petsc-3.13.6 2020-09-29
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ex1.c: Tests LU, Cholesky factorization and MatMatSolve() for a sequential dense matrix
ex2.c: Tests MatTranspose(), MatNorm(), MatAXPY() and MatAYPX()
ex3.c: Tests relaxation for dense matrices
ex4.c: Creates a matrix, inserts some values, and tests MatCreateSubMatrices() and MatZeroEntries()
ex5.c: Tests MatMult(), MatMultAdd(), MatMultTranspose()
ex6.c: Tests reordering a matrix
ex7.c: Tests matrix factorization
ex8.c: Tests automatic allocation of matrix storage space
ex9.c: Tests MPI parallel matrix creation
ex10.c: Tests repeated use of assembly for matrices
ex11.c: Tests the use of MatZeroRows() for uniprocessor matrices
ex12.c: Tests the use of MatZeroRows() for parallel matrices
ex13.c: Tests copying and ordering uniprocessor row-based sparse matrices
ex14.c: Tests sequential and parallel MatGetRow() and MatRestoreRow()
ex15.c: Tests MatNorm(), MatLUFactor(), MatSolve() and MatSolveAdd()
ex16.c: Tests MatDenseGetArray() and MatView()/MatLoad() with binary viewers
ex17.c: Tests the use of MatSolveTranspose()
ex18.c: Tests the use of MatZeroRowsColumns() for parallel matrices
ex19.c: Tests reusing MPI parallel matrices and MatGetValues()
ex20.c: Tests converting a matrix to another format with MatConvert()
ex21.c: Tests converting a parallel AIJ formatted matrix to the parallel Row format
ex22.c: Tests matrix ordering routines
ex23.c: Tests the use of interface functions for MATIS matrices
ex24.c: Tests the different MatColoring implementatons and ISColoringTestValid() \n\
ex25.c: Tests MatTranspose()\n\n
ex26.c: Tests MatGetRowIJ for SeqAIJ, SeqBAIJ and SeqSBAIJ\n\n
ex27.c: Test MatSetRandom on MATMPIAIJ matrices\n\n
ex28.c: Illustrate how to do one symbolic factorization and multiple numeric factorizations using same matrix structure
ex29.c: Tests PetscHeapCreate()\n\n
ex30.c: Tests ILU and ICC factorization with and without matrix ordering on seqaij format, and illustrates drawing of matrix sparsity structure with MatView()
ex31.c: Tests binary I/O of matrices and illustrates user-defined event logging
ex32.c: Tests MATSEQDENSECUDA\n\n
ex33.c: Test memory scalability of MatMatMult() for AIJ and DENSE matrices
ex34.c: Test MatMatMult() and MatTransposeMatMult() for MPIAIJ and MPIDENSE matrices
ex35.c: Tests MatCreateSubMatrices()
ex37.c: Tests MatCopy() and MatStore/RetrieveValues()
ex38.c: Test interface of Elemental
ex40.c: Tests the parallel case for MatIncreaseOverlap()
ex41.c: Tests MatIncreaseOverlap() - the parallel case
ex42.c: Tests MatIncreaseOverlap() and MatCreateSubmatrices() for the parallel case
ex43.c: Saves a dense matrix in a dense format (binary)
ex44.c: Tests MatView()/MatLoad() with binary viewers for AIJ matrices
ex46.c: Tests late MatSetBlockSizes
ex47.c: Tests the various routines in MatBAIJ format
ex48.c: Tests various routines in MatSeqBAIJ format
ex49.c: Tests MatTranspose(), MatNorm(), and MatAXPY()
ex51.c: Tests MatIncreaseOverlap(), MatCreateSubMatrices() for MatBAIJ format
ex52.c: Tests various routines in MatMPIBAIJ format
ex53.c: Tests various routines in MatMPIBAIJ format
ex54.c: Tests MatIncreaseOverlap(), MatCreateSubMatrices() for parallel AIJ and BAIJ formats
ex55.c: Tests converting a matrix to another format with MatConvert()
ex56.c: Test the use of MatSetValuesBlocked(), MatZeroRows() for rectangular MatBAIJ matrix, test MatSetValuesBlocked() for MatSBAIJ matrix (-test_mat_sbaij)
ex57.c: Reads in a binary file, extracts a submatrix from it, and writes to another binary file
ex58.c: Tests MatTranspose() and MatEqual() for MPIAIJ matrices
ex59.c: Tests MatCreateSubmatrix() in parallel
ex60.c: Tests MatGetColumnVector()
ex61.c: Tests MatSeq(B)AIJSetColumnIndices()
ex62.c: Test Matrix products for AIJ matrices\n\
ex64.c: Saves 4by4 block matrix
ex65.c: Saves a rectangular sparse matrix to disk
ex68.c: Tests MatReorderForNonzeroDiagonal()
ex70.c: Tests MatMatMult with MAT_REUSE_MATRIX and already allocated dense result
ex71.c: Passes a sparse matrix to MATLAB
