sort() :: STACK EXHAUSTED!!!");

266:       /* push right hand child iff length > 1 */
267:       if ((*top_s = size-((PetscInt) (pi-ar)))) {
268:         *(top_a++) = pi;
269:         size      -= *top_s+2;
270:         top_s++;
271:       } else if (size -= *top_s+2) ;   /* set up for next loop iff there is something to do */
272:       else { /* might as well pop - note NR_OPT >=2 ==> we're ok! */
273:         ar   = *(--top_a);
274:         size = *(--top_s);
275:       }
276:     } else { /* else sort small list directly then pop another off stack */

278:       /* insertion sort for bottom */
279:       for (pj=ar+1; pj<=ar+size; pj++) {
280:         temp = *pj;
281:         for (pi=pj-1; pi>=ar; pi--) {
282:           if (*pi <= temp) break;
283:           *(pi+1)=*pi;
284:         }
285:         *(pi+1)=temp;
286:       }

288:       /* check to see if stack is exhausted ==> DONE */
289:       if (top_s==bottom_s) return(0);

291:       /* else pop another list from the stack */
292:       ar   = *(--top_a);
293:       size = *(--top_s);
294:     }
295:   }
296: }

298: /******************************************************************************/
299: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_sort_companion(PetscInt *ar,  PetscInt *ar2,  PetscInt size)
300: {
301:   PetscInt *pi, *pj, temp, temp2;
302:   PetscInt **top_a = (PetscInt**)offset_stack;
303:   PetscInt *top_s  = size_stack, *bottom_s = size_stack;
304:   PetscInt *pi2, *pj2;
305:   PetscInt mid;

308:   /* we're really interested in the offset of the last element */
309:   /* ==> length of the list is now size + 1                    */
310:   size--;

312:   /* do until we're done ... return when stack is exhausted */
313:   for (;;) {

315:     /* if list is large enough use quicksort partition exchange code */
316:     if (size > SORT_OPT) {

318:       /* start up pointer at element 1 and down at size     */
319:       mid = size>>1;
320:       pi  = ar+1;
321:       pj  = ar+mid;
322:       pi2 = ar2+1;
323:       pj2 = ar2+mid;

325:       /* find middle element in list and swap w/ element 1 */
326:       SWAP(*pi,*pj)
327:       SWAP(*pi2,*pj2)

329:       /* order element 0,1,size-1 st {M,L,...,U} w/L<=M<=U */
330:       /* note ==> pivot_value in index 0                   */
331:       pj  = ar+size;
332:       pj2 = ar2+size;
333:       if (*pi > *pj) { SWAP(*pi,*pj) SWAP(*pi2,*pj2) }
334:       if (*ar > *pj) { SWAP(*ar,*pj) SWAP(*ar2,*pj2) }
335:       else if (*pi > *ar) { SWAP(*(ar),*(ar+1)) SWAP(*(ar2),*(ar2+1)) }

337:       /* partition about pivot_value ...                              */
338:       /* note lists of length 2 are not guaranteed to be sorted */
339:       for (;;) {
340:         /* walk up ... and down ... swap if equal to pivot! */
341:         do { pi++; pi2++; } while (*pi<*ar);
342:         do { pj--; pj2--; } while (*pj>*ar);

344:         /* if we've crossed we're done */
345:         if (pj<pi) break;

347:         /* else swap */
348:         SWAP(*pi,*pj)
349:         SWAP(*pi2,*pj2)
350:       }

352:       /* place pivot_value in it's correct location */
353:       SWAP(*ar,*pj)
354:       SWAP(*ar2,*pj2)

356:       /* test stack_size to see if we've exhausted our stack */
357:       if (top_s-bottom_s >= SORT_STACK) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"PCTFS_ivec_sort_companion() :: STACK EXHAUSTED!!!");

359:       /* push right hand child iff length > 1 */
360:       if ((*top_s = size-((PetscInt) (pi-ar)))) {
361:         *(top_a++) = pi;
362:         *(top_a++) = pi2;
363:         size      -= *top_s+2;
364:         top_s++;
365:       } else if (size -= *top_s+2) ;   /* set up for next loop iff there is something to do */
366:       else {  /* might as well pop - note NR_OPT >=2 ==> we're ok! */
367:         ar2  = *(--top_a);
368:         ar   = *(--top_a);
369:         size = *(--top_s);
370:       }
371:     } else { /* else sort small list directly then pop another off stack */

