Processing math: 66%
Actual source code: ex11.c

petsc-3.13.6 2020-09-29
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  1: static char help[] = "Second Order TVD Finite Volume Example.\n";

We use a second order TVD finite volume method to evolve a system of PDEs. Our simple upwinded residual evaluation loops
over all mesh faces and uses a Riemann solver to produce the flux given the face geometry and cell values,
and then update the cell values given the cell volume.

As an example, we can consider the shallow water wave equation,
where h is wave height, u is wave velocity, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

A representative Riemann solver for the shallow water equations is given in the PhysicsRiemann_SW() function,
where c is the local gravity wave speed and f_i is a Rusanov flux.

The more sophisticated residual evaluation in RHSFunctionLocal_LS() uses a least-squares fit to a quadratic polynomial
over a neighborhood of the given element.

The mesh is read in from an ExodusII file, usually generated by Cubit.
 37:  #include <petscdmplex.h>
 38:  #include <petscdmforest.h>
 39:  #include <petscds.h>
 40:  #include <petscts.h>
 41:  #include <petscsf.h>

 43: #define DIM 2                   /* Geometric dimension */
 44: #define ALEN(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0]))

 46: static PetscFunctionList PhysicsList;

 48: /* Represents continuum physical equations. */
 49: typedef struct _n_Physics *Physics;

 51: /* Physical model includes boundary conditions, initial conditions, and functionals of interest. It is
 52:  * discretization-independent, but its members depend on the scenario being solved. */
 53: typedef struct _n_Model *Model;

 55: /* 'User' implements a discretization of a continuous model. */
 56: typedef struct _n_User *User;
 57: typedef PetscErrorCode (*SolutionFunction)(Model,PetscReal,const PetscReal*,PetscScalar*,void*);
 58: typedef PetscErrorCode (*SetUpBCFunction)(PetscDS,Physics);
 59: typedef PetscErrorCode (*FunctionalFunction)(Model,PetscReal,const PetscReal*,const PetscScalar*,PetscReal*,void*);
 60: typedef PetscErrorCode (*SetupFields)(Physics,PetscSection);
 61: static PetscErrorCode ModelSolutionSetDefault(Model,SolutionFunction,void*);
 62: static PetscErrorCode ModelFunctionalRegister(Model,const char*,PetscInt*,FunctionalFunction,void*);
 63: static PetscErrorCode OutputVTK(DM,const char*,PetscViewer*);

 65: struct FieldDescription {
 66:   const char *name;
 67:   PetscInt dof;
 68: };

 70: typedef struct _n_FunctionalLink *FunctionalLink;
 71: struct _n_FunctionalLink {
 72:   char               *name;
 73:   FunctionalFunction func;
 74:   void               *ctx;
 75:   PetscInt           offset;
 76:   FunctionalLink     next;
 77: };

 79: struct _n_Physics {
 80:   PetscRiemannFunc riemann;
 81:   PetscInt         dof;          /* number of degrees of freedom per cell */
 82:   PetscReal        maxspeed;     /* kludge to pick initial time step, need to add monitoring and step control */
 83:   void             *data;
 84:   PetscInt         nfields;
 85:   const struct FieldDescription *field_desc;
 86: };

 88: struct _n_Model {
 89:   MPI_Comm         comm;        /* Does not do collective communicaton, but some error conditions can be collective */
 90:   Physics          physics;
 91:   FunctionalLink   functionalRegistry;
 92:   PetscInt         maxComputed;
 93:   PetscInt         numMonitored;
 94:   FunctionalLink   *functionalMonitored;
 95:   PetscInt         numCall;
 96:   FunctionalLink   *functionalCall;
 97:   SolutionFunction solution;
 98:   SetUpBCFunction  setupbc;
 99:   void             *solutionctx;
100:   PetscReal        maxspeed;    /* estimate of global maximum speed (for CFL calculation) */
101:   PetscReal        bounds[2*DIM];
102:   DMBoundaryType   bcs[3];
103:   PetscErrorCode   (*errorIndicator)(PetscInt, PetscReal, PetscInt, const PetscScalar[], const PetscScalar[], PetscReal *, void *);
104:   void             *errorCtx;
105: };

107: struct _n_User {
108:   PetscInt numSplitFaces;
109:   PetscInt vtkInterval;   /* For monitor */
110:   char outputBasename[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN]; /* Basename for output files */
111:   PetscInt monitorStepOffset;
112:   Model    model;
113:   PetscBool vtkmon;
114: };

116: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscReal DotDIMReal(const PetscReal *x,const PetscReal *y)
117: {
118:   PetscInt  i;
119:   PetscReal prod=0.0;

121:   for (i=0; i<DIM; i++) prod += x[i]*y[i];
122:   return prod;
123: }
124: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscReal NormDIM(const PetscReal *x) { return PetscSqrtReal(PetscAbsReal(DotDIMReal(x,x))); }

126: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscReal Dot2Real(const PetscReal *x,const PetscReal *y) { return x[0]*y[0] + x[1]*y[1];}
127: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscReal Norm2Real(const PetscReal *x) { return PetscSqrtReal(PetscAbsReal(Dot2Real(x,x)));}
128: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE void Normalize2Real(PetscReal *x) { PetscReal a = 1./Norm2Real(x); x[0] *= a; x[1] *= a; }
129: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE void Waxpy2Real(PetscReal a,const PetscReal *x,const PetscReal *y,PetscReal *w) { w[0] = a*x[0] + y[0]; w[1] = a*x[1] + y[1]; }
130: PETSC_STATIC_INLINE void Scale2Real(PetscReal a,const PetscReal *x,PetscReal *y) { y[0] = a*x[0]; y[1] = a*x[1]; }

132: /******************* Advect ********************/
134: static const char *const AdvectSolTypes[] = {"TILTED","BUMP","BUMP_CAVITY","AdvectSolType","ADVECT_SOL_",0};
135: typedef enum {ADVECT_SOL_BUMP_CONE,ADVECT_SOL_BUMP_COS} AdvectSolBumpType;
136: static const char *const AdvectSolBumpTypes[] = {"CONE","COS","AdvectSolBumpType","ADVECT_SOL_BUMP_",0};

138: typedef struct {
139:   PetscReal wind[DIM];
140: } Physics_Advect_Tilted;
141: typedef struct {
142:   PetscReal         center[DIM];
143:   PetscReal         radius;
144:   AdvectSolBumpType type;
145: } Physics_Advect_Bump;

147: typedef struct {
148:   PetscReal     inflowState;
149:   AdvectSolType soltype;
150:   union {
151:     Physics_Advect_Tilted tilted;
152:     Physics_Advect_Bump   bump;
153:   } sol;
154:   struct {
155:     PetscInt Solution;
156:     PetscInt Error;
157:   } functional;
158: } Physics_Advect;

160: static const struct FieldDescription PhysicsFields_Advect[] = {{"U",1},{NULL,0}};

162: static PetscErrorCode PhysicsBoundary_Advect_Inflow(PetscReal time, const PetscReal *c, const PetscReal *n, const PetscScalar *xI, PetscScalar *xG, void *ctx)
163: {
164:   Physics        phys    = (Physics)ctx;
165:   Physics_Advect *advect = (Physics_Advect*)phys->data;

168:   xG[0] = advect->inflowState;
169:   return(0);
170: }

172: static PetscErrorCode PhysicsBoundary_Advect_Outflow(PetscReal time, const PetscReal *c, const PetscReal *n, const PetscScalar *xI, PetscScalar *xG, void *ctx)
173: {
175:   xG[0] = xI[0];
176:   return(0);
177: }

179: static void PhysicsRiemann_Advect(PetscInt dim, PetscInt Nf, const PetscReal *qp, const PetscReal *n, const PetscScalar *xL, const PetscScalar *xR, PetscInt numConstants, const PetscScalar constants[], PetscScalar *flux, Physics phys)
180: {
181:   Physics_Advect *advect = (Physics_Advect*)phys->data;
182:   PetscReal      wind[DIM],wn;

184:   switch (advect->soltype) {
185:   case ADVECT_SOL_TILTED: {
186:     Physics_Advect_Tilted *tilted = &advect->sol.tilted;
187:     wind[0] = tilted->wind[0];
188:     wind[1] = tilted->wind[1];
189:   } break;
190:   case ADVECT_SOL_BUMP:
191:     wind[0] = -qp[1];
192:     wind[1] = qp[0];
193:     break;
195:     {
196:       PetscInt  i;
197:       PetscReal comp2[3] = {0.,0.,0.}, rad2;

199:       rad2 = 0.;
200:       for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
201:         comp2[i] = qp[i] * qp[i];
202:         rad2    += comp2[i];
203:       }

205:       wind[0] = -qp[1];
206:       wind[1] = qp[0];
207:       if (rad2 > 1.) {
208:         PetscInt  maxI = 0;
209:         PetscReal maxComp2 = comp2[0];

211:         for (i = 1; i < dim; i++) {
212:           if (comp2[i] > maxComp2) {
213:             maxI     = i;
214:             maxComp2 = comp2[i];
215:           }
216:         }
217:         wind[maxI] = 0.;
218:       }
219:     }
220:     break;
221:   default:
222:   {
223:     PetscInt i;
224:     for (i = 0; i < DIM; ++i) wind[i] = 0.0;
225:   }
226:   /* default: SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"No support for solution type %s",AdvectSolBumpTypes[advect->soltype]); */
227:   }
228:   wn      = Dot2Real(wind, n);
229:   flux[0] = (wn > 0 ? xL[0] : xR[0]) * wn;
230: }

232: static PetscErrorCode PhysicsSolution_Advect(Model mod,PetscReal time,const PetscReal *x,PetscScalar *u,void *ctx)
233: {
234:   Physics        phys    = (Physics)ctx;
235:   Physics_Advect *advect = (Physics_Advect*)phys->data;

238:   switch (advect->soltype) {
239:   case ADVECT_SOL_TILTED: {
240:     PetscReal             x0[DIM];
241:     Physics_Advect_Tilted *tilted = &advect->sol.tilted;
242:     Waxpy2Real(-time,tilted->wind,x,x0);
243:     if (x0[1] > 0) u[0] = 1.*x[0] + 3.*x[1];
244:     else u[0] = advect->inflowState;
245:   } break;
247:   case ADVECT_SOL_BUMP: {
248:     Physics_Advect_Bump *bump = &advect->sol.bump;
249:     PetscReal           x0[DIM],v[DIM],r,cost,sint;
250:     cost  = PetscCosReal(time);
251:     sint  = PetscSinReal(time);
252:     x0[0] = cost*x[0] + sint*x[1];
253:     x0[1] = -sint*x[0] + cost*x[1];
254:     Waxpy2Real(-1,bump->center,x0,v);
255:     r = Norm2Real(v);
256:     switch (bump->type) {
257:     case ADVECT_SOL_BUMP_CONE:
258:       u[0] = PetscMax(1 - r/bump->radius,0);
259:       break;
260:     case ADVECT_SOL_BUMP_COS:
261:       u[0] = 0.5 + 0.5*PetscCosReal(PetscMin(r/bump->radius,1)*PETSC_PI);
262:       break;
263:     }
264:   } break;
265:   default: SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Unknown solution type");
266:   }
267:   return(0);
268: }

270: static PetscErrorCode PhysicsFunctional_Advect(Model mod,PetscReal time,const PetscReal *x,const PetscScalar *y,PetscReal *f,void *ctx)
271: {
272:   Physics        phys    = (Physics)ctx;
273:   Physics_Advect *advect = (Physics_Advect*)phys->data;
274:   PetscScalar    yexact[1];

278:   PhysicsSolution_Advect(mod,time,x,yexact,phys);
279:   f[advect->functional.Solution] = PetscRealPart(y[0]);
280:   f[advect->functional.Error] = PetscAbsScalar(y[0]-yexact[0]);
281:   return(0);
282: }

284: static PetscErrorCode SetUpBC_Advect(PetscDS prob, Physics phys)
285: {
287:   const PetscInt inflowids[] = {100,200,300},outflowids[] = {101};

290:   /* Register "canned" boundary conditions and defaults for where to apply. */
291:   PetscDSAddBoundary(prob, DM_BC_NATURAL_RIEMANN, "inflow",  "Face Sets", 0, 0, NULL, (void (*)(void)) PhysicsBoundary_Advect_Inflow,  ALEN(inflowids),  inflowids,  phys);
292:   PetscDSAddBoundary(prob, DM_BC_NATURAL_RIEMANN, "outflow", "Face Sets", 0, 0, NULL, (void (*)(void)) PhysicsBoundary_Advect_Outflow, ALEN(outflowids), outflowids, phys);
293:   return(0);
294: }

296: static PetscErrorCode PhysicsCreate_Advect(Model mod,Physics phys,PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject)
297: {
298:   Physics_Advect *advect;

302:   phys->field_desc = PhysicsFields_Advect;
303:   phys->riemann    = (PetscRiemannFunc)PhysicsRiemann_Advect;
304:   PetscNew(&advect);
305:   phys->data       = advect;
306:   mod->setupbc = SetUpBC_Advect;

308:   PetscOptionsHead(PetscOptionsObject,"Advect options");
309:   {
310:     PetscInt two = 2,dof = 1;
311:     advect->soltype = ADVECT_SOL_TILTED;
312:     PetscOptionsEnum("-advect_sol_type","solution type","",AdvectSolTypes,(PetscEnum)advect->soltype,(PetscEnum*)&advect->soltype,NULL);
313:     switch (advect->soltype) {
314:     case ADVECT_SOL_TILTED: {
315:       Physics_Advect_Tilted *tilted = &advect->sol.tilted;
316:       two = 2;
317:       tilted->wind[0] = 0.0;
318:       tilted->wind[1] = 1.0;
319:       PetscOptionsRealArray("-advect_tilted_wind","background wind vx,vy","",tilted->wind,&two,NULL);
320:       advect->inflowState = -2.0;
321:       PetscOptionsRealArray("-advect_tilted_inflow","Inflow state","",&advect->inflowState,&dof,NULL);
322:       phys->maxspeed = Norm2Real(tilted->wind);
323:     } break;
325:     case ADVECT_SOL_BUMP: {
326:       Physics_Advect_Bump *bump = &advect->sol.bump;
327:       two = 2;
328:       bump->center[0] = 2.;
329:       bump->center[1] = 0.;
330:       PetscOptionsRealArray("-advect_bump_center","location of center of bump x,y","",bump->center,&two,NULL);
331:       bump->radius = 0.9;
332:       PetscOptionsReal("-advect_bump_radius","radius of bump","",bump->radius,&bump->radius,NULL);
333:       bump->type = ADVECT_SOL_BUMP_CONE;
334:       PetscOptionsEnum("-advect_bump_type","type of bump","",AdvectSolBumpTypes,(PetscEnum)bump->type,(PetscEnum*)&bump->type,NULL);
335:       phys->maxspeed = 3.;       /* radius of mesh, kludge */
336:     } break;
337:     }
338:   }
339:   PetscOptionsTail();
340:   /* Initial/transient solution with default boundary conditions */
341:   ModelSolutionSetDefault(mod,PhysicsSolution_Advect,phys);
342:   /* Register "canned" functionals */
343:   ModelFunctionalRegister(mod,"Solution",&advect->functional.Solution,PhysicsFunctional_Advect,phys);
344:   ModelFunctionalRegister(mod,"Error",&advect->functional.Error,PhysicsFunctional_Advect,phys);
345:   mod->bcs[0] = mod->bcs[1] = mod->bcs[2] = DM_BOUNDARY_GHOSTED;
346:   return(0);
347: }

349: /******************* Shallow Water ********************/
350: typedef struct {
351:   PetscReal gravity;
352:   PetscReal boundaryHeight;
353:   struct {
354:     PetscInt Height;
355:     PetscInt Speed;
356:     PetscInt Energy;
357:   } functional;
358: } Physics_SW;
359: typedef struct {
360:   PetscReal h;
361:   PetscReal uh[DIM];
362: } SWNode;
363: typedef union {
364:   SWNode    swnode;
365:   PetscReal vals[DIM+1];
366: } SWNodeUnion;

368: static const struct FieldDescription PhysicsFields_SW[] = {{"Height",1},{"Momentum",DIM},{NULL,0}};

370: /*
371:  * h_t + div(uh) = 0
372:  * (uh)_t + div (u\otimes uh + g h^2 / 2 I) = 0
373:  *
374:  * */
375: static PetscErrorCode SWFlux(Physics phys,const PetscReal *n,const SWNode *x,SWNode *f)
376: {
377:   Physics_SW  *sw = (Physics_SW*)phys->data;
378:   PetscReal   uhn,u[DIM];
379:   PetscInt     i;

382:   Scale2Real(1./x->h,x->uh,u);
383:   uhn  = x->uh[0] * n[0] + x->uh[1] * n[1];
384:   f->h = uhn;
385:   for (i=0; i<DIM; i++) f->uh[i] = u[i] * uhn + sw->gravity * PetscSqr(x->h) * n[i];
386:   return(0);
387: }

