Actual source code: dageometry.c

petsc-3.14.6 2021-03-30
Report Typos and Errors
  1: #include <petscsf.h>
  2: #include <petsc/private/dmdaimpl.h>

  5: /*@
  6:   DMDAConvertToCell - Convert (i,j,k) to local cell number

  8:   Not Collective

 10:   Input Parameter:
 11: + da - the distributed array
 12: - s - A MatStencil giving (i,j,k)

 14:   Output Parameter:
 15: . cell - the local cell number

 17:   Level: developer
 18: @*/
 19: PetscErrorCode DMDAConvertToCell(DM dm, MatStencil s, PetscInt *cell)
 20: {
 21:   DM_DA          *da = (DM_DA*) dm->data;
 22:   const PetscInt dim = dm->dim;
 23:   const PetscInt mx  = (da->Xe - da->Xs)/da->w, my = da->Ye - da->Ys /*, mz = da->Ze - da->Zs*/;
 24:   const PetscInt il  = s.i - da->Xs/da->w, jl = dim > 1 ? s.j - da->Ys : 0, kl = dim > 2 ? s.k - da->Zs : 0;

 27:   *cell = -1;
 28:   if ((s.i < da->Xs/da->w) || (s.i >= da->Xe/da->w))    SETERRQ3(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Stencil i %D should be in [%D, %D)", s.i, da->Xs/da->w, da->Xe/da->w);
 29:   if ((dim > 1) && ((s.j < da->Ys) || (s.j >= da->Ye))) SETERRQ3(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Stencil j %D should be in [%D, %D)", s.j, da->Ys, da->Ye);
 30:   if ((dim > 2) && ((s.k < da->Zs) || (s.k >= da->Ze))) SETERRQ3(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Stencil k %D should be in [%D, %D)", s.k, da->Zs, da->Ze);
 31:   *cell = (kl*my + jl)*mx + il;
 32:   return(0);
 33: }

 35: PetscErrorCode private_DMDALocatePointsIS_2D_Regular(DM dmregular,Vec pos,IS *iscell)
 36: {
 37:   PetscInt          n,bs,p,npoints;
 38:   PetscInt          xs,xe,Xs,Xe,mxlocal;
 39:   PetscInt          ys,ye,Ys,Ye,mylocal;
 40:   PetscInt          d,c0,c1;
 41:   PetscReal         gmin_l[2],gmax_l[2],dx[2];
 42:   PetscReal         gmin[2],gmax[2];
 43:   PetscInt          *cellidx;
 44:   Vec               coor;
 45:   const PetscScalar *_coor;
 46:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;

 49:   DMDAGetCorners(dmregular,&xs,&ys,NULL,&xe,&ye,NULL);
 50:   DMDAGetGhostCorners(dmregular,&Xs,&Ys,NULL,&Xe,&Ye,NULL);
 51:   xe += xs; Xe += Xs; if (xs != Xs) xs -= 1;
 52:   ye += ys; Ye += Ys; if (ys != Ys) ys -= 1;

 54:   mxlocal = xe - xs - 1;
 55:   mylocal = ye - ys - 1;

 57:   DMGetCoordinatesLocal(dmregular,&coor);
 58:   VecGetArrayRead(coor,&_coor);
 59:   c0 = (xs-Xs) + (ys-Ys)*(Xe-Xs);
 60:   c1 = (xe-2-Xs+1) + (ye-2-Ys+1)*(Xe-Xs);

 62:   gmin_l[0] = PetscRealPart(_coor[2*c0+0]);
 63:   gmin_l[1] = PetscRealPart(_coor[2*c0+1]);

 65:   gmax_l[0] = PetscRealPart(_coor[2*c1+0]);
 66:   gmax_l[1] = PetscRealPart(_coor[2*c1+1]);

 68:   dx[0] = (gmax_l[0]-gmin_l[0])/((PetscReal)mxlocal);
 69:   dx[1] = (gmax_l[1]-gmin_l[1])/((PetscReal)mylocal);

 71:   VecRestoreArrayRead(coor,&_coor);