373:       /* insertion sort for bottom */
374:       for (pj=ar+1, pj2=ar2+1; pj<=ar+size; pj++,pj2++) {
375:         temp  = *pj;
376:         temp2 = *pj2;
377:         for (pi=pj-1,pi2=pj2-1; pi>=ar; pi--,pi2--) {
378:           if (*pi <= temp) break;
379:           *(pi+1) =*pi;
380:           *(pi2+1)=*pi2;
381:         }
382:         *(pi+1) =temp;
383:         *(pi2+1)=temp2;
384:       }

386:       /* check to see if stack is exhausted ==> DONE */
387:       if (top_s==bottom_s) return(0);

389:       /* else pop another list from the stack */
390:       ar2  = *(--top_a);
391:       ar   = *(--top_a);
392:       size = *(--top_s);
393:     }
394:   }
395: }

397: /******************************************************************************/
398: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_ivec_sort_companion_hack(PetscInt *ar,  PetscInt **ar2, PetscInt size)
399: {
400:   PetscInt *pi, *pj, temp, *ptr;
401:   PetscInt **top_a = (PetscInt**)offset_stack;
402:   PetscInt *top_s  = size_stack, *bottom_s = size_stack;
403:   PetscInt **pi2, **pj2;
404:   PetscInt mid;

407:   /* we're really interested in the offset of the last element */
408:   /* ==> length of the list is now size + 1                    */
409:   size--;

411:   /* do until we're done ... return when stack is exhausted */
412:   for (;;) {

414:     /* if list is large enough use quicksort partition exchange code */
415:     if (size > SORT_OPT) {

417:       /* start up pointer at element 1 and down at size     */
418:       mid = size>>1;
419:       pi  = ar+1;
420:       pj  = ar+mid;
421:       pi2 = ar2+1;
422:       pj2 = ar2+mid;

424:       /* find middle element in list and swap w/ element 1 */
425:       SWAP(*pi,*pj)
426:       P_SWAP(*pi2,*pj2)

428:       /* order element 0,1,size-1 st {M,L,...,U} w/L<=M<=U */
429:       /* note ==> pivot_value in index 0                   */
430:       pj  = ar+size;
431:       pj2 = ar2+size;
432:       if (*pi > *pj) { SWAP(*pi,*pj) P_SWAP(*pi2,*pj2) }
433:       if (*ar > *pj) { SWAP(*ar,*pj) P_SWAP(*ar2,*pj2) }
434:       else if (*pi > *ar) { SWAP(*(ar),*(ar+1)) P_SWAP(*(ar2),*(ar2+1)) }

436:       /* partition about pivot_value ...                              */
437:       /* note lists of length 2 are not guaranteed to be sorted */
438:       for (;;) {

440:         /* walk up ... and down ... swap if equal to pivot! */
441:         do {pi++; pi2++;} while (*pi<*ar);
442:         do {pj--; pj2--;} while (*pj>*ar);

444:         /* if we've crossed we're done */
445:         if (pj<pi) break;

447:         /* else swap */
448:         SWAP(*pi,*pj)
449:         P_SWAP(*pi2,*pj2)
450:       }

452:       /* place pivot_value in it's correct location */
453:       SWAP(*ar,*pj)
454:       P_SWAP(*ar2,*pj2)

456:       /* test stack_size to see if we've exhausted our stack */
457:       if (top_s-bottom_s >= SORT_STACK) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"PCTFS_ivec_sort_companion_hack() :: STACK EXHAUSTED!!!");

