petsc-3.13.6 2020-09-29
Report Typos and Errors
-include ../../../
CFLAGS           =
CPPFLAGS         =
FPPFLAGS         =
LOCDIR		 = src/snes/tutorials/
MANSEC           = SNES
EXAMPLESC	 = ex1.c ex2.c ex3.c  ex5.c ex9.c \
                   ex12.c ex14.c ex15.c ex18.c ex19.c ex21.c ex22.c \
                   ex25.c ex28.c ex30.c ex33.c \
                   ex35.c ex42.c ex46.c ex48.c \
                   ex56.c ex58.c ex59.c \
                   ex62.c ex70.c ex77.c ex78.c \
EXAMPLESF	 = ex1f.F90 ex5f.F90 ex5f90.F90 ex5f90t.F90 ex40f90.F90 ex73f90t.F90
EXAMPLESFH       = ex5f.h
EXAMPLESMATLAB   = ex5m.m  ex61genm.m ex61m.m
DIRS		 = ex10d network

include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/variables
include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/rules


#  these tests are used by the makefile in PETSC_DIR for basic tests of the install and should not be removed
testex5f: ex5f.PETSc
	@if [ "${PETSC_WITH_BATCH}" != "" ]; then \
           echo "Running with batch filesystem; to test run src/snes/tutorials/ex5f with" ; \
           echo "your systems batch system"; \
        elif [ "${MPIEXEC}" = "/bin/false" ]; then \
           echo "*mpiexec not found*. Please run src/snes/tutorials/ex5f manually"; \
        elif [ -f ex5f ]; then \
	   ${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex5f > ex5f_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex5f_1.testout ex5f_1.tmp > /dev/null 2>&1) then \
           echo "Fortran example src/snes/tutorials/ex5f run successfully with 1 MPI process"; \
	   else echo "Possible error running Fortran example src/snes/tutorials/ex5f with 1 MPI process"; \
           echo "See";\
           cat ex5f_1.tmp; fi;  \
         ${RM} -f ex5f_1.tmp ;\
         ${MAKE} PETSC_ARCH=${PETSC_ARCH} PETSC_DIR=${PETSC_DIR} ex5f.rm; fi

testex19: ex19.PETSc
	-@if [ "${PETSC_WITH_BATCH}" != "" ]; then \
           echo "Running with batch filesystem; to test run src/snes/tutorials/ex19 with" ; \
           echo "your systems batch system"; \
        elif [ "${MPIEXEC}" = "/bin/false" ]; then \
           echo "*mpiexec not found*. Please run src/snes/tutorials/ex19 manually"; \
	elif [ -f ex19 ]; then \
           ${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex19 -da_refine 3 -pc_type mg -ksp_type fgmres  > ex19_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex19_1.testout ex19_1.tmp > /dev/null 2>&1) then \
           echo "C/C++ example src/snes/tutorials/ex19 run successfully with 1 MPI process"; \
	   else echo "Possible error running C/C++ src/snes/tutorials/ex19 with 1 MPI process"; \
           echo "See";\
           cat ex19_1.tmp; fi; \
	if [ ! "${MPI_IS_MPIUNI}" ]; then \
           ${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex19 -da_refine 3 -pc_type mg -ksp_type fgmres  > ex19_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex19_1.testout ex19_1.tmp > /dev/null 2>&1) then \
           echo "C/C++ example src/snes/tutorials/ex19 run successfully with 2 MPI processes"; \
	   else echo "Possible error running C/C++ src/snes/tutorials/ex19 with 2 MPI processes"; \
           echo "See";\
           cat ex19_1.tmp; fi; fi; \
        ${RM} -f ex19_1.tmp; fi
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex19 -da_refine 3 -snes_monitor_short -pc_type hypre > ex19_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex19_hypre.out ex19_1.tmp) then \
           echo "C/C++ example src/snes/tutorials/ex19 run successfully with hypre"; \
           else  printf "${PWD}\nPossible problem with ex19 running with hypre, diffs above\n=========================================\n"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex19_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex19 -da_refine 3 -snes_monitor_short -pc_type ml > ex19_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex19_ml.out ex19_1.tmp) then  \
           echo "C/C++ example src/snes/tutorials/ex19 run successfully with ml"; \
           else  printf "${PWD}\nPossible problem with ex19 running with ml, diffs above\n=========================================\n"; fi; \
           ${RM} -f ex19_1.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 2 ./ex19 -pc_type fieldsplit -pc_fieldsplit_block_size 4 -pc_fieldsplit_type SCHUR -pc_fieldsplit_0_fields 0,1,2 -pc_fieldsplit_1_fields 3 -fieldsplit_0_pc_type lu -fieldsplit_1_pc_type lu -snes_monitor_short -ksp_monitor_short  -fieldsplit_0_pc_factor_mat_solver_type mumps -fieldsplit_1_pc_factor_mat_solver_type mumps > ex19_6.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex19_fieldsplit_5.out ex19_6.tmp) then  \
           echo "C/C++ example src/snes/tutorials/ex19 run successfully with mumps"; \
           else  printf "${PWD}\nPossible problem with ex19 running with mumps, diffs above\n=========================================\n"; fi; \
           ${RM} -f ex19_6.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex19 -da_grid_x 20 -da_grid_y 20 -pc_type lu -pc_factor_mat_solver_type superlu_dist > ex19.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex19_superlu.out ex19.tmp) then \
           echo "C/C++ example src/snes/tutorials/ex19 run successfully with superlu_dist"; \
           else  printf "${PWD}\nPossible problem with ex19 running with superlu_dist, diffs above\n=========================================\n"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex19.tmp
	-@${MPIEXEC} -n 1 ./ex19 -da_refine 3 -snes_monitor_short -pc_type lu -pc_factor_mat_solver_type umfpack > ex19_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex19_suitesparse.out ex19_1.tmp) then \
           echo "C/C++ example src/snes/tutorials/ex19 run successfully with suitesparse"; \
           else  printf "${PWD}\nPossible problem with ex19 running with suitesparse, diffs above\n=========================================\n"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex19_1.tmp

include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/test