ex72.c: Read a non-complex sparse matrix from a Matrix Market (v
ex73.c: Reads a PETSc matrix from a file partitions it\n\n
ex74.c: Tests the various sequential routines in MATSEQSBAIJ format
ex75.c: Tests various routines in MatMPISBAIJ format
ex76.c: Tests cholesky, icc factorization and solve on sequential aij, baij and sbaij matrices
ex77.c: Tests the various sequential routines in MatSBAIJ format
ex78.c: Reads in a matrix in ASCII MATLAB format (I,J,A), read in vectors rhs and exact_solu in ASCII format
ex80.c: Partition tiny grid
ex82.c: Partition a tiny grid using hierarchical partitioning
ex83.c: Partition tiny grid using hierarchical partitioning and increase overlap using MatIncreaseOverlapSplit
ex86.c: Testing MatCreateMPIMatConcatenateSeqMat()
ex87.c: Tests MatCreateSubMatrices() for SBAIJ matrices\n\n
ex88.c: Tests MatShift(), MatScale(), and MatDiagonalScale() for SHELL and NEST matrices\n\n
ex89.c: Tests MatPtAP() for MPIMAIJ and MPIAIJ \n
ex90.c: Tests MatPtAP() \n
ex91.c: Tests MatIncreaseOverlap(), MatCreateSubMatrices() for sequential MatSBAIJ format
ex92.c: Tests MatIncreaseOverlap(), MatCreateSubMatrices() for parallel MatSBAIJ format
ex93.c: Test MatMatMult() and MatPtAP() for AIJ matrices
ex94.c: Tests sequential and parallel MatMatMult() and MatPtAP(), MatTransposeMatMult(), sequential MatMatTransposeMult(), MatRARt()\n\
ex95.c: Testing MatCreateMPIAIJSumSeqAIJ()
ex96.c: Tests sequential and parallel DMCreateMatrix(), MatMatMult() and MatPtAP()\n\
ex97.c: Tests MatCreateSubMatrix with MatSubMatrix versus MatAIJ, non-square\n
ex98.c: Tests MatMPIAIJSetPreallocationCSR()\n\n
ex99.c: Tests MatCreateSubMatrix with MatSubMatrix versus MatAIJ, square, shifted (copied from ex97)\n
ex100.c: Tests various routines in MatMAIJ format
ex101.c: Testing PtAP for SeqMAIJ matrix, P, with SeqAIJ matrix, A
ex102.c: Tests MatCreateLRC()\n\n
ex104.c: Test MatMatMult(), MatTranspose(), MatTransposeMatMult() for Dense and Elemental matrices
ex106.c: Test repeated LU factorizations
ex108.c: Testing MatCreateSeqBAIJWithArrays() and MatCreateSeqSBAIJWithArrays()
ex109.c: Test MatMatMult() for AIJ and Dense matrices
ex110.c: Testing MatCreateMPIAIJWithSplitArrays()
ex112.c: Test sequential FFTW interface \n\n
ex113.c: Tests sequential and parallel MatMatMult() and MatAXPY(
ex114.c: Tests MatGetRowMax(), MatGetRowMin(), MatGetRowMaxAbs()\n
ex115.c: Tests MatHYPRE\n
ex116.c: Test LAPACK routine DSYEV() or DSYEVX()
ex117.c: Tests Cholesky factorization for a SBAIJ matrix, (bs=2)
ex118.c: Test LAPACK routine DSTEBZ() and DTEIN()
ex119.c: Tests binary MatView() for MPIDENSE matrices \n\n
ex120.c: Test LAPACK routine ZHEEV, ZHEEVX, ZHEGV and ZHEGVX
ex121.c: Test sequential FFTW convolution\n\n
ex122.c: Test MatMatMult() for AIJ and Dense matrices
ex124.c: Check the difference of the two matrices \n\
ex125.c: Tests MatSolve() and MatMatSolve() (interface to superlu_dist, mumps and mkl_pardiso)
ex127.c: Test MatMult() for Hermitian matrix
ex128.c: Tests ILU and ICC factorization with and without matrix ordering on seqsbaij format
ex129.c: This example is for testing different MatSolve routines :MatSolve(), MatSolveAdd(), MatSolveTranspose(), MatSolveTransposeAdd(), and MatMatSolve()
ex130.c: Tests external direct solvers
ex131.c: Tests MatMult() on MatLoad() matrix \n\n
ex132.c: Test MatAXPY(), and illustrate how to reduce number of mallocs used during MatSetValues() calls \n\
ex133.c: Test saving SeqSBAIJ matrix that is missing diagonal entries
ex134.c: Test parallel assembly of SBAIJ matrices\n\n
ex135.c: Test parallel assembly of SBAIJ matrices\n\n
ex136.c: Tests MatLoad() MatView() for MPIBAIJ
ex137.c: Tests MatCreateMPISBAIJWithArrays()
ex138.c: Tests MatGetColumnNorms() for matrix read from file
ex141.c: Tests converting a SBAIJ matrix to BAIJ format with MatConvert
ex142.c: Test sequential r2c/c2r FFTW without PETSc interface \n\n
ex143.c: Illustrate how to use mpi FFTW and PETSc-FFTW interface \n\n
ex144.c: This program illustrates the use of parallel real 2D fft using fftw without PETSc interface