389: static PetscErrorCode PhysicsBoundary_SW_Wall(PetscReal time, const PetscReal *c, const PetscReal *n, const PetscScalar *xI, PetscScalar *xG, void *ctx)
390: {
392:   xG[0] = xI[0];
393:   xG[1] = -xI[1];
394:   xG[2] = -xI[2];
395:   return(0);
396: }

398: static void PhysicsRiemann_SW(PetscInt dim, PetscInt Nf, const PetscReal *qp, const PetscReal *n, const PetscScalar *xL, const PetscScalar *xR, PetscInt numConstants, const PetscScalar constants[], PetscScalar *flux, Physics phys)
399: {
400:   Physics_SW   *sw = (Physics_SW*)phys->data;
401:   PetscReal    cL,cR,speed;
402:   PetscReal    nn[DIM];
403: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
404:   const SWNode *uL = (const SWNode*)xL,*uR = (const SWNode*)xR;
405: #else
406:   SWNodeUnion  uLreal, uRreal;
407:   const SWNode *uL = &uLreal.swnode;
408:   const SWNode *uR = &uRreal.swnode;
409: #endif
410:   SWNodeUnion  fL,fR;
411:   PetscInt     i;
412:   PetscReal    zero=0.;

414: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
415:   uLreal.swnode.h = 0; uRreal.swnode.h = 0;
416:   for (i = 0; i < 1+dim; i++) uLreal.vals[i] = PetscRealPart(xL[i]);
417:   for (i = 0; i < 1+dim; i++) uRreal.vals[i] = PetscRealPart(xR[i]);
418: #endif
419:   if (uL->h < 0 || uR->h < 0) {for (i=0; i<1+dim; i++) flux[i] = zero/zero; return;} /* SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Reconstructed thickness is negative"); */
420:   nn[0] = n[0];
421:   nn[1] = n[1];
422:   Normalize2Real(nn);
423:   SWFlux(phys,nn,uL,&(fL.swnode));
424:   SWFlux(phys,nn,uR,&(fR.swnode));
425:   cL    = PetscSqrtReal(sw->gravity*uL->h);
426:   cR    = PetscSqrtReal(sw->gravity*uR->h); /* gravity wave speed */
427:   speed = PetscMax(PetscAbsReal(Dot2Real(uL->uh,nn)/uL->h) + cL,PetscAbsReal(Dot2Real(uR->uh,nn)/uR->h) + cR);
428:   for (i=0; i<1+dim; i++) flux[i] = (0.5*(fL.vals[i] + fR.vals[i]) + 0.5*speed*(xL[i] - xR[i])) * Norm2Real(n);
429: }

431: static PetscErrorCode PhysicsSolution_SW(Model mod,PetscReal time,const PetscReal *x,PetscScalar *u,void *ctx)
432: {
433:   PetscReal dx[2],r,sigma;

436:   if (time != 0.0) SETERRQ1(mod->comm,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"No solution known for time %g",(double)time);
437:   dx[0] = x[0] - 1.5;
438:   dx[1] = x[1] - 1.0;
439:   r     = Norm2Real(dx);
440:   sigma = 0.5;
441:   u[0]  = 1 + 2*PetscExpReal(-PetscSqr(r)/(2*PetscSqr(sigma)));
442:   u[1]  = 0.0;
443:   u[2]  = 0.0;
444:   return(0);
445: }

447: static PetscErrorCode PhysicsFunctional_SW(Model mod,PetscReal time,const PetscReal *coord,const PetscScalar *xx,PetscReal *f,void *ctx)
448: {
449:   Physics      phys = (Physics)ctx;
450:   Physics_SW   *sw  = (Physics_SW*)phys->data;
451:   const SWNode *x   = (const SWNode*)xx;
452:   PetscReal  u[2];
453:   PetscReal    h;

456:   h = x->h;
457:   Scale2Real(1./x->h,x->uh,u);
458:   f[sw->functional.Height] = h;
459:   f[sw->functional.Speed]  = Norm2Real(u) + PetscSqrtReal(sw->gravity*h);
460:   f[sw->functional.Energy] = 0.5*(Dot2Real(x->uh,u) + sw->gravity*PetscSqr(h));
461:   return(0);
462: }

464: static PetscErrorCode SetUpBC_SW(PetscDS prob,Physics phys)
465: {
467:   const PetscInt wallids[] = {100,101,200,300};
469:   PetscDSAddBoundary(prob, DM_BC_NATURAL_RIEMANN, "wall", "Face Sets", 0, 0, NULL, (void (*)(void)) PhysicsBoundary_SW_Wall, ALEN(wallids), wallids, phys);
470:   return(0);
471: }

473: static PetscErrorCode PhysicsCreate_SW(Model mod,Physics phys,PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject)
474: {
475:   Physics_SW     *sw;

479:   phys->field_desc = PhysicsFields_SW;
480:   phys->riemann = (PetscRiemannFunc) PhysicsRiemann_SW;
481:   PetscNew(&sw);
482:   phys->data    = sw;
483:   mod->setupbc  = SetUpBC_SW;

485:   PetscOptionsHead(PetscOptionsObject,"SW options");
486:   {
487:     sw->gravity = 1.0;
488:     PetscOptionsReal("-sw_gravity","Gravitational constant","",sw->gravity,&sw->gravity,NULL);
489:   }
490:   PetscOptionsTail();
491:   phys->maxspeed = PetscSqrtReal(2.0*sw->gravity); /* Mach 1 for depth of 2 */

493:   ModelSolutionSetDefault(mod,PhysicsSolution_SW,phys);
494:   ModelFunctionalRegister(mod,"Height",&sw->functional.Height,PhysicsFunctional_SW,phys);
495:   ModelFunctionalRegister(mod,"Speed",&sw->functional.Speed,PhysicsFunctional_SW,phys);
496:   ModelFunctionalRegister(mod,"Energy",&sw->functional.Energy,PhysicsFunctional_SW,phys);

498:   mod->bcs[0] = mod->bcs[1] = mod->bcs[2] = DM_BOUNDARY_GHOSTED;

500:   return(0);
501: }

503: /******************* Euler Density Shock (EULER_IV_SHOCK,EULER_SS_SHOCK) ********************/
504: /* An initial-value and self-similar solutions of the compressible Euler equations */
505: /* Ravi Samtaney and D. I. Pullin */
506: /* Phys. Fluids 8, 2650 (1996); */
509: typedef struct {
510:   PetscReal r;
511:   PetscReal ru[DIM];
512:   PetscReal E;
513: } EulerNode;
514: typedef union {
515:   EulerNode eulernode;
516:   PetscReal vals[DIM+2];
517: } EulerNodeUnion;
518: typedef PetscErrorCode (*EquationOfState)(const PetscReal*, const EulerNode*, PetscReal*);
519: typedef struct {
520:   EulerType       type;
521:   PetscReal       pars[EULER_PAR_SIZE];
522:   EquationOfState sound;
523:   struct {
524:     PetscInt Density;
525:     PetscInt Momentum;
526:     PetscInt Energy;
527:     PetscInt Pressure;
528:     PetscInt Speed;
529:   } monitor;
530: } Physics_Euler;

532: static const struct FieldDescription PhysicsFields_Euler[] = {{"Density",1},{"Momentum",DIM},{"Energy",1},{NULL,0}};

534: /* initial condition */
535: int initLinearWave(EulerNode *ux, const PetscReal gamma, const PetscReal coord[], const PetscReal Lx);
536: static PetscErrorCode PhysicsSolution_Euler(Model mod, PetscReal time, const PetscReal *x, PetscScalar *u, void *ctx)
537: {
538:   PetscInt i;
539:   Physics         phys = (Physics)ctx;
540:   Physics_Euler   *eu  = (Physics_Euler*)phys->data;
541:   EulerNode       *uu  = (EulerNode*)u;
542:   PetscReal        p0,gamma,c;
544:   if (time != 0.0) SETERRQ1(mod->comm,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"No solution known for time %g",(double)time);

546:   for (i=0; i<DIM; i++) uu->ru[i] = 0.0; /* zero out initial velocity */
547:   /* set E and rho */
548:   gamma = eu->pars[EULER_PAR_GAMMA];

550:   if (eu->type==EULER_IV_SHOCK || eu->type==EULER_SS_SHOCK) {
551:     /******************* Euler Density Shock ********************/
552:     /* On initial-value and self-similar solutions of the compressible Euler equations */
553:     /* Ravi Samtaney and D. I. Pullin */
554:     /* Phys. Fluids 8, 2650 (1996); */
555:     /* initial conditions 1: left of shock, 0: left of discontinuity 2: right of discontinuity,  */
556:     p0 = 1.;
557:     if (x[0] < 0.0 + x[1]*eu->pars[EULER_PAR_ITANA]) {
558:       if (x[0] < mod->bounds[0]*0.5) { /* left of shock (1) */
559:         PetscReal amach,rho,press,gas1,p1;
560:         amach = eu->pars[EULER_PAR_AMACH];
561:         rho = 1.;
562:         press = p0;
563:         p1 = press*(1.0+2.0*gamma/(gamma+1.0)*(amach*amach-1.0));
564:         gas1 = (gamma-1.0)/(gamma+1.0);
565:         uu->r = rho*(p1/press+gas1)/(gas1*p1/press+1.0);
566:         uu->ru[0]   = ((uu->r - rho)*PetscSqrtReal(gamma*press/rho)*amach);
567:         uu->E = p1/(gamma-1.0) + .5/uu->r*uu->ru[0]*uu->ru[0];
568:       }
569:       else { /* left of discontinuity (0) */
570:         uu->r = 1.; /* rho = 1 */
571:         uu->E = p0/(gamma-1.0);
572:       }
573:     }
574:     else { /* right of discontinuity (2) */
575:       uu->r = eu->pars[EULER_PAR_RHOR];
576:       uu->E = p0/(gamma-1.0);
577:     }
578:   }
579:   else if (eu->type==EULER_SHOCK_TUBE) {
580:     /* For (x<x0) set (rho,u,p)=(8,0,10) and for (x>x0) set (rho,u,p)=(1,0,1). Choose x0 to the midpoint of the domain in the x-direction. */
581:     if (x[0] < 0.0 ) {
582:       uu->r = 8.;
583:       uu->E = 10./(gamma-1.);
584:     }
585:     else {
586:       uu->r = 1.;
587:       uu->E = 1./(gamma-1.);
588:     }
589:   }
590:   else if (eu->type==EULER_LINEAR_WAVE) {
591:     initLinearWave( uu, gamma, x, mod->bounds[1] - mod->bounds[0]);
592:   }
593:   else SETERRQ1(mod->comm,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Unknown type %d",eu->type);

595:   /* set phys->maxspeed: (mod->maxspeed = phys->maxspeed) in main; */
596:   eu->sound(&gamma,uu,&c);
597:   c = (uu->ru[0]/uu->r) + c;
598:   if (c > phys->maxspeed) phys->maxspeed = c;

600:   return(0);
601: }

603: static PetscErrorCode Pressure_PG(const PetscReal gamma,const EulerNode *x,PetscReal *p)
604: {
605:   PetscReal ru2;

608:   ru2  = DotDIMReal(x->ru,x->ru);
609:   (*p)=(x->E - 0.5*ru2/x->r)*(gamma - 1.0); /* (E - rho V^2/2)(gamma-1) = e rho (gamma-1) */
610:   return(0);
611: }

613: static PetscErrorCode SpeedOfSound_PG(const PetscReal *gamma, const EulerNode *x, PetscReal *c)
614: {
615:   PetscReal p;

618:   Pressure_PG(*gamma,x,&p);
619:   if (p<0.) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"negative pressure time %g -- NEED TO FIX!!!!!!",(double) p);
620:   /* pars[EULER_PAR_GAMMA] = heat capacity ratio */
621:   (*c)=PetscSqrtReal(*gamma * p / x->r);
622:   return(0);
623: }

625: /*
626:  * x = (rho,rho*(u_1),...,rho*e)^T
627:  * x_t+div(f_1(x))+...+div(f_DIM(x)) = 0
628:  *
629:  * f_i(x) = u_i*x+(0,0,...,p,...,p*u_i)^T
630:  *
631:  */
632: static PetscErrorCode EulerFlux(Physics phys,const PetscReal *n,const EulerNode *x,EulerNode *f)
633: {
634:   Physics_Euler *eu = (Physics_Euler*)phys->data;
635:   PetscReal     nu,p;
636:   PetscInt      i;

639:   Pressure_PG(eu->pars[EULER_PAR_GAMMA],x,&p);
640:   nu = DotDIMReal(x->ru,n);
641:   f->r = nu;   /* A rho u */
642:   nu /= x->r;  /* A u */
643:   for (i=0; i<DIM; i++) f->ru[i] = nu * x->ru[i] + n[i]*p;  /* r u^2 + p */
644:   f->E = nu * (x->E + p); /* u(e+p) */
645:   return(0);
646: }

648: /* PetscReal* => EulerNode* conversion */
649: static PetscErrorCode PhysicsBoundary_Euler_Wall(PetscReal time, const PetscReal *c, const PetscReal *n, const PetscScalar *a_xI, PetscScalar *a_xG, void *ctx)
650: {
651:   PetscInt    i;
652:   const EulerNode *xI = (const EulerNode*)a_xI;
653:   EulerNode       *xG = (EulerNode*)a_xG;
654:   Physics         phys = (Physics)ctx;
655:   Physics_Euler   *eu  = (Physics_Euler*)phys->data;
657:   xG->r = xI->r;           /* ghost cell density - same */
658:   xG->E = xI->E;           /* ghost cell energy - same */
659:   if (n[1] != 0.) {        /* top and bottom */
660:     xG->ru[0] =  xI->ru[0]; /* copy tang to wall */
661:     xG->ru[1] = -xI->ru[1]; /* reflect perp to t/b wall */
662:   }
663:   else { /* sides */
664:     for (i=0; i<DIM; i++) xG->ru[i] = xI->ru[i]; /* copy */
665:   }
666:   if (eu->type == EULER_LINEAR_WAVE) { /* debug */
667: #if 0
668:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%s coord=%g,%g\n",PETSC_FUNCTION_NAME,c[0],c[1]);
669: #endif
670:   }
671:   return(0);
672: }
673: int godunovflux( const PetscScalar *ul, const PetscScalar *ur, PetscScalar *flux, const PetscReal *nn, const int *ndim, const PetscReal *gamma);
674: /* PetscReal* => EulerNode* conversion */
675: static void PhysicsRiemann_Euler_Godunov( PetscInt dim, PetscInt Nf, const PetscReal *qp, const PetscReal *n,
676:                                           const PetscScalar *xL, const PetscScalar *xR, PetscInt numConstants, const PetscScalar constants[], PetscScalar *flux, Physics phys)
677: {
678:   Physics_Euler   *eu = (Physics_Euler*)phys->data;
679:   PetscReal       cL,cR,speed,velL,velR,nn[DIM],s2;
680:   PetscInt        i;
681:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;

684:   for (i=0,s2=0.; i<DIM; i++) {
685:     nn[i] = n[i];
686:     s2 += nn[i]*nn[i];
687:   }
688:   s2 = PetscSqrtReal(s2); /* |n|_2 = sum(n^2)^1/2 */
689:   for (i=0.; i<DIM; i++) nn[i] /= s2;
690:   if (0) { /* Rusanov */
691:     const EulerNode *uL = (const EulerNode*)xL,*uR = (const EulerNode*)xR;
692:     EulerNodeUnion  fL,fR;
693:     EulerFlux(phys,nn,uL,&(fL.eulernode));
694:     EulerFlux(phys,nn,uR,&(fR.eulernode));
695:     eu->sound(&eu->pars[EULER_PAR_GAMMA],uL,&cL);if (ierr) exit(13);
696:     eu->sound(&eu->pars[EULER_PAR_GAMMA],uR,&cR);if (ierr) exit(14);
697:     velL = DotDIMReal(uL->ru,nn)/uL->r;
698:     velR = DotDIMReal(uR->ru,nn)/uR->r;
699:     speed = PetscMax(velR + cR, velL + cL);
700:     for (i=0; i<2+dim; i++) flux[i] = 0.5*((fL.vals[i]+fR.vals[i]) + speed*(xL[i] - xR[i]))*s2;
701:   }
702:   else {
703:     int dim = DIM;
704:     /* int iwave =  */
705:     godunovflux(xL, xR, flux, nn, &dim, &eu->pars[EULER_PAR_GAMMA]);
706:     for (i=0; i<2+dim; i++) flux[i] *= s2;
707:   }
708:   PetscFunctionReturnVoid();
709: }