 73:   DMGetBoundingBox(dmregular,gmin,gmax);

 75:   VecGetLocalSize(pos,&n);
 76:   VecGetBlockSize(pos,&bs);
 77:   npoints = n/bs;

 79:   PetscMalloc1(npoints,&cellidx);
 80:   VecGetArrayRead(pos,&_coor);
 81:   for (p=0; p<npoints; p++) {
 82:     PetscReal coor_p[2];
 83:     PetscInt  mi[2];

 85:     coor_p[0] = PetscRealPart(_coor[2*p]);
 86:     coor_p[1] = PetscRealPart(_coor[2*p+1]);

 88:     cellidx[p] = DMLOCATEPOINT_POINT_NOT_FOUND;

 90:     if (coor_p[0] < gmin_l[0]) { continue; }
 91:     if (coor_p[0] > gmax_l[0]) { continue; }
 92:     if (coor_p[1] < gmin_l[1]) { continue; }
 93:     if (coor_p[1] > gmax_l[1]) { continue; }

 95:     for (d=0; d<2; d++) {
 96:       mi[d] = (PetscInt)((coor_p[d] - gmin[d])/dx[d]);
 97:     }

 99:     if (mi[0] < xs)     { continue; }
100:     if (mi[0] > (xe-1)) { continue; }
101:     if (mi[1] < ys)     { continue; }
102:     if (mi[1] > (ye-1)) { continue; }

104:     if (mi[0] == (xe-1)) { mi[0]--; }
105:     if (mi[1] == (ye-1)) { mi[1]--; }

107:     cellidx[p] = (mi[0]-xs) + (mi[1]-ys) * mxlocal;
108:   }
109:   VecRestoreArrayRead(pos,&_coor);
110:   ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF,npoints,cellidx,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,iscell);
111:   return(0);
112: }

114: PetscErrorCode private_DMDALocatePointsIS_3D_Regular(DM dmregular,Vec pos,IS *iscell)
115: {
116:   PetscInt          n,bs,p,npoints;
117:   PetscInt          xs,xe,Xs,Xe,mxlocal;
118:   PetscInt          ys,ye,Ys,Ye,mylocal;
119:   PetscInt          zs,ze,Zs,Ze,mzlocal;
120:   PetscInt          d,c0,c1;
121:   PetscReal         gmin_l[3],gmax_l[3],dx[3];
122:   PetscReal         gmin[3],gmax[3];
123:   PetscInt          *cellidx;
124:   Vec               coor;
125:   const PetscScalar *_coor;
126:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;

129:   DMDAGetCorners(dmregular,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xe,&ye,&ze);
130:   DMDAGetGhostCorners(dmregular,&Xs,&Ys,&Zs,&Xe,&Ye,&Ze);
131:   xe += xs; Xe += Xs; if (xs != Xs) xs -= 1;
132:   ye += ys; Ye += Ys; if (ys != Ys) ys -= 1;
133:   ze += zs; Ze += Zs; if (zs != Zs) zs -= 1;

135:   mxlocal = xe - xs - 1;
136:   mylocal = ye - ys - 1;
137:   mzlocal = ze - zs - 1;

139:   DMGetCoordinatesLocal(dmregular,&coor);
140:   VecGetArrayRead(coor,&_coor);
141:   c0 = (xs-Xs)     + (ys-Ys)    *(Xe-Xs) + (zs-Zs)    *(Xe-Xs)*(Ye-Ys);
142:   c1 = (xe-2-Xs+1) + (ye-2-Ys+1)*(Xe-Xs) + (ze-2-Zs+1)*(Xe-Xs)*(Ye-Ys);

144:   gmin_l[0] = PetscRealPart(_coor[3*c0+0]);
145:   gmin_l[1] = PetscRealPart(_coor[3*c0+1]);
146:   gmin_l[2] = PetscRealPart(_coor[3*c0+2]);

148:   gmax_l[0] = PetscRealPart(_coor[3*c1+0]);
149:   gmax_l[1] = PetscRealPart(_coor[3*c1+1]);
150:   gmax_l[2] = PetscRealPart(_coor[3*c1+2]);