ex145.c: Tests LU, Cholesky factorization and MatMatSolve() for an Elemental dense matrix
ex146.c: This program illustrates the use of parallel real 3D fftw (without PETSc interface)
ex147.c: This program illustrates the use of parallel real multi-dimensional fftw (without PETSc interface)
ex148.c: This program illustrates the use of PETSc-fftw interface for real 2D DFT
ex149.c: This program illustrates the use of PETSc-fftw interface for real DFT\n
ex176.c: Tests MatCreateMPIAIJWithArrays() abd MatUpdateMPIAIJWithArrays()\n
ex177.c: Tests various routines in MatKAIJ format
ex185.c: Tests MatCreateConstantDiagonal()
ex150.c: This program illustrates the use of PETSc-fftw interface for real DFT\n
ex151.c: Tests MatPermute() in parallel
ex152.c: Test ParMETIS handling of negative weights
ex153.c: This program illustrates the use of PETSc-fftw interface for sequential real DFT\n
ex155.c: This program illustrates the use of PETSc-fftw interface for parallel real DFT\n
ex157.c: This program illustrates the use of PETSc-fftw interface for parallel real DFT\n
ex158.c: Illustrate how to use mpi FFTW and PETSc-FFTW interface \n\n
ex159.c: Test MatGetLocalSubMatrix() with multiple levels of nesting
ex162.c: Tests MatShift for SeqAIJ matrices with some missing diagonal entries\n\n
ex164.c: Tests MatConvert() from SeqDense to SeqAIJ \n\n
ex169.c: Test memory leak when duplicating a redundant matrix
ex171.c: Tests MatDiagonalSet() on MatLoad() matrix \n\n
ex172.c: Test MatAXPY and SUBSET_NONZERO_PATTERN [-different] [-skip]\n by default subset pattern is used \n\n
ex173.c: Test MatrixMarket outputing
ex174.cxx: Tests MatConvert(), MatLoad() for MATELEMENTAL interface
ex175.c: Tests MatCreateHermitianTranspose()
ex180.c: Tests MatLoad() with blocksize set in in program\n\n
ex181.c: Tests MatCreateSubmatrix() with entire matrix, modified from ex59
ex182.c: Tests using MatShift() to create a constant diagonal matrix\n\n
ex183.c: Example of extracting an array of MPI submatrices from a given MPI matrix
ex300.c: Show MatShift BUG happening after copying a matrix with no rows on a process
ex301.c: Tests for bugs in A->offloadmask consistency for GPU matrices\n\n
ex190.c: Tests MatLoad() with uneven dimensions set in program\n\n
ex191.c: Tests MatLoad() for dense matrix with uneven dimensions set in program\n\n
ex192.c: Tests MatSolve() and MatMatSolve() with MUMPS or MKL_PARDISO sequential solvers in Schur complement mode
ex193.c: Illustrates use of hierarchical partitioning
ex194.c: Tests MatCreateSubmatrix() with certain entire rows of matrix, modified from ex181
ex195.c: Demonstrate the use of MatConvert_Nest_AIJ\n
ex197.c: Test MatMultHermitianTranspose() and MatMultHermitianTransposeAdd()
ex198.c: Test MatMatMatMult\n\
ex199.c: Tests the different MatColoring implementatons
ex202.c: Tests the use of MatTranspose_Nest and MatMatMult_Nest_Dense\n
ex203.c: Tests incorrect use of MatDiagonalSet() for SHELL matrices\n\n
ex205.c: Tests MatCopy() for SHELL matrices\n\n
ex206.c: Reads binary matrix - twice\n
ex207.c: Test MatCreateRedundantMatrix for a BAIJ matrix
ex208.c: Test MatCreateRedundantMatrix for rectangular matrix
ex209.c: Test MatTransposeMatMult() \n\n
ex210.c: Test MatCreateNest with block sizes
ex211.c: Tests MatCreateSubmatrix() in parallel
ex213.c: Tests MatMPIBAIJSetPreallocationCSR()\n\n
ex214.c: Tests MatMatSolve() and MatMatTransposeSolve() for computing inv(A) with MUMPS
ex220.c: Tests MatLoad() with MatCreateDense() for memory leak
ex221.c: Tests various routines for MATSHELL\n\n
ex222.c: Tests MatComputeOperator() and MatComputeOperatorTranspose()\n\n
ex225.c: Test Hypre matrix APIs\n
ex226.c: Benchmark for MatMatMult() of AIJ matrices using different 2d finite-difference stencils
ex227.c: Test MatNullSpaceTest() with options prefixes
ex228.c: Test duplication/destruction of FFTW vecs \n\n
ex230.c: Example of using MatPreallocator\n\n
ex231.cxx: A test for MatAssembly that heavily relies on PetscSortIntWithArrayPair\n
ex233.c: Tests MatMPI{AIJ,BAIJ,SBAIJ}SetPreallocationCSR\n\n
ex234.c: Basic test of various routines with SBAIJ matrices\n\n