711: static PetscErrorCode PhysicsFunctional_Euler(Model mod,PetscReal time,const PetscReal *coord,const PetscScalar *xx,PetscReal *f,void *ctx)
712: {
713:   Physics         phys = (Physics)ctx;
714:   Physics_Euler   *eu  = (Physics_Euler*)phys->data;
715:   const EulerNode *x   = (const EulerNode*)xx;
716:   PetscReal       p;

719:   f[eu->monitor.Density]  = x->r;
720:   f[eu->monitor.Momentum] = NormDIM(x->ru);
721:   f[eu->monitor.Energy]   = x->E;
722:   f[eu->monitor.Speed]    = NormDIM(x->ru)/x->r;
723:   Pressure_PG(eu->pars[EULER_PAR_GAMMA], x, &p);
724:   f[eu->monitor.Pressure] = p;
725:   return(0);
726: }

728: static PetscErrorCode SetUpBC_Euler(PetscDS prob,Physics phys)
729: {
730:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
731:   Physics_Euler   *eu = (Physics_Euler *) phys->data;
732:   if (eu->type == EULER_LINEAR_WAVE) {
733:     const PetscInt wallids[] = {100,101};
734:     PetscDSAddBoundary(prob, DM_BC_NATURAL_RIEMANN, "wall", "Face Sets", 0, 0, NULL, (void (*)(void)) PhysicsBoundary_Euler_Wall, ALEN(wallids), wallids, phys);
735:   }
736:   else {
737:     const PetscInt wallids[] = {100,101,200,300};
738:     PetscDSAddBoundary(prob, DM_BC_NATURAL_RIEMANN, "wall", "Face Sets", 0, 0, NULL, (void (*)(void)) PhysicsBoundary_Euler_Wall, ALEN(wallids), wallids, phys);
739:   }
740:   return(0);
741: }

743: static PetscErrorCode PhysicsCreate_Euler(Model mod,Physics phys,PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject)
744: {
745:   Physics_Euler   *eu;
746:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;

749:   phys->field_desc = PhysicsFields_Euler;
750:   phys->riemann = (PetscRiemannFunc) PhysicsRiemann_Euler_Godunov;
751:   PetscNew(&eu);
752:   phys->data    = eu;
753:   mod->setupbc = SetUpBC_Euler;
754:   PetscOptionsHead(PetscOptionsObject,"Euler options");
755:   {
756:     PetscReal alpha;
757:     char type[64] = "linear_wave";
758:     PetscBool  is;
759:     mod->bcs[0] = mod->bcs[1] = mod->bcs[2] = DM_BOUNDARY_GHOSTED;
760:     eu->pars[EULER_PAR_GAMMA] = 1.4;
761:     eu->pars[EULER_PAR_AMACH] = 2.02;
762:     eu->pars[EULER_PAR_RHOR] = 3.0;
763:     eu->pars[EULER_PAR_ITANA] = 0.57735026918963; /* angle of Euler self similar (SS) shock */
764:     PetscOptionsReal("-eu_gamma","Heat capacity ratio","",eu->pars[EULER_PAR_GAMMA],&eu->pars[EULER_PAR_GAMMA],NULL);
765:     PetscOptionsReal("-eu_amach","Shock speed (Mach)","",eu->pars[EULER_PAR_AMACH],&eu->pars[EULER_PAR_AMACH],NULL);
766:     PetscOptionsReal("-eu_rho2","Density right of discontinuity","",eu->pars[EULER_PAR_RHOR],&eu->pars[EULER_PAR_RHOR],NULL);
767:     alpha = 60.;
768:     PetscOptionsReal("-eu_alpha","Angle of discontinuity","",alpha,&alpha,NULL);
769:     if (alpha<=0. || alpha>90.) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Alpha bust be > 0 and <= 90 (%g)",alpha);
770:     eu->pars[EULER_PAR_ITANA] = 1./PetscTanReal( alpha * PETSC_PI / 180.0 );
771:     PetscOptionsString("-eu_type","Type of Euler test","",type,type,sizeof(type),NULL);
772:     PetscStrcmp(type,"linear_wave", &is);
773:     if (is) {
774:       eu->type = EULER_LINEAR_WAVE;
775:       mod->bcs[0] = mod->bcs[1] = mod->bcs[2] = DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC;
776:       mod->bcs[1] = DM_BOUNDARY_GHOSTED; /* debug */
777:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%s set Euler type: %s\n",PETSC_FUNCTION_NAME,"linear_wave");
778:     }
779:     else {
780:       if (DIM != 2) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"DIM must be 2 unless linear wave test %s",type);
781:       PetscStrcmp(type,"iv_shock", &is);
782:       if (is) {
783:         eu->type = EULER_IV_SHOCK;
784:         PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%s set Euler type: %s\n",PETSC_FUNCTION_NAME,"iv_shock");
785:       }
786:       else {
787:         PetscStrcmp(type,"ss_shock", &is);
788:         if (is) {
789:           eu->type = EULER_SS_SHOCK;
790:           PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%s set Euler type: %s\n",PETSC_FUNCTION_NAME,"ss_shock");
791:         }
792:         else {
793:           PetscStrcmp(type,"shock_tube", &is);
794:           if (is) eu->type = EULER_SHOCK_TUBE;
795:           else SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Unknown Euler type %s",type);
796:           PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%s set Euler type: %s\n",PETSC_FUNCTION_NAME,"shock_tube");
797:         }
798:       }
799:     }
800:   }
801:   PetscOptionsTail();
802:   eu->sound = SpeedOfSound_PG;
803:   phys->maxspeed = 0.; /* will get set in solution */
804:   ModelSolutionSetDefault(mod,PhysicsSolution_Euler,phys);
805:   ModelFunctionalRegister(mod,"Speed",&eu->monitor.Speed,PhysicsFunctional_Euler,phys);
806:   ModelFunctionalRegister(mod,"Energy",&eu->monitor.Energy,PhysicsFunctional_Euler,phys);
807:   ModelFunctionalRegister(mod,"Density",&eu->monitor.Density,PhysicsFunctional_Euler,phys);
808:   ModelFunctionalRegister(mod,"Momentum",&eu->monitor.Momentum,PhysicsFunctional_Euler,phys);
809:   ModelFunctionalRegister(mod,"Pressure",&eu->monitor.Pressure,PhysicsFunctional_Euler,phys);

811:   return(0);
812: }

814: static PetscErrorCode ErrorIndicator_Simple(PetscInt dim, PetscReal volume, PetscInt numComps, const PetscScalar u[], const PetscScalar grad[], PetscReal *error, void *ctx)
815: {
816:   PetscReal      err = 0.;
817:   PetscInt       i, j;

820:   for (i = 0; i < numComps; i++) {
821:     for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
822:       err += PetscSqr(PetscRealPart(grad[i * dim + j]));
823:     }
824:   }
825:   *error = volume * err;
826:   return(0);
827: }

829: PetscErrorCode ConstructCellBoundary(DM dm, User user)
830: {
831:   const char     *name   = "Cell Sets";
832:   const char     *bdname = "split faces";
833:   IS             regionIS, innerIS;
834:   const PetscInt *regions, *cells;
835:   PetscInt       numRegions, innerRegion, numCells, c;
836:   PetscInt       cStart, cEnd, cEndInterior, fStart, fEnd;
837:   PetscBool      hasLabel;

841:   DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dm, 0, &cStart, &cEnd);
842:   DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dm, 1, &fStart, &fEnd);
843:   DMPlexGetGhostCellStratum(dm, &cEndInterior, NULL);

845:   DMHasLabel(dm, name, &hasLabel);
846:   if (!hasLabel) return(0);
847:   DMGetLabelSize(dm, name, &numRegions);
848:   if (numRegions != 2) return(0);
849:   /* Get the inner id */
850:   DMGetLabelIdIS(dm, name, &regionIS);
851:   ISGetIndices(regionIS, &regions);
852:   innerRegion = regions[0];
853:   ISRestoreIndices(regionIS, &regions);
854:   ISDestroy(&regionIS);
855:   /* Find the faces between cells in different regions, could call DMPlexCreateNeighborCSR() */
856:   DMGetStratumIS(dm, name, innerRegion, &innerIS);
857:   ISGetLocalSize(innerIS, &numCells);
858:   ISGetIndices(innerIS, &cells);
859:   DMCreateLabel(dm, bdname);
860:   for (c = 0; c < numCells; ++c) {
861:     const PetscInt cell = cells[c];
862:     const PetscInt *faces;
863:     PetscInt       numFaces, f;

865:     if ((cell < cStart) || (cell >= cEnd)) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "Got invalid point %d which is not a cell", cell);
866:     DMPlexGetConeSize(dm, cell, &numFaces);
867:     DMPlexGetCone(dm, cell, &faces);
868:     for (f = 0; f < numFaces; ++f) {
869:       const PetscInt face = faces[f];
870:       const PetscInt *neighbors;
871:       PetscInt       nC, regionA, regionB;

873:       if ((face < fStart) || (face >= fEnd)) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "Got invalid point %d which is not a face", face);
874:       DMPlexGetSupportSize(dm, face, &nC);
875:       if (nC != 2) continue;
876:       DMPlexGetSupport(dm, face, &neighbors);
877:       if ((neighbors[0] >= cEndInterior) || (neighbors[1] >= cEndInterior)) continue;
878:       if ((neighbors[0] < cStart) || (neighbors[0] >= cEnd)) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "Got invalid point %d which is not a cell", neighbors[0]);
879:       if ((neighbors[1] < cStart) || (neighbors[1] >= cEnd)) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "Got invalid point %d which is not a cell", neighbors[1]);
880:       DMGetLabelValue(dm, name, neighbors[0], &regionA);
881:       DMGetLabelValue(dm, name, neighbors[1], &regionB);
882:       if (regionA < 0) SETERRQ2(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid label %s: Cell %d has no value", name, neighbors[0]);
883:       if (regionB < 0) SETERRQ2(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid label %s: Cell %d has no value", name, neighbors[1]);
884:       if (regionA != regionB) {
885:         DMSetLabelValue(dm, bdname, faces[f], 1);
886:       }
887:     }
888:   }
889:   ISRestoreIndices(innerIS, &cells);
890:   ISDestroy(&innerIS);
891:   {
892:     DMLabel label;

894:     DMGetLabel(dm, bdname, &label);
895:     DMLabelView(label, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD);
896:   }
897:   return(0);
898: }

900: /* Right now, I have just added duplicate faces, which see both cells. We can
901: - Add duplicate vertices and decouple the face cones
902: - Disconnect faces from cells across the rotation gap
903: */
904: PetscErrorCode SplitFaces(DM *dmSplit, const char labelName[], User user)
905: {
906:   DM             dm = *dmSplit, sdm;
907:   PetscSF        sfPoint, gsfPoint;
908:   PetscSection   coordSection, newCoordSection;
909:   Vec            coordinates;
910:   IS             idIS;
911:   const PetscInt *ids;
912:   PetscInt       *newpoints;
913:   PetscInt       dim, depth, maxConeSize, maxSupportSize, numLabels, numGhostCells;
914:   PetscInt       numFS, fs, pStart, pEnd, p, cEnd, cEndInterior, vStart, vEnd, v, fStart, fEnd, newf, d, l;
915:   PetscBool      hasLabel;

919:   DMHasLabel(dm, labelName, &hasLabel);
920:   if (!hasLabel) return(0);
921:   DMCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), &sdm);
922:   DMSetType(sdm, DMPLEX);
923:   DMGetDimension(dm, &dim);
924:   DMSetDimension(sdm, dim);

926:   DMGetLabelIdIS(dm, labelName, &idIS);
927:   ISGetLocalSize(idIS, &numFS);
928:   ISGetIndices(idIS, &ids);

930:   user->numSplitFaces = 0;
931:   for (fs = 0; fs < numFS; ++fs) {
932:     PetscInt numBdFaces;

934:     DMGetStratumSize(dm, labelName, ids[fs], &numBdFaces);
935:     user->numSplitFaces += numBdFaces;
936:   }
937:   DMPlexGetChart(dm, &pStart, &pEnd);
938:   pEnd += user->numSplitFaces;
939:   DMPlexSetChart(sdm, pStart, pEnd);
940:   DMPlexGetGhostCellStratum(dm, &cEndInterior, NULL);
941:   DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dm, 0, NULL, &cEnd);
942:   numGhostCells = cEnd - cEndInterior;
943:   /* Set cone and support sizes */
944:   DMPlexGetDepth(dm, &depth);
945:   for (d = 0; d <= depth; ++d) {
946:     DMPlexGetDepthStratum(dm, d, &pStart, &pEnd);
947:     for (p = pStart; p < pEnd; ++p) {
948:       PetscInt newp = p;
949:       PetscInt size;

951:       DMPlexGetConeSize(dm, p, &size);
952:       DMPlexSetConeSize(sdm, newp, size);
953:       DMPlexGetSupportSize(dm, p, &size);
954:       DMPlexSetSupportSize(sdm, newp, size);
955:     }
956:   }
957:   DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dm, 1, &fStart, &fEnd);
958:   for (fs = 0, newf = fEnd; fs < numFS; ++fs) {
959:     IS             faceIS;
960:     const PetscInt *faces;
961:     PetscInt       numFaces, f;

963:     DMGetStratumIS(dm, labelName, ids[fs], &faceIS);
964:     ISGetLocalSize(faceIS, &numFaces);
965:     ISGetIndices(faceIS, &faces);
966:     for (f = 0; f < numFaces; ++f, ++newf) {
967:       PetscInt size;

969:       /* Right now I think that both faces should see both cells */
970:       DMPlexGetConeSize(dm, faces[f], &size);
971:       DMPlexSetConeSize(sdm, newf, size);
972:       DMPlexGetSupportSize(dm, faces[f], &size);
973:       DMPlexSetSupportSize(sdm, newf, size);
974:     }
975:     ISRestoreIndices(faceIS, &faces);
976:     ISDestroy(&faceIS);
977:   }
978:   DMSetUp(sdm);
979:   /* Set cones and supports */
980:   DMPlexGetMaxSizes(dm, &maxConeSize, &maxSupportSize);
981:   PetscMalloc1(PetscMax(maxConeSize, maxSupportSize), &newpoints);
982:   DMPlexGetChart(dm, &pStart, &pEnd);
983:   for (p = pStart; p < pEnd; ++p) {
984:     const PetscInt *points, *orientations;
985:     PetscInt       size, i, newp = p;

987:     DMPlexGetConeSize(dm, p, &size);
988:     DMPlexGetCone(dm, p, &points);
989:     DMPlexGetConeOrientation(dm, p, &orientations);
990:     for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) newpoints[i] = points[i];
991:     DMPlexSetCone(sdm, newp, newpoints);
992:     DMPlexSetConeOrientation(sdm, newp, orientations);
993:     DMPlexGetSupportSize(dm, p, &size);
994:     DMPlexGetSupport(dm, p, &points);
995:     for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) newpoints[i] = points[i];
996:     DMPlexSetSupport(sdm, newp, newpoints);
997:   }
998:   PetscFree(newpoints);
999:   for (fs = 0, newf = fEnd; fs < numFS; ++fs) {
1000:     IS             faceIS;
1001:     const PetscInt *faces;
1002:     PetscInt       numFaces, f;

1004:     DMGetStratumIS(dm, labelName, ids[fs], &faceIS);
1005:     ISGetLocalSize(faceIS, &numFaces);
1006:     ISGetIndices(faceIS, &faces);
1007:     for (f = 0; f < numFaces; ++f, ++newf) {
1008:       const PetscInt *points;

1010:       DMPlexGetCone(dm, faces[f], &points);
1011:       DMPlexSetCone(sdm, newf, points);
1012:       DMPlexGetSupport(dm, faces[f], &points);
1013:       DMPlexSetSupport(sdm, newf, points);
1014:     }
1015:     ISRestoreIndices(faceIS, &faces);
1016:     ISDestroy(&faceIS);
1017:   }
1018:   ISRestoreIndices(idIS, &ids);
1019:   ISDestroy(&idIS);
1020:   DMPlexStratify(sdm);
1021:   /* Convert coordinates */
1022:   DMPlexGetDepthStratum(dm, 0, &vStart, &vEnd);
1023:   DMGetCoordinateSection(dm, &coordSection);
1024:   PetscSectionCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), &newCoordSection);
1025:   PetscSectionSetNumFields(newCoordSection, 1);
1026:   PetscSectionSetFieldComponents(newCoordSection, 0, dim);
1027:   PetscSectionSetChart(newCoordSection, vStart, vEnd);
1028:   for (v = vStart; v < vEnd; ++v) {
1029:     PetscSectionSetDof(newCoordSection, v, dim);
1030:     PetscSectionSetFieldDof(newCoordSection, v, 0, dim);
1031:   }
1032:   PetscSectionSetUp(newCoordSection);
1033:   DMSetCoordinateSection(sdm, PETSC_DETERMINE, newCoordSection);
1034:   PetscSectionDestroy(&newCoordSection); /* relinquish our reference */
1035:   DMGetCoordinatesLocal(dm, &coordinates);
1036:   DMSetCoordinatesLocal(sdm, coordinates);
1037:   /* Convert labels */
1038:   DMGetNumLabels(dm, &numLabels);
1039:   for (l = 0; l < numLabels; ++l) {
1040:     const char *lname;
1041:     PetscBool  isDepth, isDim;