152:   dx[0] = (gmax_l[0]-gmin_l[0])/((PetscReal)mxlocal);
153:   dx[1] = (gmax_l[1]-gmin_l[1])/((PetscReal)mylocal);
154:   dx[2] = (gmax_l[2]-gmin_l[2])/((PetscReal)mzlocal);

156:   VecRestoreArrayRead(coor,&_coor);

158:   DMGetBoundingBox(dmregular,gmin,gmax);

160:   VecGetLocalSize(pos,&n);
161:   VecGetBlockSize(pos,&bs);
162:   npoints = n/bs;

164:   PetscMalloc1(npoints,&cellidx);
165:   VecGetArrayRead(pos,&_coor);
166:   for (p=0; p<npoints; p++) {
167:     PetscReal coor_p[3];
168:     PetscInt  mi[3];

170:     coor_p[0] = PetscRealPart(_coor[3*p]);
171:     coor_p[1] = PetscRealPart(_coor[3*p+1]);
172:     coor_p[2] = PetscRealPart(_coor[3*p+2]);

174:     cellidx[p] = DMLOCATEPOINT_POINT_NOT_FOUND;

176:     if (coor_p[0] < gmin_l[0]) { continue; }
177:     if (coor_p[0] > gmax_l[0]) { continue; }
178:     if (coor_p[1] < gmin_l[1]) { continue; }
179:     if (coor_p[1] > gmax_l[1]) { continue; }
180:     if (coor_p[2] < gmin_l[2]) { continue; }
181:     if (coor_p[2] > gmax_l[2]) { continue; }

183:     for (d=0; d<3; d++) {
184:       mi[d] = (PetscInt)((coor_p[d] - gmin[d])/dx[d]);
185:     }

187:     if (mi[0] < xs)     { continue; }
188:     if (mi[0] > (xe-1)) { continue; }
189:     if (mi[1] < ys)     { continue; }
190:     if (mi[1] > (ye-1)) { continue; }
191:     if (mi[2] < zs)     { continue; }
192:     if (mi[2] > (ze-1)) { continue; }

194:     if (mi[0] == (xe-1)) { mi[0]--; }
195:     if (mi[1] == (ye-1)) { mi[1]--; }
196:     if (mi[2] == (ze-1)) { mi[2]--; }

198:     cellidx[p] = (mi[0]-xs) + (mi[1]-ys) * mxlocal + (mi[2]-zs) * mxlocal * mylocal;
199:   }
200:   VecRestoreArrayRead(pos,&_coor);
201:   ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF,npoints,cellidx,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,iscell);
202:   return(0);
203: }

205: PetscErrorCode DMLocatePoints_DA_Regular(DM dm,Vec pos,DMPointLocationType ltype,PetscSF cellSF)
206: {
207:   IS             iscell;
208:   PetscSFNode    *cells;
209:   PetscInt       p,bs,dim,npoints,nfound;
210:   const PetscInt *boxCells;

214:   VecGetBlockSize(pos,&dim);
215:   switch (dim) {
216:     case 1:
217:       SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Support not provided for 1D");
218:     case 2:
219:       private_DMDALocatePointsIS_2D_Regular(dm,pos,&iscell);
220:       break;
221:     case 3:
222:       private_DMDALocatePointsIS_3D_Regular(dm,pos,&iscell);
223:       break;
224:     default:
225:       SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Unsupport spatial dimension");
226:   }

228:   VecGetLocalSize(pos,&npoints);
229:   VecGetBlockSize(pos,&bs);
230:   npoints = npoints / bs;

232:   PetscMalloc1(npoints, &cells);
233:   ISGetIndices(iscell, &boxCells);

235:   for (p=0; p<npoints; p++) {
236:     cells[p].rank  = 0;
237:     cells[p].index = boxCells[p];
238:   }
239:   ISRestoreIndices(iscell, &boxCells);

241:   nfound = npoints;
242:   PetscSFSetGraph(cellSF, npoints, nfound, NULL, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, cells, PETSC_OWN_POINTER);
243:   ISDestroy(&iscell);
244:   return(0);
245: }