Actual source code: dclear.c
petsc-3.13.6 2020-09-29
1: /*
2: Provides the calling sequences for all the basic PetscDraw routines.
3: */
4: #include <petsc/private/drawimpl.h>
6: /*@
7: PetscDrawClear - Clears graphical output. All processors must call this routine.
8: Does not return until the draw in context is clear.
10: Collective on PetscDraw
12: Input Parameters:
13: . draw - the drawing context
15: Level: intermediate
17: @*/
18: PetscErrorCode PetscDrawClear(PetscDraw draw)
19: {
24: if (draw->saveonclear) {PetscDrawSave(draw);}
25: if (draw->ops->clear) {
26: (*draw->ops->clear)(draw);
27: }
28: return(0);
29: }
31: /*@
32: PetscDrawBOP - Begins a new page or frame on the selected graphical device.
34: Logically Collective on PetscDraw
36: Input Parameter:
37: . draw - the drawing context
39: Level: advanced
41: .seealso: PetscDrawEOP(), PetscDrawClear()
42: @*/
43: PetscErrorCode PetscDrawBOP(PetscDraw draw)
44: {
49: if (draw->ops->beginpage) {
50: (*draw->ops->beginpage)(draw);
51: }
52: return(0);
53: }
54: /*@
55: PetscDrawEOP - Ends a page or frame on the selected graphical device.
57: Logically Collective on PetscDraw
59: Input Parameter:
60: . draw - the drawing context
62: Level: advanced
64: .seealso: PetscDrawBOP(), PetscDrawClear()
65: @*/
66: PetscErrorCode PetscDrawEOP(PetscDraw draw)
67: {
72: if (draw->ops->endpage) {
73: (*draw->ops->endpage)(draw);
74: }
75: return(0);
76: }