1043:     DMGetLabelName(dm, l, &lname);
1044:     PetscStrcmp(lname, "depth", &isDepth);
1045:     if (isDepth) continue;
1046:     PetscStrcmp(lname, "dim", &isDim);
1047:     if (isDim) continue;
1048:     DMCreateLabel(sdm, lname);
1049:     DMGetLabelIdIS(dm, lname, &idIS);
1050:     ISGetLocalSize(idIS, &numFS);
1051:     ISGetIndices(idIS, &ids);
1052:     for (fs = 0; fs < numFS; ++fs) {
1053:       IS             pointIS;
1054:       const PetscInt *points;
1055:       PetscInt       numPoints;

1057:       DMGetStratumIS(dm, lname, ids[fs], &pointIS);
1058:       ISGetLocalSize(pointIS, &numPoints);
1059:       ISGetIndices(pointIS, &points);
1060:       for (p = 0; p < numPoints; ++p) {
1061:         PetscInt newpoint = points[p];

1063:         DMSetLabelValue(sdm, lname, newpoint, ids[fs]);
1064:       }
1065:       ISRestoreIndices(pointIS, &points);
1066:       ISDestroy(&pointIS);
1067:     }
1068:     ISRestoreIndices(idIS, &ids);
1069:     ISDestroy(&idIS);
1070:   }
1071:   {
1072:     /* Convert pointSF */
1073:     const PetscSFNode *remotePoints;
1074:     PetscSFNode       *gremotePoints;
1075:     const PetscInt    *localPoints;
1076:     PetscInt          *glocalPoints,*newLocation,*newRemoteLocation;
1077:     PetscInt          numRoots, numLeaves;
1078:     PetscMPIInt       size;

1080:     MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), &size);
1081:     DMGetPointSF(dm, &sfPoint);
1082:     DMGetPointSF(sdm, &gsfPoint);
1083:     DMPlexGetChart(dm,&pStart,&pEnd);
1084:     PetscSFGetGraph(sfPoint, &numRoots, &numLeaves, &localPoints, &remotePoints);
1085:     if (numRoots >= 0) {
1086:       PetscMalloc2(numRoots,&newLocation,pEnd-pStart,&newRemoteLocation);
1087:       for (l=0; l<numRoots; l++) newLocation[l] = l; /* + (l >= cEnd ? numGhostCells : 0); */
1088:       PetscSFBcastBegin(sfPoint, MPIU_INT, newLocation, newRemoteLocation);
1089:       PetscSFBcastEnd(sfPoint, MPIU_INT, newLocation, newRemoteLocation);
1090:       PetscMalloc1(numLeaves,    &glocalPoints);
1091:       PetscMalloc1(numLeaves, &gremotePoints);
1092:       for (l = 0; l < numLeaves; ++l) {
1093:         glocalPoints[l]        = localPoints[l]; /* localPoints[l] >= cEnd ? localPoints[l] + numGhostCells : localPoints[l]; */
1094:         gremotePoints[l].rank  = remotePoints[l].rank;
1095:         gremotePoints[l].index = newRemoteLocation[localPoints[l]];
1096:       }
1097:       PetscFree2(newLocation,newRemoteLocation);
1098:       PetscSFSetGraph(gsfPoint, numRoots+numGhostCells, numLeaves, glocalPoints, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, gremotePoints, PETSC_OWN_POINTER);
1099:     }
1100:     DMDestroy(dmSplit);
1101:     *dmSplit = sdm;
1102:   }
1103:   return(0);
1104: }

1106: PetscErrorCode CreatePartitionVec(DM dm, DM *dmCell, Vec *partition)
1107: {
1108:   PetscSF        sfPoint;
1109:   PetscSection   coordSection;
1110:   Vec            coordinates;
1111:   PetscSection   sectionCell;
1112:   PetscScalar    *part;
1113:   PetscInt       cStart, cEnd, c;
1114:   PetscMPIInt    rank;

1118:   DMGetCoordinateSection(dm, &coordSection);
1119:   DMGetCoordinatesLocal(dm, &coordinates);
1120:   DMClone(dm, dmCell);
1121:   DMGetPointSF(dm, &sfPoint);
1122:   DMSetPointSF(*dmCell, sfPoint);
1123:   DMSetCoordinateSection(*dmCell, PETSC_DETERMINE, coordSection);
1124:   DMSetCoordinatesLocal(*dmCell, coordinates);
1125:   MPI_Comm_rank(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), &rank);
1126:   PetscSectionCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), &sectionCell);
1127:   DMPlexGetHeightStratum(*dmCell, 0, &cStart, &cEnd);
1128:   PetscSectionSetChart(sectionCell, cStart, cEnd);
1129:   for (c = cStart; c < cEnd; ++c) {
1130:     PetscSectionSetDof(sectionCell, c, 1);
1131:   }
1132:   PetscSectionSetUp(sectionCell);
1133:   DMSetLocalSection(*dmCell, sectionCell);
1134:   PetscSectionDestroy(&sectionCell);
1135:   DMCreateLocalVector(*dmCell, partition);
1136:   PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject)*partition, "partition");
1137:   VecGetArray(*partition, &part);
1138:   for (c = cStart; c < cEnd; ++c) {
1139:     PetscScalar *p;

1141:     DMPlexPointLocalRef(*dmCell, c, part, &p);
1142:     p[0] = rank;
1143:   }
1144:   VecRestoreArray(*partition, &part);
1145:   return(0);
1146: }

1148: PetscErrorCode CreateMassMatrix(DM dm, Vec *massMatrix, User user)
1149: {
1150:   DM                dmMass, dmFace, dmCell, dmCoord;
1151:   PetscSection      coordSection;
1152:   Vec               coordinates, facegeom, cellgeom;
1153:   PetscSection      sectionMass;
1154:   PetscScalar       *m;
1155:   const PetscScalar *fgeom, *cgeom, *coords;
1156:   PetscInt          vStart, vEnd, v;
1157:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;

1160:   DMGetCoordinateSection(dm, &coordSection);
1161:   DMGetCoordinatesLocal(dm, &coordinates);
1162:   DMClone(dm, &dmMass);
1163:   DMSetCoordinateSection(dmMass, PETSC_DETERMINE, coordSection);
1164:   DMSetCoordinatesLocal(dmMass, coordinates);
1165:   PetscSectionCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), &sectionMass);
1166:   DMPlexGetDepthStratum(dm, 0, &vStart, &vEnd);
1167:   PetscSectionSetChart(sectionMass, vStart, vEnd);
1168:   for (v = vStart; v < vEnd; ++v) {
1169:     PetscInt numFaces;

1171:     DMPlexGetSupportSize(dmMass, v, &numFaces);
1172:     PetscSectionSetDof(sectionMass, v, numFaces*numFaces);
1173:   }
1174:   PetscSectionSetUp(sectionMass);
1175:   DMSetLocalSection(dmMass, sectionMass);
1176:   PetscSectionDestroy(&sectionMass);
1177:   DMGetLocalVector(dmMass, massMatrix);
1178:   VecGetArray(*massMatrix, &m);
1179:   DMPlexTSGetGeometryFVM(dm, &facegeom, &cellgeom, NULL);
1180:   VecGetDM(facegeom, &dmFace);
1181:   VecGetArrayRead(facegeom, &fgeom);
1182:   VecGetDM(cellgeom, &dmCell);
1183:   VecGetArrayRead(cellgeom, &cgeom);
1184:   DMGetCoordinateDM(dm, &dmCoord);
1185:   VecGetArrayRead(coordinates, &coords);
1186:   for (v = vStart; v < vEnd; ++v) {
1187:     const PetscInt        *faces;
1188:     PetscFVFaceGeom       *fgA, *fgB, *cg;
1189:     PetscScalar           *vertex;
1190:     PetscInt               numFaces, sides[2], f, g;

1192:     DMPlexPointLocalRead(dmCoord, v, coords, &vertex);
1193:     DMPlexGetSupportSize(dmMass, v, &numFaces);
1194:     DMPlexGetSupport(dmMass, v, &faces);
1195:     for (f = 0; f < numFaces; ++f) {
1196:       sides[0] = faces[f];
1197:       DMPlexPointLocalRead(dmFace, faces[f], fgeom, &fgA);
1198:       for (g = 0; g < numFaces; ++g) {
1199:         const PetscInt *cells = NULL;
1200:         PetscReal      area   = 0.0;
1201:         PetscInt       numCells;

1203:         sides[1] = faces[g];
1204:         DMPlexPointLocalRead(dmFace, faces[g], fgeom, &fgB);
1205:         DMPlexGetJoin(dmMass, 2, sides, &numCells, &cells);
1206:         if (numCells != 1) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "Invalid join for faces");
1207:         DMPlexPointLocalRead(dmCell, cells[0], cgeom, &cg);
1208:         area += PetscAbsScalar((vertex[0] - cg->centroid[0])*(fgA->centroid[1] - cg->centroid[1]) - (vertex[1] - cg->centroid[1])*(fgA->centroid[0] - cg->centroid[0]));
1209:         area += PetscAbsScalar((vertex[0] - cg->centroid[0])*(fgB->centroid[1] - cg->centroid[1]) - (vertex[1] - cg->centroid[1])*(fgB->centroid[0] - cg->centroid[0]));
1210:         m[f*numFaces+g] = Dot2Real(fgA->normal, fgB->normal)*area*0.5;
1211:         DMPlexRestoreJoin(dmMass, 2, sides, &numCells, &cells);
1212:       }
1213:     }
1214:   }
1215:   VecRestoreArrayRead(facegeom, &fgeom);
1216:   VecRestoreArrayRead(cellgeom, &cgeom);
1217:   VecRestoreArrayRead(coordinates, &coords);
1218:   VecRestoreArray(*massMatrix, &m);
1219:   DMDestroy(&dmMass);
1220:   return(0);
1221: }

1223: /* Behavior will be different for multi-physics or when using non-default boundary conditions */
1224: static PetscErrorCode ModelSolutionSetDefault(Model mod,SolutionFunction func,void *ctx)
1225: {
1227:   mod->solution    = func;
1228:   mod->solutionctx = ctx;
1229:   return(0);
1230: }

1232: static PetscErrorCode ModelFunctionalRegister(Model mod,const char *name,PetscInt *offset,FunctionalFunction func,void *ctx)
1233: {
1235:   FunctionalLink link,*ptr;
1236:   PetscInt       lastoffset = -1;

1239:   for (ptr=&mod->functionalRegistry; *ptr; ptr = &(*ptr)->next) lastoffset = (*ptr)->offset;
1240:   PetscNew(&link);
1241:   PetscStrallocpy(name,&link->name);
1242:   link->offset = lastoffset + 1;
1243:   link->func   = func;
1244:   link->ctx    = ctx;
1245:   link->next   = NULL;
1246:   *ptr         = link;
1247:   *offset      = link->offset;
1248:   return(0);
1249: }

1251: static PetscErrorCode ModelFunctionalSetFromOptions(Model mod,PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject)
1252: {
1254:   PetscInt       i,j;
1255:   FunctionalLink link;
1256:   char           *names[256];

1259:   mod->numMonitored = ALEN(names);
1260:   PetscOptionsStringArray("-monitor","list of functionals to monitor","",names,&mod->numMonitored,NULL);
1261:   /* Create list of functionals that will be computed somehow */
1262:   PetscMalloc1(mod->numMonitored,&mod->functionalMonitored);
1263:   /* Create index of calls that we will have to make to compute these functionals (over-allocation in general). */
1264:   PetscMalloc1(mod->numMonitored,&mod->functionalCall);
1265:   mod->numCall = 0;
1266:   for (i=0; i<mod->numMonitored; i++) {
1267:     for (link=mod->functionalRegistry; link; link=link->next) {
1268:       PetscBool match;
1269:       PetscStrcasecmp(names[i],link->name,&match);
1270:       if (match) break;
1271:     }
1272:     if (!link) SETERRQ1(mod->comm,PETSC_ERR_USER,"No known functional '%s'",names[i]);
1273:     mod->functionalMonitored[i] = link;
1274:     for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
1275:       if (mod->functionalCall[j]->func == link->func && mod->functionalCall[j]->ctx == link->ctx) goto next_name;
1276:     }
1277:     mod->functionalCall[mod->numCall++] = link; /* Just points to the first link using the result. There may be more results. */
1278: next_name:
1279:     PetscFree(names[i]);
1280:   }

1282:   /* Find out the maximum index of any functional computed by a function we will be calling (even if we are not using it) */
1283:   mod->maxComputed = -1;
1284:   for (link=mod->functionalRegistry; link; link=link->next) {
1285:     for (i=0; i<mod->numCall; i++) {
1286:       FunctionalLink call = mod->functionalCall[i];
1287:       if (link->func == call->func && link->ctx == call->ctx) {
1288:         mod->maxComputed = PetscMax(mod->maxComputed,link->offset);
1289:       }
1290:     }
1291:   }
1292:   return(0);
1293: }

1295: static PetscErrorCode FunctionalLinkDestroy(FunctionalLink *link)
1296: {
1298:   FunctionalLink l,next;

1301:   if (!link) return(0);
1302:   l     = *link;
1303:   *link = NULL;
1304:   for (; l; l=next) {
1305:     next = l->next;
1306:     PetscFree(l->name);
1307:     PetscFree(l);
1308:   }
1309:   return(0);
1310: }

1312: /* put the solution callback into a functional callback */
1313: static PetscErrorCode SolutionFunctional(PetscInt dim, PetscReal time, const PetscReal x[], PetscInt Nf, PetscScalar *u, void *modctx)
1314: {
1315:   Model          mod;
1318:   mod  = (Model) modctx;
1319:   (*mod->solution)(mod, time, x, u, mod->solutionctx);
1320:   return(0);
1321: }

1323: PetscErrorCode SetInitialCondition(DM dm, Vec X, User user)
1324: {
1325:   PetscErrorCode     (*func[1]) (PetscInt dim, PetscReal time, const PetscReal x[], PetscInt Nf, PetscScalar *u, void *ctx);
1326:   void               *ctx[1];
1327:   Model              mod = user->model;
1328:   PetscErrorCode     ierr;

1331:   func[0] = SolutionFunctional;
1332:   ctx[0]  = (void *) mod;
1333:   DMProjectFunction(dm,0.0,func,ctx,INSERT_ALL_VALUES,X);
1334:   return(0);
1335: }

1337: static PetscErrorCode OutputVTK(DM dm, const char *filename, PetscViewer *viewer)
1338: {

1342:   PetscViewerCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), viewer);
1343:   PetscViewerSetType(*viewer, PETSCVIEWERVTK);
1344:   PetscViewerFileSetName(*viewer, filename);
1345:   return(0);
1346: }

1348: static PetscErrorCode MonitorVTK(TS ts,PetscInt stepnum,PetscReal time,Vec X,void *ctx)
1349: {
1350:   User           user = (User)ctx;
1351:   DM             dm;
1352:   Vec            cellgeom;
1353:   PetscViewer    viewer;
1354:   char           filename[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN],*ftable = NULL;
1355:   PetscReal      xnorm;

1359:   PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) X, "u");
1360:   VecGetDM(X,&dm);
1361:   DMPlexTSGetGeometryFVM(dm, NULL, &cellgeom, NULL);
1362:   VecNorm(X,NORM_INFINITY,&xnorm);

1364:   if (stepnum >= 0) {
1365:     stepnum += user->monitorStepOffset;
1366:   }
1367:   if (stepnum >= 0) {           /* No summary for final time */
1368:     Model             mod = user->model;
1369:     PetscInt          c,cStart,cEnd,fcount,i;
1370:     size_t            ftableused,ftablealloc;
1371:     const PetscScalar *cgeom,*x;
1372:     DM                dmCell;
1373:     DMLabel           vtkLabel;
1374:     PetscReal         *fmin,*fmax,*fintegral,*ftmp;
1375:     fcount = mod->maxComputed+1;
1376:     PetscMalloc4(fcount,&fmin,fcount,&fmax,fcount,&fintegral,fcount,&ftmp);
1377:     for (i=0; i<fcount; i++) {
1378:       fmin[i]      = PETSC_MAX_REAL;
1379:       fmax[i]      = PETSC_MIN_REAL;
1380:       fintegral[i] = 0;
1381:     }
1382:     VecGetDM(cellgeom,&dmCell);
1383:     DMPlexGetSimplexOrBoxCells(dmCell,0,&cStart,&cEnd);
1384:     VecGetArrayRead(cellgeom,&cgeom);
1385:     VecGetArrayRead(X,&x);
1386:     DMGetLabel(dm,"vtk",&vtkLabel);
1387:     for (c = cStart; c < cEnd; ++c) {
1388:       PetscFVCellGeom       *cg;
1389:       const PetscScalar     *cx    = NULL;
1390:       PetscInt              vtkVal = 0;