459:       /* push right hand child iff length > 1 */
460:       if ((*top_s = size-((PetscInt) (pi-ar)))) {
461:         *(top_a++) = pi;
462:         *(top_a++) = (PetscInt*) pi2;
463:         size      -= *top_s+2;
464:         top_s++;
465:       } else if (size -= *top_s+2) ;   /* set up for next loop iff there is something to do */
466:       else { /* might as well pop - note NR_OPT >=2 ==> we're ok! */
467:         ar2  = (PetscInt**) *(--top_a);
468:         ar   = *(--top_a);
469:         size = *(--top_s);
470:       }
471:     } else  { /* else sort small list directly then pop another off stack */
472:       /* insertion sort for bottom */
473:       for (pj=ar+1, pj2=ar2+1; pj<=ar+size; pj++,pj2++) {
474:         temp = *pj;
475:         ptr  = *pj2;
476:         for (pi=pj-1,pi2=pj2-1; pi>=ar; pi--,pi2--) {
477:           if (*pi <= temp) break;
478:           *(pi+1) =*pi;
479:           *(pi2+1)=*pi2;
480:         }
481:         *(pi+1) =temp;
482:         *(pi2+1)=ptr;
483:       }

485:       /* check to see if stack is exhausted ==> DONE */
486:       if (top_s==bottom_s) return(0);

488:       /* else pop another list from the stack */
489:       ar2  = (PetscInt**)*(--top_a);
490:       ar   = *(--top_a);
491:       size = *(--top_s);
492:     }
493:   }
494: }

496: /******************************************************************************/
497: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_SMI_sort(void *ar1, void *ar2, PetscInt size, PetscInt type)
498: {
500:   if (type == SORT_INTEGER) {
501:     if (ar2) PCTFS_ivec_sort_companion((PetscInt*)ar1,(PetscInt*)ar2,size);
502:     else PCTFS_ivec_sort((PetscInt*)ar1,size);
503:   } else if (type == SORT_INT_PTR) {
504:     if (ar2) PCTFS_ivec_sort_companion_hack((PetscInt*)ar1,(PetscInt**)ar2,size);
505:     else PCTFS_ivec_sort((PetscInt*)ar1,size);
507:   return(0);
508: }

510: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
511: PetscInt PCTFS_ivec_linear_search(PetscInt item,  PetscInt *list,  PetscInt n)
512: {
513:   PetscInt tmp = n-1;

516:   while (n--) {
517:     if (*list++ == item) return(tmp-n);
518:   }
519:   return(-1);
520: }

522: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
523: PetscInt PCTFS_ivec_binary_search(PetscInt item,  PetscInt *list,  PetscInt rh)
524: {
525:   PetscInt mid, lh=0;

527:   rh--;
528:   while (lh<=rh) {
529:     mid = (lh+rh)>>1;
530:     if (*(list+mid) == item) return(mid);
531:     if (*(list+mid) > item) rh = mid-1;
532:     else lh = mid+1;
533:   }
534:   return(-1);
535: }

537: /*********************************ivec.c*************************************/
538: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_copy(PetscScalar *arg1,  PetscScalar *arg2,  PetscInt n)
539: {
541:   while (n--) *arg1++ = *arg2++;
542:   return(0);
543: }

545: /*********************************ivec.c*************************************/
546: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_zero(PetscScalar *arg1,  PetscInt n)
547: {
549:   while (n--) *arg1++ = 0.0;
550:   return(0);
551: }

553: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
554: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_one(PetscScalar *arg1,  PetscInt n)
555: {
557:   while (n--) *arg1++ = 1.0;
558:   return(0);
559: }

561: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
562: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_set(PetscScalar *arg1,  PetscScalar arg2,  PetscInt n)
563: {
565:   while (n--) *arg1++ = arg2;
566:   return(0);
567: }

569: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
570: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_scale(PetscScalar *arg1,  PetscScalar arg2,  PetscInt n)
571: {
573:   while (n--) *arg1++ *= arg2;
574:   return(0);
575: }

577: /*********************************ivec.c*************************************/
578: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_add(PetscScalar *arg1,  PetscScalar *arg2,  PetscInt n)
579: {
581:   while (n--) *arg1++ += *arg2++;
582:   return(0);
583: }

585: /*********************************ivec.c*************************************/
586: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_mult(PetscScalar *arg1,  PetscScalar *arg2,  PetscInt n)
587: {
589:   while (n--) *arg1++ *= *arg2++;
590:   return(0);
591: }

