Actual source code: mathclose.c
petsc-3.13.6 2020-09-29
1: #include <petscsys.h>
3: /*@C
4: PetscIsCloseAtTol - Returns whether the two floating point numbers
5: are close at given relative and absolute tolerances.
7: Input Parameter:
8: + a - first floating point number
9: . b - second floating point number
10: . rtol - relative tolerance
11: - atol - absolute tolerances
13: Notes:
15: Level: beginner
16: @*/
17: PetscBool PetscIsCloseAtTol(PetscReal a,PetscReal b,PetscReal rtol,PetscReal atol)
18: {
19: PetscReal diff;
20: /* NaN is not considered close to any other value, including NaN */
21: if (PetscIsNanReal(a) || PetscIsNanReal(b)) return PETSC_FALSE;
22: /* Fast path for exact equality or two infinities of same sign */
23: if (a == b) return PETSC_TRUE;
24: /* Handle two infinities of opposite sign */
25: if (PetscIsInfReal(a) || PetscIsInfReal(b)) return PETSC_FALSE;
26: /* Cannot error if tolerances are negative */
27: rtol = PetscAbsReal(rtol); atol = PetscAbsReal(atol);
28: /* The regular check for difference within tolerances */
29: diff = PetscAbsReal(b - a);
30: return ((diff <= PetscAbsReal(rtol * b)) || (diff <= PetscAbsReal(rtol * a)) || (diff <= atol)) ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE;
31: }