1392:       /* not that these two routines as currently implemented work for any dm with a
1393:        * localSection/globalSection */
1394:       DMPlexPointLocalRead(dmCell,c,cgeom,&cg);
1395:       DMPlexPointGlobalRead(dm,c,x,&cx);
1396:       if (vtkLabel) {DMLabelGetValue(vtkLabel,c,&vtkVal);}
1397:       if (!vtkVal || !cx) continue;        /* ghost, or not a global cell */
1398:       for (i=0; i<mod->numCall; i++) {
1399:         FunctionalLink flink = mod->functionalCall[i];
1400:         (*flink->func)(mod,time,cg->centroid,cx,ftmp,flink->ctx);
1401:       }
1402:       for (i=0; i<fcount; i++) {
1403:         fmin[i]       = PetscMin(fmin[i],ftmp[i]);
1404:         fmax[i]       = PetscMax(fmax[i],ftmp[i]);
1405:         fintegral[i] += cg->volume * ftmp[i];
1406:       }
1407:     }
1408:     VecRestoreArrayRead(cellgeom,&cgeom);
1409:     VecRestoreArrayRead(X,&x);
1410:     MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,fmin,fcount,MPIU_REAL,MPIU_MIN,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts));
1411:     MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,fmax,fcount,MPIU_REAL,MPIU_MAX,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts));
1412:     MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,fintegral,fcount,MPIU_REAL,MPIU_SUM,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts));

1414:     ftablealloc = fcount * 100;
1415:     ftableused  = 0;
1416:     PetscMalloc1(ftablealloc,&ftable);
1417:     for (i=0; i<mod->numMonitored; i++) {
1418:       size_t         countused;
1419:       char           buffer[256],*p;
1420:       FunctionalLink flink = mod->functionalMonitored[i];
1421:       PetscInt       id    = flink->offset;
1422:       if (i % 3) {
1423:         PetscArraycpy(buffer,"  ",2);
1424:         p    = buffer + 2;
1425:       } else if (i) {
1426:         char newline[] = "\n";
1427:         PetscMemcpy(buffer,newline,sizeof(newline)-1);
1428:         p    = buffer + sizeof(newline) - 1;
1429:       } else {
1430:         p = buffer;
1431:       }
1432:       PetscSNPrintfCount(p,sizeof buffer-(p-buffer),"%12s [%10.7g,%10.7g] int %10.7g",&countused,flink->name,(double)fmin[id],(double)fmax[id],(double)fintegral[id]);
1433:       countused--;
1434:       countused += p - buffer;
1435:       if (countused > ftablealloc-ftableused-1) { /* reallocate */
1436:         char *ftablenew;
1437:         ftablealloc = 2*ftablealloc + countused;
1438:         PetscMalloc(ftablealloc,&ftablenew);
1439:         PetscArraycpy(ftablenew,ftable,ftableused);
1440:         PetscFree(ftable);
1441:         ftable = ftablenew;
1442:       }
1443:       PetscArraycpy(ftable+ftableused,buffer,countused);
1444:       ftableused += countused;
1445:       ftable[ftableused] = 0;
1446:     }
1447:     PetscFree4(fmin,fmax,fintegral,ftmp);

1449:     PetscPrintf(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),"% 3D  time %8.4g  |x| %8.4g  %s\n",stepnum,(double)time,(double)xnorm,ftable ? ftable : "");
1450:     PetscFree(ftable);
1451:   }
1452:   if (user->vtkInterval < 1) return(0);
1453:   if ((stepnum == -1) ^ (stepnum % user->vtkInterval == 0)) {
1454:     if (stepnum == -1) {        /* Final time is not multiple of normal time interval, write it anyway */
1455:       TSGetStepNumber(ts,&stepnum);
1456:     }
1457:     PetscSNPrintf(filename,sizeof filename,"%s-%03D.vtu",user->outputBasename,stepnum);
1458:     OutputVTK(dm,filename,&viewer);
1459:     VecView(X,viewer);
1460:     PetscViewerDestroy(&viewer);
1461:   }
1462:   return(0);
1463: }

1465: static PetscErrorCode initializeTS(DM dm, User user, TS *ts)
1466: {

1470:   TSCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm), ts);
1471:   TSSetType(*ts, TSSSP);
1472:   TSSetDM(*ts, dm);
1473:   if (user->vtkmon) {
1474:     TSMonitorSet(*ts,MonitorVTK,user,NULL);
1475:   }
1476:   DMTSSetBoundaryLocal(dm, DMPlexTSComputeBoundary, user);
1477:   DMTSSetRHSFunctionLocal(dm, DMPlexTSComputeRHSFunctionFVM, user);
1478:   TSSetMaxTime(*ts,2.0);
1479:   TSSetExactFinalTime(*ts,TS_EXACTFINALTIME_STEPOVER);
1480:   return(0);
1481: }

1483: static PetscErrorCode adaptToleranceFVM(PetscFV fvm, TS ts, Vec sol, VecTagger refineTag, VecTagger coarsenTag, User user, TS *tsNew, Vec *solNew)
1484: {
1485:   DM                dm, gradDM, plex, cellDM, adaptedDM = NULL;
1486:   Vec               cellGeom, faceGeom;
1487:   PetscBool         isForest, computeGradient;
1488:   Vec               grad, locGrad, locX, errVec;
1489:   PetscInt          cStart, cEnd, c, dim, nRefine, nCoarsen;
1490:   PetscReal         minMaxInd[2] = {PETSC_MAX_REAL, PETSC_MIN_REAL}, minMaxIndGlobal[2], minInd, maxInd, time;
1491:   PetscScalar       *errArray;
1492:   const PetscScalar *pointVals;
1493:   const PetscScalar *pointGrads;
1494:   const PetscScalar *pointGeom;
1495:   DMLabel           adaptLabel = NULL;
1496:   IS                refineIS, coarsenIS;
1497:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;

1500:   TSGetTime(ts,&time);
1501:   VecGetDM(sol, &dm);
1502:   DMGetDimension(dm,&dim);
1503:   PetscFVGetComputeGradients(fvm,&computeGradient);
1504:   PetscFVSetComputeGradients(fvm,PETSC_TRUE);
1505:   DMIsForest(dm, &isForest);
1506:   DMConvert(dm, DMPLEX, &plex);
1507:   DMPlexGetDataFVM(plex, fvm, &cellGeom, &faceGeom, &gradDM);
1508:   DMCreateLocalVector(plex,&locX);
1509:   DMPlexInsertBoundaryValues(plex, PETSC_TRUE, locX, 0.0, faceGeom, cellGeom, NULL);
1510:   DMGlobalToLocalBegin(plex, sol, INSERT_VALUES, locX);
1511:   DMGlobalToLocalEnd  (plex, sol, INSERT_VALUES, locX);
1512:   DMCreateGlobalVector(gradDM, &grad);
1513:   DMPlexReconstructGradientsFVM(plex, locX, grad);
1514:   DMCreateLocalVector(gradDM, &locGrad);
1515:   DMGlobalToLocalBegin(gradDM, grad, INSERT_VALUES, locGrad);
1516:   DMGlobalToLocalEnd(gradDM, grad, INSERT_VALUES, locGrad);
1517:   VecDestroy(&grad);
1518:   DMPlexGetSimplexOrBoxCells(plex,0,&cStart,&cEnd);
1519:   VecGetArrayRead(locGrad,&pointGrads);
1520:   VecGetArrayRead(cellGeom,&pointGeom);
1521:   VecGetArrayRead(locX,&pointVals);
1522:   VecGetDM(cellGeom,&cellDM);
1523:   DMLabelCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,"adapt",&adaptLabel);
1524:   VecCreateMPI(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)plex),cEnd-cStart,PETSC_DETERMINE,&errVec);
1525:   VecSetUp(errVec);
1526:   VecGetArray(errVec,&errArray);
1527:   for (c = cStart; c < cEnd; c++) {
1528:     PetscReal             errInd = 0.;
1529:     PetscScalar           *pointGrad;
1530:     PetscScalar           *pointVal;
1531:     PetscFVCellGeom       *cg;

1533:     DMPlexPointLocalRead(gradDM,c,pointGrads,&pointGrad);
1534:     DMPlexPointLocalRead(cellDM,c,pointGeom,&cg);
1535:     DMPlexPointLocalRead(plex,c,pointVals,&pointVal);

1537:     (user->model->errorIndicator)(dim,cg->volume,user->model->physics->dof,pointVal,pointGrad,&errInd,user->model->errorCtx);
1538:     errArray[c-cStart] = errInd;
1539:     minMaxInd[0] = PetscMin(minMaxInd[0],errInd);
1540:     minMaxInd[1] = PetscMax(minMaxInd[1],errInd);
1541:   }
1542:   VecRestoreArray(errVec,&errArray);
1543:   VecRestoreArrayRead(locX,&pointVals);
1544:   VecRestoreArrayRead(cellGeom,&pointGeom);
1545:   VecRestoreArrayRead(locGrad,&pointGrads);
1546:   VecDestroy(&locGrad);
1547:   VecDestroy(&locX);
1548:   DMDestroy(&plex);

1550:   VecTaggerComputeIS(refineTag,errVec,&refineIS);
1551:   VecTaggerComputeIS(coarsenTag,errVec,&coarsenIS);
1552:   ISGetSize(refineIS,&nRefine);
1553:   ISGetSize(coarsenIS,&nCoarsen);
1554:   if (nRefine) {DMLabelSetStratumIS(adaptLabel,DM_ADAPT_REFINE,refineIS);}
1555:   if (nCoarsen) {DMLabelSetStratumIS(adaptLabel,DM_ADAPT_COARSEN,coarsenIS);}
1556:   ISDestroy(&coarsenIS);
1557:   ISDestroy(&refineIS);
1558:   VecDestroy(&errVec);

1560:   PetscFVSetComputeGradients(fvm,computeGradient);
1561:   minMaxInd[1] = -minMaxInd[1];
1562:   MPI_Allreduce(minMaxInd,minMaxIndGlobal,2,MPIU_REAL,MPI_MIN,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm));
1563:   minInd = minMaxIndGlobal[0];
1564:   maxInd = -minMaxIndGlobal[1];
1565:   PetscInfo2(ts, "error indicator range (%E, %E)\n", minInd, maxInd);
1566:   if (nRefine || nCoarsen) { /* at least one cell is over the refinement threshold */
1567:     DMAdaptLabel(dm,adaptLabel,&adaptedDM);
1568:   }
1569:   DMLabelDestroy(&adaptLabel);
1570:   if (adaptedDM) {
1571:     PetscInfo2(ts, "Adapted mesh, marking %D cells for refinement, and %D cells for coarsening\n", nRefine, nCoarsen);
1572:     if (tsNew) {initializeTS(adaptedDM, user, tsNew);}
1573:     if (solNew) {
1574:       DMCreateGlobalVector(adaptedDM, solNew);
1575:       PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) *solNew, "solution");
1576:       DMForestTransferVec(dm, sol, adaptedDM, *solNew, PETSC_TRUE, time);
1577:     }
1578:     if (isForest) {DMForestSetAdaptivityForest(adaptedDM,NULL);} /* clear internal references to the previous dm */
1579:     DMDestroy(&adaptedDM);
1580:   } else {
1581:     if (tsNew)  *tsNew  = NULL;
1582:     if (solNew) *solNew = NULL;
1583:   }
1584:   return(0);
1585: }

1587: int main(int argc, char **argv)
1588: {
1589:   MPI_Comm          comm;
1590:   PetscDS           prob;
1591:   PetscFV           fvm;
1592:   PetscLimiter      limiter = NULL, noneLimiter = NULL;
1593:   User              user;
1594:   Model             mod;
1595:   Physics           phys;
1596:   DM                dm;
1597:   PetscReal         ftime, cfl, dt, minRadius;
1598:   PetscInt          dim, nsteps;
1599:   TS                ts;
1600:   TSConvergedReason reason;
1601:   Vec               X;
1602:   PetscViewer       viewer;
1603:   PetscBool         simplex = PETSC_FALSE, vtkCellGeom, splitFaces, useAMR;
1604:   PetscInt          overlap, adaptInterval;
1605:   char              filename[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN] = "";
1606:   char              physname[256]  = "advect";
1607:   VecTagger         refineTag = NULL, coarsenTag = NULL;
1608:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;

1610:   PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, (char*) 0, help);if (ierr) return ierr;
1611:   comm = PETSC_COMM_WORLD;

1613:   PetscNew(&user);
1614:   PetscNew(&user->model);
1615:   PetscNew(&user->model->physics);
1616:   mod           = user->model;
1617:   phys          = mod->physics;
1618:   mod->comm     = comm;
1619:   useAMR        = PETSC_FALSE;
1620:   adaptInterval = 1;

1622:   /* Register physical models to be available on the command line */
1623:   PetscFunctionListAdd(&PhysicsList,"advect"          ,PhysicsCreate_Advect);
1624:   PetscFunctionListAdd(&PhysicsList,"sw"              ,PhysicsCreate_SW);
1625:   PetscFunctionListAdd(&PhysicsList,"euler"           ,PhysicsCreate_Euler);

1627:   PetscOptionsBegin(comm,NULL,"Unstructured Finite Volume Mesh Options","");
1628:   {
1629:     cfl  = 0.9 * 4; /* default SSPRKS2 with s=5 stages is stable for CFL number s-1 */
1630:     PetscOptionsReal("-ufv_cfl","CFL number per step","",cfl,&cfl,NULL);
1631:     PetscOptionsString("-f","Exodus.II filename to read","",filename,filename,sizeof(filename),NULL);
1632:     PetscOptionsBool("-simplex","Flag to use a simplex mesh","",simplex,&simplex,NULL);
1633:     splitFaces = PETSC_FALSE;
1634:     PetscOptionsBool("-ufv_split_faces","Split faces between cell sets","",splitFaces,&splitFaces,NULL);
1635:     overlap = 1;
1636:     PetscOptionsInt("-ufv_mesh_overlap","Number of cells to overlap partitions","",overlap,&overlap,NULL);
1637:     user->vtkInterval = 1;
1638:     PetscOptionsInt("-ufv_vtk_interval","VTK output interval (0 to disable)","",user->vtkInterval,&user->vtkInterval,NULL);
1639:     user->vtkmon = PETSC_TRUE;
1640:     PetscOptionsBool("-ufv_vtk_monitor","Use VTKMonitor routine","",user->vtkmon,&user->vtkmon,NULL);
1641:     vtkCellGeom = PETSC_FALSE;
1642:     PetscStrcpy(user->outputBasename, "ex11");
1643:     PetscOptionsString("-ufv_vtk_basename","VTK output basename","",user->outputBasename,user->outputBasename,PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN,NULL);
1644:     PetscOptionsBool("-ufv_vtk_cellgeom","Write cell geometry (for debugging)","",vtkCellGeom,&vtkCellGeom,NULL);
1645:     PetscOptionsBool("-ufv_use_amr","use local adaptive mesh refinement","",useAMR,&useAMR,NULL);
1646:     PetscOptionsInt("-ufv_adapt_interval","time steps between AMR","",adaptInterval,&adaptInterval,NULL);
1647:   }
1648:   PetscOptionsEnd();

1650:   if (useAMR) {
1651:     VecTaggerBox refineBox, coarsenBox;

1653:     refineBox.min  = refineBox.max  = PETSC_MAX_REAL;
1654:     coarsenBox.min = coarsenBox.max = PETSC_MIN_REAL;

1656:     VecTaggerCreate(comm,&refineTag);
1657:     PetscObjectSetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)refineTag,"refine_");
1658:     VecTaggerSetType(refineTag,VECTAGGERABSOLUTE);
1659:     VecTaggerAbsoluteSetBox(refineTag,&refineBox);
1660:     VecTaggerSetFromOptions(refineTag);
1661:     VecTaggerSetUp(refineTag);
1662:     PetscObjectViewFromOptions((PetscObject)refineTag,NULL,"-tag_view");

1664:     VecTaggerCreate(comm,&coarsenTag);
1665:     PetscObjectSetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)coarsenTag,"coarsen_");
1666:     VecTaggerSetType(coarsenTag,VECTAGGERABSOLUTE);
1667:     VecTaggerAbsoluteSetBox(coarsenTag,&coarsenBox);
1668:     VecTaggerSetFromOptions(coarsenTag);
1669:     VecTaggerSetUp(coarsenTag);
1670:     PetscObjectViewFromOptions((PetscObject)coarsenTag,NULL,"-tag_view");
1671:   }