593: /*********************************ivec.c*************************************/
594: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_max(PetscScalar *arg1,  PetscScalar *arg2,  PetscInt n)
595: {
597:   while (n--) {
598:     *arg1 = PetscMax(*arg1,*arg2);
599:     arg1++;
600:     arg2++;
601:   }
602:   return(0);
603: }

605: /*********************************ivec.c*************************************/
606: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_max_abs(PetscScalar *arg1,  PetscScalar *arg2,  PetscInt n)
607: {
609:   while (n--) {
610:     *arg1 = MAX_FABS(*arg1,*arg2);
611:     arg1++;
612:     arg2++;
613:   }
614:   return(0);
615: }

617: /*********************************ivec.c*************************************/
618: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_min(PetscScalar *arg1,  PetscScalar *arg2,  PetscInt n)
619: {
621:   while (n--) {
622:     *arg1 = PetscMin(*arg1,*arg2);
623:     arg1++;
624:     arg2++;
625:   }
626:   return(0);
627: }

629: /*********************************ivec.c*************************************/
630: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_min_abs(PetscScalar *arg1,  PetscScalar *arg2,  PetscInt n)
631: {
633:   while (n--) {
634:     *arg1 = MIN_FABS(*arg1,*arg2);
635:     arg1++;
636:     arg2++;
637:   }
638:   return(0);
639: }

641: /*********************************ivec.c*************************************/
642: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_exists(PetscScalar *arg1,  PetscScalar *arg2,  PetscInt n)
643: {
645:   while (n--) {
646:     *arg1 = EXISTS(*arg1,*arg2);
647:     arg1++;
648:     arg2++;
649:   }
650:   return(0);
651: }

653: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
654: PetscErrorCode PCTFS_rvec_non_uniform(PetscScalar *arg1, PetscScalar *arg2,  PetscInt n,  PetscInt *arg3)
655: {
656:   PetscInt i, j, type;

659:   /* LATER: if we're really motivated we can sort and then unsort */
660:   for (i=0; i<n;) {

662:     /* clump 'em for now */
663:     j    =i+1;
664:     type = arg3[i];
665:     while ((j<n)&&(arg3[j]==type)) j++;

667:     /* how many together */
668:     j -= i;

670:     /* call appropriate ivec function */
671:     if (type == GL_MAX)          PCTFS_rvec_max(arg1,arg2,j);
672:     else if (type == GL_MIN)     PCTFS_rvec_min(arg1,arg2,j);
673:     else if (type == GL_MULT)    PCTFS_rvec_mult(arg1,arg2,j);
674:     else if (type == GL_ADD)     PCTFS_rvec_add(arg1,arg2,j);
675:     else if (type == GL_MAX_ABS) PCTFS_rvec_max_abs(arg1,arg2,j);
676:     else if (type == GL_MIN_ABS) PCTFS_rvec_min_abs(arg1,arg2,j);
677:     else if (type == GL_EXISTS)  PCTFS_rvec_exists(arg1,arg2,j);
678:     else SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"unrecognized type passed to PCTFS_rvec_non_uniform()!");

680:     arg1+=j; arg2+=j; i+=j;
681:   }
682:   return(0);
683: }

685: /***********************************ivec.c*************************************/
686: vfp PCTFS_rvec_fct_addr(PetscInt type)
687: {
688:   if (type == NON_UNIFORM)     return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_rvec_non_uniform);
689:   else if (type == GL_MAX)     return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_rvec_max);
690:   else if (type == GL_MIN)     return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_rvec_min);
691:   else if (type == GL_MULT)    return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_rvec_mult);
692:   else if (type == GL_ADD)     return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_rvec_add);
693:   else if (type == GL_MAX_ABS) return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_rvec_max_abs);
694:   else if (type == GL_MIN_ABS) return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_rvec_min_abs);
695:   else if (type == GL_EXISTS)  return((PetscErrorCode (*)(void*, void*, PetscInt, ...))&PCTFS_rvec_exists);

697:   /* catch all ... not good if we get here */
698:   return(NULL);
699: }