1673:   PetscOptionsBegin(comm,NULL,"Unstructured Finite Volume Physics Options","");
1674:   {
1675:     PetscErrorCode (*physcreate)(Model,Physics,PetscOptionItems*);
1676:     PetscOptionsFList("-physics","Physics module to solve","",PhysicsList,physname,physname,sizeof physname,NULL);
1677:     PetscFunctionListFind(PhysicsList,physname,&physcreate);
1678:     PetscMemzero(phys,sizeof(struct _n_Physics));
1679:     (*physcreate)(mod,phys,PetscOptionsObject);
1680:     /* Count number of fields and dofs */
1681:     for (phys->nfields=0,phys->dof=0; phys->field_desc[phys->nfields].name; phys->nfields++) phys->dof += phys->field_desc[phys->nfields].dof;
1682:     if (phys->dof <= 0) SETERRQ1(comm,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"Physics '%s' did not set dof",physname);
1683:     ModelFunctionalSetFromOptions(mod,PetscOptionsObject);
1684:   }
1685:   PetscOptionsEnd();

1687:   /* Create mesh */
1688:   {
1689:     size_t len,i;
1690:     for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++) { mod->bounds[2*i] = 0.; mod->bounds[2*i+1] = 1.;};
1691:     PetscStrlen(filename,&len);
1692:     dim = DIM;
1693:     if (!len) { /* a null name means just do a hex box */
1694:       PetscInt cells[3] = {1, 1, 1}; /* coarse mesh is one cell; refine from there */
1695:       PetscBool flg1, flg2, skew = PETSC_FALSE;
1696:       PetscInt nret1 = DIM;
1697:       PetscInt nret2 = 2*DIM;
1698:       PetscOptionsBegin(comm,NULL,"Rectangular mesh options","");
1699:       PetscOptionsIntArray("-grid_size","number of cells in each direction","",cells,&nret1,&flg1);
1700:       PetscOptionsRealArray("-grid_bounds","bounds of the mesh in each direction (i.e., x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max","",mod->bounds,&nret2,&flg2);
1701:       PetscOptionsBool("-grid_skew_60","Skew grid for 60 degree shock mesh","",skew,&skew,NULL);
1702:       PetscOptionsEnd();
1703:       if (flg1) {
1704:         dim = nret1;
1705:         if (dim != DIM) SETERRQ1(comm,PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ,"Dim wrong size %D in -grid_size",dim);
1706:       }
1707:       DMPlexCreateBoxMesh(comm, dim, simplex, cells, NULL, NULL, mod->bcs, PETSC_TRUE, &dm);
1708:       if (flg2) {
1709:         PetscInt dimEmbed, i;
1710:         PetscInt nCoords;
1711:         PetscScalar *coords;
1712:         Vec coordinates;

1714:         DMGetCoordinatesLocal(dm,&coordinates);
1715:         DMGetCoordinateDim(dm,&dimEmbed);
1716:         VecGetLocalSize(coordinates,&nCoords);
1717:         if (nCoords % dimEmbed) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ,"Coordinate vector the wrong size");
1718:         VecGetArray(coordinates,&coords);
1719:         for (i = 0; i < nCoords; i += dimEmbed) {
1720:           PetscInt j;

1722:           PetscScalar *coord = &coords[i];
1723:           for (j = 0; j < dimEmbed; j++) {
1724:             coord[j] = mod->bounds[2 * j] + coord[j] * (mod->bounds[2 * j + 1] - mod->bounds[2 * j]);
1725:             if (dim==2 && cells[1]==1 && j==0 && skew) {
1726:               if (cells[0]==2 && i==8) {
1727:                 coord[j] = .57735026918963; /* hack to get 60 deg skewed mesh */
1728:               }
1729:               else if (cells[0]==3) {
1730:                 if(i==2 || i==10) coord[j] = mod->bounds[1]/4.;
1731:                 else if (i==4) coord[j] = mod->bounds[1]/2.;
1732:                 else if (i==12) coord[j] = 1.57735026918963*mod->bounds[1]/2.;
1733:               }
1734:             }
1735:           }
1736:         }
1737:         VecRestoreArray(coordinates,&coords);
1738:         DMSetCoordinatesLocal(dm,coordinates);
1739:       }
1740:     } else {
1741:       DMPlexCreateFromFile(comm, filename, PETSC_TRUE, &dm);
1742:     }
1743:   }
1744:   DMViewFromOptions(dm, NULL, "-orig_dm_view");
1745:   DMGetDimension(dm, &dim);

1747:   /* set up BCs, functions, tags */
1748:   DMCreateLabel(dm, "Face Sets");

1750:   mod->errorIndicator = ErrorIndicator_Simple;

1752:   {
1753:     DM dmDist;

1755:     DMSetBasicAdjacency(dm, PETSC_TRUE, PETSC_FALSE);
1756:     DMPlexDistribute(dm, overlap, NULL, &dmDist);
1757:     if (dmDist) {
1758:       DMDestroy(&dm);
1759:       dm   = dmDist;
1760:     }
1761:   }

1763:   DMSetFromOptions(dm);

1765:   {
1766:     DM gdm;

1768:     DMPlexConstructGhostCells(dm, NULL, NULL, &gdm);
1769:     DMDestroy(&dm);
1770:     dm   = gdm;
1771:     DMViewFromOptions(dm, NULL, "-dm_view");
1772:   }
1773:   if (splitFaces) {ConstructCellBoundary(dm, user);}
1774:   SplitFaces(&dm, "split faces", user);

1776:   PetscFVCreate(comm, &fvm);
1777:   PetscFVSetFromOptions(fvm);
1778:   PetscFVSetNumComponents(fvm, phys->dof);
1779:   PetscFVSetSpatialDimension(fvm, dim);
1780:   PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) fvm,"");
1781:   {
1782:     PetscInt f, dof;
1783:     for (f=0,dof=0; f < phys->nfields; f++) {
1784:       PetscInt newDof = phys->field_desc[f].dof;

1786:       if (newDof == 1) {
1787:         PetscFVSetComponentName(fvm,dof,phys->field_desc[f].name);
1788:       }
1789:       else {
1790:         PetscInt j;

1792:         for (j = 0; j < newDof; j++) {
1793:           char     compName[256]  = "Unknown";

1795:           PetscSNPrintf(compName,sizeof(compName),"%s_%d",phys->field_desc[f].name,j);
1796:           PetscFVSetComponentName(fvm,dof+j,compName);
1797:         }
1798:       }
1799:       dof += newDof;
1800:     }
1801:   }
1802:   /* FV is now structured with one field having all physics as components */
1803:   DMAddField(dm, NULL, (PetscObject) fvm);
1804:   DMCreateDS(dm);
1805:   DMGetDS(dm, &prob);
1806:   PetscDSSetRiemannSolver(prob, 0, user->model->physics->riemann);
1807:   PetscDSSetContext(prob, 0, user->model->physics);
1808:   (*mod->setupbc)(prob,phys);
1809:   PetscDSSetFromOptions(prob);
1810:   {
1811:     char      convType[256];
1812:     PetscBool flg;

1814:     PetscOptionsBegin(comm, "", "Mesh conversion options", "DMPLEX");
1815:     PetscOptionsFList("-dm_type","Convert DMPlex to another format","ex12",DMList,DMPLEX,convType,256,&flg);
1816:     PetscOptionsEnd();
1817:     if (flg) {
1818:       DM dmConv;

1820:       DMConvert(dm,convType,&dmConv);
1821:       if (dmConv) {
1822:         DMViewFromOptions(dmConv, NULL, "-dm_conv_view");
1823:         DMDestroy(&dm);
1824:         dm   = dmConv;
1825:         DMSetFromOptions(dm);
1826:       }
1827:     }
1828:   }

1830:   initializeTS(dm, user, &ts);

1832:   DMCreateGlobalVector(dm, &X);
1833:   PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) X, "solution");
1834:   SetInitialCondition(dm, X, user);
1835:   if (useAMR) {
1836:     PetscInt adaptIter;

1838:     /* use no limiting when reconstructing gradients for adaptivity */
1839:     PetscFVGetLimiter(fvm, &limiter);
1840:     PetscObjectReference((PetscObject) limiter);
1841:     PetscLimiterCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) fvm), &noneLimiter);
1842:     PetscLimiterSetType(noneLimiter, PETSCLIMITERNONE);

1844:     PetscFVSetLimiter(fvm, noneLimiter);
1845:     for (adaptIter = 0; ; ++adaptIter) {
1846:       PetscLogDouble bytes;
1847:       TS             tsNew = NULL;

1849:       PetscMemoryGetCurrentUsage(&bytes);
1850:       PetscInfo2(ts, "refinement loop %D: memory used %g\n", adaptIter, bytes);
1851:       DMViewFromOptions(dm, NULL, "-initial_dm_view");
1852:       VecViewFromOptions(X, NULL, "-initial_vec_view");
1853: #if 0
1854:       if (viewInitial) {
1855:         PetscViewer viewer;
1856:         char        buf[256];
1857:         PetscBool   isHDF5, isVTK;

1859:         PetscViewerCreate(comm,&viewer);
1860:         PetscViewerSetType(viewer,PETSCVIEWERVTK);
1861:         PetscViewerSetOptionsPrefix(viewer,"initial_");
1862:         PetscViewerSetFromOptions(viewer);
1863:         PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERHDF5,&isHDF5);
1864:         PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERVTK,&isVTK);
1865:         if (isHDF5) {
1866:           PetscSNPrintf(buf, 256, "ex11-initial-%d.h5", adaptIter);
1867:         } else if (isVTK) {
1868:           PetscSNPrintf(buf, 256, "ex11-initial-%d.vtu", adaptIter);
1869:           PetscViewerPushFormat(viewer,PETSC_VIEWER_VTK_VTU);
1870:         }
1871:         PetscViewerFileSetMode(viewer,FILE_MODE_WRITE);
1872:         PetscViewerFileSetName(viewer,buf);
1873:         if (isHDF5) {
1874:           DMView(dm,viewer);
1875:           PetscViewerFileSetMode(viewer,FILE_MODE_UPDATE);
1876:         }
1877:         VecView(X,viewer);
1878:         PetscViewerDestroy(&viewer);
1879:       }
1880: #endif

1882:       adaptToleranceFVM(fvm, ts, X, refineTag, coarsenTag, user, &tsNew, NULL);
1883:       if (!tsNew) {
1884:         break;
1885:       } else {
1886:         DMDestroy(&dm);
1887:         VecDestroy(&X);
1888:         TSDestroy(&ts);
1889:         ts   = tsNew;
1890:         TSGetDM(ts,&dm);
1891:         PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)dm);
1892:         DMCreateGlobalVector(dm,&X);
1893:         PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) X, "solution");
1894:         SetInitialCondition(dm, X, user);
1895:       }
1896:     }
1897:     /* restore original limiter */
1898:     PetscFVSetLimiter(fvm, limiter);
1899:   }

1901:   if (vtkCellGeom) {
1902:     DM  dmCell;
1903:     Vec cellgeom, partition;

1905:     DMPlexTSGetGeometryFVM(dm, NULL, &cellgeom, NULL);
1906:     OutputVTK(dm, "ex11-cellgeom.vtk", &viewer);
1907:     VecView(cellgeom, viewer);
1908:     PetscViewerDestroy(&viewer);
1909:     CreatePartitionVec(dm, &dmCell, &partition);
1910:     OutputVTK(dmCell, "ex11-partition.vtk", &viewer);
1911:     VecView(partition, viewer);
1912:     PetscViewerDestroy(&viewer);
1913:     VecDestroy(&partition);
1914:     DMDestroy(&dmCell);
1915:   }

1917:   /* collect max maxspeed from all processes -- todo */
1918:   DMPlexTSGetGeometryFVM(dm, NULL, NULL, &minRadius);
1919:   MPI_Allreduce(&phys->maxspeed,&mod->maxspeed,1,MPIU_REAL,MPIU_MAX,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts));
1920:   if (mod->maxspeed <= 0) SETERRQ1(comm,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"Physics '%s' did not set maxspeed",physname);
1921:   dt   = cfl * minRadius / mod->maxspeed;
1922:   TSSetTimeStep(ts,dt);
1923:   TSSetFromOptions(ts);
1924:   if (!useAMR) {
1925:     TSSolve(ts,X);
1926:     TSGetSolveTime(ts,&ftime);
1927:     TSGetStepNumber(ts,&nsteps);
1928:   } else {
1929:     PetscReal finalTime;
1930:     PetscInt  adaptIter;
1931:     TS        tsNew = NULL;
1932:     Vec       solNew = NULL;

1934:     TSGetMaxTime(ts,&finalTime);
1935:     TSSetMaxSteps(ts,adaptInterval);
1936:     TSSolve(ts,X);
1937:     TSGetSolveTime(ts,&ftime);
1938:     TSGetStepNumber(ts,&nsteps);
1939:     for (adaptIter = 0;ftime < finalTime;adaptIter++) {
1940:       PetscLogDouble bytes;

1942:       PetscMemoryGetCurrentUsage(&bytes);
1943:       PetscInfo2(ts, "AMR time step loop %D: memory used %g\n", adaptIter, bytes);
1944:       PetscFVSetLimiter(fvm,noneLimiter);
1945:       adaptToleranceFVM(fvm,ts,X,refineTag,coarsenTag,user,&tsNew,&solNew);
1946:       PetscFVSetLimiter(fvm,limiter);
1947:       if (tsNew) {
1948:         PetscInfo(ts, "AMR used\n");
1949:         DMDestroy(&dm);
1950:         VecDestroy(&X);
1951:         TSDestroy(&ts);
1952:         ts   = tsNew;
1953:         X    = solNew;
1954:         TSSetFromOptions(ts);
1955:         VecGetDM(X,&dm);
1956:         PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)dm);
1957:         DMPlexTSGetGeometryFVM(dm, NULL, NULL, &minRadius);
1958:         MPI_Allreduce(&phys->maxspeed,&mod->maxspeed,1,MPIU_REAL,MPIU_MAX,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts));
1959:         if (mod->maxspeed <= 0) SETERRQ1(comm,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"Physics '%s' did not set maxspeed",physname);
1960:         dt   = cfl * minRadius / mod->maxspeed;
1961:         TSSetStepNumber(ts,nsteps);
1962:         TSSetTime(ts,ftime);
1963:         TSSetTimeStep(ts,dt);
1964:       } else {
1965:         PetscInfo(ts, "AMR not used\n");
1966:       }
1967:       user->monitorStepOffset = nsteps;
1968:       TSSetMaxSteps(ts,nsteps+adaptInterval);
1969:       TSSolve(ts,X);
1970:       TSGetSolveTime(ts,&ftime);
1971:       TSGetStepNumber(ts,&nsteps);
1972:     }
1973:   }
1974:   TSGetConvergedReason(ts,&reason);
1975:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%s at time %g after %D steps\n",TSConvergedReasons[reason],(double)ftime,nsteps);
1976:   TSDestroy(&ts);

1978:   VecTaggerDestroy(&refineTag);
1979:   VecTaggerDestroy(&coarsenTag);
1980:   PetscFunctionListDestroy(&PhysicsList);
1981:   FunctionalLinkDestroy(&user->model->functionalRegistry);
1982:   PetscFree(user->model->functionalMonitored);
1983:   PetscFree(user->model->functionalCall);
1984:   PetscFree(user->model->physics->data);
1985:   PetscFree(user->model->physics);
1986:   PetscFree(user->model);
1987:   PetscFree(user);
1988:   VecDestroy(&X);
1989:   PetscLimiterDestroy(&limiter);
1990:   PetscLimiterDestroy(&noneLimiter);
1991:   PetscFVDestroy(&fvm);
1992:   DMDestroy(&dm);
1993:   PetscFinalize();
1994:   return ierr;
1995: }

1997: /* Godunov fluxs */
1998: PetscScalar cvmgp_(PetscScalar *a, PetscScalar *b, PetscScalar *test)
1999: {
2000:     /* System generated locals */
2001:     PetscScalar ret_val;

2003:     if (PetscRealPart(*test) > 0.) {
2004:         goto L10;
2005:     }
2006:     ret_val = *b;
2007:     return ret_val;
2008: L10:
2009:     ret_val = *a;
2010:     return ret_val;
2011: } /* cvmgp_ */

2013: PetscScalar cvmgm_(PetscScalar *a, PetscScalar *b, PetscScalar *test)
2014: {
2015:     /* System generated locals */
2016:     PetscScalar ret_val;

2018:     if (PetscRealPart(*test) < 0.) {
2019:         goto L10;
2020:     }
2021:     ret_val = *b;
2022:     return ret_val;
2023: L10:
2024:     ret_val = *a;
2025:     return ret_val;
2026: } /* cvmgm_ */

2028: int riem1mdt( PetscScalar *gaml, PetscScalar *gamr, PetscScalar *rl, PetscScalar *pl,
2029:               PetscScalar *uxl, PetscScalar *rr, PetscScalar *pr,
2030:               PetscScalar *uxr, PetscScalar *rstarl, PetscScalar *rstarr, PetscScalar *
2031:               pstar, PetscScalar *ustar)
2032: {
2033:     /* Initialized data */

2035:     static PetscScalar smallp = 1e-8;

2037:     /* System generated locals */
2038:     int i__1;
2039:     PetscScalar d__1, d__2;

2041:     /* Local variables */
2042:     static int i0;
2043:     static PetscScalar cl, cr, wl, zl, wr, zr, pst, durl, skpr1, skpr2;
2044:     static int iwave;
2045:     static PetscScalar gascl4, gascr4, cstarl, dpstar, cstarr;
2046:     /* static PetscScalar csqrl, csqrr, gascl1, gascl2, gascl3, gascr1, gascr2, gascr3; */
2047:     static int iterno;
2048:     static PetscScalar ustarl, ustarr, rarepr1, rarepr2;

2052:     /* gascl1 = *gaml - 1.; */
2053:     /* gascl2 = (*gaml + 1.) * .5; */
2054:     /* gascl3 = gascl2 / *gaml; */
2055:     gascl4 = 1. / (*gaml - 1.);

2057:     /* gascr1 = *gamr - 1.; */
2058:     /* gascr2 = (*gamr + 1.) * .5; */
2059:     /* gascr3 = gascr2 / *gamr; */
2060:     gascr4 = 1. / (*gamr - 1.);
2061:     iterno = 10;
2062: /*        find pstar: */
2063:     cl = PetscSqrtScalar(*gaml * *pl / *rl);
2064:     cr = PetscSqrtScalar(*gamr * *pr / *rr);
2065:     wl = *rl * cl;
2066:     wr = *rr * cr;
2067:     /* csqrl = wl * wl; */
2068:     /* csqrr = wr * wr; */
2069:     *pstar = (wl * *pr + wr * *pl) / (wl + wr);
2070:     *pstar = PetscMax(PetscRealPart(*pstar),PetscRealPart(smallp));
2071:     pst = *pl / *pr;
2072:     skpr1 = cr * (pst - 1.) * PetscSqrtScalar(2. / (*gamr * (*gamr - 1. + (*gamr + 1.) * pst)));
2073:     d__1 = (*gamr - 1.) / (*gamr * 2.);
2074:     rarepr2 = gascr4 * 2. * cr * (1. - PetscPowScalar(pst, d__1));
2075:     pst = *pr / *pl;
2076:     skpr2 = cl * (pst - 1.) * PetscSqrtScalar(2. / (*gaml * (*gaml - 1. + (*gaml + 1.) * pst)));
2077:     d__1 = (*gaml - 1.) / (*gaml * 2.);
2078:     rarepr1 = gascl4 * 2. * cl * (1. - PetscPowScalar(pst, d__1));
2079:     durl = *uxr - *uxl;
2080:     if (PetscRealPart(*pr) < PetscRealPart(*pl)) {
2081:         if (PetscRealPart(durl) >= PetscRealPart(rarepr1)) {
2082:             iwave = 100;
2083:         } else if (PetscRealPart(durl) <= PetscRealPart(-skpr1)) {
2084:             iwave = 300;
2085:         } else {
2086:             iwave = 400;
2087:         }
2088:     } else {
2089:         if (PetscRealPart(durl) >= PetscRealPart(rarepr2)) {
2090:             iwave = 100;
2091:         } else if (PetscRealPart(durl) <= PetscRealPart(-skpr2)) {
2092:             iwave = 300;
2093:         } else {
2094:             iwave = 200;
2095:         }
2096:     }
2097:     if (iwave == 100) {
2098: /*     1-wave: rarefaction wave, 3-wave: rarefaction wave */
2099: /*     case (100) */
2100:         i__1 = iterno;
2101:         for (i0 = 1; i0 <= i__1; ++i0) {
2102:             d__1 = *pstar / *pl;
2103:             d__2 = 1. / *gaml;
2104:             *rstarl = *rl * PetscPowScalar(d__1, d__2);
2105:             cstarl = PetscSqrtScalar(*gaml * *pstar / *rstarl);
2106:             ustarl = *uxl - gascl4 * 2. * (cstarl - cl);
2107:             zl = *rstarl * cstarl;
2108:             d__1 = *pstar / *pr;
2109:             d__2 = 1. / *gamr;
2110:             *rstarr = *rr * PetscPowScalar(d__1, d__2);
2111:             cstarr = PetscSqrtScalar(*gamr * *pstar / *rstarr);
2112:             ustarr = *uxr + gascr4 * 2. * (cstarr - cr);
2113:             zr = *rstarr * cstarr;
2114:             dpstar = zl * zr * (ustarr - ustarl) / (zl + zr);
2115:             *pstar -= dpstar;
2116:             *pstar = PetscMax(PetscRealPart(*pstar),PetscRealPart(smallp));
2117:             if (PetscAbsScalar(dpstar) / PetscRealPart(*pstar) <= 1e-8) {
2118: #if 0
2119:         break;
2120: #endif
2121:             }
2122:         }
2123: /*     1-wave: shock wave, 3-wave: rarefaction wave */
2124:     } else if (iwave == 200) {
2125: /*     case (200) */
2126:         i__1 = iterno;
2127:         for (i0 = 1; i0 <= i__1; ++i0) {
2128:             pst = *pstar / *pl;
2129:             ustarl = *uxl - (pst - 1.) * cl * PetscSqrtScalar(2. / (*gaml * (*gaml - 1. + (*gaml + 1.) * pst)));
2130:             zl = *pl / cl * PetscSqrtScalar(*gaml * 2. * (*gaml - 1. + (*gaml + 1.) * pst)) * (*gaml - 1. + (*gaml + 1.) * pst) / (*gaml * 3. - 1. + (*gaml + 1.) * pst);
2131:             d__1 = *pstar / *pr;
2132:             d__2 = 1. / *gamr;
2133:             *rstarr = *rr * PetscPowScalar(d__1, d__2);
2134:             cstarr = PetscSqrtScalar(*gamr * *pstar / *rstarr);
2135:             zr = *rstarr * cstarr;
2136:             ustarr = *uxr + gascr4 * 2. * (cstarr - cr);
2137:             dpstar = zl * zr * (ustarr - ustarl) / (zl + zr);
2138:             *pstar -= dpstar;
2139:             *pstar = PetscMax(PetscRealPart(*pstar),PetscRealPart(smallp));
2140:             if (PetscAbsScalar(dpstar) / PetscRealPart(*pstar) <= 1e-8) {
2141: #if 0
2142:         break;
2143: #endif
2144:             }
2145:         }
2146: /*     1-wave: shock wave, 3-wave: shock */
2147:     } else if (iwave == 300) {
2148: /*     case (300) */
2149:         i__1 = iterno;
2150:         for (i0 = 1; i0 <= i__1; ++i0) {
2151:             pst = *pstar / *pl;
2152:             ustarl = *uxl - (pst - 1.) * cl * PetscSqrtScalar(2. / (*gaml * (*gaml - 1. + (*gaml + 1.) * pst)));
2153:             zl = *pl / cl * PetscSqrtScalar(*gaml * 2. * (*gaml - 1. + (*gaml + 1.) * pst)) * (*gaml - 1. + (*gaml + 1.) * pst) / (*gaml * 3. - 1. + (*gaml + 1.) * pst);
2154:             pst = *pstar / *pr;
2155:             ustarr = *uxr + (pst - 1.) * cr * PetscSqrtScalar(2. / (*gamr * (*gamr - 1. + (*gamr + 1.) * pst)));
2156:             zr = *pr / cr * PetscSqrtScalar(*gamr * 2. * (*gamr - 1. + (*gamr + 1.) * pst)) * (*gamr - 1. + (*gamr + 1.) * pst) / (*gamr * 3. - 1. + (*gamr + 1.) * pst);
2157:             dpstar = zl * zr * (ustarr - ustarl) / (zl + zr);
2158:             *pstar -= dpstar;
2159:             *pstar = PetscMax(PetscRealPart(*pstar),PetscRealPart(smallp));
2160:             if (PetscAbsScalar(dpstar) / PetscRealPart(*pstar) <= 1e-8) {
2161: #if 0
2162:         break;
2163: #endif
2164:             }
2165:         }
2166: /*     1-wave: rarefaction wave, 3-wave: shock */
2167:     } else if (iwave == 400) {
2168: /*     case (400) */
2169:         i__1 = iterno;
2170:         for (i0 = 1; i0 <= i__1; ++i0) {
2171:             d__1 = *pstar / *pl;
2172:             d__2 = 1. / *gaml;
2173:             *rstarl = *rl * PetscPowScalar(d__1, d__2);
2174:             cstarl = PetscSqrtScalar(*gaml * *pstar / *rstarl);
2175:             ustarl = *uxl - gascl4 * 2. * (cstarl - cl);
2176:             zl = *rstarl * cstarl;
2177:             pst = *pstar / *pr;
2178:             ustarr = *uxr + (pst - 1.) * cr * PetscSqrtScalar(2. / (*gamr * (*gamr - 1. + (*gamr + 1.) * pst)));
2179:             zr = *pr / cr * PetscSqrtScalar(*gamr * 2. * (*gamr - 1. + (*gamr + 1.) * pst)) * (*gamr - 1. + (*gamr + 1.) * pst) / (*gamr * 3. - 1. + (*gamr + 1.) * pst);
2180:             dpstar = zl * zr * (ustarr - ustarl) / (zl + zr);
2181:             *pstar -= dpstar;
2182:             *pstar = PetscMax(PetscRealPart(*pstar),PetscRealPart(smallp));
2183:             if (PetscAbsScalar(dpstar) / PetscRealPart(*pstar) <= 1e-8) {
2184: #if 0
2185:               break;
2186: #endif
2187:             }
2188:         }
2189:     }

2191:     *ustar = (zl * ustarr + zr * ustarl) / (zl + zr);
2192:     if (PetscRealPart(*pstar) > PetscRealPart(*pl)) {
2193:         pst = *pstar / *pl;
2194:         *rstarl = ((*gaml + 1.) * pst + *gaml - 1.) / ((*gaml - 1.) * pst + *
2195:                 gaml + 1.) * *rl;
2196:     }
2197:     if (PetscRealPart(*pstar) > PetscRealPart(*pr)) {
2198:         pst = *pstar / *pr;
2199:         *rstarr = ((*gamr + 1.) * pst + *gamr - 1.) / ((*gamr - 1.) * pst + *
2200:                 gamr + 1.) * *rr;
2201:     }
2202:     return iwave;
2203: }

2205: PetscScalar sign(PetscScalar x)
2206: {
2207:     if(PetscRealPart(x) > 0) return 1.0;
2208:     if(PetscRealPart(x) < 0) return -1.0;
2209:     return 0.0;
2210: }
2211: /*        Riemann Solver */
2212: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2213: int riemannsolver(PetscScalar *xcen, PetscScalar *xp,
2214:                    PetscScalar *dtt, PetscScalar *rl, PetscScalar *uxl, PetscScalar *pl,
2215:                    PetscScalar *utl, PetscScalar *ubl, PetscScalar *gaml, PetscScalar *rho1l,
2216:                    PetscScalar *rr, PetscScalar *uxr, PetscScalar *pr, PetscScalar *utr,
2217:                    PetscScalar *ubr, PetscScalar *gamr, PetscScalar *rho1r, PetscScalar *rx,
2218:                    PetscScalar *uxm, PetscScalar *px, PetscScalar *utx, PetscScalar *ubx,
2219:                    PetscScalar *gam, PetscScalar *rho1)
2220: {
2221:     /* System generated locals */
2222:     PetscScalar d__1, d__2;

2224:     /* Local variables */
2225:     static PetscScalar s, c0, p0, r0, u0, w0, x0, x2, ri, cx, sgn0, wsp0, gasc1, gasc2, gasc3, gasc4;
2226:     static PetscScalar cstar, pstar, rstar, ustar, xstar, wspst, ushock, streng, rstarl, rstarr, rstars;
2227:     int iwave;

2229:     if (*rl == *rr && *pr == *pl && *uxl == *uxr && *gaml == *gamr) {
2230:         *rx = *rl;
2231:         *px = *pl;
2232:         *uxm = *uxl;
2233:         *gam = *gaml;
2234:         x2 = *xcen + *uxm * *dtt;

2236:         if (PetscRealPart(*xp) >= PetscRealPart(x2)) {
2237:             *utx = *utr;
2238:             *ubx = *ubr;
2239:             *rho1 = *rho1r;
2240:         } else {
2241:             *utx = *utl;
2242:             *ubx = *ubl;
2243:             *rho1 = *rho1l;
2244:         }
2245:         return 0;
2246:     }
2247:     iwave = riem1mdt(gaml, gamr, rl, pl, uxl, rr, pr, uxr, &rstarl, &rstarr, &pstar, &ustar);

2249:     x2 = *xcen + ustar * *dtt;
2250:     d__1 = *xp - x2;
2251:     sgn0 = sign(d__1);
2252: /*            x is in 3-wave if sgn0 = 1 */
2253: /*            x is in 1-wave if sgn0 = -1 */
2254:     r0 = cvmgm_(rl, rr, &sgn0);
2255:     p0 = cvmgm_(pl, pr, &sgn0);
2256:     u0 = cvmgm_(uxl, uxr, &sgn0);
2257:     *gam = cvmgm_(gaml, gamr, &sgn0);
2258:     gasc1 = *gam - 1.;
2259:     gasc2 = (*gam + 1.) * .5;
2260:     gasc3 = gasc2 / *gam;
2261:     gasc4 = 1. / (*gam - 1.);
2262:     c0 = PetscSqrtScalar(*gam * p0 / r0);
2263:     streng = pstar - p0;
2264:     w0 = *gam * r0 * p0 * (gasc3 * streng / p0 + 1.);
2265:     rstars = r0 / (1. - r0 * streng / w0);
2266:     d__1 = p0 / pstar;
2267:     d__2 = -1. / *gam;
2268:     rstarr = r0 * PetscPowScalar(d__1, d__2);
2269:     rstar = cvmgm_(&rstarr, &rstars, &streng);
2270:     w0 = PetscSqrtScalar(w0);
2271:     cstar = PetscSqrtScalar(*gam * pstar / rstar);
2272:     wsp0 = u0 + sgn0 * c0;
2273:     wspst = ustar + sgn0 * cstar;
2274:     ushock = ustar + sgn0 * w0 / rstar;
2275:     wspst = cvmgp_(&ushock, &wspst, &streng);
2276:     wsp0 = cvmgp_(&ushock, &wsp0, &streng);
2277:     x0 = *xcen + wsp0 * *dtt;
2278:     xstar = *xcen + wspst * *dtt;
2279: /*           using gas formula to evaluate rarefaction wave */
2280: /*            ri : reiman invariant */
2281:     ri = u0 - sgn0 * 2. * gasc4 * c0;
2282:     cx = sgn0 * .5 * gasc1 / gasc2 * ((*xp - *xcen) / *dtt - ri);
2283:     *uxm = ri + sgn0 * 2. * gasc4 * cx;
2284:     s = p0 / PetscPowScalar(r0, *gam);
2285:     d__1 = cx * cx / (*gam * s);
2286:     *rx = PetscPowScalar(d__1, gasc4);
2287:     *px = cx * cx * *rx / *gam;
2288:     d__1 = sgn0 * (x0 - *xp);
2289:     *rx = cvmgp_(rx, &r0, &d__1);
2290:     d__1 = sgn0 * (x0 - *xp);
2291:     *px = cvmgp_(px, &p0, &d__1);
2292:     d__1 = sgn0 * (x0 - *xp);
2293:     *uxm = cvmgp_(uxm, &u0, &d__1);
2294:     d__1 = sgn0 * (xstar - *xp);
2295:     *rx = cvmgm_(rx, &rstar, &d__1);
2296:     d__1 = sgn0 * (xstar - *xp);
2297:     *px = cvmgm_(px, &pstar, &d__1);
2298:     d__1 = sgn0 * (xstar - *xp);
2299:     *uxm = cvmgm_(uxm, &ustar, &d__1);
2300:     if (PetscRealPart(*xp) >= PetscRealPart(x2)) {
2301:         *utx = *utr;
2302:         *ubx = *ubr;
2303:         *rho1 = *rho1r;
2304:     } else {
2305:         *utx = *utl;
2306:         *ubx = *ubl;
2307:         *rho1 = *rho1l;
2308:     }
2309:     return iwave;
2310: }
2311: int godunovflux( const PetscScalar *ul, const PetscScalar *ur,
2312:                  PetscScalar *flux, const PetscReal *nn, const int *ndim,
2313:                  const PetscReal *gamma)
2314: {
2315:     /* System generated locals */
2316:   int i__1,iwave;
2317:     PetscScalar d__1, d__2, d__3;

2319:     /* Local variables */
2320:     static int k;
2321:     static PetscScalar bn[3], fn, ft, tg[3], pl, rl, pm, pr, rr, xp, ubl, ubm,
2322:             ubr, dtt, unm, tmp, utl, utm, uxl, utr, uxr, gaml, gamm, gamr,
2323:             xcen, rhom, rho1l, rho1m, rho1r;
2324:     /* Parameter adjustments */
2325:     --nn;
2326:     --flux;
2327:     --ur;
2328:     --ul;

2330:     /* Function Body */
2331:     xcen = 0.;
2332:     xp = 0.;
2333:     i__1 = *ndim;
2334:     for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
2335:         tg[k - 1] = 0.;
2336:         bn[k - 1] = 0.;
2337:     }
2338:     dtt = 1.;
2339:     if (*ndim == 3) {
2340:         if (nn[1] == 0. && nn[2] == 0.) {
2341:             tg[0] = 1.;
2342:         } else {
2343:             tg[0] = -nn[2];
2344:             tg[1] = nn[1];
2345:         }
2346: /*           tmp=dsqrt(tg(1)**2+tg(2)**2) */
2347: /*           tg=tg/tmp */
2348:         bn[0] = -nn[3] * tg[1];
2349:         bn[1] = nn[3] * tg[0];
2350:         bn[2] = nn[1] * tg[1] - nn[2] * tg[0];
2351: /* Computing 2nd power */
2352:         d__1 = bn[0];
2353: /* Computing 2nd power */
2354:         d__2 = bn[1];
2355: /* Computing 2nd power */
2356:         d__3 = bn[2];
2357:         tmp = PetscSqrtScalar(d__1 * d__1 + d__2 * d__2 + d__3 * d__3);
2358:         i__1 = *ndim;
2359:         for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
2360:             bn[k - 1] /= tmp;
2361:         }
2362:     } else if (*ndim == 2) {
2363:         tg[0] = -nn[2];
2364:         tg[1] = nn[1];
2365: /*           tmp=dsqrt(tg(1)**2+tg(2)**2) */
2366: /*           tg=tg/tmp */
2367:         bn[0] = 0.;
2368:         bn[1] = 0.;
2369:         bn[2] = 1.;
2370:     }
2371:     rl = ul[1];
2372:     rr = ur[1];
2373:     uxl = 0.;
2374:     uxr = 0.;
2375:     utl = 0.;
2376:     utr = 0.;
2377:     ubl = 0.;
2378:     ubr = 0.;
2379:     i__1 = *ndim;
2380:     for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
2381:         uxl += ul[k + 1] * nn[k];
2382:         uxr += ur[k + 1] * nn[k];
2383:         utl += ul[k + 1] * tg[k - 1];
2384:         utr += ur[k + 1] * tg[k - 1];
2385:         ubl += ul[k + 1] * bn[k - 1];
2386:         ubr += ur[k + 1] * bn[k - 1];
2387:     }
2388:     uxl /= rl;
2389:     uxr /= rr;
2390:     utl /= rl;
2391:     utr /= rr;
2392:     ubl /= rl;
2393:     ubr /= rr;

2395:     gaml = *gamma;
2396:     gamr = *gamma;
2397: /* Computing 2nd power */
2398:     d__1 = uxl;
2399: /* Computing 2nd power */
2400:     d__2 = utl;
2401: /* Computing 2nd power */
2402:     d__3 = ubl;
2403:     pl = (*gamma - 1.) * (ul[*ndim + 2] - rl * .5 * (d__1 * d__1 + d__2 * d__2 + d__3 * d__3));
2404: /* Computing 2nd power */
2405:     d__1 = uxr;
2406: /* Computing 2nd power */
2407:     d__2 = utr;
2408: /* Computing 2nd power */
2409:     d__3 = ubr;
2410:     pr = (*gamma - 1.) * (ur[*ndim + 2] - rr * .5 * (d__1 * d__1 + d__2 * d__2 + d__3 * d__3));
2411:     rho1l = rl;
2412:     rho1r = rr;

2414:     iwave = riemannsolver(&xcen, &xp, &dtt, &rl, &uxl, &pl, &utl, &ubl, &gaml, &
2415:                           rho1l, &rr, &uxr, &pr, &utr, &ubr, &gamr, &rho1r, &rhom, &unm, &
2416:                           pm, &utm, &ubm, &gamm, &rho1m);

2418:     flux[1] = rhom * unm;
2419:     fn = rhom * unm * unm + pm;
2420:     ft = rhom * unm * utm;
2421: /*           flux(2)=fn*nn(1)+ft*nn(2) */
2422: /*           flux(3)=fn*tg(1)+ft*tg(2) */
2423:     flux[2] = fn * nn[1] + ft * tg[0];
2424:     flux[3] = fn * nn[2] + ft * tg[1];
2425: /*           flux(2)=rhom*unm*(unm)+pm */
2426: /*           flux(3)=rhom*(unm)*utm */
2427:     if (*ndim == 3) {
2428:         flux[4] = rhom * unm * ubm;
2429:     }
2430:     flux[*ndim + 2] = (rhom * .5 * (unm * unm + utm * utm + ubm * ubm) + gamm / (gamm - 1.) * pm) * unm;
2431:     return iwave;
2432: } /* godunovflux_ */

2434: /* Subroutine to set up the initial conditions for the */
2435: /* Shock Interface interaction or linear wave (Ravi Samtaney,Mark Adams). */
2436: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2437: int projecteqstate(PetscReal wc[], const PetscReal ueq[], PetscReal lv[][3])
2438: {
2439:   int j,k;
2440: /*      Wc=matmul(lv,Ueq) 3 vars */
2441:   for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
2442:     wc[k] = 0.;
2443:     for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
2444:       wc[k] += lv[k][j]*ueq[j];
2445:     }
2446:   }
2447:   return 0;
2448: }
2449: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2450: int projecttoprim(PetscReal v[], const PetscReal wc[], PetscReal rv[][3])
2451: {
2452:   int k,j;
2453:   /*      V=matmul(rv,WC) 3 vars */
2454:   for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
2455:     v[k] = 0.;
2456:     for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
2457:       v[k] += rv[k][j]*wc[j];
2458:     }
2459:   }
2460:   return 0;
2461: }
2462: /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2463: int eigenvectors(PetscReal rv[][3], PetscReal lv[][3], const PetscReal ueq[], PetscReal gamma)
2464: {
2465:   int j,k;
2466:   PetscReal rho,csnd,p0;
2467:   /* PetscScalar u; */

2469:   for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k) for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { lv[k][j] = 0.; rv[k][j] = 0.; }
2470:   rho = ueq[0];
2471:   /* u = ueq[1]; */
2472:   p0 = ueq[2];
2473:   csnd = PetscSqrtReal(gamma * p0 / rho);
2474:   lv[0][1] = rho * .5;
2475:   lv[0][2] = -.5 / csnd;
2476:   lv[1][0] = csnd;
2477:   lv[1][2] = -1. / csnd;
2478:   lv[2][1] = rho * .5;
2479:   lv[2][2] = .5 / csnd;
2480:   rv[0][0] = -1. / csnd;
2481:   rv[1][0] = 1. / rho;
2482:   rv[2][0] = -csnd;
2483:   rv[0][1] = 1. / csnd;
2484:   rv[0][2] = 1. / csnd;
2485:   rv[1][2] = 1. / rho;
2486:   rv[2][2] = csnd;
2487:   return 0;
2488: }

2490: int initLinearWave(EulerNode *ux, const PetscReal gamma, const PetscReal coord[], const PetscReal Lx)
2491: {
2492:   PetscReal p0,u0,wcp[3],wc[3];
2493:   PetscReal lv[3][3];
2494:   PetscReal vp[3];
2495:   PetscReal rv[3][3];
2496:   PetscReal eps, ueq[3], rho0, twopi;

2498:   /* Function Body */
2499:   twopi = 2.*PETSC_PI;
2500:   eps = 1e-4; /* perturbation */
2501:   rho0 = 1e3;   /* density of water */
2502:   p0 = 101325.; /* init pressure of 1 atm (?) */
2503:   u0 = 0.;
2504:   ueq[0] = rho0;
2505:   ueq[1] = u0;
2506:   ueq[2] = p0;
2507:   /* Project initial state to characteristic variables */
2508:   eigenvectors(rv, lv, ueq, gamma);
2509:   projecteqstate(wc, ueq, lv);
2510:   wcp[0] = wc[0];
2511:   wcp[1] = wc[1];
2512:   wcp[2] = wc[2] + eps * PetscCosReal(coord[0] * 2. * twopi / Lx);
2513:   projecttoprim(vp, wcp, rv);
2514:   ux->r = vp[0]; /* density */
2515:   ux->ru[0] = vp[0] * vp[1]; /* x momentum */
2516:   ux->ru[1] = 0.;
2517: #if defined DIM > 2
2518:   if (dim>2) ux->ru[2] = 0.;
2519: #endif
2520:   /* E = rho * e + rho * v^2/2 = p/(gam-1) + rho*v^2/2 */
2521:   ux->E = vp[2]/(gamma - 1.) + 0.5*vp[0]*vp[1]*vp[1];
2522:   return 0;
2523: }

2525: /*TEST

2527:   # 2D Advection 0-10
2528:   test:
2529:     suffix: 0
2530:     requires: exodusii
2531:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/sevenside.exo

2533:   test:
2534:     suffix: 1
2535:     requires: exodusii
2536:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/sevenside-quad-15.exo

2538:   test:
2539:     suffix: 2
2540:     requires: exodusii
2541:     nsize: 2
2542:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/sevenside.exo

2544:   test:
2545:     suffix: 3
2546:     requires: exodusii
2547:     nsize: 2
2548:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/sevenside-quad-15.exo

2550:   test:
2551:     suffix: 4
2552:     requires: exodusii
2553:     nsize: 8
2554:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/sevenside-quad.exo

2556:   test:
2557:     suffix: 5
2558:     requires: exodusii
2559:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/sevenside.exo -ts_type rosw -ts_adapt_reject_safety 1

2561:   test:
2562:     suffix: 6
2563:     requires: exodusii
2564:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/squaremotor-30.exo -ufv_split_faces

2566:   test:
2567:     suffix: 7
2568:     requires: exodusii
2569:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/sevenside-quad-15.exo -dm_refine 1

2571:   test:
2572:     suffix: 8
2573:     requires: exodusii
2574:     nsize: 2
2575:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/sevenside-quad-15.exo -dm_refine 1

2577:   test:
2578:     suffix: 9
2579:     requires: exodusii
2580:     nsize: 8
2581:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/sevenside-quad-15.exo -dm_refine 1

2583:   test:
2584:     suffix: 10
2585:     requires: exodusii
2586:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/sevenside-quad.exo

2588:   # 2D Shallow water
2589:   test:
2590:     suffix: sw_0
2591:     requires: exodusii
2592:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/annulus-20.exo -bc_wall 100,101 -physics sw -ufv_cfl 5 -petscfv_type leastsquares -petsclimiter_type sin -ts_max_time 1 -ts_ssp_type rks2 -ts_ssp_nstages 10 -monitor height,energy

2594:   # 2D Advection: p4est
2595:   test:
2596:     suffix: p4est_advec_2d
2597:     requires: p4est
2598:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -f -dm_type p4est -dm_forest_minimum_refinement 1 -dm_forest_initial_refinement 2 -dm_p4est_refine_pattern hash -dm_forest_maximum_refinement 5

2600:   # Advection in a box
2601:   test:
2602:     suffix: adv_2d_quad_0
2603:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -dm_refine 3 -dm_plex_separate_marker -bc_inflow 1,2,4 -bc_outflow 3

2605:   test:
2606:     suffix: adv_2d_quad_1
2607:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -dm_refine 3 -dm_plex_separate_marker -grid_bounds -0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5 -bc_inflow 1,2,4 -bc_outflow 3 -advect_sol_type bump -advect_bump_center 0.25,0 -advect_bump_radius 0.1
2608:     timeoutfactor: 3

2610:   test:
2611:     suffix: adv_2d_quad_p4est_0
2612:     requires: p4est
2613:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -dm_refine 5 -dm_type p4est -dm_plex_separate_marker -bc_inflow 1,2,4 -bc_outflow 3

2615:   test:
2616:     suffix: adv_2d_quad_p4est_1
2617:     requires: p4est
2618:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -dm_refine 5 -dm_type p4est -dm_plex_separate_marker -grid_bounds -0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5 -bc_inflow 1,2,4 -bc_outflow 3 -advect_sol_type bump -advect_bump_center 0.25,0 -advect_bump_radius 0.1
2619:     timeoutfactor: 3

2621:   test:
2622:     suffix: adv_2d_quad_p4est_adapt_0
2623:     requires: p4est !__float128 #broken for quad precision
2624:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -dm_refine 3 -dm_type p4est -dm_plex_separate_marker -grid_bounds -0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5 -bc_inflow 1,2,4 -bc_outflow 3 -advect_sol_type bump -advect_bump_center 0.25,0 -advect_bump_radius 0.1 -ufv_use_amr -refine_vec_tagger_box 0.005,inf -coarsen_vec_tagger_box 0,1.e-5 -petscfv_type leastsquares -ts_max_time 0.01
2625:     timeoutfactor: 3

2627:   test:
2628:     suffix: adv_2d_tri_0
2629:     requires: triangle
2630:     TODO: how did this ever get in master when there is no support for this
2631:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -simplex -dm_refine 3 -dm_plex_separate_marker -bc_inflow 1,2,4 -bc_outflow 3

2633:   test:
2634:     suffix: adv_2d_tri_1
2635:     requires: triangle
2636:     TODO: how did this ever get in master when there is no support for this
2637:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -simplex -dm_refine 5 -dm_plex_separate_marker -grid_bounds -0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5 -bc_inflow 1,2,4 -bc_outflow 3 -advect_sol_type bump -advect_bump_center 0.25,0 -advect_bump_radius 0.1

2639:   test:
2640:     suffix: adv_0
2641:     requires: exodusii
2642:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/blockcylinder-50.exo -bc_inflow 100,101,200 -bc_outflow 201

2644:   test:
2645:     suffix: shock_0
2646:     requires: p4est !single !complex
2647:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -monitor density,energy -f -grid_size 2,1 -grid_bounds -1,1.,0.,1 -bc_wall 1,2,3,4 -dm_type p4est -dm_forest_partition_overlap 1 -dm_forest_maximum_refinement 6 -dm_forest_minimum_refinement 2 -dm_forest_initial_refinement 2 -ufv_use_amr -refine_vec_tagger_box 0.5,inf -coarsen_vec_tagger_box 0,1.e-2 -refine_tag_view -coarsen_tag_view -physics euler -eu_type iv_shock -ufv_cfl 10 -eu_alpha 60. -grid_skew_60 -eu_gamma 1.4 -eu_amach 2.02 -eu_rho2 3. -petscfv_type leastsquares -petsclimiter_type minmod -petscfv_compute_gradients 0 -ts_max_time 0.5 -ts_ssp_type rks2 -ts_ssp_nstages 10 -ufv_vtk_basename ${wPETSC_DIR}/ex11
2648:     timeoutfactor: 3

2650:   # Test GLVis visualization of PetscFV fields
2651:   test:
2652:     suffix: glvis_adv_2d_tet
2653:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -ts_monitor_solution glvis: -ts_max_steps 0 -ufv_vtk_monitor 0 -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/square_periodic.msh -dm_plex_gmsh_periodic 0

2655:   test:
2656:     suffix: glvis_adv_2d_quad
2657:     args: -ufv_vtk_interval 0 -ts_monitor_solution glvis: -ts_max_steps 0 -ufv_vtk_monitor 0 -dm_refine 5 -dm_plex_separate_marker -bc_inflow 1,2,4 -bc_outflow 3

2659:   test:
2660:     suffix: tut_1
2661:     requires: exodusii
2662:     nsize: 1
2663:     args: -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/sevenside.exo

2665:   test:
2666:     suffix: tut_2
2667:     requires: exodusii
2668:     nsize: 1
2669:     args: -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/sevenside.exo -ts_type rosw

2671:   test:
2672:     suffix: tut_3
2673:     requires: exodusii
2674:     nsize: 4
2675:     args: -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/annulus-20.exo -monitor Error -advect_sol_type bump -petscfv_type leastsquares -petsclimiter_type sin

2677:   test:
2678:     suffix: tut_4
2679:     requires: exodusii
2680:     nsize: 4
2681:     args: -f ${wPETSC_DIR}/share/petsc/datafiles/meshes/annulus-20.exo -physics sw -monitor Height,Energy -petscfv_type leastsquares -petsclimiter_type minmod

2683: TEST*/